pcib - ny patent innvilget Fimavacc

PCIB 21.01.2020 kl 08:12 4073


PCI Biotech: US patent granted for the vaccine technology (fimaVacc) in combination with cytokines
Oslo (Norway), 21 January 2020 - PCI Biotech (OSE: PCIB), a cancer focused
biopharmaceutical company, today announces that the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office (USPTO) has granted the company a US patent covering the use of fimaVacc
in combination with cytokines.

Cytokines are small proteins that are involved in cell signaling, and that are
very important in the immune system, modulating both cell-based and humoral
immune responses. The combination of cytokines with PCI Biotech's vaccine
technology, fimaVacc, has been shown to be effective for enhancing cellular
immune responses that are important for the effect of therapeutic vaccines. The
now granted US patent gives broad coverage for the combination of various
cytokines with the fimaVacc technology.

There are many vaccines under development utilising cytokines to elicit immune
responses. The US patent granted today is important for PCI Biotech's
development strategy, as it supplements our ability to generate an internal
future vaccine pipeline, in addition to bringing value for the fimaVacc
technology in partnering efforts, said Per Walday, CEO of PCI Biotech.

As part of PCI Biotech's strategy for applying the PCI-technology for
therapeutic cancer vaccines, several global patent applications were filed in
2013 and 2014. Today's granted US patent secure protection until 2035 and this
patent application is still pending in Europe and key Asian markets.

About fimaVacc
This novel vaccine technology applies a unique mode of action, triggered
endosomal release of antigens, to enhance the essential cytotoxic effect of
therapeutic cancer vaccines and works in synergy with several other state-of-
the-art vaccination technologies. The fimaVacc programme aims to enhance the
cellular immune responses that are important for the therapeutic effect of
vaccines, and the fimaVacc technology has proven excellent preclinical efficacy
with protein- and peptide-based vaccines. The technology has shown particularly
strong CD8 T-cell immune responses, which are important for therapeutic
vaccination, as well as enhanced helper (CD4) T-cell and antibody responses.

PCI Biotech successfully translated the vaccination technology into humans
through a Phase I study in healthy volunteers that was completed in May 2019.
The study covered more than 90 subjects and established the tolerability of
fimaVacc across a wide range of doses. The immune results provided proof-of-
concept and demonstrates fimaVacc's potential to enhance overall T-cell
responses, by demonstrating improvement of the immunogenicity of vaccines in
healthy volunteers.

Effective induction of cytotoxic T-cells will be critical to realise the huge
potential of therapeutic cancer vaccines, but vaccines often fail to generate
such responses. Insufficient delivery of vaccine antigens to the appropriate
presentation pathway in the immune cells may be one of the main reasons for
weak cytotoxic T-cell responses. The fimaVacc technology has the potential to
effectively enhance vaccine presentation through these pathways.

Contact information:
Per Walday, CEO
pw@pcibiotech.no (mailto:pw@pcibiotech.no)
(mailto:pw@pcibiotech.no)Mobile: +47 917 93 429

About PCI Biotech
PCI Biotech is a biopharmaceutical late stage clinical development company
focusing on development and commercialisation of novel therapies for the
treatment of cancer through its innovative photochemical internalisation (PCI)
technology platform. PCI is applied to three distinct anticancer paradigms:
fimaChem (enhancement of chemotherapeutics for localised treatment of cancer),
fimaVacc (T-cell induction technology for therapeutic vaccination), and fimaNAc
(nucleic acid therapeutics delivery).

Photochemical internalisation induces triggered endosomal release that is used
to unlock the true potential of a wide array of therapeutic modalities. The
company's lead programme fimaChem consists of a pivotal study in bile duct
cancer, an orphan indication with a high unmet need and without approved
products. fimaVacc applies a unique mode of action to enhance the essential
cytotoxic effect of therapeutic cancer vaccines, which works in synergy with
several other state-of-the-art vaccination technologies. fimaNAc utilises the
endosomal release to provide intracellular delivery of nucleic acids, such as
mRNA and RNAi therapeutics, thereby addressing one of the major bottlenecks
facing this emerging and promising field.

