Muslimske Sadiq Khan sidestiller skotsk nasjonalisme med rasisme

14.07.2018 kl 18:11 321

Fra nettavisa til The Daily Record:

London`s Labour Mayor Sadiq Khan says Scottish nationalism is the same as racism

Sadiq Khan today ignites the independence debate by comparing Scottish nationalism to racism.

Writing in the Record, the Labour Mayor of London insists there is no real difference between voting for a separate Scotland and "trying to divide us on the basis of background, race or religion."

Enkelte utdrag fra hans tale:

"London and Scotland have always had a very special relationship.

We are twin beacons of progressive values and hope within the United Kingdom. we both celebrate our diversity and take pride in our tolerance. we strive for equality and to increase opportunities.

We`re living through extraordinary times and the world is becoming an increasingly turbulent and divided place.

We`ve seen Brexit, president Trump elected in the United States and the rise of right-wing populist and narrow nationalist parties around the world."

Skotske nasjonalister er nok de eneste som ikke ønskes velkommen i diversifynessen...
Redigert 14.07.2018 kl 21:31 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.07.2018 kl 18:33 312
Kriminaliteten i London øker,så Khan burde fokusere på å gjøre noe med den og ikke bry seg med president Trump.

Raymond Johansen i Oslo Ap støtter selvsagt Khan,leste jeg i dag..