Ny 4d kontrakt Brasil 10 mnd.
Polarcus Limited ("Polarcus" or the "Company") (OSE: PLCS) announces the award of a marine seismic acquisition program in Brazil commencing in Q3 2020 with a duration of approximately 10 months. The program comprises 4D acquisition in obstructed areas with a multi-azimuth component
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 03:02
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12.12.2019 kl 07:36
(PETRONAS) awarding TGS and partners the exclusive rights to seek pre-funding for a project to deliver to industry a contiguous broadband 3D volume of over 40,000 sq km covering the Malay Basin. The resulting Peninsular Malaysia Mega-Merge seismic dataset will comprise both broadband reprocessing of existing legacy 3D data from field tapes, as well as new broadband 3D acquisition.
TGS is seeking pre-funding from all existing acreage holders in the Malay Basin, as well as any other oil and gas companies that are interested in tapping into the prolific Peninsular Malaysia region. DownUnder GeoSolutions (DUG) will be responsible for all processing work for the project - to be undertaken in Kuala Lumpur - and Polarcus will be responsible for all acquisition activity. This exciting multi-year project is expected to commence in Q2 2020
En liten påminnelse i tillegg til arbeidet de har startet utenfor Maylasia Elfenbenkysten Australia og Mauritania siste denne mnd.
TGS is seeking pre-funding from all existing acreage holders in the Malay Basin, as well as any other oil and gas companies that are interested in tapping into the prolific Peninsular Malaysia region. DownUnder GeoSolutions (DUG) will be responsible for all processing work for the project - to be undertaken in Kuala Lumpur - and Polarcus will be responsible for all acquisition activity. This exciting multi-year project is expected to commence in Q2 2020
En liten påminnelse i tillegg til arbeidet de har startet utenfor Maylasia Elfenbenkysten Australia og Mauritania siste denne mnd.
12.12.2019 kl 07:45
Redigert 12.12.2019 kl 07:48
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12.12.2019 kl 07:58
Synd at kursen ble kjørt ned i forkant av denne meldingen, ja forøvrig på alle meldinger fra PLCS. Nu får vi håpe at vi kan etablere oss på en oppadgående trend mot 5 kr. Godt med jobber og Nadia snart ut av bøya. Da, så.
Teknisk sett kom denne meldingen nærmest perfekt. Vi er riktig nok ikke helt nede på nedre diagonal i etablert langsiktig positiv kanal men denne er kun svakt stigende. Vi trenger en sterkere stigningstakt. Får vi en vending opp nå og brudd opp gjennom 1,30 - 1,40 er mye gjort. Har en sterk tro på at Polarcus igjen vil bli en "nyttårsrakett". Denne gangen med betydelig substans og ikke bare tro, håp og kjærlighet.. Blir en spennende dag uke/r..
Bra med kontrakter, men til hvilken pris? Kryptisk melding fra polarcus. Det er ikke et propritært polarcus XArray prosjekt. 10 måneder, merkelige greier. Jeg tror skipet skal brukes hovedsakelig som skyteskip for 4D nodeseismikk, men at polarcus også skal bruke streamere på enkelte flekker. 10 måneder MAZ isolert sett, gir ingen mening.
Redigert 12.12.2019 kl 08:24
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12.12.2019 kl 09:26
Nadia skal nok aldri ut av bøya, altfor dyrt å reaktivere den. det er billigere å bygge ny
Kryptisk alt for meg som er landkrabbe.
Hva står det egentlig i børsmeldingen - er det negativt ????
Huff, huff.
Hva står det egentlig i børsmeldingen - er det negativt ????
Huff, huff.
12.12.2019 kl 09:49
Du vet så veldig mye. Er søkkimponert hva du har satt deg inn i vedr. PLCS.
Vi kan få en squeeze over 1.40 snart.
Nordeas siste analyse fra 06.11.19. konkluderer med target 1,70.
Blir enkelt og heve den prisen.
