Tomra - Skottland leder an mot felles pantesystem i UK!

TOM 05.07.2018 kl 11:03 10027

Skottland kommer til å være først ute med pantesystem i UK. Når konsultasjonsperioden er over i september vil skottene vedta den endelige utformingen av sitt system. Målsetningen er at dette systemet så skal videreutvikles til å omfatte hele UK.

I dag møtes de respektive ministere i London under ledelse av Skottlands miljøverminister Roseanna Cunningham.

Ministers meet to coordinate plans for Deposit Return Schemes across UK

Written by Liam Kirkaldy on 5 July 2018 in News

Deposit Return Scheme Summit in Scotland House will see ministers from across the UK discuss a set of common principles

Political leaders from across the UK will meet in London today to coordinate plans for deposit return schemes.

The Deposit Return Scheme Summit in Scotland House will see ministers from each national UK administration discuss a set of principles for the design of the schemes, in which consumers pay a small sum to be paid back when they return a bottle or can.

The Scottish Government announced plans for a DRS in the 2017/18 Programme for Government, while UK Environment Secretary Michael Gove unveiled similar proposals in March.

Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said: “Scotland has shown its environmental leadership by becoming the first part of the UK to commit to a deposit return scheme and we are now the first to consult on the detail of how this system can help us tackle our throwaway culture.

“This Summit is an opportunity to work with the UK Government and other devolved administrations to help maximise the benefits of deposit return schemes across the nations of the UK. It’s also a chance to learn lessons from other administrations, such as Wales which has made great progress reducing its household waste.

“Agreeing to a set of principles will ensure that we are all working to common objectives, which provides the basis for further work around the potential for deeper co-operation around the design and operation of a deposit return scheme to reduce litter in our towns and countryside and protect our environment.”

The Scottish Government is currently carrying out a consultation on plans for a DRS, with Zero Waste Scotland taking the lead in coordinating the design of the new system.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.07.2018 kl 11:05 10018

Dette inneholder mye mer enn tomme bokser og flasker ... ??
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.07.2018 kl 22:35 9833

Møtet avholdt og samarbeidet ser ut til å gå på skinner så om ikke veldig lenge får nok Tomra Collection Solutions hendene fulle og vel så det når pantesystemer skal installeres i hele Storbritannia.

Ministers agree principles for co-operation on deposit return schemes

PrintBy Liz Wells in Industry News 5th July 2018

Ministers from across the UK have met today to discuss their plans for deposit return schemes.

The summit has brought the nations together to coordinate work at a UK level and set measures for the design of the scheme across the UK.

A DRS would see people pay a small deposit when they buy a drink in a single-use container and will then get that money back when it is returned empty.

Following the summit, Hannah Blythyn said: “We know about the impact single-use drinks containers are having on our environment, often blighting our countryside or ending up in our seas.

“I welcome working with the other UK nations on a UK-wide deposit return scheme. There appears to be a collective appetite for a scheme from all UK nations, so this would be the most practical and effective way to implement a scheme.

“We are considering a number of solutions to reducing the impact of single-use plastics on our environment in Wales. Any scheme we introduce must be the best for Wales and work alongside our existing policies, which have made us first in the UK and third in the world for household recycling.”

Roseanna Cunningham, Scotland’s environment secretary, added: “Agreeing to a set of principles will ensure that we are all working to common objectives, which provides the basis for further work around the potential for deeper co-operation around the design and operation of a deposit return scheme to reduce litter in our towns and countryside and protect our environment.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.09.2018 kl 00:23 9312

Høringsperioden i Skottland går mot slutten, og når man er i mål med den nå i slutten av september, skal anbudspapirene utformes. Carsten Schleeberger, "managing director" i Remondis Plastics Recycling UK retter i den forbindelse oppmerksomheten mot det tyske pantesystemet som domineres av Tomra-maskiner.

By Waqas Qureshi 7 September 2018

Carsten Schleeberger | Look at the German model for a deposit return scheme

Carsten Schleeberger, managing director, Remondis Plastics Recycling UK, explains the benefits of a DRS system.

Scotland is now consulting on a deposit return scheme, and the UK Government have committed to doing the same within the year.

A deposit return scheme for single-use beverage containers has been part of Germany’s recycling infrastructure since 2003.

More than 20 billion drinks containers are sold every year in Germany – the equivalent of around 245 per person.

