Golden Ocean -juli #1

GOGL 02.07.2018 kl 16:22 28739

Følger ikke Golden Ocean så tett, men har noen på kistebunnen. Nå er Q2 tilbakelagt. Sett på bakgrunn av ratene, hva tror dere om størrelse på overskudd og utbytte?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.07.2018 kl 07:03 13108

Ingen tør vel fylle opp en Cape, før hotellsjefen i Nevada har fått tvitret seg gjennom helga. Han skapte vel ikke så mange varige venner i Europa!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.07.2018 kl 08:53 13000

Kineserne er sansynligvis tilbake til forhandlingsbordet innen kort tid.
Kineserne kan ikke svare på siste usa toll og da må kineserne komme usa imøte.Samtidig varsler USAs finansminister Steven Mnuchin ifølge nyhetsbyrået at samtaler kan gjenopptas hvis Kina er åpne for å ta «seriøse grep
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.07.2018 kl 10:05 12891

At Trump er utradisjonell og lite opptatt av venner er vel bevist.
Men han setter fingeren på en del fundamentale forhold.
NATO - USA har tradisjonelt brukt nær dobbelt så mye midler på forsvar som europeiske land. (Norge var vel på sitt lavnivå under Stoltenberg regjeringen.) USA har store tropper og våpen lagret i Europa - til store kostnader for USA og store inntekter for Europa(lokalt forbruk).
Kina - fikk store unntak mht forurensning i Kyoto - eller rettere sagt Kina nektet i 1990 å akseptere noen krav til begrensning av forurensning hvilket gjorde at USA vegret seg for å engasjere seg dypt i dette og ratifiserte aldri avtalen. Like mye som forurensning er et miljøspørsmål så er det et handelspolitisk spørsmål - hvem kan produsere til lavest kost. Ikke fornuftig miljømessig, men det handler om å overleve. Kina har hatt en enorm vekst. Dette har endret handelsbalansen og at USA setter ned foten for en mer akseptabel handelsbalanse kommer nettop uventet.
Patenter og varemerke rettigheter - vanskelig å forfølge i Kina og kopiering likeså - Kina har innsett dette og tilbyr å rette på dette.
Bare noe eksempler. Skal Trump lykkes med sin politikk må han snarlig over i en løsningsfase for å kunne vise til resultater før gjenvalg.
Tror derfor at dagens situasjon ikke kommer til å vare lenge - se på USA - Mexico uoverensstemmelsene.
Jeg tror vi snart vil se solid vekst i verdenshandelen.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.07.2018 kl 11:52 12770

laser her setter du fingeren på de riktige tingene og konklusjonene kunne ikke skrevet det bedre selv.
ha en fin dag.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.07.2018 kl 14:20 12621

ARC har akkurat sluppet en oppdatering på bulk. Klipper inn to avsnitt fra analysen som bør være av interesse for de som eier, eller har tenkt å eie GOGL:

"Capesize rates entering peak season on a high note

Since hovering around the ~USD 15k/d mark from mid-May until the end of June, Capesize rates have been showing considerable strength. In the FFA market, the July 2018 contract has gained ~USD 2.1k/d over the last two days, and is currently trading at ~USD 22.7k/d (which compares to ~USD 15.5k/d in end-June). Activity is high, and we are hearing about Capesize spot fixtures at levels as high as ~USD 30.5k/d in the Atlantic. Based on the normal seasonal pattern, Capesize rates usually turn in the end of July, meaning that we are now entering peak season on a high note. As such, there is a good chance that rate expectations for H2/18 are too low.

Stocks have not moved with the market – Despite the fact that the Capesize market has improved considerably over the last 2-3 weeks, dry bulk shipping stocks have been rather dull. Since 26 June, 5 out of the 7 dry bulk names that we cover are down. Golden Ocean, Star Bulk and Genco (the three owners of Capes in our universe) have lost 3%, 9% and 9%, respectively. The looming US-China trade war as well as some weakness in commodity prices are factors that have weighed on the stocks, however, we note that for iron ore, a full blown trade war between the US and China will have very little impact. As such, the Capesize owners have lagged the dry bulk FFAs, and we consider the increased price divergence as well as the potential for significant upwards earnings revisions a buying opportunity."

