USA 18.12.2019 kl 11:01 19021

Demokratene kommer til å gå på en kjemesmell frem mot presidentvalget 2020. ( se også del 1 & 2, som ble litt lange)

Hovedpunktene er følgende:

De har aldri godtatt at de(Hillary) ble gruset i valget 2016. De startet et umiddelbart forsøk på kupp, rettet mot den folkevalgte presidenten DT.
Deres motivasjon var basert på hat, noe som gjorde dems blinde.
Dems hadde i mange årtier drevet sin establishment politikk med "pengegaver" (kjøpe seg venner/avstemninger, les korrupsjon, spesielt EPSTEIN/SOROS) .
Etter som fokus på korrupsjon økte, også i "smørelandet" over alle smøreland... fant dems på at det var smart å hvitvaske disse pengegavene over i foundation. Det grelleste eksempelet i så måte er Clinton maffiossos foundation.
90 % av pengestrømmen til dette hvitvaskningsinstituttet, kom i 2016 fra.... Ukraina. ( Nå er heldigvis pengestrømmen nede i 10% av det den engang var, SOROS sentral også her)

DT gikk på valg på følgende;
Make america great again =
Fokus på USA
Rydde opp i handelsavtaler
Rydde opp i 8 års vannstyre ( Barak "I do nothing" Obama)
Ikke sende amerikanske soldater ut i kriger rundt omkring i verden
Sofistikert krig mot terror.
Bedre grensekontroll mot Mex
Bekjempe korrupsjon, også i USA - og kjempe mot et korrupt establishment , med samrøre til "deep state " og fake news.
Han satt fake news pressen sjakk matt med å ikke holde ordinære pressekontferanser ( som fake news kunne vri og vrenge på) - men gikk over til twitter-kommunikeer.

DT har innfridd på alle punkter. 7 MIL nye arbeidsplasser ( SYV) Ufattelig imponerende, og børs/katedral går som det suser.
Handelsavtale med Mex/Can - og nå også fase1 av handelsavtale med plyndrerdiktaturet Kina.

Denne enorme suksessen, har vært svært vanskelig å takle for hatefulle hjelpeløse dems. De har ingen reell kandidat til presidentvalget i 2020. Dette var de tidlig klar over, og de har konspirert seg fram til å starte en langvarig kupplan, med god støtte fra "sponsorene" ( bidragsyterne til hvitvaskningsinstituttene deres), deep state og ikke minst fake news. De har teppebombet amerikanere med fake news, som om de var dumme. De feilberegnet hele grunnen til at DT ble valgt. USA var drittlei korrupte establishment-pratemakere i WDC. De satt i 8 år , og så på at USA var på vei rett ned.

Dems har plantet flere konspirasjonsteorier mot sin folkevalgte president. De har igangsatt en rekke hatefulle prosesser, bla. fabrikert en russland-historie, gjemt unna all kompromenterende egen-kokilimonke i 30.000 email , som plutselig ble slettet osv osv. Mange av disse oppkonstruerte historiene, peker istedet mot Ukraina. DT hadde som kampsak Rydde opp i deep state og korrupsjon. Obama gav milliarder til Ukraina. Hva? Jo, tepper og til Burimsa-oligarken. Var det naturlig for TWH v/DT å se nærmere på denne ufattelige korrupsjonen? ( Ukraina er/var det tredje mest korrupte landet i Verden, 1, 5 MILLIARDER USD "FORSVANT" fra banken "privatbank" som er eid av Burisma-oligarken !)

DT kjente godt til deep state, alle lekkasjene, og at det var en rekke personer i utenriksdep som jobbet mot han, og var bidragsytere i kupp-planene ( som advokaten til den såkalte WB hadde bebudet i 2016) Derfor kunne han ikke stole må mange av disse, spesielt disse x- ukrainerne som var plassert inn, og geniforklart av Obama-adm - og spesielt håndplukket av selvest VP "one percent Joe".

Han opprettet en alternativ kanal for å få frem sannheten. Gulianni. Han fant raskt ut en hel del, bl.a. avdekket de hvor lekkasjene kom fra, hvem som baktalte DT og USA, og hvem som var åpenbare deep state members. Derfor røk bl.a. x-amb / x-ukraineren Yoka rett hjem.

Når nå valget nærmer seg, er det blitt mer og mer klart for dems at de vil tape valget i 2020. Deres eneste mulige kandidat var den mega korrupte Biden. Deres hat har gjort dem fullstendig blinde, og de lurte seg selv til å starte en helt meningsløs riksrettsprosess.

Hele hørings-farsen er blitt århundredets selvmål for dems. Alt slår rett tilbake på dem selv. Dems, One percent Joe/baby coca joe, deep state og ikke minst fake news media.

Nå er også IG-rapporten kommet. Horwitz kom med en passelig avmålt presentasjon, men alle kan se at sentrale Deep state members stod bak en skandaløs virksomhet. Dems v/Hillary foundation bestilte/kjøpte Steel-rapporten. Den ble sendt til deep state members i FBI . De startet dobbelsjekk av kildemateriale, som viste seg å være "barsnakk". Til tross for dette, iverksatte de spionering på DT sitt valgkampapparat. Dette med forfalskede rapporter og underkommunisert info at hele steel rapporten var oppkonstruert. Lisa Page/ Peter Strokz og ikke minst Comic Hagfish Comey sitter nå å venter på Duhram. Den godeste Duhram har et langt videre mandat, og har virkemidler , les handcuffs. Han vil avslør den komplette dems-skandalen/deep state-skandalen ca. april/mai-2020. Da kan man gjøre klar Guatanamo-basen.

Riksrettsaken vil ble nedstemt i senatet, UTEN VITNEFØRSEL. Republikanerne vil avslutte schifty schitt-sirkuset. Schity svhitt har løyet en rekke ganger, men vært så "smart/sleip" at han ikke selv har vært under ed. Schity schitt er prototypen på en dems-hagfish.

