Plcs Polarcus - snart kjører vi rett opp. Target kr 3,-

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PLCS 15.06.2018 kl 11:16 6878

Target kr 3,-.
På ukens Investordagen Hegnar TV så sa alle som vet litt om olja at det er OSE aksjene innenfor seismikk og supply som er det de sikre vekst aksjene fremover. De var BULL på alt i olja. Petter Hermannrud var veldig bull på seismikk på OSE helt frem til 2020!!

Og så kjøres PLCS ned fordi en direktør trenger å flytte noe penger fra sin egen PLCS aksjekonto over til sine skattekonto. Dette er et blaff som truseskvettere selger på.

Jeg er inne igjen nå etter dagens 6% fall. Herlig - for dette er gratis panger på bakken.

Har satt SL og TP på denne posten.
Redigert 15.06.2018 kl 11:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
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15.06.2018 kl 11:33 6816

Utrolig med oppdrag som Polarcus har fått i det siste og så går kursen ned fra 2,70!! Se listen under

Ikke til å fatte. Denne skal rett opp til kr 3 snart.

Kopi under og den siste kontrakten var 8. juni:

Polarcus in 3D seismic project award
2018-06-08 - One of Polarcus' vessels; Image source: Polarcus UAE-based marine seismic acquisition company Polarcus has been awarded an XArray 3D marine seismic acquisition project. Polarcus said on Friday that the project duration was for approximately two months and was expected to start in July 2018. The company added that the p..

Polarcus to acquire Beehive seismic survey off Australia
2018-06-08 - Seismic player Polarcus has been awarded a contract to undertake a 3D seismic survey over the Beehive prospect located off Australia. The Beehive prospect is located in the WA-488-P permit operated by Melbana Energy, formerly known as MEO Australia, with a 100% interest. The Beehive 3D survey is being operated by Australi..

Polarcus wins XArray 3D seismic acquisition project
2018-06-06 - UAE-based marine seismic acquisition company Polarcus has been awarded an XArray 3D marine seismic acquisition project. Polarcus said on Wednesday that the project duration was for up to ten vessel months and was expected to start in the third quarter of 2018. The company added that the project would provide backlog for tw..

Pirates attack Vroon's vessel off Yemen
2018-06-05 - An offshore support vessel on a humanitarian mission was attacked by pirates in the Red Sea, offshore Yemen, on Sunday evening. The vessel VOS Theia is owned by Vroon Offshore and chartered by World Food Programme. In an email to Offshore Energy Today, a spokesperson for WFP said the vessel was attacked in the Red Sea some 6..

Polarcus names ex-Maersk Drilling CCO as chief operating officer
2018-06-04 - Marine seismic player Polarcus has appointed a new chief operating officer (COO) effective immediately. Polarcus said on Monday that Lars Oestergaard was named as the chief operating officer (COO) of the company where it will lead the geophysical, operations, and sales teams as well as the EHSQ department. He was previousl..

Tullow wraps up Jamaica's first 3D seismic survey
2018-05-14 - UK-based Tullow Oil has completed a 2,250 sq km 3D seismic acquisition survey over the Walton-Morant licence offshore Jamaica, which includes the high-graded Colibri target. Tullow holds an 80% interest in the license and the remaining 20% is held by United Oil & Gas, a London-listed oil and gas exploration and developme..

Polarcus returns to profit
2018-05-11 - Seismic player Polarcus returned to profit in the first quarter of the year despite lower revenues. Polarcus on Friday posted a net profit of $2.8 million for the first quarter of 2018, compared to a net loss of $38 million in the corresponding period of 2017. The company also recorded an improvement when compared to 4Q 20..

Shearwater scoops Tolmount 3D seismic gig with Premier Oil
2018-05-03 - Marine seismic acquisition player Shearwater Geoservices has been awarded a UK North Sea high-resolution 3D project on the Tolmount field for Premier Oil. The Tolmount field, located off the coast of Yorkshire, is one of the largest recent discoveries made in the Southern Gas Basin. The initial phase of development of the ..

