Tomra - Tomra Sorting Food

TOM 26.06.2018 kl 19:23 50398

Tomra Sorting Food melder ikke kundeavtaler/salg av sorteringsteknologi til enkeltkunder, men det man finner om virksomheten på nettet er en fryd å lese. Her er en reportasje om en 4 dagers demo av TOMRA 5B for gamle og nye kunder i lokalitetene til selskapet Kernel Export i Murcia Spania. Braksuksess!

Excellent reception of the Tomra 5B at the Demo Week for sheet products and vegetable customers


Optical sorter Tomra 5B has been the protagonist in one of the Demo Week organized by Tomra Sorting Foodfor a week. It was attended by numerous customers interested in trying the benefits provided by this pointer equipment. The demonstration took place the last week of may in installations of Kernel Export, company dedicated to the production, packaging and distribution for all of Europe's fruit and vegetables located in Murcia.

Unlike other calls, this time was done in two stages. First of all, held a private two-day demonstration for this regular customer of Tomra Sorting Food, where witnessed with their own eyes, and with its product, the benefits associated with the selector Tomra 5B. Then, organized an open day to which was attended by numerous customers in the sector of vegetables of leaf and vegetables which was also Royalveg, producer of spinach with over 50 years of experience.

Om Kernel Export, vertskapet for demoen:

Beskrivelse og video TOMRA 5B:

Redigert: Lagt til beskrivelse og video TOMRA 5B

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.03.2019 kl 22:44 18101

Det er bare så mye fantastisk man finner når man graver på nettet etter informasjon om dette fantastiske selskapet. Her er det problemet med meget helefarlig giftkonsentrasjoner i matvarer Tomras superteknologi løser. Utrolig imponerende! Utrolig signifikant! Legg merke til at Nestle fremheves som fornøyd bruker av teknologien. De er garantert ikke alene.

New concerns about aflatoxins in food can be circumpaed with technology

March 19, 2019

The contamination of food by aflatoxins, which can cause cancer, is worrying scientists and regulators. New concerns about these natural poisons, manifested earlier this year by scientific consultants, have provided an important warning of the risk to consumers ' health and the commercial risk to food companies.
Aflatoxins are a common problem found in cultivated plants or in foods stored in parts of Asia, Africa and the United States. This is because the toxins originate in two species of fungi that are favored by hot and humid climates. In February 2018, however, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) reported that there are also concerns about "the high levels of aflatoxin observed by some food products originating in European countries." Now There are appeals for EFSA to make its first full risk assessment of aflatoxins in more than a decade.

These concerns are not surprising: Aflatoxins are 68 times more lethal than arsenic and are able to seriously damage human and animal livers. Aflatoxins can cause fever, malaise and anorexia, followed by abdominal pain, vomiting and hepatitis. Even Worse, the chronic toxicity of aflatoxins can reduce immune efficiency and trigger cancer, which is why they are classified by the World Health Organization as a Group 1 Carcinogen. It is Known that exposure to aflatoxin-contaminated food has caused hundreds of deaths in India and Kenya, and many other fatalities have probably not been reported.

Even in Europe, where there are strict rules on food security, in 2013 several nations reported widespread contamination by aflatoxin of milk.


The best method for detecting aflatoxins is to choose to use sensor-based sorting machines, produced by TOMRA, a global technology pioneer to ensure food safety. TOMRA machines employ near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR), fluorescent lighting, and state-of-the-art lasers to analyze the surface structure and elemental composition of objects passing through a food production line. TOMRA's special Detox laser makes it possible to identify the extremely low intensity of light reflected by fungi in various types of food, allowing the detection of aflatoxin contamination.

In Addition to this extraordinary capability, TOMRA's sorting machines also utilize proprietary biometric signature Identification (BSI) technology. BSI digitized and detects the biometric characteristics of food – for example, nuts and raisins – and compares these features with resources stored in the machine database to determine whether items should be accepted or rejected. This detects and removes minor defects than is possible to be removed with conventional spectral technology. The accuracy of detection is so good that false rejection rates are exceptionally low and result in exceptionally high yields.

A good example of this technology can be seen in action in the Nestlé Group's processing line in Dongguan, China, administered by the Subbrand Hsufuchi Foods. Quality and safety are one of the ten corporate principles of Nestlé, which chose TOMRA as a strategic partner in combating aflatoxins contamination in peanut products. Since September 2016, Hsufuchi Foods operates two TOMRA Helius separation machines to achieve Nestlé 's global quality standards, which are stricter than China's domestic food safety regulations.

More than providing separators to combat aflatoxins, TOMRA also provides comprehensive support in machine configuration and optimization. To Validate the Nestlé Helius classifying machines with Detox technology, TOMRA's application support teams performed a six-month test on the Dongguan processing line, adjusting the classification parameters with more than 500 tonnes of Peanuts of different varieties. TOMRA also worked with Nestlé on quality inspection and invited a third-party inspection agency to define validation protocols, ensuring that the validation process and results were sufficiently representative.

Zhang Ahfung, assistant manager General in charge of production in Dongguan, said: "TOMRA technical support was very efficient and fast in response, both in the test phase and after the machine installation. Through Many tests, we are now certain that the TOMRA Helius classifier can effectively control the level of aflatoxin in Peanuts. It makes me calm, because I don't have to worry about the quality of our product anymore. Now, let's consider implementing a detox technology-based classifier at every facility where aflatoxin problems arise. "

Leading U.S. Supplier "surprised" with results

Small family businesses also benefit from TOMRA technologies. As An illustration of this, three examples of the Nimbus model sorting machine, each equipped with the laser module needed to detect aflatoxin, are used by the Damascus Peanut Company in the USA. This company specializing in peanut Husking employs approximately 125 people and manages its factory in Arlington, Georgia, 24 hours a day. This is the oldest operating factory of peanut husking in the country, but has remained at Front of the game by employing state-of-the-art equipment and TOMRA machines since 2002. The result is high quality peanuts, supplied to many famous food brands in Europe and Japan, as well as in the USA.

Damascus acquired the first TOMRA machine in 2002 with the intention of separating foreign material from its line, without the expectation that the machine could also classify the nuts contaminated by aflatoxin – but a pleasant surprise was on the way. The TOMRA machine was installed in Arlington during an unusual year, of low harvest quality and highly prevalent aflatoxin. When The final plots of the plant were tested for aflatoxin, the results were massively better than those in the other three plants in the group. This led Damascus to ask TOMRA if his machine also separated the aflatoxin.

TOMRA shared a peanut client using a TOMRA classifier, claiming that he had discovered how to remove aflatoxin with his machine. TOMRA requested that Damascus also check the materials rejected by the TOMRA classifier. Shortly Afterwards, the results of several chemical tests gave a first good indication that the machine was detecting and removing contaminated peanuts with aflatoxin. At This time, TOMRA has sent application engineers, laser specialists to Damascus, with the aim of refining the identification capabilities of aflatoxins of the machine, which have become fully reliable.

Bryan Willis, president of Damascus, explained: "Aflatoxin is an expensive problem for a peanut processor. Before we got TOMRA's machines, the only way to really deal with Aflatoxin was to "blanchear" the Peanuts. But compared to "Blancheamento", using a laser is much, much less expensive. Because of that, our machines have paid for themselves many times. And Of course the machines also do a great job of detecting and removing strange material, which is the reason why we originally bought them before discovering that they could classify something that humans can't see.

"At first, we were skeptical about the detection of aflatoxin by the machine. But then we begin to understand that the toxin is structurally different from the peanut. The Laser classifier looks at the toxin as if it were a piece of glass, metal or any non-peanut material. It Was very difficult for the industry to understand this initially, because that is how advances have occurred on existing technology. I'm Still impressed, but the evidence is in the results, and the aflatoxin problem has been solved. "

Bjorn Thumas, Director of Food Business Development at TOMRA Sorting Solutions, said: "What our machine does is equivalent to inspecting each grain, which is extremely necessary to ensure food safety. It Is clear that the system also performs other important sorting functions simultaneously, removing foreign material and removal of allergens from the line. And When handling maize for example, the laser can also differentiate between transgenic and non-transgenic seeds.

"Our machines increase productivity and improve throughput while providing protection against one of the biggest dangers the food industry faces. Aflatoxins are a potential killer – human and business – but we can keep them under control. "
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.03.2019 kl 22:23 18218

Tomra og et forskningsteam ved Universitetet i Brüssel utvikler teknologi for å sortere ut poteter som inneholder kreftfremkallende akrylamid. Det sier jo seg selv at et vellykket produkt her kommer til "å eie" den digre french fries/pommes frites industrien! Kjempepotensial!

Identifying Carcinogenic Chemicals with Safety Laser Scanner

FSA (Food Standards Agency) recently issues warning regarding consumption of acrylamide as it consists of cancer-causing chemicals discovered by the name acrylamide. This chemical is considered as a crucial health threat for billions of consumers across the globe. According to latest research, raw potatoes hold excessive carcinogenic chemical acrylamide, which lacks the possibility of detection at a faster, non-destructive and sensitive way. For catering to this scenario, a team from University of Brussels have developed a new technique in partnership with the Tomra Sorting Solutions, for employing a new sensor. This safety laser scanner is likely to help in scanning peeled potatoes as well as weeds out of the food, which leads to high-levels of acrylamide. The new safety laser scanner, Photonics functions by scanning the free-falling food items including potatoes and uses spatially resolved spectroscopy, which is a non-invasive imaging method used with the help of infrared light.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.03.2019 kl 22:14 18239

Tomras heleide BBC Technologies har gjennom en ny oppfinnelse gjort sin markedsledende teknologi for sortering av blåbær enda bedre og mer effektiv (bilder hvis dere følger linken).