Utover våren vil restene av dems-kandidatene spise hverandre, og den som gjenstår vil bli en lettvekter. DT vil vinne valget 2020 på walk over.
Dems vil være utradert, og Jordan/Nunes/Pence vil vinne valget i 2024 og 2028. I 2028 kan de håpe at de klarer å gjenreise partiet UTEN Schifty schitt og butox-pelosi.

Her er noen videoer, som illustrerer litt av det Durham sysler med for tiden.
THE BIGGEST COVER UP IN POLITICAL HISTORY Fake news media vil ikke se dette, men det kommer snart intravenøst gjennom Durham-avsløringene. Fredrik fake news G / Batti-news , Klassekampen m.fl. vil hevde at dette er narritative nyheter, men de vil avsløre sin egen inkompetanse for undersøkende journalistikk.

DEL 1 av DEMS/BIDEN/UKRAINA KORRUPSJONS-SKANDALEN ( one percent joe/baby coca joe korrupsjon i Ukraina)

"In this special edition of One America News Investigates, Chanel Rion interviews several witnesses who destroy Adam Schiff's baseless impeachment case against President Trump. In a three part EXCLUSIVE report, Rudy Giuliani debunks the impeachment hoax and exposes Biden family corruption in Ukraine."

DEL 2 av DEMS/ BIDEN/ UKRAINA KORRUPSJONS-SKANDALEN ( Her blir Chalupa og fløyteblåser Eric Cindarella grundig avslørt + the black ledger is fake document)

("This is the document... with signatures, with stamps, with everything... Madame Yovanovitch lied to the American people.")


MORE to come
Redigert 19.12.2019 kl 15:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.01.2020 kl 18:09 1967


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo scoffed Tuesday at a suggestion that Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani was on a diplomatic mission to Baghdad when a U.S. drone strike killed him, insisting that the story is "fundamentally false" and "propaganda."

"Anybody here believe that?" Pompeo asked reporters when the claim was brought up during a Tuesday press briefing. "We know that wasn't true."

Video link:

The notion that Soleimani was on some sort of peace mission was first floated by Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi, who reportedly said at a Sunday session he was scheduled to meet with Soleimani and discuss a message from Saudi Arabia regarding possible agreements in the region.

Pompeo addressed the claim that Soleimani was supposed to work on a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia, stating that he spoke to Saudi officials about this.

"I can assure you that they will share my view that he was not there representing some kind of agreement that was going to reduce risk or reduce the risk to the lives of Americans while he was on that trip."

He also addressed claims from Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, who said the U.S. denied him a visa to speak at United Nations headquarters later this week and blasted the U.S. strike as an act of "terrorism."

Pompeo dismissed Zarif as "a propagandist of the first order," while insisting the claim of a diplomatic mission has no merit.

"It's not new, we've heard these same lies before. It's fundamentally false," he said.

When asked about concerns of potential international law violations after President Trump claimed that Iranian cultural sites were possible targets should Iran retaliate after Soleimani's death, Pompeo insisted that any U.S. action will be proper.

"Every target that's being reviewed, every effort that's being made will always be conducted inside the international laws," he said.

Redigert 07.01.2020 kl 18:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.01.2020 kl 10:48 1922


2020 Democrats risk backlash in trashing Trump’s Iran strike
Video link:
A week ago, the top challenge facing Democrats was how to run against Donald Trump in a strong economy.

Now they face a dual dilemma, namely how to run against a president who also, for all the criticism around the globe, took out Iran’s top terrorist.

The most liberal 2020 contenders are ratcheting up their rhetoric on the killing of Qassam Soleimani, which they obviously believe plays well with the party’s left wing. But when the general election rolls around, it could leave them looking like their sympathies are misplaced.

The situation is obviously complicated, and will be influenced by how the Iranians retaliate, the magnitude of the president’s counterattack, and whether Iraq destabilizes the region by expelling American troops. The Bush invasion of Iraq looked very different a year later.

Bernie Sanders cast Trump’s decision in the harshest possible light by telling CNN’s Anderson Cooper:

"This guy, you know, was, as bad as he was, an official of the Iranian government. And, you unleash -- then, if China does that, you know, if Russia does that, you know, Russia has been implicated under Putin with assassinating dissidents."

Now I understand the argument that Soleimani, in addition to being one of the region’s top terrorists and responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans, was also part of the Tehran regime and therefore should have been off-limits.

But comparing what the president of the United States did to Vladimir Putin having political dissidents murdered is rather offensive. And yet it will undoubtedly draw some cheers on the Trump-hating left.

Elizabeth Warren, while accusing the president of a “reckless move,” initially called Soleimani a “murderer” who was “responsible for the deaths of thousands.”

But by Sunday morning, Warren was describing Soleimani only as "a government official, a high-ranking military official." In a CNN interview with Jake Tapper, she said that next week “the president of the United States could be facing an impeachment trial in the Senate. We know he's deeply upset about that. And I think people are reasonably asking, why this moment? Why does he pick now to take this highly inflammatory, highly dangerous action that moves us closer to war?"

As Chris Cillizza put it, “Wow. We went from ‘murderer’ to ‘wag the dog’ in the space of a few days.”

Again, I get the distract-from-impeachment argument. But why promote Soleimani as just “a high-ranking military official”?

On "The View" Tuesday, it took Meghan McCain three attempts before Warren tersely acknowledged that Soleimani was a terrorist.

Such rhetoric has opened the door to criticism from the likes of Nikki Haley. “The only ones mourning the loss of Soleimani are our Democrat leadership and Democrat presidential candidates,” she told Fox. That’s political spin—almost no one in America is “mourning” the general’s death—but the former U.N. ambassador knows her target.