Polarcus in XArray 3D shoot in Asia Pacific
2018-05-02 - Marine seismic acquisition company Polarcus has received a Letter of Award for an XArray 3D marine seismic acquisition project in the Asia Pacific. The Polarcus XArray is an acquisition configuration developed by Polarcus to deliver âsuperiorâ data quality and make full use of todayâs larger streamer spreads. Accordi..

Polarcus scoops 3D seismic work in Australia
2018-05-02 - Marine seismic player Polarcus has entered into a contract for a broadband 3D marine seismic acquisition project in Australia. Polarcus said on Wednesday that the project would last approximately two months and would begin immediately. The location of the project, financial details, or the vessel which would conduct th.
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15.06.2018 kl 11:43 6780

Polarcus: - Et Norwegian innenfor oljeservice.
Forvalter mener aksje er opsjonen på oljeservice-comeback på steroider.

Morten Astrup sa dette 12. mai 2017.
Forvalter Morten Astrup i Storm Capital Mangement var torsdag på besøk hos Hegnar TV

Jeg spør nå ett år etter dette - hva har endret seg? - jo Polarcus er fortsatt best av alle disse listet under og derfor går prisen rett opp snart - target kr 3,-

Top Key Players of Marine Seismic Equipment & Acquisition Market: Seabird Exploration Group ,CGG ,PGS ,WesternGeco ,Polarcus Limited ,TGS ,Fugro ,Geo Marine Survey Systems ,Seismic Equipment Solutions ,Mitcham Industries; Inc. .
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15.06.2018 kl 12:11 6698

Polarcus Ltd PLCS
Morningstar: Quantitative Equity Report | Release: 15 Jun 2018, 05:06 UTC | Reporting Currency: USD | Trading Currency: NOK | Exchange:XOSL

Er en pdf fil så jeg lenker til den her:
Redigert 15.06.2018 kl 12:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
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18.06.2018 kl 10:21 6468

takk og takk

hadde ikke trodd jeg skulle komme inn igjen på denne latterlige lave kursen

Target kr 3
18.06.2018 kl 10:22 6460

Kan jo fort bli enda mer latterlig utover dagen...
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18.06.2018 kl 10:37 6398

Electro nope vi skal opp ila uka pga opec
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18.06.2018 kl 10:42 6376

