Tomra - Hviterusslands 10 millioner innbyggere får pantesystem!
Lukashenko har vendt tommelen opp så nå blir det pantesystem i Hviterussland. Virker som om man er ute etter en kapabel operatør for hele systemet. I så fall lukter dette Tomra lang vei. Tomra er eneste aktør i markedet med erfaring som eier og operatør av hele pantesystemer (Litauen, Australia). Hva med "Pant treffsikkert med Darja, Ole Einar og Tomra" som slagord? Hviterussland går for "all in" pantesystem som omfatter såvel plast- og glassflasker som bokser.
Som man kan lese, skal også landets infrastruktur når det gjelder avfallshåndtering og resirkulering moderniseres/oppjusteres så veldig mange muligheter for Tomra i Hviterussland fremover.
Lukashenko supports container-deposit draft decree
Economy 14.01.2020 | 14:47
MINSK, 14 January (BelTA) – Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has supported a container-deposit draft decree, Vice Premier Vladimir Kukharev told reporters after the meetings with the head of state on 14 January, BelTA has learned.
“This is a return to the tried-and-true Soviet deposit-refund system which required the collection of a monetary deposit on beverage containers at the point of sale and the payment of refund value to the consumers. We suggest applying such regulations for plastic, glass and tin bottles and cans from 100ml to 3L,” the vice premier said.
It is expected that a tender for operators with enough experience in the field will be held. A state-run operator will be in charge of the deposit-refund system. In accordance with the research, up to 70% of Belarusian people support are ready to take part in the system. It will promote the collection of glass, plastic and metal containers and reduce waste disposal by 10%.
It will take two years to make the system fully operational. Large retail outlets and small rural shops will be involved.
A draft decree on the improvement of waste disposal and container storage systems was also submitted to the head of state. “It was prepared within the framework of decree No. 313 [on consumer waste disposal as of 11 July 2012]. Taking into account the requirements of the head of state, amendments were introduced to the document in order to streamline work in this field,” the vice premier said.
In particular, a proposal was made to allocate the funds of recycling operations for the construction of waste classification and recycling facilities at waste disposal sites. These funds will be also used to make manure from organic wastes. “It is very important. Soil fertilization is a complicated and demanding process right now. The situation will change. It was tested last year. Our plants recycled 85,000 tonnes of organic wastes and produced about 50,000 tonnes of manure, which was used in neighborhood improvement and construction,” Vladimir Kukharev said.
Authors of the draft decree also suggest stimulating manufacturers to make more paper and glass packaging instead of plastic packaging.
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Som man kan lese, skal også landets infrastruktur når det gjelder avfallshåndtering og resirkulering moderniseres/oppjusteres så veldig mange muligheter for Tomra i Hviterussland fremover.
Lukashenko supports container-deposit draft decree
Economy 14.01.2020 | 14:47
MINSK, 14 January (BelTA) – Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has supported a container-deposit draft decree, Vice Premier Vladimir Kukharev told reporters after the meetings with the head of state on 14 January, BelTA has learned.
“This is a return to the tried-and-true Soviet deposit-refund system which required the collection of a monetary deposit on beverage containers at the point of sale and the payment of refund value to the consumers. We suggest applying such regulations for plastic, glass and tin bottles and cans from 100ml to 3L,” the vice premier said.
It is expected that a tender for operators with enough experience in the field will be held. A state-run operator will be in charge of the deposit-refund system. In accordance with the research, up to 70% of Belarusian people support are ready to take part in the system. It will promote the collection of glass, plastic and metal containers and reduce waste disposal by 10%.
It will take two years to make the system fully operational. Large retail outlets and small rural shops will be involved.
A draft decree on the improvement of waste disposal and container storage systems was also submitted to the head of state. “It was prepared within the framework of decree No. 313 [on consumer waste disposal as of 11 July 2012]. Taking into account the requirements of the head of state, amendments were introduced to the document in order to streamline work in this field,” the vice premier said.
In particular, a proposal was made to allocate the funds of recycling operations for the construction of waste classification and recycling facilities at waste disposal sites. These funds will be also used to make manure from organic wastes. “It is very important. Soil fertilization is a complicated and demanding process right now. The situation will change. It was tested last year. Our plants recycled 85,000 tonnes of organic wastes and produced about 50,000 tonnes of manure, which was used in neighborhood improvement and construction,” Vladimir Kukharev said.
Authors of the draft decree also suggest stimulating manufacturers to make more paper and glass packaging instead of plastic packaging.