Huff, huff.
Blir enkelt og heve den prisen.
Huff, huff.
300 000 forsøker ved et skremmeskudd å trekke kjøpet på 1.21.
Stølen, er nok ingen andre som vet noe utover det som nevnes i kontrakten.
Stølen, er nok ingen andre som vet noe utover det som nevnes i kontrakten.
Redigert 12.12.2019 kl 11:13
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Er ikke 10 mnd. (ny jobb) det viktigeste ?
De er heller ikke arbeidsledig nå.
Verden trenger fortsatt nye olje/gass felt, samt kartlagt havbunnen.
Huff, huff.
De er heller ikke arbeidsledig nå.
Verden trenger fortsatt nye olje/gass felt, samt kartlagt havbunnen.
Huff, huff.
Ressursene på norsk sokkel
Ferske tall fra Norsk olje og gass: Venter ny topp i oljeinvesteringer i 2020
Norsk olje og gass venter at oljeinvesteringene fortsetter å stige i 2020, før fallet begynner. For ett år siden trodde organisasjonen på en topp i 2019.
Polarcus har kansje vært med på kartleggingen av hele norskesokkelen, men verden er stor.
Polacus ligger ligger i smørøyet når det gjelder karlegging av havområdene der de er nå.
Huff, huff.
Ferske tall fra Norsk olje og gass: Venter ny topp i oljeinvesteringer i 2020
Norsk olje og gass venter at oljeinvesteringene fortsetter å stige i 2020, før fallet begynner. For ett år siden trodde organisasjonen på en topp i 2019.
Polarcus har kansje vært med på kartleggingen av hele norskesokkelen, men verden er stor.
Polacus ligger ligger i smørøyet når det gjelder karlegging av havområdene der de er nå.
Huff, huff.
Dette oppdraget minner om et lignende oppdrag Polarcus utførte for en stund siden, hvor de gikk høyt ut og skrøt av XArray i samarbeid med nodeselskap. Denne gang, tror jeg det er en enklere variant, hvor Polarcus skal patche streamerdata på spesifikke plasser med 8 streamere eller færre, i tillegg til å være tilgjengelig med luftkanonen til Petrobras sine nodeprosjekter i 10 mnd. Dette matcher også med Seabed Geosolutions sitt nodeprosjekt som starter i Q2-20. Da vil de typisk bruke noen uker på å legge nodene, så kjøres det over med luftkanon etterpå.
Hvis dette hadde vært en et rent streamerprosjekt, ville 10 mnd blitt omtalt som «Large contract» i meldingen.
Derfor er det også rart at meldingen er formulert som at polarcus har fått en 10 måneders kontrakt, men faktum er antakelig at de skal delta i et 10 mnd program.
Hvis dette hadde vært en et rent streamerprosjekt, ville 10 mnd blitt omtalt som «Large contract» i meldingen.
Derfor er det også rart at meldingen er formulert som at polarcus har fått en 10 måneders kontrakt, men faktum er antakelig at de skal delta i et 10 mnd program.
Spørsmålet blir da - deltar de gratis i et 10 mnd. kontrakt ?
Huff, huff.
Huff, huff.
12.12.2019 kl 21:31
Opplever ikke at de går spesielt høyt ut nå hvertfall. Kan tenkes de fortsatt venter på noen avklaringer og siste forhandlinger før de kan gå ut med hvilket fartøy og verdi på prosjektet
Hvis du har lest noen av polarcus sine børsmeldinger før, så ser du at de svært sjeldent eller aldri oppgir verdi på oppdrag. Det er riktig at de enkelte ganger oppgir hvilket skip som skal brukes.
Jeg oppfatter dagens melding, at de skal delta i et 10 måneders større prosjekt med Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Det står faktisk heller ikke i meldingen at Polarcus skal utføre 4D seismikk, det står at programmet består av 4D seismikk i krevende områder. Det betyr i verste fall at Polarcus kun skal bruke luftkanonen, i beste fall at de skal patche små områder med streamer, multi-azimuth betyr implisitt små områder. Men 4D i krevende områder, er typisk mat for noder, ikke streamer.