March 12 , 2019

Auckland, New Zealand, – BBC Technologies, part of TOMRA Food and global leader in turnkey solutions for sorting, packing and optimizing small fruit, extends its turnkey blueberry line with the new Tray Tipper, which automates delivery of the fruit into its industry-defining KATO260 sorter, optimizing its performance.

The new automated Tray Tipper system was developed to improve front of line loading of fruit onto its KATO260 precision grading line, the most refined solution for optical selection and optimization of blueberries on the market.

The Tray Tipper uses speed feedback from the KATO260 to ensure a consistent supply and even distribution of the blueberries onto the sorter, optimizing its throughput. It perfectly complements the KATO260’s design that emphasizes delicate handling and product preservation by gently loading the fruit onto the processing line.

The new Tray Tipper automated system further enhances the high efficiency and quality performance of the KATO260, which can accurately sort at speeds of 280 berries per second, handling the product with extreme care to maximize bloom retention and shelf life.

Sukkertøyprodusenten Swizzels Matlow jubler etter å ha gått til anskaffelse av og inkorporert TOMRA Nimbus optiske sorteringsteknologi i sin produksjonslinje.

Swizzels Matlow speeds up reject time on its ‘Drumstick Squashies’ thanks to TOMRA

13-Mar-2019 By Jenny Eagle

Swizzels Matlow has installed a TOMRA Nimbus optical sorter to automate the sorting process of its ‘Drumstick Squashies’ to improve turnover time.


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.03.2019 kl 20:29 18451

Suksesshistoriene står bokstavelig talt i kø når det gjelder Tomras teknologi. Vi tar turen fra Kina i forrige innlegg til Spania her.

Frupinsa driver med mandelproduksjon og produksjon av mandelskallprodukter. Resultatene og det man sier Om Tomras Nimbus BSI + sorteringsteknologi taler for seg selv. Her er første del av artikkelen fra TECNOALIMEN.

Frupinsa achieves the highest quality of its nuts thanks to Tomra Food's Nimbus BSI + Sorter

March 1, 2019

With the incorporation of the new Nimbus BSI + from Tomra, Frupinsa becomes Spain's first client to put into operation this innovative sorter with which it offers a quality of grain of the highest level.

The Nimbus BSI + works in conjunction with a team of mechanical machines, detecting 100% of the foreign and eliminating elements of the process. Together with this improvement in product quality, the sorter reduces wastage, reduces the constant need for manual-to-end revision of the line, and optimizes the productivity of the plant, thus increasing the profit margins.

Frupinsa (Frutos y feedingstuffs Inmaculada, S.A.), is a company dedicated to the sale of calibrated almonds, almond shell standard for industrial use or, crushed shell and calibrated for domestic use as a substitute for pellets. It also sells Garrofa cleaved in different sizes as well as carob gum. Alejandro Palacios, sales director of Spain and Portugal for Tomra Food, says that "in Tomra we are very pleased that Frupinsa has been the first customer in Spain to bet on BSI + technology for its transformation and development." Likewise, it highlights "The great communication that there was at all times with Frupinsa both in the integration of the machine in the production line, as in the work done jointly".

As a family-run business today by the third and fourth generation of the family, it has in the point of view the constant improvement of its final product. Thus, in the last years the company has made important updates in the central plant of Roquees, Tarragona, which include not only the construction of a new ship and the remodeling of its offices, but also the installation of new machinery of last Generation in almond husking. Frupinsais also part of the cruciblear group, which has for years several Tomra classifiers In other plants of the group. Thanks to good performance and excellent service, Frupinsa decided to incorporate a Nimbus BSI + classifier in its production process.

"Tomra is today the first choice of all Huskers in the almond, hazelnut and carobsector. They propose the best solutions – both in natural grain and almond peeled grain – for the final selection. "With the installation of the Nimbus BSI +, we have greatly improved the quality of our final product, now obtaining a fruit completely free of impurities. The high effectiveness of the Tomra allows us to adjust the machines of mechanical separation of the shell in a less aggressive way, reducing the losses and the criticality of the process, "says Miquel Borrás, plant engineer.

Quality, the key element for the production process

The almond is a "living" product with different properties depending on the variety and it is also changing throughout the year. Together with this product's own difficulty, it must be emphasized that it is a very demanding sector, with a minimum level of tolerance against the presence of foreign materials. That's why Frupinsa required a technology capable of reducing that risk, detecting and eliminating almost 100% error.

Frupinsas hjemmeside:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.03.2019 kl 23:09 18561

Tomras CEO har kommunisert at Tomra opplever god aksept i det kinesiske markedet når det gjelder selskapets teknologi. Å lykkes i Kina er ingen selvfølge for utenlandske selskaper. Her et nydelig, ferskt eksempel på Tomras teknologis gjennomslag i Kina. "The way out for local food companies" er som dere ser overskriften, og hva betyr det? Jo, i denne sammengheng at Tangshan Dingchen Food Co., Ltd lykkes som eksportør av frosne grønnsaker, frukt, bær og nøtter til 20 nasjoner, takket være den høye, garanterte kvaliteten man oppnår ved å bruke Tomras sorteringsteknologi! :)

NB!!! Tao Lang/Taurang == TOMRA

Dingchen: The way out for local food companies

2019-03-06 11:22 Source: HC Network |,

Established in 2005, Tangshan Dingchen Food Co., Ltd. is an export-oriented leading enterprise integrating base planting, quick-freezing processing, frozen storage, logistics and distribution. The products are exported to more than 20 countries and regions such as Europe, America, Middle East and Southeast Asia; the domestic market has formed a nationwide linkage network.

The company has been awarded the honorary titles of “China Well-known Trademark”, “Hebei Province Science Popularization Demonstration Base” and “Provincial Agricultural Industrialization Key Leading Enterprise” for its outstanding performance and social contribution. It is the agricultural industrialization of Hebei Province and the export of agricultural products. One of the leading companies.

Focus on the global market and build product quality

Tangshan Dingchen mainly produces quick-frozen vegetables, including frozen sweet corn, green peas, carrots, and green beans. Dingchen insists on providing high-quality products to customers with high standards. For the problems of color 腐, rot, and foreign matter in products, it has been manually sorted to eliminate these possible quality hazards. However, as orders grow, the limitations of manual sorting do not guarantee the stability of product quality. Dingchen began planning to replace manual sorting with automated technology to improve and stabilize product quality.

In a series of market research, Dingchen learned that many large foreign food companies are using Taolang's optical sorting machine to control product quality, such as the US SMITH Frozen Food Company, the US Monsanto Seed Company, and the Swiss Syngenta. , France TOP SEMENCE company. Dingchen's foreign customers have repeatedly praised Taurang's sorting technology for its efficiency and stability, and its product quality has also been greatly improved and stabilized. Therefore, it has always wanted to have the opportunity to learn more about Taurang's technical solutions.

At a corn conference, Dingchen’s representative listened to Tao Lang’s technical introduction and took the initiative to contact Tao Lang and visited the factory of Taolang’s foreign corn processing customers to experience the efficiency and effectiveness of automated sorting equipment. After comprehensively evaluating the evaluation of equipment by foreign counterparts, Chairman Gao Aidong made a decisive decision on purchasing. He believed that this equipment can help Dingchen improve and stabilize the quality of the control products, and improve the efficiency of the processing line and reduce labor costs.

“Dingchen has always been adhering to the philosophy of making quality products. When we actually see the efficient sorting, high output and labor cost savings of Taurang equipment, we consider that the investment of this project is very cost-effective and will be in the future. Have a good long-term return."

——Tangshan Dingchen Chairman, Mr. Gao Aidong

Automated sorting equipment guarantees quality and wins more trust from foreign customers

In 2017, Tangshan Dingchen installed Taurang's Genius sorting equipment on the production line. After the installation of the equipment, Dingchen realized a sorting capacity of 3 tons per hour, which can remove impurities such as corn husks, corn stalks, black granules, brown granules, insects, broken plastics, broken glass, metal shreds and other foreign materials at high speed. A significant improvement. The stability of the sorting equipment for automatic sorting can ensure the quality of the finished products after sorting in the case of uneven quality of raw materials.

For foreign customers and the market, if there are mixed products, cross-contaminants or impurities in the product, it will cause serious food safety problems. After using the Taolang equipment, Dingchen significantly reduced the occurrence of the above food safety incidents. The product quality has been recognized by foreign customers and the brand reputation has been consolidated.

“With the Taurang sorting machine, foreign customers have more confidence in our products, our products are getting better and better, and repeat customers have increased. We are very dependent on this equipment now.”

——Tangshan Dingchen Chairman, Mr. Gao Aidong

Get rid of the troubles of recruiting

Dingchen needs manual sorting workers to sort impurities before introducing automated sorting equipment. However, since corn and vegetables are seasonal products, the employment of enterprises varies greatly from season to season. Therefore, Dingchen has been facing the problem of high labor costs in the peak season and difficulty in recruiting workers, which cannot meet the capacity demand.