For further information, please visit: www.pcibiotech.com

Forward-looking statements
This announcement may contain forward-looking statements, which as such are not
historical facts, but are based upon various assumptions, many of which are
based, in turn, upon further assumptions. These assumptions are inherently
subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other
important factors. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important
factors could cause actual events to differ materially from the expectations
expressed or implied in this announcement by such forward-looking statements.
PCI Biotech disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking
statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 09:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
dr. Stockman
21.01.2020 kl 08:53 3854

Kan jo ikke være annet enn positivt dette. Håper det fører oss tilbake i oppgangstrenden.
21.01.2020 kl 09:25 3715

Fra Snøffelen på TI

Utrolig spennende observasjon Idioten.
(At det er første gang PCIB børsmelder et innvilget patent). Og det til tross for at PCIB har haugevis av patenter og Anders Høgset er en trollmann med patenter, ref Jonas Einarsson.
Såpass utrolig påstand at jeg selvsagt måtte sjekke alle børsmeldinger på PCIB sin hjemmeside, tilbake 11 år til 2009.
Og du har rett idioten, første gang PCIB børsmelder et innvilget patent.
Så at det signaliserer at dette er en svært viktig milepæl for PCIB kan det ikke være tvil om.
Og det står da vitterlig at patentet er viktig i partnering.
Takk for bra innspill @idioten
21.01.2020 kl 10:29 3560

Fra Stock DZ på TI

Company needs to be more visible now PR wise and this message does exactly this. need to capitalize on such milestones. Company is growing and management too. Even fimanacpatent had no stock exchange message.

It is worth to mention that this message came right after biotech showcase in San Francisco. This will reassure the potential partners (think due diligence)

22.01.2020 kl 18:24 3167

FimaVacc er nå klar for utlisensiering. Ikke bry deg om kursen vandrer mellom 60 og 70 , det er ikke der de store pengene ligger
22.01.2020 kl 18:34 3129

Det er supert, for jeg har nok med å finne en stor nok tomt til det nye Menighetshuset, som nå blir døpt om til PCIB Menighetshall.
Men, det er ikke lett å finne noe som er stort nok altså... :-)
22.01.2020 kl 18:47 3095

Ved siden av Menighetshallen bør man vel planlegge en stor treningshall for menighetsbarna , slik at de får tilfredsstillende impulser under oppveksten :-)
22.01.2020 kl 19:02 3052

Ja, helt klart og det er jo allerede tenkt på.
Alle menigheter har noe som barne kan gjøre mens de voksne er i møter, så der skal ikke vi være noe dårligere... heller bedre tenker jeg :-)
22.01.2020 kl 20:27 2946

Den hallen bør hete FimaHall.
22.01.2020 kl 20:36 2914

Ja, det var et godt navn Otard!
Det blir bestemt her og nå hvis menighetslederen (fabian) en enig, men vi må vente på svar fra fader fabian... :-)
22.01.2020 kl 22:06 2796

Ja, det var et bra navn. :-)

Eller hva med «Hall of Fim» (Fame)?
22.01.2020 kl 22:17 2758

Vi får kanskje stemme på navn på det nye Menighetshuset - eller Menighethallen som det ser ut som det utvikler seg til å bli...
Alle PCIB aksjonærer har dobbel stemme, mens andre har en stemme!
Pastor Fabian er stemmevakt, og jeg passer på at alle får nok mat og drikke...
22.01.2020 kl 23:35 2658

Er det liv i deg eller.... savner deg på PCIB tråden :-)
23.01.2020 kl 07:39 2505

" Hall of Fima" godkjent etter avstemming i Menighetsrådet. Forslaget var så godt at det kom ikke motforslag:)
01.03.2020 kl 10:35 2087

Ingenting fundament er endret til annet enn det bedre. Mulig er det oppkjøpsforsøk på vei. Les transcript fra Q.