As the largest counting centre operator and clearing service provider within the decentralised German system, Remondis Recycling currently processes more than 14 billion datasets from high-speed counting and reverse vending machines per year.

Next to regional counting centres, over 40,000 reverse vending machines are installed across the country to capture materials in scope for the German deposit return scheme – PET plastic bottles, aluminium and steel cans, and glass bottles.

Return of empties is possible at the point of sale, and the deposit on each container is comparatively high at €0.25.

With a return rate of 96%, it’s clear that the German public are behind the scheme.

According to those involved in operating Germany’s deposit return scheme, it has contributed to a noticeable reduction in litter.

As such, there are clear benefits for communities as well as at individual level.

But what about industry? With the potential for producers to switch to other materials in order to avoid participation in a deposit return scheme, are there any benefits for the packaging sector?

In Germany, our evidence shows that there are.

In 2015, about 410,700 tonnes of PET were moulded into beverage deposit bottles.

The PET collected through Germany’s deposit return scheme (around 96.5%) serves as an ideal feedstock for the production of PET food packaging.

Remondis Recycling uses this steady stream of ‘clean’ material to produce high-quality hot-washed and colour-sorted PET flakes and regranulate plastic for sheet and bottle producers.

As the input material consists of over 95% food packaging, the recycled products match European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) criteria for use in food-contact applications. Using rPET is not only better for the environment – it’s often cheaper than virgin PET, too.

In 2015, more than 2.3 billion beverage cans made of aluminium or steel were sold; 99% of them entered proper metal recycling streams, 96% via deposit return scheme collection.

Deposit return makes sense as soon as other financial incentives for packaging waste collection begin to plateau.

With increasing global pressure from consumers to move away from plastics to alternative materials – which can have unforeseen environmental consequences – deposit return is a means to be more mindful of our environmental impact while retaining customer confidence and a commitment to quality.

In order to work successfully a number of factors need to be in place; for example, a deposit return scheme requires ubiquitously accessible, convenient return and cash back solutions, it needs to be easy to understand for consumers, reliable and fair for all scheme participants, fully transparent to the regulating authorities and it needs to deliver well-sorted packaging material streams.

However, these are surmountable challenges – and importantly, there are benefits available across the board.

Remondis is one of the world’s largest waste, services and water companies.

Remondis Recycling provides approved IT solutions for deposit return systems and operates counting centres as well as plastics and glass recycling plants.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.09.2018 kl 19:32 9071

Høringsrunden i Skottland lukker 25.september. Neste fase er så utformingen av systemet man går for, før anbudspapirer legges ut.

Det er ingen tvil om at skottene kommer til å være først ute med automatisert pantesystem i UK (Tomras CEO Espen Gundersens beste tips under Tomras Q2 2018 presentasjonen var at systemet ville være oppe og gå 1.juli 2019), men det er heller ingen tvil om at skottene kommuniserer tett med myndighetene i Westminister med sikte på at hele Storbritannia får et samkjørt, velfungerende system når resten av øyriket følger etter skottene.

I dag redegjør Truls Haug, Country Manager, UK Collection Solutions TOMRA for "pant i butikk systemet" som f.eks. det norske, på "Open Access Government" sine sider.

Recycling: The ‘return-to-retail’ model for deposit return systems

September 19, 2018

Truls Haug, Country Manager, UK Collection Solutions at TOMRA details the ‘return-to-retail’ model for deposit return systems

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.09.2018 kl 20:03 9031

Gleder meg til å høre fortsettelsen i Skottland. Jeg likte også uttalelsene til vår kjære Stefan Ranstrand som er gjenfortalt i south china morning post "China’s policy had caused demand for the company’s sorting technology to grow “exponentially. Countries that don’t have a [good recycling] system in place are panicking now because waste dumps are growing out of proportion. So we see very strong demand for our equipment right now in building new recycling facilities".

Dette er musikk i alle aksjonærers og miljøbevisste personers ører.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.09.2018 kl 20:20 9009

Ja exuptro, valgte å opprette en egen trådstart på den artikkelen tidligere i dag, uten at noen har kommentert.

Litt fleipete kan man vel si at de siste par dagers kursutvikling kan tyde på at ikke alle markedsaktører helt skjønner hva eksponentiell vekst i ordreinngang betyr for et selskap. ;)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.09.2018 kl 21:03 8969

Det var jeg ikke klar over, beklager. Det betyr jo bare at vi er to som har sett kanskje noe av det sterkeste kjøpssignalet man kan tenke seg når det gjelder Tomra.

