Tomra - diamanter. Fantastisk attest til Tomra Sorting Mining!

TOM 25.11.2019 kl 12:50 3213

For en fantastisk attest fra "those in the know" til Tomra Sorting Mining. Helt krystallklar tale. Tomras teknologi setter ikke bare en helt ny standard for eksisterende gruvedrift, men vil også gjøre stor forskjell når det gjelder kommende gruveprosjekter. Helt fantastisk lesning dette! 😊

Lucara and TOMRA continue to recover rare diamonds at Karowe

Posted by Daniel Gleeson on 25th November 2019

Lucara Diamond Corp, which owns the Karowe diamond mine, has TOMRA and its XRT ore sorting technology to thank for a lot of its recent success recovering high value diamonds at the Botswana operation.

In production since 2012, the mine is recognised as one of the foremost producers of very large, high-quality Type IIA diamonds in excess of 10.8 ct.

Historic recoveries include the 1,109 ct Lesedi La Rona – the second-largest gem quality diamond ever found – and the 813 ct Constellation diamond. This success at Karowe has recently continued, with rare gem quality blue and pink diamonds recovered in September.

Initial work on the mine was carried out by previous owners in the 1970s with the technology available at the time, which had its limitations.

Eira Thomas, CEO of Lucara, said: “What we realised in looking at the diamonds that resulted from that work is that many of them were actually broken.

“When production started, it became apparent that the diamond population was quite coarse, and that necessitated a re-think on how we could adjust or optimise flow sheet focused on diamond value preservation. That was our real focus and goal in starting the conversation with TOMRA, about how can we do this better, how can we actually get diamonds out of our mineralised ore in a more efficient way and in a way that actually maximises the value of those diamonds and minimises the damage of those goods.”

The AK6 Kimberlite, found in Karowe, presents a difficult challenge, as John Armstrong, Vice President, Technical Services for Lucara, explained: “It has a very high DMS yield, in that up to 10% to 15% of the material that would go into the plant would report as a heavy-metal concentrate, making it a very difficult orebody to process in a traditional diamond processing scenario.

“We undertook a series of testing campaigns and investigations to explore alternative technologies. We elected to go with TOMRA as our partner in moving forward in getting this technology to the mine into part of the circuit that hadn’t been envisioned previously.”

TOMRA’s solution delivered very quickly, exceeding all expectations: “When we put in the large diamond recovery circuit in 2015, it was within two weeks of making this investment, which was somewhere around $30-35 million, that we recovered those two exceptionally large diamonds, so in this case it was under two weeks we’d already had two times our return on that investment,” Thomas said.

Thomas said while Lucara felt TOMRA’s technology was the best on offer, its collaborative approach and willingness to work with Lucara stood out.

“We weren’t entirely certain what the solution was going to be, we just felt that by working with a team of experts that understood the problem and had technology that could help us, we could together come up with a solution that made sense. And, I think, that was the big opportunity for us as we sought in working with TOMRA.”

Thomas added: “I think the Lesedi and The Constellation recoveries really did open up a lot of eyes, and I think it opened a lot of minds to the idea that technology can and will make a big difference to not only existing diamond mining operations, but future mining opportunities, and it’s a great testament to the efforts that we’ve made in collaboration with TOMRA to really get out and tell the story.”

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Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.11.2019 kl 13:31 3078

Tett mellom suksesshistoriene innen gruvedrift for Tomra nå, og i dag snakker vi utvinning av rare earth metaller i Western Australia. I Western Australia hvor Tomra trolig snart også skal i aksjon og bidra til at delstaten får sitt splitter nye pantesystem oppe og går 1.juni 2020.

Hastings, TOMRA see potential for XRT ore sorting at Yangibana rare earths project

Posted by Daniel Gleeson on 26th November 2019

TOMRA’s X-ray Transmission (XRT) ore sorting innovation has another positive industry reference to hand after Hastings Technology Metals said off-the-shelf technology had proven extremely effective at removing dilution on samples used in the testing program at its Yangibana rare earths project in Western Australia.