After the introduction of Taolang's automated sorting equipment, this problem was solved: in the production season, only two manual sorting workers were needed on the production line, which not only reduced the labor cost, but also solved the seasonal recruitment difficulties and required each time. Take the time to train new workers.

Comprehensive professional local technical support

In addition to the stability of the equipment itself, Dingchen is very satisfied with Taurang's local technical service support. After completing the installation of the equipment, Taurang provided five days of equipment operation and routine maintenance training. In daily use, Dingchen can contact Taurang's domestic engineers at any time through a 24-hour customer service hotline and WeChat to solve some operational-related questions in a timely manner.

These timely and rapid technical responses enable Dingchen's equipment to maintain continuous and stable operation, and smoothly adjust the product parameters when the sorting products change or the quality of the raw materials of the products are very different.

Business growth is strong, and production line expansion once again chooses Taurang

Due to the effective guarantee of product quality, Dingchen Food has been recognized by more and more domestic and foreign customers, and the order volume has increased rapidly. In order to meet the growing demand for orders, Dingchen Food is currently preparing for the construction of a new plant.

Chairman Dingchen Food Gao Aidong believes that the experience of using Taurang sorting equipment on existing production lines shows that Taurang's leading technology and extensive industry experience can effectively ensure the stable quality of the products, and the equipment of Taurang is stable. , production capacity and sorting efficiency are very good. Therefore, Taurang's sorting equipment will be re-introduced on the new production line.

Hjemmesiden til Tangshan Dingchen Food Co Ltd.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.03.2019 kl 18:13 18778

At Tomra allerde har en 18 år lang historie bak seg i Chile, skyldes at Tomra kjøpte newzealandske COMPAC høsten 2016. Nå rapporterer Tomra om stor suksess og flotte utsikter i det chilenske markedet.

TOMRA Food consolidates its position in the Chilean market

TOMRA Food closed the 2018 financial year while consolidating its position in Chile and it predicts 2019 will be excellent thanks to the country's good growth prospects. Johan Germeys, the Commercial Director for Latin America of TOMRA Food, and Paola Arevalo, Sales Manager of TOMRA Food Chile, spoke about their forecasts for the food market in the country.


"Chile is a sea of opportunities and its main challenge is to maintain the pace of modernization and automation it has already started. TOMRA's new technology allows producers of fresh and processed foods to increase their the quality standards. This technology can be used by a multitude of sectors, such as nuts, seafood, dehydrated fruits, seeds, vegetables, fruits, or potatoes," says Johan Germeys.


The advantages of TOMRA solutions, customized for a multitude of products

From nuts and dried fruits to seafood and vegetables, TOMRA Food offers a solution for each product through a broad portfolio of models. The company's Helius, Nimbus, Genius, Blizzard, Halo, ZEA, and Sentinel II classifiers have already become references for the Chilean market.


Technological leadership, food security and digital transformation, the pillars of TOMRA technology

TOMRA offers unique technical solutions. "Our ability to combine different classification technologies, such as: color cameras, near infrared, or NIR, spectroscopy and laser detection, make a difference," says Paola Arevalo.

The company bases its global success on 3 pillars. Thanks to its technological leadership, TOMRA Food allows producers of nuts, vegetables, fruits and potatoes (among others) to improve their accuracy, efficiency, and profitability. To help brands offer food safety and protect their prestige, TOMRA helps its customers ensure their food complies with high quality, hygiene, and traceability standards. Finally, thanks to the digital transformation, the analysis of the data collected by the TOMRA Food machines helps producers analyze the production process, improving its efficiency and reducing operating costs.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.02.2019 kl 18:31 22375

Tomra er selvsagt på plass der det virkelig teller. 6. - 8.februar stoppet gigantiske "Fruit Logistica" i Berlin. neste stopp for "Fruit Logistica" er Shanghai, Kina, 29. - 31.mai.

Fruit Logistica 2019 closed its doors with more than 78,000 trade visitors from 135 countries and 3,200 exhibitors

12 February, 2019

Fruit Logistica 2019 confirmed once again its leading role as the most important of the fruit and vegetable trade leading business platform, with a greater number of exhibitors and trade visitors, more innovations and a strong internationalization.

"Our mission is to offer exhibitors and visitors the best possible environment for business. "I am delighted that Fruit Logistica has fulfilled expectations in the event: 98% of professional visitors and about 90% of the exhibitors considered their participation in the fair a great success or your visit to the fair very positive" , says Madlen Miserius, Senior Product Manager of Fruit Logistica.

From 6 to 8 February, more than 78,000 trade visitors from 135 countries came to learn about the products and services of 3,200 exhibitors from 90 countries.

Many commercial contracts at the fair

Fruit Logistica has received the best ratings, both exhibitors and professional visitors: lifted up helpful contacts that had kept with large producers of fruits and vegetables, retail and importers and exporters. Almost half of the exhibitors indicated that they had achieved commercial operations during Fruit Logistica of this year Edition. About 90% of exhibitors were satisfied with the outcome of their participation.

One of the main objectives of the trade visitors was establishing new contacts, find new distributors and see what's new. These objectives were widely met. The visitors scored the deployment of products offered at Fruit Logistica 2019 with maximum values. 77% of visitors expected to established contacts to result in concrete business and commercial operations after the fair. 98% of visitors considered their participation in Fruit Logistica 2019 a great success.


The next exhibition appointments

Opens its doors in Shanghai China Fruit Logistica, from 29 to 31 May. This fair is designed as a platform for the supply of fruits and vegetables for the consumption of fresh products in China. The market in China covers 1.3 billion consumers and to grow. From 2018, China has its own FRUIT LOGISTICA. After the success of the launch, for the first time, have been invited to this year's Edition more than 300 buyers from all of China in order to participate in the Buyer.

More than ten years ago that started Asia Fruit Logistica and today represents the most important fair for the fruit and vegetable sector in Asia. From 4 to 6 September offers a complete overview of the market and shows the novelties and products offered by more than 20 countries. By 2019 there will be two new segments: fruits and vegetables frozen technology for greenhouses. For all those who would like to appear in the Hong Kong fair, may do so with the same date limit that the CHINA FRUIT LOGISTICA fair: until the end of February.

The celebration of Fruit logistics 2020 will be from 5 to 7 February in Berlin.

The opinion of the exhibitors about FRUIT LOGISTICA 2019


Björn Weyts, Global Marketing Director, TOMRA Sorting (Belgium)

"We are moving with different brands for many markets. At FRUIT LOGISTICA are all customers that we want to achieve. And every year we meet more new people. The fair is one of the most important exhibitions for our companies."
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.02.2019 kl 20:31 22567

ARDO en global, belgisk storspiller innen produksjon av frossen frukt, frosne grønnsaker og urter har handlet inn splitter ny Tomra-teknologi. Åpn linken for å lese mer. Kan røpe at her spares det ikke på superlativene når nytteverdien i Tomra-teknologien beskrives!

Press release Wednesday, February 06, 2019

ARDO, specialist of frozen fruits, herbs and vegetables acquired two Sentinel II of Tombra sorting machines

TOMRA, world leader in sensor-based sorting technology, is long-time partner of the company ARDO, a specialist of frozen fruits, herbs and vegetables. The industrialist has acquired two new machines of sort for its site in Ardooie.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.01.2019 kl 18:07 22734

Jeg har tidligere postet om at Tomra skulle debutere med sorteringsteknologi for godteri- og konfektbransjen under "ProSweets/ISM" messen i Køln 27. - 30.01.19 (se innlegg på denne tråden 04.01.2019 kl 18:16). Nå er messen avholdt, og som når det gjelder alt annet Tomra driver med, rapporterer Tomra om suksess og stor interesse for teknologien under messedagene. Artikkelen som er linket under er kopibeskyttet så det får vi respektere, men åpner dere linken, kan dere lese at Tomras Karel Stubbe forteller om stor internasjonal interesse for Tomras teknologi og at prosessene innen næringen i stadig større grad automatiseres. I godteri- og konfektbransjen har med andre ord "verdens sorteringskonge" Tomra funnet nok en arena for vekst!

ProSweets/ISM Cologne 2019: notes from a newbie
29-Jan-2019 By Anthony Myers

ConfectioneryNews editor Anthony Myers is at the Koelnmesse for the first time and finds this year’s trade fair both daunting and exhilarating.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.01.2019 kl 23:35 22933

Vi kan ikke forlate våre venner i Columbia ennå (se forrige innlegg på tråden). Selskapet som skal eksportere førsteklasses avocadoer til verdensmarkedet ved hjelp av Tomras "state of the art" sorteringsteknologi, har nemlig sendt ut en utvidet pressemelding (på engelsk) med beskrivelse av Tomra-teknologiens fortreffelighet. Åpner dere linken under, får dere også se et bilde som viser at åpningsseremonien av produksjonsanlegget ble foretatt med representasjon på høyt politisk nivå. Blant flere prominente gjester stilte Colombia med landbruksministeren og New Zealand (Compac, 100% eid av Tomra, har sitt utspring i New Zealand) med sin ambassadør til Colombia.