Ønsker med dette alle en riktig god helg!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.07.2018 kl 17:52 12245

Noen som abonerer på Tradewinds og kan legge ut denne ?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.07.2018 kl 20:54 12100

Cape FFA: Rates continued to push in both oceans and paper moved further north - July to 23500, August to 21500 and Q4 to 24000 Cal 19 in good size at 19250. Sellers were tempted as PM progressed out but with phys looking solid, its hard to see a collapse on the horizon.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.07.2018 kl 23:07 11929

Jeg forstår prinsippet bak det å shorte, men kan noen forklare meg hvorfor Old Mutal har økt shorten sin med 1 million aksjer, siden slutten av mai? Nå som markedet etter sigende skal være stigende. De kan jo ha en lengre horisont eller satse på noen av Trumps helsvarte jokere, slår beina under markedet? Kanskje de ser det samme mørke bildet, som Ron Paul, hvor aksjemarkedet skal halvere seg?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2018 kl 09:23 11466

Meget enkelt forklart så er det i enkelte tilfeller lettere å tjene penger på å shorte eller å kjøpe aksjen og håpe på kursoppgang og det gjelder spesielt GOGL.
GOGL vil nå falle til kr 67-68 før den igjen gjør et forsøk på å bryte motstand ved kr 72.
Som jeg skrev tidligere er jeg redd for vandring mellom kr KR 67 til motstand på kr 72 som er meget fint trading intervall-
Lykke til.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2018 kl 10:03 11375

Du har vist deg å være usedvanlig treffsikker i dine prognoser rundt GOGL, Volf: når tror du den bryter gjennom motstanden og hva må eventuelt til for at det skal skje?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2018 kl 10:13 12202

Ja, jeg er med på den trading teorien der, Volf (selv om jeg ikke har baller nok til å kjøre løpet selv), men da burde vi ha sett at Old Mutal øker/minker beholdningen av shortede aksjer. De har jo bare økt og økt beholdningen, siden slutten av mai. Noe jeg ikke henger med på?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2018 kl 10:14 12200

Solberg det som må til er avklaring i forholdet US - Kina, høyere rater og at Trump roer seg ned og slutter å prate tull men alt dette vil ikke skje de første ukene så derfor forsetter alt sin skjeve gang er jeg redd for, unntaket er svakt stigende rater men det hjelper så lite.
Ha en fin og innbringende dag,
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2018 kl 11:44 12087

RedRabbit jeg sitter også short i lengre tid i GOGL i håp om at den vil falle ( eller jeg trur den kommer til å falle) men allikevel så trader jeg på daglige svingninger. Skal du shorte må alltid sette shorten på høyest mulig kurs er for sent å sette short den dagen aksjen begynner å falle. Det er nå slik jeg kalkulerer .
De har sikkert kommet frem til at GOGL vill falle og der har de antagelig rett.
Ha en fin dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2018 kl 13:09 11973

For meg virker det rart å sette en short når ratene suser oppover uten at kursen har gjort tilsvarende bevegelse. Før eller senere vil kursen følge etter, tenker jeg, slik Jinhui-kursen endelig tok av (fra 1 til 80) på midten av 2000-tallet. Da hadde BDI-indexen satt nye rekorder nærmest kontinuerlig i lang tid, mens JIN lå stille og ignorert på litt over ei krone. Jeg beundrer de som tør (og klarer å tjene på) en short i GOGL nå. Selv må jeg bare innrømme at jeg hverken er så tøff eller dyktig, og sitter derfor rolig og venter på oppgangen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2018 kl 22:51 11769

Ja, Volf har en annen tankegang enn meg. Fatter ikke at folk tør shorte nå som ratene går opp 2,5 % pr dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.07.2018 kl 09:43 11608

Dry Bulk FFA: Solid Start to the Week for Capesizes
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 17/07/2018

Capesize Commentary
A solid start to the week for the big ships as rates continued to push up in both oceans and the paper market moved further north. The July traded to a high of 23500, August to 21500 and Q4 to 24000 while the cal 19 contract traded in good size at 19250. As the afternoon progressed, a few more sellers were tempted to take profit as liquidity thinned out but overall with the physical market looking pretty solid, its hard to see a collapse on the horizon.