Polarcus presses advantage
THE topic of environmental permitting in Brazil may draw groans from some marine seismic industry veterans, but one company aims to turn the country’s stated interest in exacting the highest environmental standards into a competitive advantage. United Arab Emirates-headquartered Polarcus set up shop in Brazil in 2009 and made its push into the market at a time when others were on the retreat. The company made inroads into Petrobras projects and, like others, has been encouraged by the recent opening of pre-salt fields to foreign operators, along with other business-friendly measures. Polarcus opted for a strong environmental platform when it was trying to carve out a leading position in the Arctic frontier play — only to be frustrated by the imposition of US sanctions against Russia — but the company has brought these same standards to bear in Brazil, where the environment is an equally sensitive issue, says the company’s regional president Richard Price. “Polarcus’ Green Agenda environmental platform, which is embedded in our core business strategy, is based on purpose-built seismic vessels which create very low environmental footprints,” Price says.  “We have moved earlier and gone much further than others to reduce our emissions and our impact on the environment during our operations.  “The standards we have set are much higher than minimum standards mandated by the International Marine Organisation or by Brazil’s (environmental regulator) Ibama.” These standards include elimination of contaminants from ballast and bilge fluids and the use of fuel-efficient engines that run on low-sulphur marine gasoil and fitted with catalytic converters, reducing sulphur emissions by 95% and other emissions by significant amounts, the company says. “We are encouraging Ibama to consider these standards when evaluating permit applications, just as we are also encouraging regulators around the world to look at our capabilities for reducing emissions and environmental impact and to consider such measures during the environmental impact assessment,” Price adds. In 2016, the seismic vessel Polarcus Adira was used to shoot
1600 square kilometres of non-exclusive 3D data on Block BM-S-50, a Petrobras-operated Santos basin block where the Sagitario pre-salt prospect is located, and on adjacent open acreage.  The processed multi-azimuth pre-stack depth migration data was made available as a multi-client survey product.
Extensive shoot Polarcus also shot extensively in the Para-Maranhao basin, where Queiroz Galvao E&P was the key client, this time using the vessel Polarcus Alima, and also acquired proprietary seismic for Chariot Oil & Gas on a 775 square kilometre area of the Barreirinhas basin. The Polarcus Adira was also put to work on Shell’s 4D seismic project on the BC-10 project, acquiring data on a 130-square kilometre
section of the Ostra-B West field. These acquisitions allowed Polarcus to cut its teeth in the environmental permitting process and other administrative and operational challenges in Brazil. Polarcus anticipated the resurgence of interest in Brazil by seeking permissions for a big multi-client acquisition in the Santos basin, taking two years to complete the permitting process. The company aims to start acquisition in the final quarter of 2018 and will offer high-quality 3D data on pre-salt acreage covering 18,560 square kilometres in Block BM-S-8, operated by Equinor, and prospects such as Uirapuru, up for grabs at next week’s pre-salt round, and Aram, to go on offer in 2019. The acquisition will cover Equinor’s future Carcara develop
ment, providing the kind of high-resolution data that could provide a baseline for a 4D timelapse survey. Though Price says that Ibama has responded positively to the Polarcus focus on reducing emissions and to environmental workshops organised by the industry, he admits that permitting delays have impacted the company’s hopes of keeping vessels in the country and avoiding the complicated import-export process.
Encouraging changes “The permitting process for geology and geophysics activities in Brazil has traditionally been complex, lengthy and uncertain in timing, and though we are encouraged by recent changes instigated by Ibama to reduce the timeline for approvals, there are
areas for improvement still to be made which would help us plan ahead and keep vessels working in Brazil.  “Logically there is enough potential work for a couple of our vessels to remain in Brazil if tax and permitting regulations are working properly,” Price says. Polarcus intends to use the new survey to bring its multi-sourcing technology to Brazil for the first time, increasing in-line and crossline sampling by using more sources instead of additional streamers. “This provides a higher-resolution picture and improves productivity, delivering cost savings and high quality without the excessive operational, environmental and safety risks associated with deploying more and more streamers,” Price says.
Player’s strong environmental platform set to give it the edge when it comes to stringent permitting process in Brazil
18.06.2018 kl 10:47 6357

Trolig gratis penger på gaten i dag, men samtidig en risikosport med bunnfiske. At den skal opp er åpenbart, men er vi i bunnen av duppen? Hva fremkom i Stavangr? PGS går også kraftig ned. Er det lfremkommet et sted at kontraktene/ratene er med svært lave marginer?
18.06.2018 kl 11:05 6285

Dette må da være bunnen, jeg tar sjansen og kjøper
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18.06.2018 kl 15:16 6147

Ny kontrakt snart.... Følg med!!
18.06.2018 kl 15:27 6118

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18.06.2018 kl 16:29 6015

Kontur ja nå kjører vi rett opp i morgen
18.06.2018 kl 18:39 5892

En fin dag mine venner. Nå har irritasjonen og skuffelsen over innsidesalget lagt seg og vi fikk en formidabel opptur fra de lave kursene på formiddagen.
Regner med å sitte lenge her i PLCS.. tror vi kan få både dobling og tredobling i løpet av sommeren.
19.06.2018 kl 13:36 5567

Da er det samme spillet igang igjen. Noen som ikke skjønner bæra av det de er med på
Slettet bruker
19.06.2018 kl 13:50 5531

edir joda de fleste forstår dette spillet. Nå svinger vi litt ned og opp bare. det er mye gevinstsikring nå og de nå bli ferdig

target kr 3
19.06.2018 kl 13:55 5515

Gevinstsikring ble nok tatt forrige uke. Vil tro at de klarer lure frem stop loss og utløser litt mere panikk. De som kan dette spillet vinner og små sparere taper, desverre.
19.06.2018 kl 14:07 5490