Westfalia fruit launches the biggest and most advanced Hass Avocado processing plant in Columbia

January 23, 2019

Westfalia Fruit Colombia, a company of Westfalia Fruit, a South African leader in the supply of subtropical fruit, inaugurated on 18 January a new processing plant for Hass avocados in Sonsón, in the department of Antioquia, Colombia. The new facility is the largest and most advanced avocado processing plant in the country, featuring the latest grading and sorting technologies of world-leading packhouse technology provider Compac.

The ceremony, which attracted more than 200 guests, was presided by Colombia’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Governor of Antioquia, the Mayor of Sonson, and the Ambassador of New Zealand, Westfalia Fruit Colombia’s stakeholders, representatives from industry organisations, top management from South Africa’s Westfalia Group, and Chile’s AGRICOM fresh fruit producer and exporter, and owner of Westfalia Fruit Colombia and Westfalia Farms Colombia.

The new plant significantly extends the processing capacity of Westfalia Fruit Colombia, adding to the two facilities it already runs in Antioquia. The company started operation in the production, packing and sale of Hass avocados for export in 2012, and has developed very fast in the country’s buoyant avocado industry which, according to the Trade Ministry, has seen exports increase by 413% from US$ 10.3 Million in 2015 to US$ 52.9 Million in 2017. In just six years Westfalia Fruit Colombia has exported more than 800 containers to international destinations across the world such as the UK, the Netherlands, France, the USA, Spain, Canada and Saudi Arabia, quickly becoming the country’s first exporter of Hass avocados. With the investment in the new facility in Sonsón, the company expects to triple its production capacity to support its continued growth.

Pedro Aguilar-Niño, General Manager of Westfalia Fruit Colombia, stated: “This inauguration is an event of great significance for Colombia’s Hass avocado export industry. Such an investment on the part of a global company is a sign of great confidence in this country. This processing plant has the highest capacity and the most advanced technology in the country – it is a strong statement of belief in the region, which becomes a true cluster for the production and export of Hass avocados. For us at Westfalia, our experience with the community in this municipality has been instrumental in our decision to make this further significant investment. We have equipped the plant with the advanced systems provided by New Zealand company Compac, part of TOMRA Food – a true leader in cutting edge fruit grading and sorting technology. Together, we will be able to contribute to the development of our sector.”

Cutting edge technology for the new Sonsón processing plant

The new processing plant benefits from the advanced packhouse technologies of the Compac Multi Lane Sorter (MLS) and Inspectra2 systems.

“These solutions will provide the answers to Westfalia Fruit Colombia’s requirements,” explained Jacinto Trigo, Compac Latin America Regional Director. “They ensure the consistently high quality of its product and optimize grading precision. Together with the high quality after sales service that Compac is able to deliver, its packhouse technology enables the company to meet its requirements in post-harvest processing capacity, minimize waste, and ensure its customers’ satisfaction.”

The 5-lane Compac MLS can process 25 tonnes of avocadoes per hour, ensuring the capacity required by Westfalia Fruit Colombia. The fruit is then ready for inspection by the Inspectra2 platform, which uses Near-infrared (NIR) technology to test the internal properties of each piece of fruit and deliver consistently high grading accuracy. It detects defects that are not visible externally and sorts the good from the bad, eliminating the need to cut samples of fruit. Most importantly, it grades the avocados on dry matter and softness – which indicate the maturity of the fruit. This allows Westfalia to pack the produce according to the customer’s requirements and where they are in the supply chain, ensuring they receive the highest quality fruit at optimal maturity for their operation. With this technology Westfalia is able to deliver consistently high quality, enhancing its brand perception and increasing the export opportunities for its Hass avocados.

About Westfalia Fruit

Westfalia Fruit was founded in 1949 in South Africa. It is a leading multinational supplier of fresh fruit and related processed products to international markets. Part of the Hans Merensky Holdings Group, Westfalia grows, sources and ripens, packs, processes and markets quality avocados year round. Its vertically-integrated supply chain enables Westfalia to market quality fruit from across the globe.

About Agricom, owner of Westfalia Fruit Colombia and Westfalia Farms Colombia

Chilean producer and exporter of fresh fruit with over 35 years of operation in the international markets. It relies on 1,400 hectares of sustainably farmed land and more than 1800 employees who share a passion for quality fruit. In Colombia, it employs over 350 people. The company maintains strong long-term business relationships based on respect, trust, transparency, loyalty and commitment to employees, suppliers, customers, producers, the community and the environment. It delivers on its commitment to supporting and providing the best and safest produce to its growers, packers and customers through innovation, cutting-edge technology, the strictest quality control, a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. This has enabled it to achieve international accreditations that include Global Gap, BRC, HACCP and Sedex Smeta.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.01.2019 kl 23:04 23139

Som jeg har vært inne på tidligere, Tomra rapporterer/melder ikke om salg av teknologi/maskineri til enkeltkunder, men det er herlig å til stadighet finne artikler om utbredelsen av Tomra-produkter bokstavelig talt overalt på kloden. Her skal vi til Colombia og et nytt produksjonsanlegg for avocado. Optimismen med henblikk på økt eksport er stor, og bærebjelken i produksjonsanlegget og en forutsetning for å oppnå eksportsuksess, er (selvfølgelig) markedsledende Tomra/Compac-teknologi!

Om nøyaktig én måned, 21.februar, legger Tomra frem tallene som teller (Q4 2018/FY 2018).

Open the largest plant in the country's Hass Avocado

Drafting Economy Bogotá. January 21, 2019 - 12:50 AM

With the opening of the largest plant of avocado Hass in Sonsón, Antioquia, the country expects to triple its exports of the product to the European markets and America. According to the general manager of Westphalia Fruit Colombia, Pedro Aguilar-child, "this is a fact of great importance for the export industry of Hass Avocado. Not only is the reflection of the increased confidence investor in Colombia by a world-class company, also will be more modern plant with greater capacity in the country. It is a true commitment to the development of the region and of the municipality which today constitutes a true cluster of production and export."

Indicates the directors "for Westphalia the work developed with the community of the municipality has been instrumental for the increase from its current investment. Machinery that we have incorporated is the New Zealand company Compac, which is part of Tomra Food, a real leader who offers technology tip for the selection of fruit. With it we will contribute positively to the transformation and progress, successfully, is taking place in the sector".


The new plant of Sonson had various needs cover: ensure the quality of your product, optimize the accuracy in the classification thereof, as well as being able to meet the needs of capacity of processing and post-harvest treatments. "Next to all this, Westphalia required quality after-sales service," says Jacinto Trigo, regional director for Latin America of Compac, "something that Compac is on offer in the country"
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.01.2019 kl 07:37 23441

Takk Kommentatoren!! Dette blir bare bedre og bedre!! Man trenger ikke være rakettforsker for å forstå hvilken vei dette vil gå ;-)

Nå må bare Q4/EOY resultatene komme :-)

Ha en strålende dag.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.01.2019 kl 20:54 23573

Kjekt å lese at du setter pris det jeg poster NilsAB. Gleder meg også til Q4 2018 KanonBra5 og tipper som deg at den presentasjonen vil generere en og annen bakoversveis.

Det er ikke bare vi i denne lille fancluben på hegnarforumet som lar seg imponere av Tomra. Det jeg kommer med her er faktisk gansk stort. Ja, veldig stort, vil jeg påstå. "PACK EXPO International" er verdens største messe i sitt slag og ble avoldt 14. - 17.oktober 2018 i Chicago. Dette er "PACK EXPO International":

About PACK EXPO International

PACK EXPO International will be the world’s largest packaging trade show in 2018, featuring:

* A marketplace of 2,500+ exhibitors showcasing the latest packaging equipment and technologies
* Solutions for virtually every vertical market
* Free education in venues on the show floor
* A new PACKage Printing Pavilion focused on digital packaging technologies
* Pavilions for Containers and Materials, Confectionery and Reusable Packaging

PACK EXPO International will attract 50,000 attendees, including C-level executives, engineers, plant managers, research and development, brand and marketing managers, quality controllers, specifiers, purchasers and packaging designers from a wide variety of prominent consumer packaged goods companies (CPGs) and retailers.

Hvorfor kommer jeg så med dette her? Jo, dere ser jo selv dimensjonen "PACK EXPO International" har. Dermed er det bare å gratulere Tomra når ekspertpanelet til bransjemagasinet "PACKAGING WORLD" utroper Tomras TOMRA 5B matsorteringsmaskin til "the next big thing" innen kategorien matsortering/FOOD SORTING!!!


PACK EXPO International 2018 Innovations Report

Covering 1.2 million net sq ft of exhibit space and drawing 2,500 exhibitors, PACK EXPO International brought 50,000 attendees to the biggest packaging event of the year.

By PMMI Media Group Editors

Each year the editors at PMMI Media Group roam the aisles of PACK EXPO looking for the next big thing in the packaging sector. Of course, with a show this size it’s never one big thing we find but rather a multitude of things big, medium, and small, all of them innovative and meaningful in one way or another to packaging professionals of today.

This report sums up what we found in six main categories. We present them here for your review knowing full well that, inevitably, we missed a few. Probably more than a few. That’s where you come in. Let us know what we missed and we’ll look into it. Or at the very least, we’ll know to be on the lookout for it at the next PACK EXPO.