Kan vel ikke si at de er særlig stødig i engelsk nei, hehe. Blir en dyr lærepenge for de i hvert fall.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.10.2018 kl 21:15 8679

Under en stor resirkuleringskonferanse i UK forleden, ble det fra faglig hold hevdet at britene ikke bør gå for et billigst mulig pantesystem, men et som er robust og fremtidsrettet. Det er nesten det samme som å peke på Tomra, vil jeg påstå. Tomra var også representert på konferansen ved Steve Walsh som hevdet at det er på høy tid at avfallshåndteringsbransjen gis insentiver/får pålegg når det gjelderl å skille ikke-nedbrytbar plast fra nedbrytbar. Dette fordi den nedbrytbare plasten kan gå til forbrenning mens den ikke-nedbrytbare heller bør sirkuleres. Tomra er klar global markedsleder når det gjelder teknologi som sorterer de mange forskjellige plasttyper fra hverandre.


2 October 2018


The chair of the morning session, Prof Margaret Bates emphasised in her address that the UK needs a sensible debate about packaging as not all plastics are created equal. Commenting on the level of knowledge of plastics outside that conference room not being at a very high, as people feel disengaged from their responsibility of disposal of their waste.

Commenting on the future debate of deposit return schemes, Bates said that “People need to be driven and incentivised, the system needs not to be the cheapest but one which is future proof and robust”.


Within the collections and consumer engagement session, speakers from LNER, Viridor and Norfolk Waste Partnership outlined the importance of getting it right. Steve Walsh from TOMRA commented during his presentation that “organic based products (compostables) should be clearly labelled as non-recyclable”. He added that it would be “prudent to think about incentivising companies to remove recyclables before incineration to ensure the material was kept in the loop at the moment there is no encouragement to do so.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.10.2018 kl 19:00 8481

Pantesjef Harald Henriksen i Tomra sa under Capital Markets Day 21.september at pr. i dag er et pantesystem med pantemaskiner i butikker det mest sannsynlige i Skottland. Den skotske butikkjeden SCOTMID har startet en pilot, og på bildet (se bilde i artikkel linket under) poserer en enntusiastisk CEO i SCOTMID John Brodie foran pantemaskinen fra Tomra.

Scotmid launches deposit return

Posted on October 2018 in Headlines, News

SCOTMID has become the latest retailer to pilot DRS with the introduction of a reverse vending machine (RVM) for drinks containers at its South Queensferry store.


Scotmid South Queensferry’s RVM was manufactured by Norwegian firm TOMRA, and is equivalent to those used as part of deposit return schemes operating in European nations like Germany, Norway, and Estonia.

John Brodie, chief executive of Scotmid, commented on the scheme: “Scotmid are really excited about launching this progressive initiative in our South Queensferry store – it matches our core values and principles as an ethical community retailer.

“Reverse vending machines have helped to transform recycling habits in Norway, Denmark and Germany and we believe that can also happen here in Scotland.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.10.2018 kl 19:30 8296

Høringsrunden var over 25.september og planleggingen av pantesystemet i Skottland går på skinner, ifølge Roseanna Cunningham (Cabinet secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform). Cunningham ønsker at tingene skal skje så raskt som mulig.

DRS regulations coming in 2019

Posted on October 2018 in News

Cabinet Secretary expects legislation next year

LEGISLATION on deposit return should appear before the Scottish Parliament some time next year, according to Roseanna Cunningham, cabinet secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform.

Addressing the Scottish Resources Conference in Edinburgh last month, the cabinet secretary indicated it was her intention to bring legislation to parliament in 2019 which would be informed by the responses to a recently closed consultation on the issue.

Cunningham said: “We received over 3,000 responses from a variety of individuals, including a full range of demographics, stakeholders and interest groups.

“We’ll now look towards analysing the responses and using them to inform proposals for the final scheme for Scotland, which I look forward to introducing to parliament next year.

“In the mean time some preparatory ground work to prepare for implementation has already begun, I’ve asked Zero Waste Scotland to focus on that and in doing so to operate with close cooperation and collaboration with stakeholders.

“We’re looking for industry partners to engage with us in taking this forward as soon as possible.”