Panamax Commentary
A relatively slow start to the week on pmx with limited early interest as many played the waiting game. Prompt saw the initial focus as sellers were happy to pick off any sharp bids albeit on thin volume. With a slight increase in the index (+11) sellers were a bit more aggressive in the afternoon session as q4 traded from $12550 in the morning session down to $12300 late on and the cal19 was sold down to $12050 before finding some support here.

Supramax Commentary
A slow start to the week on smx with a slightly softer tone throughout the day on prompt periods. July traded $10900 and August $11550 before seeing a couple of sellers come in around here.

Handysize Commentary
Quiet day on handy paper with no reported trading.

Source: Freight Investor Services
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.07.2018 kl 15:17 11405

Ser ut til at skipspeisene er på vei oppover:

«$GNK (#BUY, $24) buys 2 modern #Capesize & sell 2 vintage #Handysize. The Capes are ~2.5m above our current valuation, which in turn is ~2m above last broker quotes. This confirms our longstanding expectation of rising asset prices ahead. Current NAV/sh of $19.8 rises to ~21.3»
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.07.2018 kl 12:05 11172

Oslo (TDN Direkt): Capesize-markedet har vært sterkt den seneste uken, men med mer blande signaler nylig. Atlanterhavet er den viktigste driveren for markedet, skriver Fearnleys i sin ukentlige rapport onsdag.

I panamax-segmentet er aktivitetsnivået moderat, mens aktivitetsnivået er sterkere i supramax-markedet.

TCT Cont/Fjern-Østen 44.000 40.000 18.000/44.000
Tubarao/Rotterdam (jernmalm) 11,00 10,50 5,30/11,00
Richards Bay/Rotterdam (kull) 10,00 9,40 5,40/10,00
Atlanterhavet rundreise 13.600 13.000 7.100/13.750
TC Kontinentet/Østen 20.600 20.200 15.000/20.600
TC Østen/Kontinentet 5.100 5.100 4.300/5.200
TC Østen, rundreise 9.700 9.800 9.000/13.750
Atlanterhavet, rundreise 12.750 12.000 11.000/16.000
Stillehavet, rundreise 9.500 9.000 8.000/12.500
TC Kontinentet/Østen 18.500 18.000 16.000/20.500
Capesize 180' dwt 21.000 19.500 17.000/21.000
Capesize 170' dwt 18.500 17.000 15.750/18.500
Panamax 75' dwt 13.000 13.000 11.250/14.000
Supramax 53' dwt 12.150 11.900 10.000/13.000
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.07.2018 kl 09:15 10939

Dry Bulk Market: Net Fleet Growth Keeps Falling in Boom Sign for Rates
in Dry Bulk Market,Hellenic Shipping News 20/07/2018

In what seems to be a very healthy development for the future potential of the dry bulk market, shipbroker Allied reported this week, that during the first half of 2018, the net fleet growth was significantly lower than even the respective period of 2017. In its latest weekly report, Allied Shipbroking said that “despite being right in the midst of the summer period, the dry bulk freight market has continued to gain ground and at a relatively fast pace, with Baltic Dry Index (BDI) climbing to 1,666 basis points, a relative impressive level when compared to what has been witnessed during the past two summers. So, the immediate deduction would be that the market is showing real strength and potential for a further climb ahead. However, it would be prudent not to rush to the conclusion that there is only one direction and that is up. Given the bullish trajectory in the market, it makes sense to “nitpick” the reasoning and fundamentals behind this trend”.