Our report comes to you from the following:

Matt Reynolds, Editor, Packaging World

Pat Reynolds, VP Editor Emeritus, Packaging World

Anne Marie Mohan, Senior Editor, Packaging World; Editor, Contract Packaging

Stephanie Neal, Senior Editor, Automation World; Editor-in-Chief, OEM

Joyce Fassl, Editor-in-Chief, ProFood World

Maya Norris, Managing Editor, ProFood World

Natalie Craig, Managing Editor, OEM

Jim Butschli, Editor, Healthcare Packaging

Keren Sookne, Director of Editorial Content, Healthcare Packaging



TOMRA Sorting Solutions showcased the TOMRA 5B food-sorting machine at PACK EXPO International 2018, highlighting the machine’s ability to improve yields and product quality with minimal product waste and maximum uptime.

Intended for sorting vegetables such as green beans, leafy greens, and corn as well potato products such as French fries and potato chips, the TOMRA 5B combines TOMRA’s smart surround view technology with 360-deg inspection. The technology features high-resolution cameras and high-intensity LEDs for optimal product appearance. These features reduce false rejection rates and improve product quality by identifying each object, which in turn improves detection of color, shape, and foreign materials.

The TOMRA 5B’s customized high-speed, small-pitch TOMRA ejector valves allow for precise removal of defective products with minimal final product waste at a rate three times faster than TOMRA’s previous valves. The ejector valves are designed for both wet and dry conditions. In addition, the sorter has a belt speed rate of up to 5 m/sec, responding to increased capacity demands.

TOMRA designed the TOMRA 5B with enhanced sanitation features that are in accordance with the latest food hygiene standards and specifications. It has a fast and efficient cleaning process, which results in fewer unreachable areas and a lower risk of waste material build-up, maximizing the machine’s uptime.

The TOMRA 5B is also equipped with an easy-to-use, intuitive user interface called TOMRA ACT. It generates on-screen performance feedback on production quality and safety. The settings and data are application driven, providing processors with an easy way to set the machine and peace of mind by delivering clear data on the sorting process. This in turn allows the further optimization of other processes in the plant. The on-screen performance feedback not only allows processors to intervene quickly, if necessary, but also ensures that the sorting machine is operating at optimal capacity. The user interface was recognized at the 2016 International Design Excellence Awards with a silver medal in the digital design category.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.01.2019 kl 07:29 23753

Fantastisk igjen av Tomra. Ser frem til dagene, ukene, månedene og årene fremover som Tomra aksjonær!! Høyde punktet neste måned blir selvfølgelig Q4/EOY resultater den 21 Februar. Her tror jeg det er mange (spesielt meglere/analytikere) som får seg en skikkelig positiv overraskelse!!!

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.01.2019 kl 17:07 23864

Og nå er vi på vei opp igjen!
Takk for at du deler all din viten og ny info her
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.01.2019 kl 16:36 23877

Tomra erobrer verden på alle fronter med sitt arsenal av forskjellige "våpen", designet for å skape en bedre fremtid for oss alle. Med denne teknologinyheten som nå implementeres over hele kloden, garanterer Tomra-magikerne, som man kan lese, såvel kvaliteten utenpå som inni (!) epler, avocadoer, kiwier og sitrusfrukter.

Evaluating the external and internal characteristics of fruit in a precise and constant way

After a successful market launch last year, Compac, part of the TOMRA business group, has now announced the worldwide implementation of the Inspectra² internal inspection system for fresh products. The previous Inspectra² application proved successful and brought a 20 percent improvement in fruit cleaning.

This guarantees that only bad fruits are eliminated and good ones are marketed. Together with the award-winning Spectrim platform, Inspectra² can be used to detect external defects. With this, Compac is now offering stores the possibility of constantly and accurately evaluating the external and internal characteristics of apples, avocados, kiwis and citrus fruits. The appearance of a piece of fruit is important when making the first purchase, but for a second purchase, what matters most is the flavor. The taste of fruits should be as good as their appearance. Inspectra² serves this purpose.

For more information:
Björn Weyts
TOMRA Sorting
Hall 9, Stand D-22
T: +32-475-478201

Publication date : 1/7/2019

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.01.2019 kl 18:16 24060

Tomra er global markedsleder innen sortering av hva det måtte være. Sortering for resirkulering, sortering av gruvemasse og sortering av mat som bær, frukt og grønnsaker.

Nå er det også duket for premiere når det gjelder "state of the art" sortering av godterier, i Tomra-regi. Herligheten avdukes under PROSWEETS 2019 i Køln 27. - 30.januar.


4 January 2019

TOMRA Food, part of the Norwegian TOMRA Group, is showcasing innovative sweets sorting systems for gummies and delicate confectionery products at ProSweets 2019 in Cologne, Germany for the first time.

TOMRA systems help food manufacturers ensure that their end products always meet the highest quality standards by reliably and efficiently removing defective articles and foreign materials.

Sorting systems for sweets: maximum product safety and competitive advantages

TOMRA’s sorting equipment detects cross contamination, starch, and foreign materials, as well as identifying clumping and misshapen products. These imperfections are removed in a safe and reliable process. This increases throughput and production yields, ensuring end products of consistently high quality and providing brand owners with an all-important competitive advantage.

Sophisticated technology and reliable detection

TOMRA uses advanced technology for the reliable sorting of sweets. Product color and structure is checked by laser scanners. In addition, the scanners identify contaminated products or foreign objects that are not visible to the naked eye. When augmented by an Advanced Foreign Material Detector (AFMD), sorting can be supplemented to include product-specific properties. TOMRA has developed special high-resolution cameras for optical food sorting on the basis of color and outline. A further module for shape recognition ensures that, through scanning, individual products comply with the desired dimensions and shapes.


Karel Strubbe, Regional Sales Director EMEA at TOMRA Food, emphasizes: "Our innovative sorting systems for sweets such as gummies demonstrate TOMRA’s many years of expertise in food sorting systems. Reliable detection guarantees food safety. This protects our customers’ brand reputations through consistently high product quality, and therefore provides a real competitive advantage. We invite trade visitors to experience for themselves our high performing systems by joining us at ProSweets."

TOMRA Food will be at ProSweets in Cologne from 27th to 30th January: Hall 10.1, Stand G-068.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.12.2018 kl 17:46 24443

Det strømmer på med nyvinninger på produktsiden fra Tomra innen alle selskapets forretningsområder. Tomra er global markedsleder innen alt selskapet sorterer. Det er tydelig at dette er posisjoner man på ingen måte har tenkt å gi fra seg. Tvert i mot, ser det ut til. Veldig betryggende.

Her er det heleide BBC Technologies som utvider sitt CURO system for forpakning av bær, små frukt og tomater slik systemet problemfritt kan veksle mellom ønskede forpakningsstørrelser/emballasjestørrelser.

BBC Technologies debuts packing line equipment for small fruit

Chris Koger

December 11, 2018 04:18 PM

BBC Technologies, a segment of Tomra Food, has expanded its CURO system to focus on packing fruits under 40 millimeters (about 1.5 inches).

The new equipment, CURO-2, is designed primarily for blueberries, cherries and small snacking tomatoes, according to a news release. It allows companies to pack small volumes of different grades of fruit at the same time, supplying produce in multiple tiers for grocery stores, or to supplement a packing line’s existing capacity.

It is efficient in switching between different sized packing options such as clamshells, punnets and boxes, according to the release, handling the small fruit gently.

“We are seeing a significant shift in the market, with our customers being increasingly required to divide their fruit into multiple tiers and needing to pack different grades of product simultaneously,” BBC Technologies CEO Geoff Furniss said in the release. “The CURO-2 provides the solution for packing our customers’ niche products once they have been graded, as well as providing them with additional capacity when needed.”

South Africa-based Blue Mountain Berries, which distributes blueberries to Europe, Southeast Asia and Russia through BerryWorld, installed the CURO-2 earlier this year. The company’s managing director Chrisleo Botha said the company can more easily pack several grades of fruit.

“The CURO-2 allowed us to utilize fill-by-weight functionality on smaller niche volumes of fruit that we were previously having to pack by hand,” Botha said in the release.

BBC Technologies, based in New Zealand, has offices in Fresno, Calif., Pooler, Ga., South Haven, Mich., and Auburn, Wash.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.12.2018 kl 22:32 24710

Elegant, morsom og severdig videosnutt fra Tomra Sorting Food, Europa

Life as a potato…
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.12.2018 kl 13:36 24826

Storartet av Tomra igjen!!!! I dag er det bare å handle. Ikke ofte man får Rolls Royce på billigsalg :-)

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.12.2018 kl 12:54 24864

Gode nyheter fortsetter å strømme på fra Norges superselskap! Australske Bright Light Agribusiness velger Tomras BSI+ sorteringsteknologi og kjøper 15 sorteringsmaskiner.

Bright Light Agribusiness partners with TOMRA for its new processing facility

December 6, 2018

Bright Light Agribusiness, one of the fastest growing private companies in the Australian almond industry, has selected TOMRA Food as its partner for an end-to-end almond sorting solution. A total of 15 sorters will be installed at the company’s state-of-the-art almond processing facility in Hattah/Victoria to achieve the processing objective of a “pack-to-grade” quality in a single pass.

Simon Murphy, Sales and Marketing Manager at Bright Light Agribusiness, said: “After years of subcontracted processing, a carefully planned decision was made to invest in our own purpose-built almond processing facility in the heart of the Australian Sunraysia growing region in Victoria. This new facility with an annual throughput of 25.000 tons will have its own hulling and shelling, inshell-pack-out capabilities and will also be equipped to deliver a ‘pack-to-grade’ brown kernel raw-almonds product.”