The more moderate Democrats have been more restrained.

Joe Biden, looking at the long-term effects, said Iran would boost its nuclear program and that “this is totally a crisis of Donald Trump’s making.”

Iran, he said ungrammatically, “now is going to be the person occupying and influencing Iraq, which is clearly not very much in our interest." Biden, of course, was vice president when the Iranians agreed to a nuclear deal.

The furor gives Pete Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan, a chance to play up his military credentials. He dodged Tapper’s question on whether the Soleimani killing was an “assassination,” saying he’s interested in consequences: “Did the president have legal authority to do this? Why wasn't Congress consulted? It seems like more people at Mar-a-Lago heard about this than people in the United States Congress who are a coequal branch of government with a responsibility to consult. Which of our allies were consulted?”

And the former mayor told reporters in New Hampshire: “You could also argue that we wouldn’t be there if it weren't for the invasion of Iraq in the first place, which I still believe was a grave mistake.” (Sanders, meanwhile, is using the occasion to rip Biden for voting for Bush’s Iraq invasion, which is true but also happened 17 years ago.)

Biden, Bernie and Buttigieg are in a three-way tie in Iowa, at 23 percent, with Warren 7 points back, according to a new CBS poll. Warren doesn’t want to let Sanders get too far to her left. And all the candidates have convince voters that they beat Trump, and that means besting him on the foreign policy crisis that is suddenly dominating the headlines.
08.01.2020 kl 11:11 1897


Liz Cheney calls Nancy Pelosi an 'embarrassment' after speaker spotted at party following missile fire on US troops in Iraq

U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi an “embarrassment” Tuesday evening after Pelosi reportedly attended a Washington restaurant opening following Iran's missile fire against U.S. troops in Iraq.

“Speaker Pelosi is an embarrassment and unfit for office,” Cheney wrote as she retweetd a photo posted online purportedly showing the speaker at the restaurant in Washington's Navy Yard neighborhood.
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08.01.2020 kl 11:15 1888

Hun burde heller golfe, se på TV og skjelle ut folk på twitter slik skikkelige folk driver med.

Liz Cheney er forøvrig datteren av hjernen bak Irak krigen, Dick Cheney.
Redigert 08.01.2020 kl 11:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.01.2020 kl 13:49 1816


Graham’s resolution calls on Pelosi to send articles of impeachment to Senate, says trial will start next week

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told Fox News in an interview Wednesday that the Senate will take up President Trump's impeachment trial next week shortly after he crafted a resolution that called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to deliver the articles of impeachment to the Senate.
Graham, the Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told Sean Hannity that Pelosi's "dam is about to crack," and cited recent reports that show emerging fissures in her own party. Several Democratic senators have publicly called on the articles to be delivered.
Redigert 09.01.2020 kl 13:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.01.2020 kl 13:55 1795

Well , Obama ble vell værende i Irak, så hjelpeløs som han var. I tillegg sendte 1.5milliarder usd til terrordiktaturet Iran , mot et verdiløst papir( den såkalte atomavtalen)

DT nevnte disse pengene , som kom i retur som missiler mot amerikanske ( og norske) styrker. Vanvittig.

John Kerry har forøvrig en iransk svigersønn som gjør store forretninger med Iran ( de samme pengene pay back??)

09.01.2020 kl 17:24 1774


Pressure mounts on Pelosi to transmit impeachment articles, as Dems lose patience

Video link:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is facing rising pressure to transmit articles of impeachment against President Trump to the Senate, as members of her own party signal they are losing patience with her delay tactics.

Pelosi, D-Calif., indicated to Democratic colleagues this week that she plans to continue to hold onto articles of impeachment, at least until Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., releases a resolution outlining the terms for a Senate trial.

Redigert 09.01.2020 kl 17:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
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09.01.2020 kl 17:27 1757

09.01.2020 kl 18:42 1739

Høringen om riksrett fungerer ikke som forventet......
Mens det var såååå hastverk i desember trekker Pelosi nå ut tiden og selv flere Dems
reagerer nå på denne treneringen av saken som i USA slår tilbake på Dems.
Slettet bruker
09.01.2020 kl 18:46 1727

#fritterte kyllinger på norsk
09.01.2020 kl 21:37 1713


Trump calls on all Republicans to oppose ‘Crazy Nancy Pelosi’s’ War Powers Resolution

President Trump called on fellow Republicans to oppose a resolution meant to place restrictions on his ability to take military action without congressional approval, as the House prepares to vote on the measure late Thursday.

09.01.2020 kl 21:49 1705


Jeanne Zaino: Impeachment has been a 'fundraising bonanza' for Trump and is a 'problem' for Democrats
Video link:
Jeanne Zaino, a professor of Political Science and International Studies at Iona College, said Thursday that President Trump's impeachment has been a “fundraising bonanza” for him and is a “problem for the Democrats in the only states that matter, which are the seven swing states that will decide this election.”

“That is a reason that these Democrats in the Senate are coming over and saying [to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi], ‘You got to send these [articles] now. We have got to get this done with.’ And they are right about that,” Zaino said on “Outnumbered."

Pelosi, D-Calif., has indicated that she plans to keep hold of the articles of impeachment until Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., releases a resolution outlining the terms for a Senate trial.

"We need to see the arena in which we are sending our [impeachment] managers. Is that too much to ask?" Pelosi said Thursday, adding she first wants to know the "terms of engagement" for a Senate trial and voicing concern that senators won't be impartial.

Democrats on both sides of Capitol Hill are saying it's time for the impeachment trial of Trump -- on allegations of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress -- to proceed in the Senate.

“I think it’s time to turn the articles over,” Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said Wednesday on Fox News' "America's Newsroom." “Let’s see where the Senate can take it.”

