Tomra - Frankrike har vedatt å innføre pant!

TOM 19.12.2019 kl 22:00 1510

Jeg har hatt et øye på debatten i Frankrike, og den har vært heftig, slik meningsutvekslinger har en tendens til å være der nede. Protestene/lobbyvirksomheten imot har primært kommet fra aktørene som i dag samler inn og håndterer husholdningsavfall i regionene. Disse ønsker ikke å miste PET-plasten flaskene er fremsilt av på grunn av dens kommersielle verdi som råvare. Veldig forståelig det egentlig. Problemet er bare at med dagens system vil ikke Frankrike (og andre EU-nasjoner uten pantesystem, for den saks skyld) lykkes med å nå EUs lovfestede prosentvise krav når det gjelder innsamling av plastflasker (77% innen 2025 og 90% innen 2029). Og enda viktigere: Man vil mislykkes med henblikk på å skape en sirkulær økonomi når det gjelder denne plasten (*/se nederst i trådstart).

Gårsdagens vedtak i den franske nasjonalforsamlingen innebærer at regioner som ønsker det nå kan begynne å eksperimentere med pant mens de som er imot må vise at de greier å oppfylle EUs prosentvise, lovfestede krav til innsamling, ved hjelp av dagens system med kildesortering i husholdningene, innen 2023. Hvis ikke er de pålagt å innføre pant. Myndighetene kommer til å overvåke utviklingen nøye. Ingen "in the know" tror det er mulig å oppfylle EUs lovfestede krav til innsamling uten pantesystemer, og en sirkulær økonomi vil man altså heller ikke kunne oppnå. I praksis sier det dermed seg selv at hele Frankrike får pantesystem i 2023. Dette pantesystemet vil også innbefatte glassflasker. Ta videre med i betraktningen at EUs lovfestede krav til innsamling gjelder alle EUs medlemsnasjoner. De fleste av disse har ikke pantesystemer. Noen har allerede planer, andre ikke. Tomra Collection Solutions får mye å gjøre i Europa i årene som kommer.

News Policy

Government imposes plastic deposit

The scheme can be imposed on communities as early as 2023. The mayors accuse the government of denying the presidential word, and of giving in to lobbyists.

By Geraldine Woessner
Edited on 18/12/2019 at 18:13 - Published on 18/12/2019 at 17:59 The

"They're going through!" After a particularly electric debate, theNational Assembly finally adopted a government amendment on Wednesday that reintroduced the deposit scheme for plastic bottles in the anti-waste bill, after it was rejected by the Senate in September. In a sign of the bitterness of the feud, Minister Elisabeth Borne herself came to the bench to defend the amendment, in support of her Secretary of State Brune Poirson, and faced a fire of criticism.

The amendment partly takes into account strong opposition from elected representatives and gives local authorities a three-year deadline until 2023 to improve their collection rate for recycling plastic bottles in order to meet the target set by the European Commission 77% in 2025 and 90% by 2029 (to57% in France today. ) If these objectives are not met, the government may "impose the implementation of a deposit system, after assessing its environmental, economic and financial impact," and after a simple "consultation" with the agencies and communities responsible for the collection and treatment of waste.

The Association of Mayors of France had split the day before a statement calling on parliamentarians to reject the amendment. "At the congress of mayors on November 19th, Emmanuel Macron made a clear commitment that nothing would be done without the agreement of the mayors! ! Brune Poirson renounces the word of the head of state," storm Nicolas Soret, DEPUTy PS mayor of Joigny (Yonne) and chairman of the waste commission at the AMF. "Virtuous systems are being broken. And who benefits? To Coca-Cola, Danone, Pepsi, etc., to which we offer on a platter the industrial recycling ! And it's not trivial as we're supposed to increase the share of recycled plastics to 100% by 2025. Today, communities collect this most valued PET plastic and resell it. Tomorrow is a gift to plastics manufacturers! »

Criticisms that strangle Brune Poirson's office. "That's not true! Our amendment sets a very ambitious target of reducing plastic bottles on the market by 50% by 2030. We don't serve any lobby! »

In practical terms, the government defends the principle of a recycling directive. If,in 2023, the European targets are not met (a collection rate of 77% of plastic bottles in 2025 and 90% in 2029, whereastoday France does not reach 60%),the deposit can be imposed. Theconsumer will pay more for his bottle of fifteen euro cents, a sum he can recover by bringing his bottle back in a dedicated machine.

