QEC - Myndighetene i Quebec åpner for ny pipeline

QEC 24.11.2017 kl 09:10 3965

Det vurderes ny rørledning for å koble ny olje og gass utvinning i Quebec til havna i Gaspésie!Minister Couilliard uttaler seg svært positivt!

"According to the forecasts presented so far, it was a question of constructing a gas pipeline to connect the exploitation site with the port of Gaspé, where the natural gas would be liquefied on board a floating factory, before its export by boat."

"The Quebec government is the company's main partner in the Bourque project."


Det er jo også spennende å lese at myndighetene står bak og heier på fracking! :-)

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Gaspésie: a new deposit would contain more than 800 million barrels of oil
November 23 2017 22h55 | Alexandre Shields | Environmental news
The Bourque project, started in 2012 by Petrolia, received political and financial support from the Couillard government.
Photo: Petrolia Source
The Bourque project, started in 2012 by Petrolia, received political and financial support from the Couillard government.
The company Pieridae Energy, which has just taken control of Pétrolia, says that the Bourque deposit, located in Gaspésie, could contain more than 800 million barrels of oil. This is a major development for this project, which has always been presented for its potential in natural gas. The Quebec government is the company's main partner in the Bourque project.
In a news release, Alberta-based Pieridae Energy announced Thursday an "update" on the Bourque project, following analyzes of new drilling and production testing this year.
According to an evaluation report of the Bourque project drafted by the firm Sproule - the same one that evaluated the oil potential of Anticosti - the "deposit" located east of Murdochville could contain a "volume of oil initially in place" 827 million barrels of oil.
"The report estimates a 90% chance that this volume is 256 million barrels [low estimate] and a 10% chance that the volume will be equal to or greater than 1606 million barrels [high estimate]," said Pieridae Energy. in his press release. This means that the most optimistic estimate is the presence of more than 1.6 billion barrels of oil.
These preliminary estimates "do not take into account the hydrocarbon recovery factor in place nor the economic nature of their potential development," the statement said.
Government support
The Bourque project, started in 2012 by Petrolia, received political and financial support from the Couillard government. The Petrolia company received $ 12.3 million to develop this exploration project through the Capital Mines Hydrocarbures fund, in addition to receiving another $ 9.4 million investment in the same company. project from Investissement Québec.
The Quebec government is also a major partner in the development of this project, 45% behind Pieridae, which holds a 51.03% stake.
In announcing the government's successive investments, Prime Minister Philippe Couillard and former Energy Minister Pierre Arcand, however, have always presented the Bourque project as a good project for Quebec, banking on the fact that natural gas could represent a source of energy of "transition".
From gas to oil
The announcement of a significant oil potential is therefore a whole change of situation. So far, this exploration project has been presented primarily for its potential for conventional natural gas, although Pétrolia has conducted horizontal drilling and has used acid solutions for the "stimulation" of at least one of his wells on the site Bourque.
According to the forecasts presented so far, it was a question of constructing a gas pipeline to connect the exploitation site with the port of Gaspé, where the natural gas would be liquefied on board a floating factory, before its export by boat.
The statement released Thursday does not specify, however, what could be the next steps for the Bourque project. The Calgary company simply states that its possible "development" will be in accordance with the legislative framework in force in Quebec and according to the highest standards of the industry in terms of environmental protection.
By merging with Petrolia, Pieridae has acquired several exploration licenses in Gaspésie.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 18:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.11.2017 kl 09:22 3834

Takk for info.
El loco
24.11.2017 kl 09:26 3805

Det er da voldsomt som du følger med ak78! Takk for info!
24.11.2017 kl 09:36 3767

Kan vel ikke si så mye annet enn at dette er gode nyheter :-)
Fint for Pieridae at de har gjort et stort funn, en enda bedre for oss å lese at myndighetene er såååå involvert og positive til utvinning (også med fracking) og ny infrastruktur! Men også det faktum at Pieridae ser at utvinning i tråd med de strenge miljøhensyn som råder i Quebec er fullt mulig.

The Bourque project has the support of several Gaspésie and Côte-Nord municipalities. The development of the Bourque project will be done in compliance with the legislative framework in force in Québec and according to the highest industry standards for environmental protection. It must be noted that Québec has some of the most rigorous environmental standards in North America.

Karl Ewa
24.11.2017 kl 09:41 3741

Dette var jo supert. takk til dere som følger og deler.
24.11.2017 kl 10:13 3650

Tak ak78

Suppleret her i 5,10

Ha' en dejlig weekend

24.11.2017 kl 10:16 3631

Ja, det bliver tydeligere og tydeligere, hvilken vej det går. Det bliver spændende at se, hvor mange indsigelser der kommer og om det er noget, der får indflydelse på de endelige reguleringer. Ikke meget tyder på, at regeringen har tænkt sig at forsinke loven.
Nano Rekyl
24.11.2017 kl 11:13 3525


Veldig bra!

Ha en god børsdag alle sammen!
24.11.2017 kl 11:55 3467

Heldig du som hadde mer å handle for nå...for her vet vi det kommer til å skje store ting straks....syns det virker helt idioti at kursen er så lav med alle de indisiene som peker i en stor retning der ute. Og for hver dag som går...jo flere tegn kommer det i media, twitter, uttalelser, etc...Men jeg er godt lastet opp så skal ikke klage ;-)
Slettet bruker
24.11.2017 kl 13:07 3381

Petrolia har high ranking hos myndighetene . Merk årstallet 2012.
"The Bourque project, started in 2012 by Petrolia, received political and financial support from the Couillard government"
Redigert 24.11.2017 kl 13:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.11.2017 kl 13:26 3326

Takker TS.
Er overbevist om at dette går veien for qec.
Selskapet har nå flere ben og stå på og meget godt posjonert for sterk økning og produksjonen de neste år.
Selv om hovedmålet for qec er og påvise verdiene og klargjøre for salg.

Ha en strålende helg.
24.11.2017 kl 13:43 3297

Nå våkner Canada til dette på forsiden av RadioCanada (nrk i Canada) sin webside:


Og jeg tror vi skal opp på slutten i dag.
I tillegg står det en artikkel på samme sted om at Myndighetene i Quebec har økt tillit hos sine innbyggere....dette i forbindelse med en korrupsjonsskandale i 2015 og at det har blitt iverksatt tiltak for å bedre sikkerheten mot korrupsjon. Undersøkelser viser nå altså at det er økt tillit fra lokalbefolkningen. En slik fornyet tillit hadde ikke skjedd dersom et flertall av innbyggerne var i mot olje og gass utvinning i og med Bill106 er vedtatt og reguleringen er pre-publisert!