Testing on a 1.8 t sorted bulk sample had seen a 95.1% recovery of contained Nd2O3+Pr6O11 (neodymium and praseodymium), a 52% increase in head grade from 0.71% to 1.08% Nd2O3+Pr6O11, and a 37.1% mass rejection, Hastings said.

This shows XRT technology could be applied to separate out a barren waste stream from the ore, according to the ASX-listed company, presenting an opportunity to remove waste dilution material from the mining process before the material is fed into the processing plant – resulting in energy and reagent savings in the beneficiation circuit.


Hasting said: “The full opportunity for including ore sorting technology into the Yangibana process flowsheet is still being assessed. Based on these test work results, technical and engineering programs will continue to investigate the benefits that can be realised across the project.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.11.2019 kl 23:43 2965

Gruvenytt kommer tett som sagt, og her har vi en om gull også med omfavnelse av teknologi og spent forventning til resultater fra tester med Tomras sorteringsteknologi.

Novo Plans Bulk Mechanical Sorter Trials for Egina and Beatons Creek

November 26, 2019 08:33 ET | Source: Novo Resources Corp.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 26, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Novo Resources Corp. (“Novo” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: NVO; OTCQX: NSRPF) is pleased to announce it is planning mechanical sorting test work on multi-tonne samples of gold-bearing conglomerate from its Beatons Creek project and gold-bearing gravels from its Egina project with Australia’s two major mechanical sorter proponents, Steinert Global and TOMRA. Mechanical sorting of small particles of gold is seen as a potentially important breakthrough for Novo and its various nuggety gold projects throughout its large land holdings across the Pilbara.


- An approximate 5-tonne sample of Beatons Creek gold-bearing conglomerate and an approximate 5-tonne sample of Egina gold-bearing gravel have been shipped to Perth for sorting trials at Steinert Global’s test facility in December. Conglomerate from Beatons Creek is being crushed and screened, and gravel from
Egina is being screened in preparation for test work.

- Once mechanical sorting tests have been completed at Steinert Global, bulk test material will be shipped to TOMRA’s test facility in Sydney for testing during the first quarter of 2020.


“The pace of development of mechanical sorting technology continues to astound us,” commented Rob Humphryson, CEO and director of Novo Resources Corp. “We are fortunate that our nuggety gold deposits appear to lend themselves to “dry” processing pathways involving mechanical sorters, technology that may generate favorable economic and environmental outcomes. Considering we can readily access outcropping gold mineralization on all of our properties, we have a unique opportunity to quickly collect bulk samples for testing mechanical sorting technology on a meaningful scale. We eagerly await results of our upcoming test work with Steinert Global and TOMRA.”

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.11.2019 kl 10:19 2860

Da er også Tomra selv ute med fersk pressemelding med video når det gjelder gullgruvedrift, i form av case study med samarbeidspartner Vista Gold som skryter uhemmet av betydningen av Tomra sorteringsteknologi.


TOMRA opens new window of opportunity for Vista Gold


Vista Gold Corporation owns the Mt Todd project in Australia, which was acquired in 2006 and is one of the country’s biggest undeveloped gold resource projects. One of the key challenges with the project is that it is known for having hard ore, and Vista Gold wanted to find a way to avoid having to process the non-gold bearing rock.

“We had a desire to find a way to only be spending money to process the rock that had gold in it,” explains Fred Earnest, President and CEO of Vista Gold. “We started looking for ways that we could get rid of the non-mineralised host rock prior to the grinding circuit. The company looked at different technologies to address the issues at the Mt Todd project and contacted TOMRA Sorting Mining to find out about its sensor-based sorting technology.”