Even Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., called out Pelosi for the delay.

McConnell has insisted that the Senate should begin the trial before settling issues surrounding potential witnesses, declaring he will not haggle with Pelosi and accusing her Thursday of playing "irresponsible games."

Zaino said she thinks one reason Pelosi is holding on to the articles is that "she was hoping to peel off some of those Republicans in the Senate who might be inclined to push McConnell to change the rules, [but] that didn’t happen.

"Now she wants to just underscore the fact that we know the outcome, he [Trump] will be acquitted and she wants to be able to say that the process has been unfair," Zaino added. " ... She is going to hand these over, she has to."

On Thursday, Pelosi said she won't hold the articles indefinitely, and suggested she could send them to the Senate soon.
Redigert 09.01.2020 kl 21:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.01.2020 kl 23:07 1698


Michael Goodwin: Trump's still president, Iran blinked, stocks are soaring – Wrong again, Chicken Littles

If you went to bed early Tuesday, you were surprised to wake up Wednesday and learn that World War III has been delayed. No doubt you were also shocked that Iran blinked, oil prices were tumbling and the stock market was soaring.

Once again, the Chicken Little chorus got everything all wrong. The sky isn’t falling and Donald Trump pulled off a huge victory. Oh, and he’s still president.

Iran’s decision to pretend it was retaliating for the death of Qassem Soleimani by lobbing ineffective missiles is terrific news for America and freedom-loving people everywhere. So was Trump’s Wednesday offer of negotiations, which he wrapped in even tougher economic sanctions and warnings against any new attacks on Americans.

Once again, the Chicken Little chorus got everything all wrong. The sky isn’t falling and Donald Trump pulled off a huge victory. Oh, and he’s still president.

Over the last week, the president has put on a clinic in seeking peace while projecting strength. Just don’t expect to find the outcome described that way in the New York Times or on CNN.

Comically, the Times tried to turn America’s victory into defeat, with its top headline declaring that “Trump Backs Away From Further Military Conflict With Iran.” Imagine the headline if he had chosen the military option.

The Times is so deep into the anti-Trump weeds that it swallowed the mullahs’ propaganda that the crush of Iranians said to be mourning the death of Soleimani took to the streets voluntarily.
10.01.2020 kl 00:56 1685

Dems in panic mode
Pete Butt er ferdig før sirkus dems er startet

Buttigieg faces backlash for suggesting America's 'tit for tat' with Iran responsible for downed airplane
Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg is facing intense backlash for suggesting that America's "tit for tat" with Iran is responsible for the downed Ukrainian airplane.

The Ukrainian passenger plane that crashed shortly after taking off from Tehran’s international airport Wednesday was shot down by mistake by an Iranian anti-aircraft missile, Pentagon officials told Fox News.

Officials said U.S. intelligence increasingly points at the airliner being accidentally struck by a Russian-made missile, killing all 176 people on board the flight, just hours after Iran fired more than a dozen ballistic missiles targeting two military bases housing American and coalition troops.

However, Buttigieg's response to the latest developments appears to place blame on both the U.S. and Iran for Iran's accidental firing
"Innocent civilians are now dead because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat," Buttigieg tweeted. "My thoughts are with the families and loved ones of all 176 souls lost aboard this flight."

The tweet was pummelled on social media as critics slammed the 2020 presidential hopeful for placing blame on both the U.S. and Iran for the regime's deadly missile firing.

"Uh, Pete, they weren’t 'caught in the middle.' They were shot down BY IRAN. Military incompetence by the leading state sponsor of terrorism. Just because Dems hate Trump doesn’t justify false equivalence w/ Iran. Soleimani was a brutal terrorist who killed hundreds of Americans," Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, reacted.

"Nope. Nope. Nope," The Dispatch senior editor David French hit back. "Iran launched a missile strike against our own troops, and then blundered by shooting down a civilian airliner when it wasn't even under attack. That's the story. This is on Iran."

"If running for president doesn't work, Mr. Mayor, you should apply to be a host, correspondent, or even president of Iranian state-run @PressTV," NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck quipped.
Redigert 10.01.2020 kl 00:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.01.2020 kl 10:07 1636


Husk at John Kerry sin svigersønn ( Iraner) har/hadde store million-foretninger i Iran, som han fikk på bakgrunn av denne atomavtalen. Kalles korrupsjon/payback utenfor Dems-systemet.

Pompeo responds to John Kerry on Iran: 'It's a fantasy to think that the nuclear deal was good for the United States'
Video link:
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo fired back at one of his predecessors in an exclusive interview with Fox News' "The Ingraham Angle" Thursday, saying that John Kerry was indulging in a "fantasy" by claiming that Iran had reined in its destabilizing behavior after signing the 2015 nuclear deal.

"It’s a fantasy to think that the nuclear deal was good for the United States of America, protecting the American people," Pompeo told Laura Ingraham. "There were terror campaigns, there were missile systems that were enhanced, improved during the [period of the] JCPOA [nuclear deal] -- the money that the Iranian regime was permitted to have underwrote the very Shia militias that were the ones that took on and ultimately killed an American."

Kerry told MSNBC Wednesday night that there is "no way at all" the world is safer after Trump ordered a drone strike that killed Quds Force Gen. Qassem Soleimani at Baghdad's airport last week. The former senator from Massachusetts and 2004 Democratic presidential nominee also claimed that Trump was "fixated on undoing anything Barack Obama did ... [and] willing to run the risk of outright war in the effort to fulfill his fantasy."

"This isn’t about undoing what Obama did," Pompeo told Ingraham Thursday. "This is about protecting and defending the American people. President Trump has been incredibly resolute in that."