• The Scottish Government announced its intention to introduce a deposit return scheme in September 2017.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.10.2018 kl 18:28 8165

Som dere kan lese i forrige innlegg på denne tråden, kom Skottlands miljøverminister Roseanna Cunningham i går med denne oppfordringen:

“We’re looking for industry partners to engage with us in taking this forward as soon as possible.”

Tomras pantesjef Harald Henriksen er ikke vond og be og var på pletten under "Scottish Grocers Federation" i Glasgow! Gjengir her begynnelsen av artikkelen fra The Herald. Følger man linken og leser resten av artikkelen, får man med seg Henriksens redegjørelse om forskjellige muligheter og modeller som foreligger når man skal designe et vellykket pantesystem. Er vel liten tvil om at Tomra ser store muligheter i Skottland og deretter i hele Storbritannia!


12 hrs ago

Paying people to recycle plastic is how to save planet, says vending chief

Exclusive by Brian Donnelly
Business Correspondent

Harald Henriksen, head of the world’s biggest reverse vending machine operator, has said the UK is lagging behind other countries including Germany on introducing more deposit and return schemes that are engaging for consumers and will help tackle ocean pollution.

He said in some parts of the world people are now paid deposits via PayPal for the return of plastic bottles to shops under innovative schemes being introduced to combat waste.

The head of collection solutions at Norway-headquartered Tomra, who was in Glasgow to address at the Scottish Grocers Federation conference, said that the UK could radically boost its recycling rate by establishing more deposit and return options.

He said: “If you have in place a good system then you can achieve very high collection.

“It is about running the system as efficiently as possible and at the same time bringing enough awareness around it to make it engaging for the consumer.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.10.2018 kl 20:43 8113

Liker ekstremt godt vinklingen til vår kjære Henriksen - "Harald Henriksen, head of the world’s biggest reverse vending machine operator, has said the UK is lagging behind other countries including Germany on introducing more deposit and return schemes that are engaging for consumers and will help tackle ocean pollution.". - virker som han bygger opp til en aldri så liten "miljøstillingskrig", som hadde vært artig om han fikk til.

The Herald er heller ingen liten avis, og nedslagsfeltet til lesermassen vil jeg karakterisere som ganske massiv. Igjen gjør Tomra alt rett med tanke på eksponering. De jeg er mest skuffet over i denne prosessen er norske medier som ikke vier dette industrieventyret noe oppmerksomhet. Her sitter vi med et fantastisk selskap som både er verdensledende innenfor sitt felt og bidrar så mye til miljøet, men de skriver ikke en gang et lite notis i ny og ned - er Tomra heldig blir det kommentert rundt kvartalsfremleggelsen. (jeg har gitt opp inkompetente finansanalytikere da disse er mer interessert i å snakke om bedrifter som leverer underskudd på underskudd som har ingen fremtidsutsikter i det lange løp).
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.10.2018 kl 21:50 8064

Er det janteloven eller har kanskje ikke Tomra "de rette storaksjonærene" exuptro? Bryr meg egentlig lite om den manglende dekningen av selskapet i norske medier. Som langsiktig aksjonær konsentrerer jeg meg derimot om å følge selskapsdriften nitid og med argusøyne, og jeg er meget, meget godt fornøyd med det jeg ser. Fortsetter Tomra som de stevner, er jeg helt sikker på at denne suksessen ikke lar seg "skjule" særlig mye lenger.

DEN 4.INDUSTRIELLE REVOLUSJON og SIRKULÆR ØKONOMI (CIRCULAR ECONOMY) er brennheite begreper ute i den store verden i dag. Her er Tomra en anfører. Ja, under Capital Markets Day 21.september ble det kommunisert til markedet i klartekst at ingen er i nærheten av Tomra innen sirkulær økonomi og at selskapet er suveren global markedsleder.

Ute i den store verden ja. Der er det noen innen finans som virkelig har fått øynene opp for Tomra. Noe dere vil se hvis dere bruker et øyeblikk eller to på å scrolle gjennom denne tråden:

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.11.2018 kl 21:33 7710

Høringsrunden ble avsluttet 25.september, og skotske myndigheter er nå altså i ferd med å utforme det skotske pantesystemet, et system som høyst sannsynlig vil bli innført i resten av Storbritannia etterhvert. Blir spennende å se om dette følger i samme spor som andre systemer når det gjelder hva som samles inn, eller om skottene velger å utvide spekteret av artikler det innføres pant på.

Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) ønsker at alt av flasker og bokser som kan pantes blir pantebelagt. Blir spennende å se hva skottene kommer opp med etterhvert.

CPRE claims deposit return system will spark recycling revolution

By Compelo Staff Writer

The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has claimed that the introduction of a deposit return system will end growing scepticism around existing recycling methods.

A deposit return system is claimed to deliver better levels of recyclable waste collection, as well as increase the quantity of low contamination, high quality materials collected for recycling.

The organization held 35 litter picks throughout September as part of its nationwide ‘Green Clean’ campaign with volunteers collecting 11,212 cans and bottles of all shapes, sizes and materials.

Over a third (35%) of those collected were made from plastic, 50% were aluminium, 14% glass and 1% Tetra Pak.

CPRE said while plastic packaging has been making the headlines, the data shows that two-thirds of all drinks containers littered are made from other materials like aluminium and glass and should be taken just as seriously.

Of the plastics, 10% were small bottles (below 500ml), 71% were medium sized (500ml – average water bottle), 10% were large (501ml-1.5l), and 9% were considered extra-large (more than 1.5l).

The organization said the evidence shows that there is no limit to the types and sizes of cans and bottles that are causing harm to wildlife and natural world.

According to the CPRE, the findings should provide the incentive for the Government to make the right decision and ensure that all cans and bottles, of all types and sizes, are included in England’s deposit return system.

CPRE litter program director Samantha Harding said: “By introducing a simple deposit system the Government has a golden opportunity to end growing scepticism around current recycling methods, collect and recycle more materials than ever right here in the UK, and ensure that those who produce the packaging rightly pay the full cost of recovering the materials that they produce. But it will only work if it is universal in the types of cans and bottles it accepts.”

Containers of All Sizes Must be Covered by Deposit Return Scheme to Cut Litter

The Campaign to Protect Rural England has published new data on the types and sizes of drinks containers littered in England, to help influence the design of England’s deposit return system.


Tomra er klar for hva som enn måtte komme! Minner om hva Tomras pantesjef Harald Henriksen sa da han var blant foredragsholderne da IDG (Institute of Grocery Distribution) avholdt "IGD Supply Chain Summit 2018" i London 13.november:

Harald Henriksen, EVP with TOMRA Collection Solutions, described TOMRA’s Clean Loop Recycling solution, focused on Deposit Return Schemes for a variety of recyclable materials. The focus is on enabling a true circular economy in which materials are recycled and used for the same purpose multiple times.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.11.2018 kl 07:09 7587

Gleder meg til å se hva skottene kommer fram til. Er ikke noe særlig tvil om at Tomra vil lande en del avtaler. De to dagene med fall er helt grunnløse, og vi vil ganske raskt komme opp til de samme nivåene.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.11.2018 kl 18:11 7411

Dette er spennende!

I en artikkel fra "Materials Recycling World" i dag legger Tomra sin faglige tyngde bak Campaign to Protect Rural Englands (CPRE) krav om at alt av flasker og bokser som kan pantebelegges blir pantebelagt når først Skottland og senere hele Storbritannia innfører pantesystem (se innlegg 21.11.2018 kl 21:33 på denne tråden).

Tomra backs DRS for ‘all types’ of drinks containers


Reverse vending machine (RVM) manufacturer Tomra has warned that a UK-wide deposit return scheme (DRS) that only included small bottles and cans would “majorly stifle” the initiative.

The company supported the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), which highlighted the variety of litter on UK streets.

CPRE research found that out of more than 11,200 cans and bottles its volunteers collected, 50% were aluminium, 35% plastic, 14% glass and 1% Tetra Pak. These came in all kinds of shapes and sizes.

Tomra said the case had “never been stronger” to incorporate all sizes of drinks containers in a DRS, which environment secretary Michael Gove has said will be legislated for in 2020. Plans are expected to be outlined in the forthcoming resources and waste strategy, followed by a consultation.

Managing director Tomra Collection Solutions UK & Ireland Truls Haug said: “CPRE predicts that the introduction of a DRS will spark a recycling revolution and based on our global experience we agree it has this potential – but we have found that the wider the scope of products included in the DRS, the higher the overall recycling rates.

Reverse vending machine (RVM) manufacturer Tomra has warned that a UK-wide deposit return scheme (DRS) that only included small bottles and cans would “majorly stifle” the initiative.