According to Allied’s Research Analyst, Thomas Chasapis, “obviously, we are looking at much better supply-demand dynamics, having left far behind the mismatch and imbalance noted during the freight market collapse two years ago. The question is however, which side of the equation is the main factor for this most recent upward trend. Is it from the side of the fleet, where a better managed fleet development has helped clear the way to even better earnings? Or is it from the side of demand? While no matter which side is the bigger pull of the two, does it leave enough room for an even better second half of 2018? Given that of recent we have extensively covered the current concerns being noted on the demand side of things, it seems reasonable to take a closer look on the supply side. The growth rate of the total dry bulk fleet has been kept under relative control, with the total increase noted during the first half of the year being at 1.15% in terms of number of vessels, and at 1.53% in terms of deadweight. To put these figures into context, the corresponding levels of last year were 1.68% and 2.19% respectively”.

Chasapis notes that “at first glance, this can be taken as a good sign, especially when taking into consideration that activity in the demolition market for this sector has been in a state of regression so far this year. But most of what we have seen seems to have been as a result of the poor newbuilding market performance two years prior, rather than a strong conservative attitude having taken hold now and helping rebalance supply. To drive this point further, it is worth mentioning that new ordering activity for 2018 is significantly higher than that of 2017. Just to put this difference to scale, the extra new ordering noted in the first half of 2018 compared to that of the first half of 2017 is equivalent to 0.6% of the current in service fleet both in terms of number of vessels and in terms of deadweight”.

“On the other hand, this figure is not yet at alarming levels given the current Orderbook development, were we continue to see an overall decrease equivalent to 11.64% in terms of number of vessels and 9.72% in terms of deadweight. All-in-all, the market seems to be on a fairly good track, whilst most indicators nominate for a fairly promising second half of 2018. However, given recent history, nothing can be taken for granted when we are talking about shipping markets. Having seen how vulnerable freight rates can be to just small shifts in trade trends, things can easily turn on their head even in the short run. For the time being, as we are amidst ongoing trade disputes and indications of softer economic figures than what was expected just six months back (something that was also reflected in the economic growth figures China officially announced on Friday for its 2Q2018) all of which continue to reaffirm the view that the current balance and improvement attained is more fragile than we think and could easily turn sour once again”, Allied’s analyst concluded.
Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.07.2018 kl 09:17 10930

Buy in July? MSI tips Capes for strong six month performance
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 20/07/2018

Capesize spot rates could rise above $25,000 per day in Q4 if iron ore exporters meet planned shipment targets, with the upside cascading into the Panamax market as shippers consider splitting ore cargoes, according to the latest Dry Bulk Freight Forecaster from Maritime Strategies International.*

The dry bulk market continues to enjoy a strong summer in the sun, with average spot rates increasing in June for all benchmarks except Handysize. By early July, Capesize average spot rates surged to almost $25,000/day. Positive sentiment is evident in one year T/C rates too, which have maintained a premium over spot for all bulker benchmarks.

China’s appetite for iron ore has been a core support to the bulker market, with Australian exports 13% higher year-on-year in June and Brazil up 2% yoy despite the loss of exports from the Minas Rio and Samarco mines. Despite efforts to close outdated steel capacity in China, production has been extremely strong: May’s output was a record 81.1m tonnes, up an astonishing 12% yoy.

“MSI remains positive for bulker demand in the second half of this year, with the principle increment coming from Australian and Brazilian iron ore to China, marginally offset by softer near-term coal demand and expectations that soybeans trade will be lower than last year,” says MSI Dry Bulk Analyst William Tooth. “The supply-side outlook is broadly benign; MSI forecasts fleet growth overall in 2018 will be 2.3% yoy. There is limited upside risk to this view if scrapping underperforms, In an extreme low scrapping scenario fleet growth could be up to 2.9% yoy.”