Jeg oppfatter dagens melding, at de skal delta i et 10 måneders større prosjekt med Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Det står faktisk heller ikke i meldingen at Polarcus skal utføre 4D seismikk, det står at programmet består av 4D seismikk i krevende områder. Det betyr i verste fall at Polarcus kun skal bruke luftkanonen, i beste fall at de skal patche små områder med streamer, multi-azimuth betyr implisitt små områder. Men 4D i krevende områder, er typisk mat for noder, ikke streamer.
Uansett hadde de ikke gått inn i denne avtalen uten at den er økonomisk lukrativ. Mao en rate på 40 - 50% over ratenivå i fjord. De har klart gitt uttrykk for at det er plenty med jobber i "pipe line". Så... Dette er en gullkantet "kontrakt" for PLCS og for oss aksjonærer. Back logg nå er formidabel og bedre vil den bli..
Hva betyr "krevende områder" ?
Huff, huff.
Huff, huff.
Etter all sannsynlighet krevde geologiske forhold, i form av veldig kupert bunnforhold. En av hovedårsakene til at Magseis ble valgt til å jobbe i flere år for Saudi Aramco, var fordi bunnen var kupert og varierte fra 300 meter til 3000 meter.
Lyttekablene (streamere) slepes rett under havoverflaten og jo dypere havet er, jo mer vann må lydbølgende bryte igjennon. Vannmengden lager støy i bildene. Når nodene til magseis legges på havbunnen, slipper man støyen og bildene blir mye bedre.
Lyttekablene (streamere) slepes rett under havoverflaten og jo dypere havet er, jo mer vann må lydbølgende bryte igjennon. Vannmengden lager støy i bildene. Når nodene til magseis legges på havbunnen, slipper man støyen og bildene blir mye bedre.
Redigert 12.12.2019 kl 23:37
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12.12.2019 kl 23:57
Polarcus the company expects the oil companies will spend around $3.6 billion on marine seismic in 2020, up from $3 billion in 2018.
Redigert 13.12.2019 kl 00:00
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19.12.2019 kl 20:34
Kan det tenkes at dette er noe av årsaken til den voldsomme oppgangen tidligere idag?
25.12.2019 kl 10:29
Seismic utført av Polarcus?
Seismic utført av Polarcus?
Redigert 25.12.2019 kl 10:32
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Regner med at 1,35 blir tatt ut hvert øyeblikk.
Følg med.
Huff, huff.
Følg med.
Huff, huff.
27.12.2019 kl 10:01
Når en ser oppgangen på Mseis ved kontraktsinngåelse, kan en jo lure på hva som skjer med PLCS. Det er dypt manipulerende.
27.12.2019 kl 10:04
Regner med at Polarcus kommer med sin OBN hybrid snart.
Regner med at Polarcus kommer med sin OBN hybrid snart.
Redigert 27.12.2019 kl 10:06
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28.12.2019 kl 21:29
OBN activities are fairly against oil price volatility as they are mostly aimed at getting more oil out of existing production fields. There are reasons to believe that OBN technology will also be used to search for new fields in the future. However, it is important to bear in mind that OBN surveys are not yet effective enough to replace towed streamers. I therefore believe that the majority of seismic research for new fields will still be performed using regular 2D (single streamer) and 3D (multi-streamer) operations. We have actually just upgraded one of our source vessels to perform both 2D and 3D streamer operations in relation to a contract with Seabird, plus taken on management of a high-end 12-streamer vessel capable of doing advanced multi-streamer operations for multiple clients, including wide azimuth acquisition.