In the countries where it was implemented, this directive proved effective, "but they did not have alternative collection systems," the AMF argues. Since 2015, however, communities responsible for waste collection and treatment have taken up the problem. "Simplification is the key to success," explains Nicolas Soret. Since 2015, we have simplified the collection to the ultimate in 30 territories, where all food packaging goes into the yellow trash can. Everywhere, we have seen double-digit growth in packaging collection! We have decided to generalize this practice to all communities between 2017 and the end of 2022. Its small intercommunity displays 100% collection of plastic waste and, in Dunkirk, Lille, Besançon..., the rate already exceeds 70%. "Why hit the whole roadmap we have implemented? And with a system that complicates consumer collection? The elected officials demanded that they be given until 2025 to try to achieve their objectives and that it be written in the law that nothing would be imposed on them. Missed.

Towards a sustainable plastic?

For Nicolas Soret, "we give a gift on a tray of the entire recycling chain to the manufacturers of bottles. Today, the bottles to be recycled are sold for 350 euros per tonne. The directive that the government wants to impose this money from the communities to the marketers! As a result, the taxpayer will necessarily have to pay more to make up for the. And these manufacturers will no longer pay the eco-contribution they are paying today to fund recycling." The Minister's office disputes this point: "The ecocontribution will continue to be paid, even if there is a deposit system. And it is not clear how manufacturers could earn anything in terms of the legislated goal of halving the number ofsplendorson themarket. He added: "Bottles may account for only 4% of the flow of plastics, but it is one of the major wastes found in the environment. »

NgOs, uncomfortable with this project, fear that the directive will delay the objective of producing less disposable packaging... Worse, it encourages the sustainability of plastic while the government paradoxically is ending these packaging by 2040. Regular milestones will be used to measure enforcement. And the debate, far from over, is bound to rebound by 2023.

Circular economy

The government reintroduces the directive

Published 12/19/2019 at 10:30 AM
Related topics:
Drinks, Plastics, Circular economy

(*) På side 8 i denne investorpresentasjonen finner man en plansje som illustrerer forskjellen når det gjelder den kommersielle verdien til PET samlet inn gjennom pantemaskiner og fra kildesortering i husholdningene. Den aller vikigtigste forskjellen er imidlertid at PET samlet inn fra kildesortering ikke har høy nok renhestsgrad til at den kan benyttes til å fremstille nye plastflasker. Dermed er mye av poenget borte ettersom det jo er en sirkulær økonomi som nå etterstrebes, ikke en nedsirkulering hvor man raskt ender opp med ubrukelig avfall.
Redigert 19.12.2019 kl 22:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.12.2019 kl 07:17 1388

Fantastisk!!! Dette går bare en vei for oss TOMRA aksjonærer. De neste 10 årene vil være EKSTREME for TOMRA. Det er bare å spenne setebeltene ettersom kursen vil ta av og vi i tillegg vil motta fete utbytter i en aksje som så å si vil være uavhengig av hvordan resten av markedet gjør det. Ser man på utviklingen de siste dagene må man få med seg hvor lite aksjer som blir omsatt. Omsetningen ligger på rundt 66 millioner i et selskap som har en verdi på ca. 41000 millioner!!!! Dette er rett og slett fordi ingen vil selge på disse lave nivåer.

Ha et fortsatt godt TOMRA år!!!!

Redigert 20.12.2019 kl 07:29 Du må logge inn for å svare