The company supported the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), which highlighted the variety of litter on UK streets.

CPRE research found that out of more than 11,200 cans and bottles its volunteers collected, 50% were aluminium, 35% plastic, 14% glass and 1% Tetra Pak. These came in all kinds of shapes and sizes.

Tomra said the case had “never been stronger” to incorporate all sizes of drinks containers in a DRS, which environment secretary Michael Gove has said will be legislated for in 2020. Plans are expected to be outlined in the forthcoming resources and waste strategy, followed by a consultation.

Managing director Tomra Collection Solutions UK & Ireland Truls Haug said: “CPRE predicts that the introduction of a DRS will spark a recycling revolution and based on our global experience we agree it has this potential – but we have found that the wider the scope of products included in the DRS, the higher the overall recycling rates.

“There is a school of thought that DRS should be reserved for smaller, on-the-go sized beverage containers but we believe this would majorly stifle the potential of the initiative.

“Imposing too many restrictions also has the potential to cause confusion and inconvenience for consumers. In our experience, the fewer barriers there are in place, the better the potential for success – which could be boosting recycling rates for drinks container waste to more than 90 per cent.

“We hope Scotland and England alike will give serious consideration to the case against the introduction of an on-the-go model before deciding the best way to proceed.”

Tomra is the largest manufacturer of RVMs in Europe.

Gove used one of the company’s machines earlier this year, which had been taken to Parliament as part of a demonstration.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.11.2018 kl 18:42 7384

Mens jeg skrev forrige innlegg på tråden nå nettopp, tikket det inn enda en meget interessant nyhet. En nyhet som mer enn noe annet forteller oss at tingene nå to måneder etter at høringsrunden i Skottland ble avsluttet (25.september), tyder veldig på at Storbritannia kommer til å gå for et pantesystem med pantemaskiner i butikker. Den aktuelle nyheten fra, er at Tomra forteller at man allerede er klar med pantemaskiner som vil dekke behovene til 90% av butikkene, og vil være klar med pantemaskiner tilpasset den resterende 10% av butikkmassen, som består av uavhengige småbutikker med høy omsetning, i god tid før pantesystemet i Storbritannia innføres.

Tomra has reverse vending machine plan for c-stores

By Megan Humphrey
26 Nov, 2018

Reverse vending machine (RVM) manufacturer Tomra has pledged to RN that it will develop a machine for independent convenience stores before Scotland’s deposit return scheme is introduced.

The comment comes after RN had revealed that despite planning for the scheme’s logistics progressing, there is still no machine suitable for the UK market.

A Tomra spokesperson said: “We can cater to 90% of the market in terms of our RVM capabilities and are working on the final 10%, which will accommodate the small convenience stores that tend to have high levels of traffic.

“We are confident we will have machines ready that will be able to cater to all of the UK market’s unique specifications well before a deposit return system is introduced.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.11.2018 kl 08:42 7256

Dette er kanon nyheter!!! Tomra ligger som alltid et hestehode foran alle de andre. Dette blir nok enda en suksess fra børsens beste og mest fremtidsrettede selskap!!!

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.12.2018 kl 18:05 6918

Tesco prøver ut pantemaskiner fra Tomra i utvalgte butikker i Storbritannia, og har Tomra som er meget aktive i kulissene i Storbritania og særlig i Skottland nå, forkynt hele budskapet sitt for Tesco, mon tro? Vel. man kan saktens lure når man leser dette... Tomra understreket jo da også under Capiatal Markets Day 25.september at man mer og mer vil utvikle seg til å bli et serviceselskap fremover og ikke bare en aktør som selger teknologi og maskiner...

Multinational retailer on forefront of sustainability action

Posted by Kim Overstreet, Contributing Editor, 2 days ago
Filed in: Corporate strategy

For Mark Caul, Packaging Technical Manager at Tesco, when it comes to the three big issues of ocean plastics, recycling, and climate change, “we need to act our way out of trouble, not talk our way out.”