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Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 14:00
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15.01.2020 kl 10:18
Nydelig Kommentatoren 😀 Tviler på at våre såkalte norske analytikere har dette i sine kalkyler/analyser 😜😂😂😂
Redigert 15.01.2020 kl 10:20
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15.01.2020 kl 10:30
Blant norske analytikere vil jeg si at det er Roger Berntsen, Nordnet og Mikkel Nyholt, Carnegie som uttaler seg på en slik måte at det virker som om de har skjønt at Tomra først og fremst er et høyteknologi- og serviceselskap og langt mer enn et selskap som kun selger maskiner/utstyr. Det første meglerhuset som satte et kursmål høyere enn realtime kurs de senere år var ikke norsk (Kepler Cheuvreux). At de fleste norske meglerhusene tilsynelatende synes å være rammet av et kronisk syndrom som medfører at de klager over at spesifikt Tomra-kursen er for høy, har vel gitt utenlandske investorer med åpne øyne og sanser billigere inngang i Norges superselskap enn strengt tatt nødvendig?
Så ikke lett å bli profet i eget rike her til lands, men spiller ingen rolle når man vinner og legger hele verden for sine føtter, som i dette tilfellet! 😊
Så ikke lett å bli profet i eget rike her til lands, men spiller ingen rolle når man vinner og legger hele verden for sine føtter, som i dette tilfellet! 😊
Redigert 15.01.2020 kl 10:39
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15.01.2020 kl 10:58
Helt enig Kommentatoren. Man kan vel si at norske meglerhus har sovet i timen når det gjelder Tomra de siste årene!! Det er på tide å våkne nå :-)
20.01.2020 kl 22:06
Som man kan lese, henviser representanten for hviterussiske myndigheter til Litauen og pantesystemet der som eies og opereres med braksuksess av Tomra. Tomra eier og opererer pantesystemer med braksuksess også i de to australske delstatene New South Wales og Queensland. Forleden ble det også bekreftet at Tomra er tildelt rolle i det nye pantesystemet i delstaten Western Australia som går live 2.juni i år.
Deposit-refund system expected to up container recycling percentage in Belarus Society
Society 20.01.2020 | 19:31
MINSK, 20 January (BelTA) – Once a deposit-refund system is implemented in Belarus, the percentage of returned containers should reach at least 80%, BelTA learned from Anatoly Shagun, a representative of the government institution in charge of coordinating the management of secondary material resources.
The official noted that the new approach will at least double the amount of containers Belarusians will take back to shops. The percentage is expected to reach at least 80%. “Such a system was introduced in Lithuania in 2016. Container return percentage reached 92-96% in Lithuania last year,” Anatoly Shagun said.
The deposit-refund system is expected to apply to PET bottles, glass bottles and jars, aluminum and tinned iron cans – in other words, all the staple containers used to sell beverages in Belarus these days, except for milk containers. The capacity of the Belarusian market is estimated at 1.8 billion containers per annum. The system's deployment will require two years.
“In essence it will be something like what we had in the Soviet Union when handing in glass containers was popular – when a person buys some beverage, he or she leaves a deposit, which he or she can collect by handing in the empty container,” the official said. The scheme is expected to have a negligible impact on retail prices and a massive impact on container recycling rates.
Deposit-refund system expected to up container recycling percentage in Belarus Society
Society 20.01.2020 | 19:31
MINSK, 20 January (BelTA) – Once a deposit-refund system is implemented in Belarus, the percentage of returned containers should reach at least 80%, BelTA learned from Anatoly Shagun, a representative of the government institution in charge of coordinating the management of secondary material resources.
The official noted that the new approach will at least double the amount of containers Belarusians will take back to shops. The percentage is expected to reach at least 80%. “Such a system was introduced in Lithuania in 2016. Container return percentage reached 92-96% in Lithuania last year,” Anatoly Shagun said.
The deposit-refund system is expected to apply to PET bottles, glass bottles and jars, aluminum and tinned iron cans – in other words, all the staple containers used to sell beverages in Belarus these days, except for milk containers. The capacity of the Belarusian market is estimated at 1.8 billion containers per annum. The system's deployment will require two years.
“In essence it will be something like what we had in the Soviet Union when handing in glass containers was popular – when a person buys some beverage, he or she leaves a deposit, which he or she can collect by handing in the empty container,” the official said. The scheme is expected to have a negligible impact on retail prices and a massive impact on container recycling rates.
Redigert 20.01.2020 kl 22:10
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21.01.2020 kl 07:26
Jeg tror vi kan gratulere Tomra med en gang her. Det Hviterusiske pantesystemet blir nok en tro kopi av suksessen i Litauen som Tomra selvfølgelig står bak!! 😀 Dette blir nok tilfelle i resten av Øst Europa også!! Det gledes👍👍