During an address to the nation on Wednesday, hours after Iran fired 16 missiles at two Iraqi airbases housing American servicemembers in response to Soleimani's death, Trump claimed: "The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration." Pompeo doubled down on that claim, emphasizing that money paid to Iran by the Obama administration "ultimately ends up in the hands of people who wanted to do Americans harm."

In September 2016, the Treasury Department acknowledged that $1.7 billion was transferred from the U.S. to Iran in foreign hard currency. An initial $400 million delivery was sent to Tehran Jan. 17, the same day Iran agreed to release four American prisoners. The remaining $1.3 billion was paid in subsequent weeks. The $1.7 billion was the settlement of a 37-year-old dispute between the U.S. and Iran over a $400 million payment made by the last Shah of Iran. In addition to those payments by the U.S., billions of dollars in Iranian assets held in financial institutions overseas were unfrozen as part of the nuclear deal.

"All the things that we are now confronting are a direct result of the resources that the regime had available as a result of that terrible nuclear deal," Pompeo said.

Pompeo also responded to criticism of a classified briefing to lawmakers Wednesday that was meant to explain the rationale behind the Soleimani strike. Democrats have said they do not believe the intelligence shown in the briefing proved that Soleimani represented an immediate threat to U.S. interests, while Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, called the briefing "lame" and "insane," describing it as the worst he had sat through in his time on Capitol Hill.

"I thought we did a dynamite job," said Pompeo, who took part in the briefing. "I mean that in the truest sense, but we did our level best to present them with all the facts that we could in that setting." The secretary of state also insisted that Soleimani was planning "a series of imminent attacks" when he was killed.

"We don’t know precisely when -- and we don’t know precisely where," Pompeo said. "But it was real ... There was a real opportunity here and there was a real necessity here. We made the right decision. The president made the right call."

When Ingraham asked whether the administration could trust Congress with classified information, Pompeo said: "Well, we shared an awful lot with them yesterday ... I think there are a number of people who are using this as a political ax to grind. I think that’s most unfortunate."

Pompeo also responded to the apparent downing of a Ukrainian International Airlines plane by Iran early Wednesday that killed all 176 people on board. U.S., Canadian and British officials said earlier Thursday it is "highly likely" that the jet was struck by an Iranian missile.

"I’ve seen the reporting. I can only say that we need to get to the bottom of this very, very quickly," said Pompeo, who added that while a mechanical failure could have caused the crash, "if, in fact, it’s the case that there was something more insidious to this, the American people should know that this would have been Iranian malfeasance that caused it."
10.01.2020 kl 12:19 1629


President Trump says Democrats would have leaked news of Soleimani strike to the media
Jan. 10, 2020 - 5:57 - Trump blasts Democrats during a campaign rally in Toledo, Ohio for demanding advanced knowledge of the U.S. strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani.
10.01.2020 kl 13:32 1617

Trump holdt i går kveld et valgmøte i Toledo,Ohio.
Utdrag fra møtet i linken over.
Hele møtet ligger her:

Greit å selv høre hvert ord han sier og så måle det opp
mot medias vinklinger.
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10.01.2020 kl 13:37 1614

10.01.2020 kl 14:30 1600



Trump said he hoped former Vice President Joe Biden would become the Democrats' presidential nominee, and pledged he would highlight what he called the Bidens' corruption all throughout the campaign.

"He will hear, 'Where's Hunter?',' every single debate nine times at the podium," Trump vowed, in reference to Biden's son, who largely has stayed out of public view after it emerged that he held lucrative overseas board roles while his father was vice president.
10.01.2020 kl 14:31 1597


"The radical left Democrats have expressed outrage over the termination of this horrible terrorist," Trump said. "Instead, they should be outraged by Soleimani's savage crimes and the fact that his countless victims were denied justice for so long."
Slettet bruker
10.01.2020 kl 14:33 1592

10.01.2020 kl 15:09 1610

Weekend humor

Where's Hunter?',' every single debate nine times at the podium," Trump vowed, in reference to Biden's son, who largely has stayed out of public view after it emerged that he held lucrative overseas board roles while his father was vice president.
10.01.2020 kl 15:12 1609


Gjør seg til mikrofonstativ for terrordiktaturet.

Lara Logan: Mainstream media forgetting Iranians who are celebrating Soleimani's death

Video link:

Fox Nation host Lara Logan said Thursday that the American media is largely failing to cover the swath of the Iranian population that is celebrating the death of terror general Qassem Soleimani in an American drone attack last week.

Logan appeared on "Hannity" to discuss some media outlets' decision to highlight large public gatherings of mourning throughout Iran. Meanwhile, some hosts have characterized Soleimani as an icon of Iran.

"I mean, he was a terrorist," Logan said. "Iran has been using terrorism as a tool of statecraft. They have made it part of their foreign policy. And he was the architect of that."

"What disturbs me most about the coverage is that there are millions of people in Iran who did not mourn Qassem Soleimani's death," she added. "So, where was their side of the story?"
Redigert 10.01.2020 kl 15:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.01.2020 kl 15:22 1600


KArakterboken deles ut
Kimberley Strassel: Iran conflict and 2020 Dems – This group is the weakest on foreign policy in decades

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Christmas is over, yet the ghosts of dovish presidential candidates past haunt the Democratic primaries. Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern, Michael Dukakis, John Kerry—these are not kindly, benign spirits; they bring great risks for Democrats in November.

The primary contest to date has served mainly to highlight how far left Democrats have lurched on domestic policy in the few years since Barack Obama. The Iran conflict has now exposed a similarly dramatic shift in foreign policy. Where progressives these days lead, even the “moderate” Joe Biden follows.

2020 Democrats Warren, Yang differ in response to Soleimani strike
Democratic candidates are forced to address Iran tensions; Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy reports.

Christmas is over, yet the ghosts of dovish presidential candidates past haunt the Democratic primaries. Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern, Michael Dukakis, John Kerry—these are not kindly, benign spirits; they bring great risks for Democrats in November.