China’s import demand for iron ore and coal remains the key driver of bulker freight rates, so far offsetting any negative impact related to the brewing US-China trade war. But MSI cautions that its forecast of Capesize spot rates above $25,000/day in December is relatively cautious given that its Base Case outlook assumes that Vale will miss its export target of 390m tonnes this year, an aim which it reiterated in early July.

“Aside from Samarco, which will not restart output this year and the Minas Rio project, which has been closed for three months, the disruptions to iron ore trade in the first half of this year have broadly come to an end in Brazil,” adds Tooth. “As a result, the six-month outlook for Capesize freight rates is unquestionably strong, even though we think Vale will deliver less than predicted in Q3 and Q4. Overall we forecast Capesize spot rates of over $25 k/Day in December, but Brazil’s exports are a source of significant upside risk to this view.”
Source: Maritime Strategies International (MSI)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.07.2018 kl 15:49 10776

Oxford dekket inn litt over 130’ aksjer i gårdagens handel. Begynner det å koste litt å sitte short kanskje? Eller det ikke lengre en god hedge?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.07.2018 kl 09:43 10576

Bulk report – Week 29
20 July 2018

Charterers slowed the pace this week to try and check rates, and, to an extent, succeeded. In Asia levels on the key West Australia/China route at the start of the week hovered close to $9.00 and an eco-180,000dwt 2010-built vessel, open Dalian, fixed a round voyage at a strong $25,400 daily. However, as the miners slowed the pace, rates drifted, slipping to near the $8.00s for late July-early August cargoes. As the week closed out, owners were putting up a fight, with rates climbing back to $9.00, and possibly slightly over. On the Saldana Bay/Qingdao run rates were also talked down, but brokers suggested levels were nearer the mid $16.00s at the time of writing. The Atlantic market remained split in two halves, with tonnage still extremely tight in the North, and in the South, talk of cargoes still to be fixed. Front haul activity was confined to voyage fixing, but brokers suggested rates equated to the low $40,000s daily. Transatlantic business slowed impacting on rates, but here too as the week ended brokers talked of $13.00, next likely to be paid from Puerto Bolivar to Rotterdam for 160,000-tonne 10% cargoes. From Brazil, rates were still at around $22.00 from Brazil to China having slipped from a high of about $22.70 for 1-10 August. Vale has seemingly yet to fix, with brokers awaiting its move in the market, but there were those expecting rates to move imminently. Paper values have largely remained solid throughout the week and period interest remained in the market, but so far deals are being kept under wraps.

The Atlantic experienced some large gains this week, triggered by a lack of tonnage on the North Continent and significant enquiry from Murmansk and the Baltic. Kamsarmaxes began fixing at rates in excess of $18,000, and in one case, over $20,000 for shorter duration trips. As the week progressed, this firmness filtered through to other areas, as a grain house fixed longer rounds at $16,000 and $16,500 respectively. EC South American grain was relatively slow until a flurry of activity mid-week, with rates similar to last done, or ever so slightly better. The Pacific market remained under pressure all week despite increased NoPac demand and a busy Indonesian market, as early tonnage was forced to reduce their rates to find cover, or begin the ballast to EC South America. A 10-year old Kamsarmax, open Ulsan, promptly fixed a Prince Rupert round with a Japanese charterer at $12,300 daily. Whilst a grain house secured a 2011-built Kamsarmax from Ube for an EC Australia/China run at $11,000 daily. The period market remained dormant as owners held their rates in line with the paper market, but charterers showed less appetite to take cover this week. A 2018 84,549dwt, open Yeosu at the end of this month, fixed for a year with an option of a further year at $15,750 daily.

More activity was seen as the week progressed from key areas in the Atlantic, whilst rates from the Asian sector moved sideways. Very limited activity was reported on the period front, but a 63,000dwt open USG was rumoured fixed for two to three laden legs, redelivery Far East, at $14,000 plus a $400,000 ballast bonus.

