Rapporten fra OIG 14. juni 2018

TRUMP 17.06.2018 kl 08:24 715

Rapporten fra Inspector General om avslutningen av Clinton-saken i 2016 ble et skikkelig mageplask for konspirasjonsteoretikere. De bommet på alle hovedpunktene de hadde fantasert om.

Full rapport - mer enn 500 sider:

Pressemelding med 20-siders sammendrag:

Rapporten har tatt nesten 18 måneder på å bli ferdigstilt. De har gått gjennom 1,2 millioner dokumenter og har avhørt mer enn 100 vitner.
* James Comey får kritikk for pressekonferanser.
* Loretta Lynch får kritikk for møtet med Bill Clinton.
* FBI får kritikk for lekkasje-kultur.
* Peter Strzok og Lisa Page får kritikk for tekstmeldinger.

2 viktige kapitler:
* Chapter One: Metoder
* Chapter Two: Lovgrunnlag.

Chapter Two varsler minst ett fremtidig mageplask for konspirasjonsteoretikere som tror på Deep State og "FISA abuse".
17.06.2018 kl 08:31 710

I. Policies and Laws Governing Criminal Investigations.................................. 9
A. Grand Jury Subpoenas................................................................ 10
B. Search Warrants and 2703(d) Orders ........................................... 10
C. Evidence Collection Related to Attorney-Client Relationships ........... 12
D. Use of Classified Evidence Before A Grand Jury.............................. 13
E. Immunity Agreements................................................................ 13
1. Transactional Immunity..................................................... 13
2. Formal Use Immunity........................................................ 14
3. Letter Immunity and “Queen for a Day” Agreements ............. 14
4. Act of Production Immunity................................................ 15

II. Department Policies and Practices Governing Investigative Activities in
Advance of an Election ........................................................................ 16
A. Election Year Sensitivities Policy .................................................. 16
B. The Unwritten 60-Day Rule ......................................................... 17

III. Public Allegations of Wrongdoing Against Uncharged Individuals and
Disclosure of Information in a Criminal Investigation ............................... 18

A. FBI Media Relations Policy........................................................... 19
B. 28 C.F.R. § 50.2 ........................................................................ 20
C. USAM Media Relations Guidance .................................................. 21

IV. Release of Information to Congress....................................................... 22
A. USAM Congressional Relations Guidance....................................... 22
B. FBI Guidance on Information Sharing with Congress ...................... 23
C. Current Department Policy on Communication of Investigative
Information to Congress ............................................................. 23
1. Policy Memoranda on Department Communications with
Congress ......................................................................... 24
2. The Linder Letter .............................................................. 24

V. Special Counsel Regulations ................................................................. 25

VI. Criminal Statutes Relevant to the Midyear Investigation .......................... 26
A. Mishandling and Retention of Classified Information ....................... 26
1. 18 U.S.C. §§ 793(d) and (e) .............................................. 26
2. 18 U.S.C. § 793(f) ............................................................ 29
3. 18 U.S.C. § 1924.............................................................. 34
B. 18 U.S.C. § 2071(a)................................................................... 36
17.06.2018 kl 14:08 700

Her er et mageplask i "FISA abuse"-saken.

III. Public Allegations of Wrongdoing Against Uncharged Individuals and
Disclosure of Information in a Criminal Investigation ............................... 18

The USAM instructs prosecutors that “[i]n all public filings and proceedings,
federal prosecutors should remain sensitive to the privacy and reputation interests
of uncharged third-parties” and that there is ordinarily no legitimate governmental
interest in the public allegation of wrongdoing by an uncharged party. USAM 9-
27.760. Accordingly, even where prosecutors have concluded that an uncharged
individual committed a crime, Department policies generally prohibit the naming of
unindicted individuals (as well as co-conspirators) because their privacy and
reputational interests merit significant consideration and protection. See USAM 9-
11.130, 9-16.500, 9-27.760.

Dette gir mageplask for teorien om at informasjon ble forsøkt skjult i en fotnote fremfor å skrives rett frem i teksten -- at FBI holdt tilbake informasjon om at dossieret hadde blitt betalt av Hillary Clintons valgkamp og DNC.

FBI-agenten som skrev den første FISA-application fulgte rett og slett regelverket om å ikke navngi third parties.
18.06.2018 kl 19:23 692

Judge Jeanine tolker IGs rapport som et bevis på at Deep State jobber hardt for å dekke over hva som egentlig har skjedd -- og at IG Horowitz er en del av Deep State.

(nesten 10 min)
Judge Jeanine: IG report evidence of deep state hard at work

Judge Jeanine er rettet mot et publikum som driver med selvmedisinering og virkelighetsflukt -- mot folk som TRENGER daglige eller ukentlige doser av motiverende "pep-talks". Hun blir oppbrakt over at IG ikke er like forskrudd som hun selv er.