The proof is in the testing: first-hand experience of TOMRA’s technology makes the case

TOMRA invited the Vista Gold team to visit their testing facility in Germany with a sample from the project to see first-hand what could be achieved. The test was an eye opener for Fred Earnest: “In every evaluation of new technology, we have “aha moments”. For us it was the day we were at the facility in Germany watching our rock be sorted on a production-scale machine. When we saw how fast it was happening, when we saw the product sorted and rejected, and when we were able to pick it up and look at it – we realised that this was not just a dream, this was real technology being applied at a production rate to our rock. All of a sudden, we realised that this was technology that would work for us at Mt Todd and that we needed to evaluate more seriously.”

Her nyhet om enda en aktør innen gullgruvedrift som nå gjør sine tester med Tomras banebrytende sorteringsteknologi.

De Grey finds “niche” high grade gold veins at Toweranna

Jessica De Freitas
Markets Reporter
26 November 2019 16:01

De Grey finds “niche” high grade gold veins at Toweranna

De Grey Mining (ASX:DEG) has released encouraging drill results from its diamond drilling program at Toweranna deposit of the Pilbara Gold Project

Drilling is focused on extending the current resource and testing mineralisation between a 200 metre and 700 metre depth

Strong high-grade gold was intersected as well as quartz veins many of which have grades of over 20 grams per tonne of gold

In early 2020, De Grey will update the resource following more drilling

Shares are up 2.04 per cent and shares are trading for 5 cents each

De Grey Mining has announced further significant drilling results from the resource extension diamond drilling program at Toweranna.


This drilling has essentially shown better than a threefold extension of the mineralised system, with high grade gold veins extending more than 500m beyond the current open pit resources which contain 5.3Mt @ 2.1/t Au for 356,600oz," he added.

De Grey is currently evaluating the ore sorting and crushing process at the TOMRA facility in New South Wales and a detailed comparative gold assays will commence shortly.

Following drilling, a new resource estimate will be undertaken.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.11.2019 kl 23:51 2747

Vet jo ikke om det er tilfeldig at det samtidiig hagler inn gruvenyheter når det gjelder diamanter og alt annet edelt, men tviler på det. Uansett, her kommer Nicola med kobber og helt fantastiske testresultater ved hjelp av Tomras sorteringsteknologi. Nesten så man begynner å lure litt på å investere litt spekulativt i gruveaksjer som benytter seg av Tomra XRT sortering...

Nicola Mining Announces up to Ten-Fold Copper Upgrading and Solid Copper Recovery from Its Ore Sorting Testing
NewsfileNovember 27, 2019

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 27, 2019) - Nicola Mining Inc. (TSXV: NIM) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has received positive assay results from ALS Metallurgy Laboratory ("ALS Lab"). The Company announced on March 29, 2019 that testing conducted at Tomra Sorting's Test Center in Hamburg, Germany appeared to successfully separate copper ore[1] from waste rock based on sulphide and gravity parameters. The ALS Lab results confirm the ability to ore sort with the TOMRA Tertiary XRT Sorter Conveyor ("XRT Sorter"). The results also highlight the potential of monetising copper contained within the historical mine terraces at the Company's wholly owned New Craigmont Copper Project ("Craigmont Project"). A portion of the approximate 80-90 million-tonnes[2], surrounding the Craigmont Mine pit contains copper and magnetite.

The XRT Sorter utilises x-ray transmission sensors to identify differences in atomic density between copper-containing mineralised material and waste material.

Tomra er også ute med ny pressemelding i dag om det sterke partnerskapet med Lucara Diamond Corp som jeg allerede har berørt da det er det denne trådstarten dreier seg om. Her er det litt mer og ikke minst video hvor president og CEO i Lucara Diamond Corp forteller om selskapets partnerskap med Tomra Sorting Mining. Den må dere se!


A strong partnership between TOMRA and Lucara Diamond Corp


TOMRA’s technology and partnership approach delivers record-breaking diamond recoveries for Lucara.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.11.2019 kl 08:06 2679

Takk for tipset ;-) Tomra’s gruve sorteringsteknologi er nok kommet for å bli. Selskaper som ikke investerer i slik type teknologi skyter seg selv nok i foten som det heter.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.12.2019 kl 15:33 2476

Som dere kan lese på denne tråden, her er det ikke snakk om slumpetreff eller engangstilfeller. Mønsteret er overtydelig: Tomras sorteringsteknologi revolusjonerer gruveindustrien! Denne gang tar vi turen til Russland, og det er bare å lese hva AGD DIMONDS JSC har oppnådd etter at man utstyrte gruveområdet med TOMRA COM Tertiary XRT 1200 / D.