Bright Light Agribusiness grows almonds with the latest irrigation infrastructure and technologies and has orchards that contain trees ranging in age from recently planted through to full maturity.

Tim Orr, Operations Manager at Bright Light Agribusiness, explained: “We are now at a stage of orchard maturity where investing in our own processing capabilities is justified. Also, we will be ready to handle future volumes as the younger trees develop. The new operations are anticipated to be fully ready for the 2020 season.

“At Bright Light, we pride ourselves on high quality products and exceeding our customers’ expectations. We think longer-term and consequently we went through a rigorous process to select our preferred option from the different sorting solutions out there. By using TOMRA’s expertise, the concept that we have put together with our project coordinator, PASS, will deliver us a pack-out product with the least amount of human interaction and reprocessing, which is traditionally required to make grade. A total of 15 sorters, amongst other mechanical and pneumatic cleaning arrangements, will be installed to achieve this objective.”

Ashley Hunter, Senior Vice President and Head of TOMRA Food Sorting, commented: “We are very pleased to be the chosen sorting partner for this exciting project. The effort spent by Bright Light, PASS and the global TOMRA organization in defining the processing concept embraced the significant collective experience of the stakeholders to deliver a state of the art solution.”

Tim Orr said: “TOMRA’s BSI+ technology made the difference. Especially TOMRA’s ability to target insect damage – not only major damage, but also the pinhole carpophilus-beetle bites – which was a real eye-opener. And with TOMRA already using such technology in Australia during the 2018 season, we were able to combine laboratory testing with real field data. The BSI+ technology also delivered outstanding results on other, often challenging almond defects such as doubles, gummy-nuts, immature, molded, and stains.”

Simon Murphy commented: “The concept of the multiple sorters was also a result of TOMRA’s global and local applications expertise – a perfect interpretation of needs and of tweaking the technology and its implementation sequence to meet our critical objectives.”

Tim Orr said that operator friendliness was another decisive factor in selecting TOMRA. It was important that the sorting process could work with minimal human interaction because access to skilled labor is a challenge due to the seasonality of the work and remoteness of the growing area.

Tim said: “TOMRA has yet again proven to be the best in class. The real field use and discussions with operators who work daily with the sorters confirmed that the process is so easy to run it is almost child’s-play. What’s more, TOMRA showed a dedication to invest in Australia. Local regional support from TOMRA service facilities in Sydney, Shepparton and soon also in the Sunraysia region – where TOMRA has close to 20 sorters deployed in different industries – were critical elements in our decision process.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.11.2018 kl 22:51 25137

Tror trygt du kan stole på at ledelsen i dette selskapet vet hva de driver med 050505. For deg og andre som måtte være og tvil, men er interessert i selskapet, anbefaler jeg dette på det sterkeste:

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.11.2018 kl 21:19 25187

kan bli et tapssluk når det skal satses over hele verden,mange som har tapt store summer på dette før,ingen nevnt ingen glemt.

Tomra har en fin kurve og markedspotensiale.Vurderer å bli aksjonær
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.11.2018 kl 21:14 25193

Interessant om revolusjonen innen dagligvarehandel fra Bjorn Thumas, Business Development Director Food i Tomra Sorting Food. Legg merke til at det forventes at den store veksten i e-handel av dagligvarer forventes å komme i Asia. I dag kom nyheten om at Tomra øker satsingen i Kina, innen alle selskapets forretningsområder (

Under er første del av artikkelen gjengitt


20 November 2018.

Food businesses will have to change to stay competitive – online, in-store, and at sorting and processing plants too. Bjorn Thumas, director business development, food at TOMRA Food, looks at what we can expect.

Disruptive change is coming to supermarkets and this will have a ripple-effect throughout the food industry supply chain. Technical innovations online and in-store and shifting consumer demands will re-shape the supermarket of the future. And that future is approaching fast.

Proof that we are on the brink of a supermarket revolution came last year when e-commerce giant Amazon invested $13.7 (€11.7) billion in acquiring supermarket chain Whole Foods Market. This promises to be a game-changer in food retailing. And it is not only in funky-looking offices in Seattle where the supermarket is being reimagined: other specialised enterprises already fulfil online grocery orders by delivering directly to customers’ front doors, and more businesses will jump on the bandwagon.

Traditional bricks-and-mortar supermarket chains, seeing that they are at risk of losing power and profits in this revolution, are strengthening their own e-commerce capabilities. The value attached to Whole Foods Market by Amazon will have come as a wake-up call: established food retail chains must use CRM data to increase sales. It is true that Whole Foods Market has stores only in the USA and the UK, and that today’s online innovators such as Instacart are mostly US-based - but the shift to selling more food online will quickly sweep through developed nations.

During the next decade the global grocery e-commerce market is forecast to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 13.5%, from an annual value of €43 billion today to €135 billion by 2025. Business analysts note that although e-commerce players are making efforts to establish a foothold in the USA and Europe, they face serious challenges here because the existing grocery market is saturated and margins are low. This means global growth in food e-commerce will be driven by Asia, where there is highest consumer willingness to purchase groceries online, combined with rapid urbanisation, low labour costs, and a relatively undeveloped retail market.

To give just one example of growth potential, in China, the world’s most populous nation, the e-commerce share of the grocery market is currently only 4.2%. To put this into perspective, in nearby Japan the share is 7.2% and in South Korea it is already 16.6%. This is a sure indicator that businesses such as the Chinese multinational conglomerate Alibaba Group, owner of, will be at the vanguard of big changes.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.10.2018 kl 22:43 25577

Tomra har en global markedsandel på ca. 25% innen sortering av mat. Under Capital Markets Day 21.september ble det understreket at selskapets klare ambisjon er å øke denne markedsandelen!

I Brasil er det mye å hente i så måte. Et kjempestort land med klimatiske forhold som gjør at det er gunstig å dyrke det meste.

Solutions to strengthen the Brazilian agri-food sector

10/30/2018 | Tomás Tim-Tim

Food selection and stripping solutions. This is the focus of TOMRA Food. The multinational company, based in Norway, has an office in Brazil. TOMRA Food offers sorting machines for a wide range of fresh and processed food applications in the country such as potatoes (whole or processed), fruits and vegetables (dried, fresh or frozen), nuts (peanuts, cashews) of corn, confectionery and coffee. With an important focus on R & D + I, TOMRA Food seeks to help agrifood companies. Its sorting machines guarantee quality and yields, which translates into more efficient use of resources.

Sensor-based technology

TOMRA machines use a variety of sensors. Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy allows an analysis of the molecular structure of a product, while X-rays, fluorescent lighting and lasers measure the elemental composition of objects. The internal composition and surface structure of the objects can also be analyzed to determine the product.

TOMRA's optical rating helps maximize the performance of our customers by increasing their accuracy and efficiency. Sensor-based technology is capable of processing large volumes of food while helping to select and reject foreign materials. The result is a reduction in material waste and an increase in time savings over manual sorting techniques.

João Medeiros, Commercial Manager of TOMRA Food Brasil, accompanies the entire commercial process together with a team of specialized technicians who will analyze the best solutions for each type of plant in the country. He explains that TOMRA "with its capacity and performance can undoubtedly add value to applications such as potatoes and other vegetables, fruits, nuts, corn seeds and not forgetting coffee, where Brazil is one of the main producers of the world". He adds that "TOMRA provides unique technologies such as laser, which are not offered by Brazilian manufacturers, making it a differential, thus offering a faster financial return than most customers imagine."

The machines

Sentinel II, Genius, Zea, Helius and Nimbus. It is the selection of machines, which is part of the broad portfolio of the company. Starting with the selection of fruits and vegetables, and being one of the main applications for tomatoes and peaches, the company presents the Sentinel II. The machine is designed to classify various food applications.

For the selection of vegetables the TOMRA Food has developed the Genius. It is a modular selection machine that can be adapted to the needs and specific requirements of a plant. With cameras, the classifier features a variety of inspection technologies employed in various inspection zones.

In turn, ZEA is a sensor-based food separation machine for corn grain growers to sort / separate ears with barks, imperfections, diseases and sizes. Zea employs color-close and near-infrared (NIR NearInfra-Red) optical sensors installed at the top to scan "in use" the surface of each item. This allows an unimpeded view of the product with a high capacity separation.

For the selection of peanuts, TOMRA Food presents two machines that help exponentially boost results: Helius and Nimbus. Dry product processors benefit from TOMRA's Helius classifier, which specializes in the selection of fluid dry products such as seeds, rice, nuts, grains and many others. Equipped with up to 12 individual laser signals, they identify all imperfections in color, structure, size and shape in a stream of good quality products. Strong air ejectors precisely eliminate imperfections of products in good condition.

Finally, with a combination of various separation technologies, the Nimbus model free fall separator is the answer to the ever high demands of the food industry and individual processors.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.10.2018 kl 23:53 25702

Intervju med sjefen i Tomra Sorting Solutions Food Mike Riley.

Compac looks to digital revolution

Tom Karst

October 25, 2018 09:44 AM

ORLANDO, Fla. — Mike Riley believes Compac’s Size Simulator can give fresh produce packing line operators optimal efficiency in delivering the best possible results by packing fruit in a virtual simulation.