Poenget mitt er at det er helt unødvendig å ta gevinsten på så LAVT nivå. Slik jeg ser det så er det de proffe som skal klemme det siste ut av sitronen og amatørene blir med og dermed er behjelpelige til å få kursen ned.
19.06.2018 kl 14:51 5406

It's not only traders, the fear in the oild price drop is influencing the course now. Look at the entire seismic market and remeber polarcus share has higher volatility from (both in course up and down). If increase in the oil production will be reasonable on firday OPEC meeting all oil related shares can shot upwards like rocket but in the event of +1 million barrel it could easily go down. We all know that, Situation about order book and backlog has not changed in Polcarcus but market will behave negative in the fear of dropping oil price.
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19.06.2018 kl 15:11 5373

vikpat : spot on
19.06.2018 kl 17:45 5154

Klart en oljeprisdrop påvirker kursene på oljerelaterte aksjer, men oljeprisen er ikke dårlig den er faktisk ganske god.
Uansett er det et kraftig etterslep i letesektoren, oljeselskapene må bruke seismikk for å opprettholde sin produksjon.
Dette kommer de ikke forbi og til lenger tid som går til større blir seismikkbehovet.
Bare vent, her blir det ketcup effekt.
KJØP Polarcus, kursen kommer helt sikkert til å stige over 3 NOK i løpet av kort tid
19.06.2018 kl 18:09 5109

Of course, the price is good now because the supply is cut from OPEC and low US shale production, but if OPEC and Russia agree to increase the oil production by more than a million barrel per day then the situation could be very different. There will be more oil in the market due to increase in the production. The Iran sanction is also playing an important role. The current discussion about an increase in oil production is based on the declining oil production in Venezuela and Iran section because that will decide how much oil from Iran and Venezuela in the market by the end of the year. Much reduction in the previously agreed cut in oil production could easily oversupply the market and price may start falling. Most of the traders worried about it. And we all know how investment in oil sector behave when oil price is falling. There is no doubt that Polarcus will rise to 3 Kr but for now market appears waiting for Friday :)
19.06.2018 kl 19:48 4987

Investorer akkumulerer i Polarcus:
We would like to inform you that the funds managed by Catella Fondförvaltning AB
org nr 556533-6210, a Swedish company, have passed the threshold of 5% of voting
rights and outstanding shares per 2018-06-18 in the company Polarcus Ltd,
KYG7153K1085 . Please see details below ;

Date % Number of shares
2018-06-18 5,35 27.485.087
3 største investor i Polarcus før:

1 J.P. Morgan Securiti 112,541,384 21.90% Nominee
2 Euroclear Bank 40,295,561 7.84% Nominee
3 NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRI 15,871,927 3.09% Ordinary

.....og nu Catella Fondförvaltning AB på 3. pladsen, hvor NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRI går til 4. plads....

Jeg gætter lidt, at Catella Fondförvaltning AB med den enorme volumen og som ikke har været på top 10 før nu, har været med i den volatile handel på det sidste, hvad er yderst positivt! Men, måske jeg ikke tolker ret?
19.06.2018 kl 20:57 4870

Veldig positivt! Fond som kjøper, pleier også kjøpe for langsiktighet. Dumt at det er panikksalget/stop loss fra småsparere de har plukket fra. Ser heller ikke bort ifra at det kan komme bud på hele selskapet, for det er lavt priset med full kontroll på økonomi og fulle ordrebøker. Det skal letes etter masse olje i årene fremover!
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19.06.2018 kl 21:14 4834
Redigert 19.06.2018 kl 22:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
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20.06.2018 kl 09:50 4541

soren1970 ja det er nok Catella som har hamstret aksjer i Polarcus i det siste. Dette er veldig gode nyheter for oss Polarcus eiere og forsterker bare min kortsiktige target på kr 3,-