The primary contest to date has served mainly to highlight how far left Democrats have lurched on domestic policy in the few years since Barack Obama. The Iran conflict has now exposed a similarly dramatic shift in foreign policy. Where progressives these days lead, even the “moderate” Joe Biden follows.

Voters now know that a President Bernie Sanders would not take action against Iran or other rogue regimes, no matter how many red lines they cross.

The targeted killing of Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani led the progressive moment to go full flower child. Thanks to desultory debate moderators, Americans until now had little idea how Democratic aspirants would specifically respond to terrorism or other provocations. The Soleimani moment proved

Voters now know that a President Bernie Sanders would not take action against Iran or other rogue regimes, no matter how many red lines they cross. Mr. Sanders will take no step that might bring us anywhere closer to “another disastrous war” or cost “more dollars and more deaths.” A President Elizabeth Warren would similarly offer a pass to leaders of U.S.-designated terrorist groups, at least if they have an official title. The Trump strike, she said, amounted to the “assassination” of “a government official, a high-ranking military official.”

Redigert 10.01.2020 kl 15:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
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10.01.2020 kl 15:28 1599

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11.01.2020 kl 12:31 1486


Trump calls Buttigieg a 'lousy mayor' who's 'going nowhere' after Iran criticism
During his interview Trump responded sarcastically to Speier, remarking "she's another beauty."

"Take a look at her past," he continued. "Check out her past, please."
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President Trump fired back Friday at 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, who claimed the Trump administration's "tit for tat" with Iran caused the downing of a Ukrainian jetliner amid Tehran's missile strikes on Iraqi bases housing U.S. forces.

In an exclusive interview on "The Ingraham Angle," Trump dismissed the former South Bend, Ind., mayor as "going nowhere," after the 37-year-old wrote on Twitter that, "innocent civilians are now dead because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat."

The president pointed out that Buttigieg was summarily slammed by critics for the remark, though added that the statement was "low-life."

"He's not going anywhere," Trump said. "He was a lousy mayor of a place that is not doing well -- [but] Indiana is doing unbelievably well."

He called South Bend, a city of more than 100,000 people a few miles south of the Michigan line, "badly run" under Buttigieg, while the Hoosier State on the whole had "the best year they've ever had" in 2019. Buttigieg's mayorship ended earlier this month, as fellow Democrat James Mueller took over.

"He's going nowhere," the president added of Buttigieg.

Following up, host Laura Ingraham noted that Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., made similarly pointed remarks about the president, claiming the plane crash was "collateral damage from the actions that have been taken in a provocative way by [Trump]."

The Bay Area lawmaker said Iran and Soleimani are "bad actors" but that we must "find a way to live together."

During his interview Trump responded sarcastically to Speier, remarking "she's another beauty."

"Take a look at her past," he continued. "Check out her past, please."
Redigert 11.01.2020 kl 12:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.01.2020 kl 12:43 1482


"What have [Democrats] done for three years?" Hannity added. "Nothing."
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Pelosi announced Friday that she will take steps next week to send impeachment articles to the Senate after delaying the process in a bid to extract favorable terms for a trial.

Hannity advised Republicans to stay on track.

"Do your job. Your job is not to undo the mess that they're handing you. Your job is to dismiss it because there's nothing there," Hannity said. "Do not carry out Nancy Pelosi's bidding, 'the squad's' bidding. That is not your constitutional role, to hold little Adam Schiff's hand and correct all his lies."

Sean Hannity criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Friday and implored Senate Republicans to "do your job" next week, when the impeachment trial of President Trump is likely to take place.

"Before this current month-long pause of urgency, the very dazed and confused Nancy Pelosi, speaker-in-name-only, argued that impeachment was urgent," Hannity said on his television program. "But now, after weeks and weeks of stalling over some fantasy that she's going to actually dictate the Constitution to the U.S. Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell ... Pelosi has given in."

"End the B.S. once and for all," he said. "Get back to working on issues that will impact the lives, the safety, the security, the prosperity, the American people."
Redigert 11.01.2020 kl 12:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.01.2020 kl 13:01 1479


Buying political influence bigger than Clinton Foundation: Chaffetz
Jason Chaffetz, former Utah Congressman, weighs in on a Washington Post report that states a DOJ probe into the Clinton Foundation found no evidence of criminal wronging

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11.01.2020 kl 13:03 1482


Sarah Sanders: Pelosi's 'political play' a huge mistake
Sarah Sanders, former White House Press Secretary, blasts Nancy Pelosi for failing to send impeachment articles to the Senate and calls the entire process a "sham" from day one

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11.01.2020 kl 13:08 1479


Reince Priebus: Time to make Democrats 'nervous about the games that they're playing'

Former White House Chief of Staff and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus suggested Friday that Republicans may want to be "very bold" during next week's likely Senate impeachment trial.

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"I think the Republicans might want to consider getting very bold about this. Exert executive privilege over John Bolton, exert... executive privilege over Mick Mulvaney," Priebus said on "Hannity" "Call on Hunter Biden and find out what the truth is. Because the center of the Democrats' case is that, you know, was it reasonable for the president to ask about... [Joe and Hunter] Biden?"

"It's time to make them nervous about the games that they're playing today with the United States Senate. And I think Hunter Biden is going to be a big issue,"

"But Hunter Biden should be investigated and there needs to be a strategy behind it," Priebus added.
Redigert 11.01.2020 kl 13:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.01.2020 kl 14:51 1466


Nancy Pelosi blinks, signals she is ready to release articles of impeachment to the Senate
Reaction from Texas Congressman Chip Roy, Republican member of the House Oversight Committee.