The next stage of technical re-equipment of AGD DIMONDS JSC

Section: Jewelers and Companies

December 10, 2019

The completion of the technical re-equipment of the beneficiation plant of the GOK named after V. Griba allowed AGD DIMONDS JSC to increase the quality of mined diamonds while maintaining all planned production volumes.

In 2019, to carry out the planned diamond mining, to preserve the productivity of the processing plant at the end of the ores of the crater part of the mine named after V. Grib and the transition to ores with higher strength characteristics (kimberlite, xenotuff breccia), AGD DIMONDS JSC implemented the technical re-equipment of the processing plant with the commissioning of additional equipment (6 units) at the ore preparation site (the unit for the completion of tailings of heavy medium separation). For the first time in Russia, enrichment uses intelligent, compact, modern ThyssenKrupp crushers.

Technical re-equipment of the processing plant allows you to maintain the design capacity of the GOK them. V. Griba with an increase in processing of the most durable kimberlite ores in the charge up to 65%, which ensures the planned annual diamond production by AGD DIAMONDS JSC. At the same time, the safety (integrity) index of large special-sized diamonds (10.8+) is improved due to the reduction of technological impact during processing. So, if in 2018 the share of undamaged crystals (without scratches, chips, cracks) amounted to 51.19%, then for 11 months of 2019 this indicator increased to 69.83%.

Recall that the first step in the modernization of the beneficiation plant of GOK them. V. Griba began commissioning the latest diamond processing equipment - the COM Tertiary XRT 1200 / D separator manufactured by TOMRA, manufactured by AGD DIAMONDS JSC at the end of 2018. As a result, for 11 months of 2019 at the field named after V. Griba produced more than ten exclusive diamonds, the weight of which exceeded 50 carats, including four crystals weighing more than 100 carats. In particular, unique diamonds weighing 222.09 and 127.34 carats were mined in May, and in July a crystal weighing 212.53 carats was mined. In October, the company mined an exclusive jewelry-quality diamond weighing 104.12 carats.

Så ikke å undres over at det var utsolgt hus flere uker i forveien da Tomra arrangerte tidenes første seminar om sensorbaserte sorteringsprosjekt innen gruveindustrien i Colorado, USA. Her lukter det sterk vekst lang vei, for Norges superselskap.

Wedel,10 Dec 2019

TOMRA holds its first seminar on sensor-based sorting


The seminar on sustainable mining solutions was designed to provide a solid, pragmatic foundation on sensor-based sorting projects. It was held at the Colorado School of Mines and brought together experienced and influential industry speakers. The seminar, which was the first of its kind, attracted great interest and was sold out weeks in advance.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.01.2020 kl 10:25 2259

Nok en suksesshistorie for Tomra Sorting Mining.

TOMRA XRT leaves its mark on Minsur San Rafael tin mine

Posted by Daniel Gleeson on 9th January 2020

TOMRA Sorting Mining says Peru’s Minsur SA has felt the benefit of its X-ray Transmission (XRT) sensor-based ore sorting technology, with its San Rafael tin mine having seen an increase in reserves, plant capacity, overall recoveries and mine life since it was introduced.

Part of the Breca Group of companies, Minsur owns and operates the largest underground tin mining operation in the world, San Rafael. Located in the Eastern Mountain chain of the Andes in Peru at an altitude of 4,500-5,200 m above sea level, the mine contributed about 6% of the total world production of tin in 2015, with about 1 Mt of ore at an average grade of 2.13% mined and processed, resulting in 20,000 t of tin concentrate.

That same year, Minsur initiated a number of activities to ensure the future value of its asset, addressing challenges that included declining head grades and rising operating costs, according to TOMRA.