Compac’s Sizer Simulator, according to the company, makes it possible to experiment offline with the added functions of Sizer, the software at the heart of the company’s industry-leading sorting and packing line equipment, without posing any risk to production.


Additionally, the Sizer Simulator allows packing line staff to learn without running fruit.
Compac on Oct. 18 also announced a partnership with AVEVA, a United Kingdom-based firm specializing in engineering and industrial software.

Riley said the partnership will bring new technology relating to automation and remote control process improvement. That will allow greater use of sensors to detect when parts of the packing line need attention, Riley says.

“It will allow us to look for choke points, measure the performance for continuous improvement,” he says, in addition to connecting the service department to the data to prevent failures on the line. With sensors on motors, elevations in temperature can be spotted and service can be called before downtime occurs,

Another evolution of Compac’s digital vision is greater use by the supply chain of the data generated by sorting and inspection technology, Riley says. The rise in cloud computing and the ability to handle vast amounts of data is enabling greater possibilities, he says.

“We’ve got 200 photographs of every single individual piece of fruit and right now in the industry there is not a lot of uses made of that information,” he says. Matching the condition of the fruit to the lot it was grown in could inform grower practices.

“It’s not now a matter of saying the orchard in this block did pretty well this year, it is ‘Here’s the pictures of every apple came off that block,” he says.

Retailers could also benefit from that data, with photos and dry matter measurements predicting ripeness and taste.

“When is the consumer going to get that consistent experience that my marketing team promised them?” he says. Shelf life predictions could also be pulled from the data, he says.

“Once we’ve got all the data, we’ve taken all the measurements, we’ve got the photos — there are plenty of stakeholders, who would just love to get their hands on that data,” he says.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.10.2018 kl 23:34 25721

En av nord-amerikas største produsenter av frosne potetprodukter Cavendish Farms utstyrer splitter nytt produksjonsanlegg og velger Tomra. Rett og slett nydelig lesning som taler for seg! :)

October 23 , 2018


Leuven, Belgium – Cavendish Farms, one of the largest processors of frozen potato products in North America, is equipping its new, state-of-the-art production facility in Lethbridge, Alberta with TOMRA’s Eco steam peelers.

Cavendish Farms is committed to sustaining the environment and operates at the highest standards to protect the environment.

“We are continuously looking for new ways to reduce our carbon footprint and increase our processing efficiency. To equip our new, state-of-the-art production facility in Lethbridge, we partnered with TOMRA Food,” said Andrew Macleod, Lethbridge Project Lead at Cavendish Farms.

Cavendish Farms has existing solutions supplied by TOMRA at their processing facilities in New Annan, Prince Edward Island and Jamestown, North Dakota. The new production facility will include the latest steam peeling technology from TOMRA.

Eamonn Cullen, market unit manager peeling at TOMRA Food: “Steam peeling has for a long time been the most efficient method of removing skin from the surface of vegetables. TOMRA’s Eco steam peeler is not only the fastest steam peeler; it is also the most efficient in the industry, using 28 per cent less steam than other peelers of its type.”

Eamonn continues: “We were the first to introduce high pressure steam peeling to the vegetable processing industry and we continue to invent technologies to improve steam peeling performance. The Eco steam peeler enables processors to reduce the energy consumed in the process to levels not seen in the industry before.”

Andrew Macleod further explains: “At Cavendish Farms, we pride ourselves on high quality products and exceeding our customers’ expectations. We are a family food company that puts pride, dedication and a whole lot of know-how into everything we grow, and everything we make. By partnering with TOMRA Food, we expect to achieve significant savings in energy

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.10.2018 kl 23:18 25739

Mer utfyllende artikkel om samarbeidsprosjektet til Nortura, Findus, Cermaq og Tomra (se innlegg på denne tråden 19.10.2018). Her er avslutningenn av artikkelen.

The three companies involved in the project have calculated that the use of an effective instrument can lead to considerable annual savings, based on better yields, consistent product quality,less waste and added value in the market.

”Today we have a promising prototype, and we believe and hope that this will eventually become a commercial product. TOMRA is the technology supplier and the instrument is based on some of their technology. We hope the results will be so good that TOMRA will commercialise it to the benefit of the food industry,” concludes Jens Petter Wold.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.10.2018 kl 16:19 25918

Dette er definitivt en tung og signifikant nyhet. Ja, dette er breaking news så fortjener og får en egen trådstart.

TOMRA partners with AVEVA to ‘lead produce industry’s digital transformation’
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.10.2018 kl 20:37 26056

Ironisk nok må man ut av landet og til et stort multinasjonalt nettsted for matvarer for å finne nyheter om et meget, meget spennende prosjekt som involverer de fire norske selskapene Nortura, Findus, Cermaq og Tomra. Prosjektet skal munne ut i et kommersielt produkt fra Tomra. Man trenger ikke være spesielt smart for å skjønne at et velkykket produkt her vil ha et enormt kommersielt nedslagsfelt!

SmartSensor promises better quality control for higher profits

By Niamh Michail

19-Oct-2018 - Last updated on 19-Oct-2018 at 12:26 GMT

An instrument that can rapidly take analytical measurements in food products during the production line could mean significant savings for manufacturers, say its developers.

SmartSensor is a three-year multi-stakeholder project that aims to develop a tool using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) to measure food without actually coming into contact with the product.

Participating companies include Norwegian agri-food cooperative Nortura, frozen food manufacturer Findus, salmon producer Cermaq and Norwegian tech company Tomra.

Research centre Nofima is coordinating the scientific research, instrument calibration and testing while Sintef Digital is developing the instrument itself, with manufacturers such as Findus testing the instrument in the production process. Tomra will commercialise the final product.

One of its “unique​” selling points is it can “probe deeply​” into food, Nofima said. For instance, it can test below salmon skin without coming into direct contact with the sample.

Currently, manufacturers measure core temperatures by taking samples when necessary. The SmartSensor instrument, however, will allow for continuous measurement and control. If the temperature of the sample is not what it should be, it can be immediately adjusted.

Sintef researcher Marion O’Farrell said: “Measuring the core temperature of each sausage as they pass through the oven has been both challenging and enjoyable. Water vapour, humidity, little space and the fact that we couldn’t see the sausages we were measuring made this quite a job.”​

Close cooperation allowed the project participants to solve such problems, O’Farrell added.​

The SmartSensor project began in 2016 although the companies did not say when the final instrument would be commercially available.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.10.2018 kl 22:14 26276

Mer magi fra Tomra Sorting Food, utviklet i samarbeid Lien Smeesters i "B-PHOT Brussels Photonics Team" ved Universitet i Brüssel. I et tidligere innlegg på denne tråden (23.07.18) kan man lese om hvordan Tomra sorterer bort meget giftige nøtter. Her er det fjerning av kreftfremkallende elementer innen potetforedling som gjelder. Fabelaktig! Etter at patent er tatt ut, bærer det inn i Tomras relevante sorteringsmaskiner for denne nye teknologien. Sjef i Tomra Sorting Solutions Volker Rehrmann ga klar beskjed om at Tomra akter å utvide sin allerde høye globale markedsandel innen sortering av mat (Sorting Food) under Tomras Capital Markets Day 21.september. Man får virkelig troen på at Tomra vil lykkes med det når man leser historier som dette!

09 Oct 2018 | Network News

Photonics: New laser scanner to zap toxic French fries

Amid growing concern about the discovery of cancer-causing chemicals in crisps and French fries, a young scientist has developed a new laser system that scans peeled potatoes in the factory to detect toxic compounds and prevent them from reaching the consumer.

Earlier last year, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) issued warnings about eating over-fried potatoes, burnt toast and crisps that can contain cancer-causing chemicals such as acrylamide deeming them a serious health threat to billions of consumers.

At present, raw potatoes that produce an excess of the carcinogenic chemical acrylamide cannot be detected in a fast, sensitive, and non-destructive way.

This new technique developed by Lien Smeesters, at the B-PHOT Brussels Photonics Team at the University of Brussels, in collaboration with Tomra Sorting Solutions, employs a new sensor that scans peeled potatoes, weeding out food that may cause high levels of acrylamide.

Currently only general quality tests are available for assessing potatoes with no accurate acrylamide detection. Food safety measures involve a person examining a sample and accepting an entire batch if the small selection passes. However, with this new sensor, every potato or individual French fry can be examined in a rapid, safe and thorough manner for the first time.

Photonics for Factories

It works by scanning the ‘free falling’ food items, such as potatoes, from both the front and back with a laser that employs ‘spatially resolved spectroscopy’, a non-invasive imaging technique using infrared light.

A food item identified as a potentially high source of acrylamide is spotted in mid-air as it begins to fall. Selected by the internal processor, the potato is then ‘knocked out’ of the batch by being blasted with a stream of air and into a reject bin before it hits the conveyor belt below.

The sensor is able to do this with each and every individual potato scanning and rejecting in tiny fractions of a second. Dr Smeesters explains:

“Not all potatoes result in excessive acrylamide formation during frying. We have sought to spot the undesirable potatoes when they are in their raw, peeled stage. After scanning with laser beams, the good potatoes will emit a different light signal than the unsuited ones leading to an unambiguous detection.”

Having filed a patent describing the use of this detection method, the laser scanner will be integrated into one of Tomra’s industrial in-line sorting machines, detecting and discarding food items that may contain excessive acrylamide precursors.