Improved numbers were seen from the East Mediterranean, particularly for Ultramaxes. A 63,000dwt was fixed basis delivery Canakkale for a trip to the USG at $10,000 for 45 days and $14,500 thereafter. From the Continent, a 63,500dwt was fixed for a trip to China at $19,900. There were mixed views from the South American market, with limited reporting. A 50,000dwt was booked for a trip redelivery Australia at $13,250 plus $325,000 ballast bonus. Whilst an Ultramax was rumoured fixed for a trans-Atlantic trip in the mid-upper teens. The USG remained active, with a 52,000dwt fixed to move a grain cargo to the West Mediterranean at $14,000. While a 56,000dwt was fixed to Pakistan at around $23,000.

From Asia, a flat week overall, with limited fresh inquiry, brokers said. For Indonesia coal a 56,000dwt was taken at $10,350, delivery Singapore, redelivery South China, including CJK. For Australasian business, a 53,000dwt was booked delivery Kohsichang for a trip via Kwinana, redelivery North China, at approximately $8,750. Limited action reported from the Indian Ocean but a 58,000dwt fixed delivery Port Elizabeth trip, redelivery Singapore-Japan, at $13,000 plus a $325,000 ballast bonus was reported.

A flat week for Handysizes, reflected overall in the BHSI, unchanged for two days this week. There was a little more activity seen from the Mediterranean where a 37,000dwt was reported fixed basis Canakkale for a trip via the Black Sea, redelivery Egypt, in the mid $9,000s. Also, Handies were being traded in the low-mid $10,000s for inter-Mediterranean grain movements. From EC South America, 35,000dwt vessels were being fixed in the mid $12,000s to the Mediterranean. Routes from the Continent lost ground with limited fresh enquiry emerging, but looking forward, some brokers said with the grain harvest expected soon from Europe, more activity might well be seen from South America. Little was reported from the USG and again routes saw some negative trend. From the Asian markets, a 28,000dwt open Japan was fixed for a trip to Thailand, with steels in the mid $9,000s, whilst a 36,000dwt fixed from South Korea to EC India went around $10,500. Furthermore, a 37,000dwt fixed a trip delivery Tianjin, redelivery SE Asia, at $8,000. Further south, a 29,700dwt open Kuala Tanjung, was rumoured booked for an Australian round voyage in the high $7,000s at the beginning of the week. As the week came to a close a 33,000dwt was fixed delivery Chittagong for a trip via EC India, redelivery Arabian Gulf, at $8,500.

For daily dry bulk assessments from the Baltic Exchange please visit
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.07.2018 kl 09:45 10560

Dry Bulk FFA: Capesize Paper Market Pushing Forward Despite Fall in BDI
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 20/07/2018

Capesize Commentary
Negativity on cape paper didn’t last long as we saw buyers return in significant force yesterday. Despite the fall on the indices, the prompt paper rates kept pushing until the close of business, leading many to believe the downturn will be short lived.

Panamax Commentary
Another busy day on pmx with prompt once again the main focus as the range bound activity of the last few days appears to show we have found a floor here. August traded $11900 early on and September at $12100 but with a positive index (+61) buyers returned once more pushing the prompt up $200. We ended the day on a quiet note but buyers still present just under last done levels.

Supramax Commentary
Supramax paper opened pretty flat once again as we remained support but lacked enough momentum to see any great change to the curve. From the activity we did see July was paid $10700 and Q4 $12150. Index was more positive than expected by most $94 as we saw an afternoon with better bids creeping in and offers taking a hesitant step back.

Handysize Commentary
Quiet day on handy paper with no reported trading

Source: Freight Investor Services (FIS)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.07.2018 kl 12:32 10447

Takk for info sa2ri. Tolker dette som usikkerhet på retning av rater nå.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.07.2018 kl 09:05 10078

Capesize - A relative stable scene is noted in the Capesize market as of late, although
its general volatile nature. An uptick was witnessed in the Pacific, despite
the softening trend noted early on in the week, with Charterers trying to push the
whole market towards the negative side. On the other hand, there was a slight
softening in transatlantic activity, which felt a small correction in overall rates.
With all that being said, the overall feel for the coming days is still positive.