One of these activities involved an ore sorting project.


The project was approved and, in view of the significant economic potential, was fast tracked and completed in just 14 months. TOMRA and its partner in Peru, which supplied and installed the XRT sorting system, worked closely with Minsur throughout the six-month ramp-up period.

The ore sorting project with TOMRA’s XRT system has delivered significant financial benefits from the beginning, with Minsur realising payback on its capital expenditure in just four months, according to TOMRA. In 2017, the ore sorting project contributed around 36% of Minsur’s total production with about 6,000 t of tin concentrate, the company said.


TOMRA concluded on the San Rafael case study: “The success of the project has demonstrated the high potential of TOMRA’s XRT technology, and as a result, the company plans to include XRT sensor-based ore sorting as a possible process route in all future projects.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
09.01.2020 kl 11:24 2204

Tomra er vel på toppen nå. Vurderer salg i mai 2020.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.01.2020 kl 11:28 2193

Tja, aldri godt å vite.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.01.2020 kl 12:58 2134

Når det shortes, dukker det iallefall opp et par nick som bryter den øredøvende stillheten som råder i landet rundt børsens beste selskap. Den lave omsetningen i kursfallet må dog være en gedigen skuffelse, men det er selvsagt ingen Tomra-aksjonærer som har satt seg inn i det de eier som selger nå. :) Bunnen som settes her er nok som alltid ved lignende tilfeller en gedigen kjøpsanledning.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.01.2020 kl 14:09 2086

Riktig, det er det mitt tja dreier seg om.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
09.01.2020 kl 15:30 2028

Bør man ta gevinsten i morgen?

Har jo gått opp de siste tiden.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.02.2020 kl 11:47 1831

Er jo bare fantastisk når en nøkkelaktør innen diamantgruvebransjen uttaler at "TOMRA technology has changed the game in terms of rough diamond recovered around the world". Når vi i tillegg vet at Tomras sorteringsteknologi er mye mer miljøvennlig og genererer betydelig mindre CO2-utslipp enn tradisjonelle metoder, er det bare å glede seg til fortsettelsen! 😊 Presset på gruvebransjen om å drive mer miljøvennlig, øker nå for hver dag som går!

TOMRA technologies set to maximise diamond recovery rates

Created: Thursday, 06 February 2020 09:15

TOMRA’s x-ray transmission (XRT) and near-infrared (NIR) technologies have helped to achieve ultra-high diamond recovery rates with limited infrastructure

Additionally, the NIR technology aims to enable operations to reduce processing of non-diamond bearing material, drastically reducing operating costs. TOMRA’s diamond recovery solutions address the specific challenges and requirements of hard Rock Kimberlite, Lamproite and Alluvial applications.

Marie-Claude Hallé, marketing operations manager for leading Canadian diamond exploration and producing company Stornoway Diamonds, said that TOMRA technology has changed the game in terms of rough diamond recovered around the world. Additionally, it allowed producers to access large exceptional quality goods.

Maximising diamond recovery and minimising operating costs are the top challenges for every diamond producer. TOMRA technologies aim to address these challenges effectively and deliver on its promise, including 100 per cent detection in the specified range, irrespective of luminescence profile or coating, and more than 98 per cent recovery.

TOMRA technology deployed in Canada’s Renard diamond mine

The conditions at the Renard mine, the first diamond mine in Québec, Canada, presented Stornoway Diamonds with particular challenges that required an innovative approach. Due to the geology of its ore, it was necessary to sort through high volumes of material. A high level of internal and external dilution meant very high energy costs from crushing a large quantity of non-diamond bearing waste material.

TOMRA worked closely with Stornoway Diamond’s team to design and install a Kimberlite pre-concentration plant featuring its XRT and NIR sorting technologies. These technologies provided a low-cost and efficient means of recovering coarse diamonds without inefficiency and without causing diamond breakage.

“We reduce our power consumption cost, we reduce our wear and tear on material,” Hallé added.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:53 Du må logge inn for å svare