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Redigert 11.01.2020 kl 14:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.01.2020 kl 14:56 1460


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President Trump blasts Democrats, media over Soleimani criticism
Jan. 10, 2020 - 12:15 - Trump mocks Democrats' outrage over Soleimani strike; reaction and analysis on 'The Five.'




Redigert 11.01.2020 kl 15:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.01.2020 kl 09:14 1375


Kellyanne Conway rips Democrats over Iran: Would Buttigieg have invited Soleimani to his 'wine cave'?

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Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway slammed Democrats for their response to the airstrike ordered by President Trump that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

Conway suggested Saturday on "Watters' World" that 2020 Democratic presidential candidates -- particularly Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., -- are apologizing for America to the benefit of the nation's opponents.

She told host Jesse Watters that few voters are tuning in to publicly-broadcast town halls and debates, instead reverting to "feeling the Bern" of the Vermont lawmaker.

"They're starting to Feel the Bern again -- the guy who beat Hillary [Clinton] in 22 contests in the [2016] primary," she said. "And if you’re a socialist on economic policies, we know what your foreign policy is. They’re becoming apologists for the bad guys and that’s very disappointing."

Buttigieg implies US shares blame for Iran shooting down Ukraine plane

Turning to former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Conway riffed on his recent high-end California fundraiser that recently drew criticism from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.

"Buttigieg, what did he want the President to do?" the South Jersey native asked. "Is he going to invite Soleimani into the wine cave?"

Buttigieg, 37, drew intense criticism Thursday for claiming that the apparent downing of a Ukrainian passenger plane by Iran was a tragic case of civilians being "caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat" -- a message seen as a veiled swipe at Trump.

Conway told Watters that Democrats should have put politics aside when it comes to Trump's actions in Iran -- pointing to former Sen. Arthur Vandenberg's, R-Mich., famous quote about partisan politics "stops at the water's edge."

She lamented the fact there has been little Democratic support for a resolution authored by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, that praises the Trump administration's airstrike, noting that the Senate unanimously approved a similar resolution when former President Obama ordered the Pakistani raid that killed Usama bin Laden.

"We know where Soleimani is and belongs," she said. "We think [ISIS leader Abu] al-Baghdadi was looking very lonely in Hell and needed a roommate."
12.01.2020 kl 09:20 1353


Norske medier sender live fra 3 dagers begravelsen fra Terrordiktaturet, men knapt et bilde fra tidligere opptøyer. Ambassadøren fra Storbritania ble arrestert da han tok bilder, norsk media rapporter det knapt. Skammelig

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Dan Gainor: Anti-Trump media attack him for killing of Soleimani, blame him for Iran shooting down plane

The media’s 2020 vision includes lamenting the death of a terrorist responsible for the deaths of over 600 American troops and thousands of other people, and blaming President Trump for Iran shooting down a Ukrainian civilian jet that resulted in the deaths of all 176 people aboard.

There is no low journalists won’t embrace to defeat Trump in the November presidential election. MSNBC even reported Iran’s entirely false claim about its missile assault on two military bases in Iraq that “30 U.S. soldiers have been killed in this attack.” In reality, there were no American casualties.

The week began with the fallout from killing Iranian terrorist Gen. Qassem Soleimani, but ended with the huge news that Iran admitted to “unintentionally” shooting down the Ukrainian passenger plane.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had the audacity to tweet “regrets, apologies and condolences” complete with a broken heart emoji.

The attack on the plane had been a particular point of embarrassment for some in the press desperate to blame Trump rather than Iran. The Associated Press posted a story headlined: “An Iranian general dies in U.S. attack, and innocents suffer.” Twitter outrage forced AP to change the headline.

New York Times columnist Max Fisher pointed his finger at Trump for events leading up the plane being shot down by Iran. He wrote how most analysts say the latest conflict began “when President Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear accord, imposed crushing sanctions on Iran and issued a series of maximalist demands.”

That was a commonplace view on the left and in the media. Democratic presidential candidate and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg was joined by Rep. Jackie Speier D-Calif., in blaming Trump for the deaths.

“Innocent civilians are now dead because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat,” wrote Buttigieg.

The Atlantic Senior Editor David Frum agreed, saying “176 other people” “paid a price for President Donald Trump’s decision to kill Iran’s Qassem Soleimani.”

Leftist Vox Associate Editor Aaron Rupar blamed Trump for “the Iranian government accidentally killing 176 people,” adding that “Escalation has consequences.”

And NBC News Correspondent Heidi Przybyla said the deaths were “related to the crossfire.” Not to the fact that Iran fired the missile that downed the plane.

The killing of a known terrorist tied to the deaths of so many Americans brought outrage from the press all week.

Once more, “Death to America” was heard in Iran. Only this time, CNN host Erin Burnett rationalized it. She said when she was in Iran and heard people chanting it, “it felt like a thing and a trope as opposed to anything that actually was seriously meant and considered.”

Her fellow anchor Chris Cuomo linked the killing of Soleimani to Trump’s impeachment, asking: “Did he just make a decision to keep himself alive politically, that put us and our families at mortal risk?”

MSNBC found several different ways to blame Trump.

“Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski implied the president was blackmailing … friendly Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.

“Very vintage Trump is to dig up dirt on people, or exchange some sort of favor, and he has them under his thumb to say things that are ridiculous,” Brzezinski said. Then she added: “You have to wonder.

“Hardball” host Chris Matthews found a new thrill for his leg – the use of some form of the word “assassin” in regards to killing Soleimani. He used it 60 times, noting “we are in the assassination business again.”

Well, he certainly was.

While another MSNBC anchor, Katy Tur, wasn’t equally thrilled, she did manage to make the confrontation between nations into race-baiting. She whined how Trump was “flanked by stern white military men” when he gave his White House address.