Panamax - Here we also witnessed a slight improvement in the overall picture of
the market. The main driver here was the enhanced movement being noted in the
Atlantic basin, with a bullish attitude taking. Things seemed to still be out of balance
in the Pacific basin, though with Indonesia now looking to be back in business,
things were slowly looking to trend positive as we closed off the week.

Supramax - There was more of a sudden shift in fortunes for Supramaxes this past
week, with almost all main routes closing the week in the green, witnessing a fair
uptick as the Black Sea/Med and US Gulf got back into motion. It is worth mentioning
that transatlantic business gained the most, with Skaw/USG improving
8.5% on a w-o-w basis.

Handysize - There seemed to be a bit of sideways movement to be had as the
market lacked support from the Continent this past week. Things seemed to be
also under pressure in the Pacific though rates still closed off the week on a slight
improvement. At the moment the main positive drive still seems to be coming out
of ECSA., where the flow of fresh interest continues to be firm for now.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.07.2018 kl 09:26 10021

Holder dette ut dagen og vi får et etablert brudd opp gjennom 72,- kan det bli en interessant sommer og høst.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.07.2018 kl 09:27 10008

72,35 på OSE nå. Over motstanden på kr. 72 og forhåpentligvis så fortsetter den oppover.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.07.2018 kl 11:08 9830

Noen som har sett på star bulk og sammenlignet med GOGL ?
Star bulk ser billigere ut på estimater p/e etc... selskapene er tilnærmet like men gogl versatt til 1,5 mill mer.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.07.2018 kl 12:41 9687

magnus20 Star bulk er mye bedre å satse på, jeg personlig er på vei over fra GOGL til SBULK og de har samme utbyttepolitikken.
Jeg anser Star Bulk som long og GOGL som trading og short aksje.
Så lykke til i SBulk.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.07.2018 kl 12:46 9667

Ser ut som den er lite omsatt? ..foretrekker aksjer det handles en del med
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.07.2018 kl 13:04 9628

Usikker på om det er best å kjøpe SBULK i Oslo eller NY. Helt sikkert mye bedre omsetning i NY ihvertfall.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.07.2018 kl 13:23 9584

Kjøper du i NY må en ta hensyn til valutasvingninger også, som kan slå ut begge veier.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.07.2018 kl 15:36 9424

Flott dag for goglerne. Kjøp på 68 var nok god butikk, selv om mange ville det annerledes.

Nå er det bare å nyte det fremover. Kjøres opp til rapport på forhåpninger, før den kanskje faller noe tilbake igjen. Forhåpningene om utbytte og reelt utbytte er nok noe forskjellig også denne gangen.

Fortsatt god sommer og snart god høst :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.07.2018 kl 16:15 9320

Jeg forventer ikke mer enn 0,10 USD, som sist. Q3 derimot...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.07.2018 kl 09:09 8905

Dry Bulk FFA: Capesizes Off to a Busy Start
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 24/07/2018

Capesize Commentary
A busy start to the week for the cape paper market as the front end of the curve lifted with the August trading up to 23000, Q4 to 24750 and the Q12 19 paid numerous times at 15100. The deferred also saw some heavy volume going through as the cal 20 traded up to 19250 while cal 21 transacted at 16300. The physical market got off to a slow but steady start with the C5 fixing close to 9.50 while the c3 was seemingly fixing at 22.75 for end August laydays.

Panamax Commentary
After a sluggish but steady opening we began to see some improved buying midmorning with Q3 and Q4 trading up to $12400 and $12700 respectively while cal19 printed $12550. Post index however we drifted off the highs as some resistance began to firm but still closed up on the day as sellers seemed reluctant to chase it lower.

Supramax Commentary
Supramax paper opened the week with continued support after the push on we saw at the back end of last week. Although we were seeing some higher rates again, activity levels were pretty limited. Aug was trading $11950-$ 12000 6TC basis and $12300 on the 10TC. Q4 also ticked up as $12400 was trading.