Caul, who spoke as the Sustainability in Packaging Europe’s retailer keynote in Barcelona, said that multinational grocer and general merchandise retailer Tesco has three ambitious targets for its brand packaging by 2025:

Have fully recyclable or compostable packaging.
Use 100% sustainable paper and board.
Cut packaging weight in half
The key to obtaining these goals? A three-point plan that will deliver a closed-loop solution:

Remove, reduce, and redesign packaging materials by:
Removing hard-to-recycle materials from operations,
Reducing the overall amount of packaging while using more sustainable materials in packaging that is used
Stimulate innovation in the recycling market
Improve recovery and recycling by:
Using store locations as collection points for customers
Support a cost-effective DRS (deposit return scheme) system
Raise awareness and educate consumers to change behavior through:
Simple, clear and consistent recycling information on packaging and in stores.
Develop metrics to measure awareness
Increase Tesco’s own understanding of the wider picture
Caul shared that Tesco is approaching its preferred materials with a three-tier categorization.

Red, or “exit” materials such as polyvinyl chloried and acrylic, that will be removed from Tesco’s own brand packaging by the end of 2019
Amber, or “hold” materials that will have alternative solutions investigated or will only be used when absolutely necessary. Black plastic and oriented polypropylene are examples of “hold” materials.

Green, or “preferred” materials that are easily recycled and will be used as replacements for the red list. PET, glass, and polyethylene are some of the materials on the green list.

Black plastic, currently on the “hold” list, is one material Tesco is interested in trying to find a way to recycle. Carbon black pigments make black plastic unable to be sorted by optical sorting systems used widely in plastics recycling. Caul said that removing black plastic from use will inevitably result in more plastic in landfills or the ocean.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.12.2018 kl 17:15 6710

Her har dere et intervju fra 6.desember med sjefen i Tomra Collection Solutions i UK og Irland Truls Haug om det kommemde pantesystemet i Skottland.

2 minutes of your time: Truls Haug

With the public consultation on a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) in Scotland recently closed, we hear from Truls Haug, UK MD of deposit return specialists TOMRA on how he sees a scheme working in Scotland and how local retailers will be affected.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.01.2019 kl 17:13 6239

1 - 2 - 3, nå er det like før noe kommer til skje! Skottlands miljøvernminister Roseanna Cunningham opplyser at den skotske regjeringen snart vil offentliggjøre opplysninger om hvordan skottenes pantesystem vil bli designet. Spennende! Legg også merke til hvordan tomme plastflasker og bokser nå omtales av dem som har skjønt poenget og forstår at sirkulær økonomi er "the next big thing" på kloden vår. Tomgodset er ikke lenger problemavfall, men en verdifull ressurs og nye arbeidsplasser vil bli skapt. Cunningham sier: “A deposit return scheme as part of the wider circular economy will not only be an effective way of increasing recycling rates and reducing litter but also provide an opportunity to secure a new source of high quality material, develop our recycling infrastructure and create jobs as part of our ambition to drive the circular economy on our journey to carbon-neutrality"

4 hrs ago

Bottles and cans deposit return scheme can create new jobs, minister says

By Press Association 2019

Scotland’s planned deposit return scheme for drinks containers could help boost jobs, the Environment Secretary has said.

Roseanna Cunningham said the Government would announce the next steps in the scheme’s design shortly as she visited a Coca-Cola bottling plant in East Kilbride.

Nicola Sturgeon announced plans to introduce a deposit return scheme for bottles and cans in her Programme for Government in September 2017, aiming to boost recycling by up to 2.5 billion containers and cut litter.

It involves customers paying a deposit on top of the price of a product and getting their money back when a container is recycled at a designated point of return.

A public consultation on the initiative closed in September 2018.

Ms Cunningham said: “I am proud of the fact that Scotland was the first part of the UK to commit to a deposit return scheme as we are determined to do all we can to prevent discarded drinks containers from ending up in our streets and seas.

“A deposit return scheme as part of the wider circular economy will not only be an effective way of increasing recycling rates and reducing litter but also provide an opportunity to secure a new source of high quality material, develop our recycling infrastructure and create jobs as part of our ambition to drive the circular economy on our journey to carbon-neutrality.

“We will bring forward the next steps on designing our deposit return scheme shortly, which will complement our world-leading action on climate change, whilst we continue to maintain our environmental standards in the face of Brexit.”

Zero Waste Scotland is working on the design of the scheme.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.01.2019 kl 07:26 6137

Dette blir spennende. Antar Tomra har en finger med i spillet her. Zero Waste Scotland og Coca Cola har nok hatt smart i å ha close kontakt med Tomra i denne evalueringen. Det er jo ingen som har i nærheten av samme erfaringen på dette området enn Tomra.