Looking ahead and looking at the map, we believe there is great potential for oil and gas exploration in the North Sea and Barents Sea, which lies north of Norway and Russia in the Arctic Ocean. We also expect West Africa, the Middle East and the Gulf of Mexico to be busy in the next years, especially for OBN operations and wide azimuth programmes. There are interesting discussions ongoing about whether the US East Coast between Newfoundland and Florida will open up for seismic activities. That would bring exciting opportunities
Fra en konkurent sitt syn på fremtiden innen offshore seismikk
Han glemte forøvrig Australia, Asia,Brasil.Argentina,Sør Amerika vest.Midelhavet osv. Med mye seismic leting de neste årene
Looking ahead and looking at the map, we believe there is great potential for oil and gas exploration in the North Sea and Barents Sea, which lies north of Norway and Russia in the Arctic Ocean. We also expect West Africa, the Middle East and the Gulf of Mexico to be busy in the next years, especially for OBN operations and wide azimuth programmes. There are interesting discussions ongoing about whether the US East Coast between Newfoundland and Florida will open up for seismic activities. That would bring exciting opportunities
Fra en konkurent sitt syn på fremtiden innen offshore seismikk
Han glemte forøvrig Australia, Asia,Brasil.Argentina,Sør Amerika vest.Midelhavet osv. Med mye seismic leting de neste årene
Redigert 28.12.2019 kl 21:48
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29.12.2019 kl 11:01
29.12.2019 kl 19:12
You have to find the oil before you can drill.
By Kathy A. Smith
The work of marine seismic survey companies is becoming more and more critical as the world’s recoverable oil and gas reserves continue to be a concern. The search for new carbon deposits ranges farther and farther offshore, and deeper and deeper beneath the surface, often in harsh, inhospitable climates. According to most estimates, seismic activity is expected to grow 10 percent this year with business picking up in the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic continuing to be a hot exploration frontier.
Where Are the New Reserves?
“There are an estimated 380 billion barrels of undiscovered oil and gas north of the Arctic Circle that remain to be found, of which 84 percent is expected to occur in offshore areas,” says Peter Zickerman, Executive Vice President and Head of Strategic Investments for seismic explorer Polarcus in Dubai. “Until the world finds alternative energy sources, the quest to find new oil reserves and maximize extraction from existing fields remains paramount.” Fast-growing Polarcus doubled its fleet in 2011 from three to six vessels and expects growth of 15 to 20 percent this year. It’s particularly strong in Ice Class and the Arctic and committed to reducing its environmental footprint while maintaining a cutting-edge, green seismic fleet.
All of its Arctic-ready vessels are double-hulled and feature numerous environmentally-conscious features, including high-spec catalytic converters, low-sulfur fuel, and advanced ballast and bilge water cleaning systems. The ships’ innovative Ulstein X-Bow® design reduces the pitch/heave acceleration through the water, giving a comfortable ride while decreasing “slamming,” the wave/hull noise that interferes with the acoustic source used in acquiring seismic data. They also have an SPS (Special Purpose Ships) class notation for better stability and evacuation routes and will soon have Triple E (Environmental & Energy Efficiency) DNV accreditation.
The ships are equipped with up to 14 streamers for gathering subsurface data through hydrophones. A survey vessel shoots with an air gun and measures the interval between the sound wave’s hitting the ocean floor and bouncing back to the surface. As Zickerman explains with a hypothetical scenario, 10 to 12 eight-kilometer streamers can be towed between six and 12 meters below sea level at a speed of four and a half to five knots. With the separation between the streamers at about 100 meters each, the display becomes one of the world’s largest moving objects, the equivalent of 1,200 football fields. “By pulling multiple streamers you get a three-dimensional image of the subsurface. So we acquire the data, and the client ultimately interprets it and decides if they want to drill. That’s the only real way to explore before you can even consider drilling,” he says.
Places like the Gulf of Mexico and Northwest Europe, which have been explored several times over, require companies to constantly fine-tune their data-gathering techniques to find hydrocarbons through deeper and more complex geology. “Planning starts with geological objectives,” explains Zickerman, “and the right plan provides the geological solution, not just the technology itself, and that’s been our breakthrough.”