That same speech was met with massive criticism from NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd. He called it “notable at how ham-handedly the president tried to politicize this by blaming the previous administration.” He also downplayed how Team Obama had sent Iran $1.7 billion in cash to make the nuclear deal happen, in effect funding a terror state.

Public radio was just as bad. NPR’s “All Things Considered” anchor Mary Louise Kelly considered an Iranian propaganda outlet to be “right-wing.” Kelly interviewed the political desk director “at Iran's right-wing Tasnim News Agency."

How do you know it’s “right-wing?” It has “close ties to Iran's powerful hardline Revolutionary Guard force, or IRGC." That’s a terrorist organization, according to our own State Department. (Thanks NPR. Our tax dollars at work!)

World War III trended on social media and journalists raced to cover it like that mattered. Washington Post Editorial Writer Molly Roberts responded as her paper almost always responds, by attacking Trump. “The World War III memes are about how loony our predicament is, thanks in large part to the looniness of our president,” she wrote.

And Wired magazine decided “WWIII Memes, Oddly, Prove There's Hope for the Internet.”

Too bad there’s little hope for journalism.
12.01.2020 kl 09:29 1346


Gutfeld: Why critics go nuts when Trump uses force
President Trump has used military force less than any other president since Jimmy Carter.

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12.01.2020 kl 09:35 1342


Trump accuses ‘unhinged’ Democrats of 'defending the life' of Iran's Soleimani
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President Trump on Saturday described Democrats as being “unhinged” and accused them of "defending the life" of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani -- who was taken out by a U.S. strike last week in what the Trump administration has described as an act of self-defense against an “imminent” attack.

“Where have the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats gone when they have spent the last 3 days defending the life of Qassem Soleimani, one of the worst terrorists in history and the father of the roadside bomb? He was also looking to do big future damage! Dems are ‘unhinged,'" he tweeted. He did not give any examples of Democrats defending the military leader.
Redigert 12.01.2020 kl 09:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.01.2020 kl 09:44 1338


Sen. Lindsey Graham on the fallout from President Trump's decision to take out Soleimani
Judge Jeanine Pirro goes one-on-one with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham on 'Justice.'

Video link:
12.01.2020 kl 09:45 1336


Rudy Giuliani on Iran, Trump impeachment and looming Senate trial
President Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani joins Judge Jeanine Pirro on 'Justice.'

Video link:
12.01.2020 kl 09:47 1335


Soleimani strike deserves more bipartisan support, former Sen. Lieberman says

Former Democrat Sen. Joe Lieberman reacts on 'Journal Editorial Report' to Democrats uniting behind their criticism of President Trump's airstrike order.

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12.01.2020 kl 23:09 1265


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The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) has stunned court-watchers by selecting David Kris -- a former Obama administration lawyer who has appeared on "The Rachel Maddow Show" and written extensively in support of the FBI's surveillance practices on the left-wing blog Lawfare -- to oversee the FBI's implementation of reforms in the wake of a damning Department of Justice inspector general report last year.

The development on Friday, first reported by independent journalist Mike Cernovich, has roiled Republicans who have demanded accountability at the FBI. House Intelligence Commitee ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told The Daily Caller that Kris' appointment was "shocking" and "inexplicable."

"It’s hard to imagine a worse person the FISC could have chosen outside [James] Comey, [Andy] McCabe, or [Adam] Schiff,” Nunes said. Speaking to Fox News contributor Sara Carter, Nunes added: “It’s a ridiculous choice. The FBI lied to the FISC, and to help make sure that doesn’t happen again, the FISC chose an FBI apologist who denied and defended those lies. The FISC is setting its own credibility on fire.”

On Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures," Nunes reminded anchor Maria Bartiromo that Kris had panned the now-vindicated 2018 memo produced by Nunes' panel, which asserted a series of surveillance abuses by the FBI against former Trump aide Carter Page. DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz later substantiated Nunes' claims, noting that the FBI had made numerous materially false representations to the FISC.

"Of all the people in the swamp ... this is the guy that you come up with?" Nunes asked. "The guy that was accusing me of federal crimes? The guy that was defending the dirty cops at the FBI? ... The court must be trying to abolish itself. There is long-term damage."

President Trump then referenced Nunes' interview with Bartiromo on Twitter on Sunday afternoon, calling Kris "highly controversial" and slamming the FISC's decision.

"You can't make this up!" Trump wrote. "David Kris, a highly controversial former DOJ official, was just appointed by the FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] Court to oversee reforms to the FBI's surveillance procedures. Zero credibility. THE SWAMP!"

In a March 2018 article, Kris argued on Lawfare, a leftist blog run by Comey friend Benjamin Wittes, that Nunes' memo had "tried to deceive the American people in precisely the same way that it falsely accused the FBI of deceiving the FISA Court."

Additionally, Kris claimed that "had the FBI done in its FISA applications what Nunes did in his memo, heads would have rolled on Pennsylvania Avenue." He asserted, “It’s disturbing that Page met that legal standard and that there was probable cause to conclude he was a Russian agent."

"The Nunes memo was dishonest," Kris chargred. "And if it is allowed to stand, we risk significant collateral damage to essential elements of our democracy."

Kris was a former assistant attorney general for national security who worked at the DOJ from 2009 to 2011, and served as an associate deputy attorney general under George W. Bush from 2000 to 2003. He later criticized Bush's justifications for warrantless wiretap surveillance.

But, as the political winds changed, Kris became more of a proponent for government surveillance in other contexts. He appeared on MSNBC's left-wing "The Rachel Maddow Show" in 2018 to offer a spirited defense of the FBI's FISA practices.

"FISA applications are typically quite long -- they're big enough that you don't want to drop one on your foot," Kris told Maddow. "They contain a lot of information and detail, because the statute is quite exacting in what it requires the government to establish to get the warrant granted."
Redigert 12.01.2020 kl 23:10 Du må logge inn for å svare