Spennende blir det uansett. Dette vil sette føringen for mye annet som skjer fremover. Som feks. innføringen av pant i resten av UK!!

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.04.2019 kl 22:35 5742

Mens resten av Storbritannia er inne i høringsrunden om pantesystem, avsluttet skottene sin høringsrunde allerede i september i fjor og la frem resultatet i slutten av februar i år. Da kom det frem at det i Skottland var et overveldende flertall for et pantesystem som innbefatter alle typer flasker og bokser, blant de rundt 3 000 som kom med innspill under høringsperioden. Skottland er nå dermed inne i den fasen hvor pantesystemet faktisk skal utformes. I den forbindelse har den skotske regjeringen nå oppnevnt en gruppe bestående av representanter for drikkevarebransjen og handelsnæringen som skal komme med råd til regjeringen om hvordan de mener systemet bør designes.


Advisers named for deposit return scheme design


The Scottish Government has formed a Deposit Return Scheme Implementation Advisory Group Industry to advise it on how to make the programme work.

Environment secretary Roseanna Cunningham said: “I am proud of the fact that Scotland was the first part of the UK to commit to a deposit return scheme as part of our wider efforts to prevent discarded drinks containers from ending up in our streets and seas.”

The group will advise on practical issues including system administration, procurement, fraud prevention and social benefits.

It will also look at the scheme’s relationships to consumers and the production, retail and hospitality industries.

Zero Waste Scotland chief executive Iain Gulland said: “Scotland’s deposit return scheme is a chance to dramatically increase the recycling rate for the two billion drinks containers in circulation in the country.

“Deposit return schemes have already proven very successful abroad, and some of the organisations represented on this group have experience of operating in those markets.”

Group members are: British Soft Drinks Association, Federation of Small Businesses, Natural Hydration Council, Scotch Whisky Association, Scottish Beer and Pub Association, Scottish Grocer’s Federation, Federation of Independent Retailers, Scottish Wholesale Association, Scottish Licensed Trade Association, Scottish Retail Consortium, UK Hospitality.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.04.2019 kl 00:27 5687

Spennende med tomra. Kjøpte denne for en måned siden med tanke på langsiktig perspektiv og spesielt da på kampen om plasten som vil få mer og mer fokus for hver eneste hval med plast i magen. Det ser ganske lyst ut siden så få land faktisk har en fungerende panteordning. Ettersom jeg har skjønt er tomra markedsleder med pantentert teknologi på feltet. Ingen over ingen ved siden?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.04.2019 kl 07:24 5631

Stemmer det Sydney. Ingen over og ingen ved siden. I pantemarkedet har TOMRA ca. 80% markedsandel globalt. De resterende 20% er delt mellom 3-4 andre aktører. Det betyr at de har 4-6% i snitt hver. Ingen kan derfor måle seg med Tomra. Tenker da på alt. Teknologi, erfaring, økonomi, global aktør, osv. Det skal mye til at en av de andre aktørene vil bli tatt seriøs i en anbudsrunde for innføring av et nytt pantesystem osv. Det er de rett og slett ikke kompetente til å gjøre!!!

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.04.2019 kl 07:27 5626

Som sagt tidligere er TOMRA som Gillette er for barberhøvler. Rett og slett en overlegen aktør i det GOBALE markedet!!

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.04.2019 kl 09:21 5549

Hvordan tjener Tomra penger? Er det salg av maskiner, er det utleie av maskiner, serviceavtaler? andel i innsamlet verdi? kort sagt kan noen med få ord beskrive forretningsmodellen? Er patenter viktig eller er det know-how som er det viktigste?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.04.2019 kl 10:03 5509

I pantevirksomheten er det salg/leasing/leie/service av maksiner som er businessen. I tillegg driver de ofte hele systemet. Da får de betalt for hver enhet som blir pantet osv. I tillegg kommer selvfølgelig alle andre orretningsområdene (sorting solutions) Tomra opperer og er markedsleder innen. Du kan si det er rimelig steady business som bare vokser og vokser GLOBALT!!!

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.04.2019 kl 11:56 5460

Jeg kjøpte Tomra med et " evighetsperspektiv" men med 20% oppgang bare siste måned på solide volumer, må jeg vel forvente en konsolidering/korreksjon snart? bør man låse inn noe av gevinsten? Tomra er jo heftig priset på PEmultipler. Hva mener andre som har fulgt selskapet en stund?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:05 Du må logge inn for å svare