Two newbuilds with ICE-1A superclass notation are nearing completion. Remarkably for a company founded just four years ago, Polarcus has been given 100 percent of all the Arctic work in Greenland so far this year for companies like Shell. “We are expecting that the Arctic will open up more aggressively, driven by the petrodollar,” adds Zickerman. “With our ice class vessels, we have the ability to extend the Arctic season and operate responsibly in very sensitive areas.”
Obs dette er en gammel artikkel selv om det står 29.12.2019 på siden. Ble selv litt lurt :-)
Men leteområdene ligger der enda.
You have to find the oil before you can drill.
By Kathy A. Smith
The work of marine seismic survey companies is becoming more and more critical as the world’s recoverable oil and gas reserves continue to be a concern. The search for new carbon deposits ranges farther and farther offshore, and deeper and deeper beneath the surface, often in harsh, inhospitable climates. According to most estimates, seismic activity is expected to grow 10 percent this year with business picking up in the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic continuing to be a hot exploration frontier.
Where Are the New Reserves?
“There are an estimated 380 billion barrels of undiscovered oil and gas north of the Arctic Circle that remain to be found, of which 84 percent is expected to occur in offshore areas,” says Peter Zickerman, Executive Vice President and Head of Strategic Investments for seismic explorer Polarcus in Dubai. “Until the world finds alternative energy sources, the quest to find new oil reserves and maximize extraction from existing fields remains paramount.” Fast-growing Polarcus doubled its fleet in 2011 from three to six vessels and expects growth of 15 to 20 percent this year. It’s particularly strong in Ice Class and the Arctic and committed to reducing its environmental footprint while maintaining a cutting-edge, green seismic fleet.
All of its Arctic-ready vessels are double-hulled and feature numerous environmentally-conscious features, including high-spec catalytic converters, low-sulfur fuel, and advanced ballast and bilge water cleaning systems. The ships’ innovative Ulstein X-Bow® design reduces the pitch/heave acceleration through the water, giving a comfortable ride while decreasing “slamming,” the wave/hull noise that interferes with the acoustic source used in acquiring seismic data. They also have an SPS (Special Purpose Ships) class notation for better stability and evacuation routes and will soon have Triple E (Environmental & Energy Efficiency) DNV accreditation.
The ships are equipped with up to 14 streamers for gathering subsurface data through hydrophones. A survey vessel shoots with an air gun and measures the interval between the sound wave’s hitting the ocean floor and bouncing back to the surface. As Zickerman explains with a hypothetical scenario, 10 to 12 eight-kilometer streamers can be towed between six and 12 meters below sea level at a speed of four and a half to five knots. With the separation between the streamers at about 100 meters each, the display becomes one of the world’s largest moving objects, the equivalent of 1,200 football fields. “By pulling multiple streamers you get a three-dimensional image of the subsurface. So we acquire the data, and the client ultimately interprets it and decides if they want to drill. That’s the only real way to explore before you can even consider drilling,” he says.
Places like the Gulf of Mexico and Northwest Europe, which have been explored several times over, require companies to constantly fine-tune their data-gathering techniques to find hydrocarbons through deeper and more complex geology. “Planning starts with geological objectives,” explains Zickerman, “and the right plan provides the geological solution, not just the technology itself, and that’s been our breakthrough.”
Two newbuilds with ICE-1A superclass notation are nearing completion. Remarkably for a company founded just four years ago, Polarcus has been given 100 percent of all the Arctic work in Greenland so far this year for companies like Shell. “We are expecting that the Arctic will open up more aggressively, driven by the petrodollar,” adds Zickerman. “With our ice class vessels, we have the ability to extend the Arctic season and operate responsibly in very sensitive areas.”
Obs dette er en gammel artikkel selv om det står 29.12.2019 på siden. Ble selv litt lurt :-)
Men leteområdene ligger der enda.
Redigert 29.12.2019 kl 19:45
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