Handysize Commentary
Quiet day on handy paper with no reported trading.

Source: Freight Investor Services (FIS)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.07.2018 kl 14:11 8688

Dry Bulk FFA: Capesize Market On the Rise
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 25/07/2018

Capesize Commentary
The trend continued on capes with early trading pushing Aug & Sep to 24000 whilst Q4 was a little slower to move and topped out at 24900. Rates did retrace despite a solid jump on the index and talk of C5 fixing $10 (although this was not confirmed). The curve was well underpinned at the close although off the highs as we anticipate the next physical news.

Panamax Commentary
Uncertainty off the underlying brought with it some anxiousness on Panamax paper which saw the curve gradually coming under pressure throughout the day with Aug trading down to $12250 low. A better than expected index did little to squash the bearish tone and although we saw Aug and Sept off the lows further out Q4 and Cal19 traded down to $12350 and $12250 respectively.

Supramax Commentary
Supramax paper came under some selling pressure yesterday as we saw rates softened throughout the day. Aug was trading $12000-$11750 range with Sep following suit trading $12050. Q4 was also subject to selling interest as $12400 and $12300 were trading.

Handysize Commentary
Quiet day on handy paper with no reported trading.

Source: Freight Investor Services
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.07.2018 kl 14:18 8670

Cape vessel value (2013-2018 skip) opp med 2,2%.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.07.2018 kl 08:11 8391

Oslo (TDN Direkt): Capesize-markedet har vært relativt sterkt hittil i sommer, og den seneste uken har vært sterk, skriver Fearnleys i sin ukentlige rapport onsdag.

Også i panamax-markedet har uken vært sterk.

TCT Cont/Fjern-Østen 44.000 44.000 18.000/44.000
Tubarao/Rotterdam (jernmalm) 11,00 11,00 5,30/11,00
Richards Bay/Rotterdam (kull) 10,00 10,00 5,40/10,00
Atlanterhavet rundreise 15.000 13.600 7.100/15.000
TC Kontinentet/Østen 21.100 20.600 15.000/21.100
TC Østen/Kontinentet 5.050 5.100 4.300/5.200
TC Østen, rundreise 9.500 9.700 9.000/13.750
Atlanterhavet, rundreise 12.390 12.750 11.000/16.000
Stillehavet, rundreise 9.900 9.500 8.000/12.500
TC Kontinentet/Østen 19.300 18.500 16.000/20.500
Capesize 180' dwt 21.000 21.000 17.000/21.000
Capesize 170' dwt 18.500 18.500 15.750/18.500
Panamax 75' dwt 13.500 13.000 11.250/14.000
Supramax 53' dwt 12.300 12.150 10.000/13.000

TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.07.2018 kl 10:44 7954

Diana Shipping Inc. Reports Big Rise in Time Charter Revenues
in Hellenic Shipping News 27/07/2018

Diana Shipping Inc., a global shipping company specializing in the ownership of dry bulk vessels, reported net income of $2.0 million and net income attributed to common stockholders of $0.5 million for the second quarter of 2018, compared to a net loss of $23.8 million and a net loss attributed to common stockholders of $25.3 million reported in the second quarter of 2017.
Time charter revenues were $53.4 million for the second quarter of 2018, compared to $37.8 million for the same period of 2017. The increase in time charter revenues was due to increased average time charter rates that the Company achieved for its vessels during the quarter and increased ownership days resulting from the enlargement of the fleet.

Net loss and net loss attributed to common stockholders for the six months ended June 30, 2018 amounted to $1.1 million and $4.0 million, respectively. This compares to a net loss and net loss attributed to common stockholders of $50.3 million and $53.2 million, respectively, for the same period of 2017. Time charter revenues were $101.8 million for the six months ended June 30, 2018, compared to $69.0 million for the same period of 2017.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:02 Du må logge inn for å svare