Several tons of products could be examined per hour to look for these carcinogenic compounds without using dyes or chemical additives, and without damaging or even touching the food.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.10.2018 kl 21:09 26410

Spennende Tomra-nyheter tilflyter markedet uavlatelig og vi tar en liten oppdatering, og starter her.

Nå lanserer Tomras 100% eide Compac "Sizer Simulator". Noe lignende finnes ikke i markedet, og "Sizer Simulator" gir dermed fruktpakkeriene en helt unik verktøy som risikofrtitt setter dem i stand til å justere/optimalisere produksjonen.

Compac's new sizer simulator aims to improve productivity of packhouses

Compac has launched the Sizer Simulator, a simulation tool which enables fruit and vegetable packhouses to upskill operators and prepare for incoming fresh produce batches. Sizer Simulator also enables users to optimize packing efficiency by extracting maximum performance from existing equipment.

This innovation means that Compac, part of TOMRA Food, is the first to offer packers a virtual environment for running produce. Sizer Simulator makes it possible to experiment offline with the advanced functions of Sizer, the software at the heart of the company’s industry-leading sorting and packline equipment, without posing any risk to production.


Gopi Ravi, Product Manager at Compac, commented: “Nothing like the Sizer Simulator currently exists in the fresh produce sorting industry. The Sizer Simulator eliminates the risks of tweaking software on a live production run, empowering operators to experiment with settings until they’ve truly optimized equipment performance. In an industry where success depends on the ability to manage margins, this provides a unique competitive advantage.”


Publication date : 10/4/2018
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.10.2018 kl 09:57 26555

Takk Oyod. You're welcome. Har aldri vært borti et selskap det er artigere å følge. Er stor optimist når det gjelder fortsettelsen som du sikkert skjønner. Norges superselskap har til nå fått alt for liten oppmerksomhet på hjemmebane, men blir garantert umulig å "ignorere" særlig mye lenger. Vel, det tror iallefall jeg.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.10.2018 kl 09:45 26581

Kommentatoren; føler behov for å si at jeg setter virkelig pris på din teft rundt Tomra og evnene til å grave frem og dele relevant informasjon. Måtte du fortsette med det! Personlig så har jeg brukt tid etter CMD på å prøve å forstå hvordan selskapet skal transformeres/virereutvikles; det er spennende tider!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.10.2018 kl 14:58 26686

Stor suksess for Tomras/Compacs (Compac er 100% eid av Tomra) Inspectra2! Etter meget vellykket utprøving i samarbeid med New Zealands store epleprodusent T & G skipes nå Inspectra2 ut i det globale markedet.


October 2, 2018

Following exceptional grading results during the 2018 apple season with T&G in New Zealand, Compac has begun volume shipping of their next generation internal grading system, Inspectra2, for installation globally. Inspectra2 has improved usability and greater performance to enable deployment as standard capability in packhouses to maximize yield and guarantee consumer eating experience, regardless of seasonal variability. Inspectra2 is available for all new sorters and as an upgrade for most existing sorting machines.

T&G are one of New Zealand’s largest apple exporters growing and marketing proprietary brands such as Envy™ and JAZZ™ to countries around the world. T&G’s brand promise requires a constant drive to deliver a high-quality eating experience for consumers. This vision to protect and enhance their brand aligned well with Compac and made them the perfect partner for the testing of Compac’s next generation near-infrared (NIR) platform, Inspectra2. The Inspectra2 was installed at T&G’s packing facility in Nelson, New Zealand, alongside their existing Spectrim external grading platform from Compac.

Morgan Rogers, head of quality and innovation pipfruit at T&G Global states that: “At a brand level, internal grading with NIR has enabled T&G to create a win/win for both consumers and growers.”

Twenty years ago, Inspectra1 pioneered the use of NIR at production speeds for internal quality grading of fresh produce.

Today, Inspectra2 uses more advanced NIR spectroscopy technologies which are also leveraged across TOMRA. Like the Compac Spectrim the Inspectra2 platform is future proofed with the power to support further enhancements.
The onsite validation showed a leap forward in internal grading performance, and Morgan notes: “We’ve been using Inspectra2 successfully this year with 20 percent improvement in the cleaning of fruit and protecting the growers’ interests by ensuring that only the bad fruit is removed. We’re able to retain the good fruit from the lines for sales.”
Inspectra2 was also created with operational usability at the forefront of its design. An improved user interface with streamlined modeling and calibration makes Inspectra² significantly easier to operate than its predecessor.
And while T&G continues to pursue its passion for freshness every day, everywhere, Compac, part of TOMRA Food, is actively investigating ways to better guarantee this freshness for consumers.

Mike Riley, CEO of Compac, summarized the new position: “We have many examples of customers recovering millions of dollars of variable produce, or creating new differentiated product lines with Inspectra1. Now, having improved the usability and performance, we are particularly excited by the ability to deploy Inspectra2 on more existing sorters to bring them up to the new standard of performance to meet customer demands.”

• Watch T&G’s testimonial to find out more about Inspectra²:
• See Inspectra² firsthand at the Compac/TOMRA Food booth at PMA, 18 – 20 October 2018, Booth 759.²-results-with-tg-global-demonstrate-leap-forward-in-internal-grading/
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.10.2018 kl 14:46 26707

Kjøttindustrien er kjempestor i Spania. Tomras QVision er garantist for topp kvalitet i produksjonen!

Sausage making improves with process analysis technology

October 1, 2018

The meat industry is one of the most powerful in Spain. Large business groups of national origin are well known leaders in Europe. On a smaller scale, some 3,000 companies make up this sector. The cured sausages, among which is the sausage, have experienced an increase in consumption in recent years and have been innovating their production processes based on technology.


QVision is highly efficient as it continuously analyzes fat, protein, moisture, collagen and weight. It also allows registering the individual raw materials to keep a check on the suppliers that do meet the required standards.

Why technology is necessary for the differentiation and quality of the product

"QVision brings reliability and consistency to processed meat such as sausage. It allows our clients a better precision of the batch standardization and a better platform to adjust the configuration for a later processing, that is, a better control and consistency of the drying process, with all the computer tools to achieve a complete traceability of their process with automatic reports of ERP systems, greater productivity, reduce human errors and make a smarter purchase of raw materials. Undoubtedly, QVision offers important advantages to take into account, "says Judit Jansana, Director for Spain and Portugal of Tomra Sorting Food.

Tomra kommer til å være tilstede under Gulfood Manufacturing, Dubai, UAE, 6. - 8.november.

Gulfood Manufacturing to showcase latest technologies

DUBAI, 2 days ago

When Gulfood Manufacturing’s doors open, 35,000-plus visitors will engage with a laboratory of the future exposed by some 1,600 exhibitors from 60 countries, including Scandinavian innovator Tomra, which believes technology holds the key to many of the challenges now facing the food production sector.

Tomra will stage a live demonstration of its new sensor-driven Tomra 5B sorter for vegetable and potato processing industries at the show. The sorter combines smart technology with a 360-degree, surround view inspection system that reduces final product waste three times faster than previous systems.

Bjorn Weyts, global marketing manager – food, Tomra, said: “This technological advancement not only improves the quantity of food available, but it also maintains the high levels of quality expected by consumers who are increasingly interested in what they are purchasing and in brand protection.”

“There is a worldwide requirement for improved food safety and robust traceability systems. Finite water and land resources, combined with ever-increasing populations, mean we must obtain greater yields from our natural resources, including food,” he said.

“Labour scarcity in both developed and developing countries, where people either do not want to undertake food processing work or they move away from rural agricultural areas to cities, also presents us with opportunities to introduce our machines,” he added.

Worldwide demand for food traceability is lining up alongside calls for reductions in food wastage and energy efficiency to drive innovation, according to Weyts. “Advancements in technology mean the use of satellite imagery and real-time data will increasingly be utilised to enhance the efficiency of produce’s journey from field to fork.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.08.2018 kl 13:55 27107

Tipper Capital Markets Day 21.september vil anskueliggjøre litt for markedet hvilke vanvittige posisjoner med eventyrlige globale markedsandeler innen megatrender med ekstreme vekstutsikter Tomra-ledelsen har posisjonert selskapet i.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.08.2018 kl 09:40 27164

Både og, Kommentatoren. Har vært med selskapet i mange år og er som deg enig i din vurdering av selskapet og dets ledelse. Synes bare en del kommentarer her inne er lite balansert i forhold til den kortsiktige utvikling. Langsiktig, ikke bekymret overhode?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.08.2018 kl 20:33 27274

Rufuss07 skrev Og ned går det!
Ja, i dag falt aksjekursen 2.20 (- 1.19%) Rufuss07. Ditt fokus er aksjekurs fra dag til dag? Aksjekurs fra dag til dag er i min verden litt sånn "ingen vet hvor haren hopper". Når det gjelder dette selskapet er jeg imidlertid så imponert over drift og ledelse at jeg knapt finner ord. Dermed er det vel unødvendig å si at jeg tror på fortsatt positiv kursutvikling fremover,



1 u. +0,78% 186,00 177,80
1 mnd. +6,28% 186,00 167,20
3 mnd. +2,82% 194,00 165,00
i år +41,93% 194,00 121,20
1 år +58,96% 194,00 108,50
3 år +153,02% 194,00 70,00
5 år +230,86% 194,00 43,70
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare