🟱NANO Tesla og VW = samarbeid batteri.

NANO 21.01.2020 kl 18:45 123411




Nano One Patents a New Durable Cobalt-Free Battery Material
January 6, 2020
Vancouver, Canada – January 06, 2020 (TSX-V: NNO) (OTC-Nasdaq Intl Designation: NNOMF) (Frankfurt: LBMB). Dr. Stephen Campbell, Chief Technology Officer at Nano One is pleased to announce the issuance of Taiwanese patent number I672852 relating to lithium nickel manganese oxide (LNMO) cathode material, also known as high voltage spinel (HVS). In addition to the increased durability shown below, Nano One’s LNMO also eliminates cobalt from the battery, thereby addressing the ethical and supply chain issues related to artisanal cobalt mining in Africa for use in lithium ion batteries.

Dr. Campbell said “This addition to Nano One’s patent portfolio is an important, low cost durability improvement to LNMO. This material operates at high voltage with fast rates of charge and discharge, compared to other cathode materials. Our technology treats the surface of the discrete cathode crystals and it mitigates instabilities common to spinels including LNMO and enables elevated operating temperatures that are typical in electric vehicle batteries.”

This represents the sixteenth patent in Nano One’s IP portfolio which extends to the U.S., Canada, China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

Nano One Materials Corp.

Dan Blondal, CEO

Ny patent 6 januar i Ă„r
Tesla og VW er partnere.
Dette er nokk grunnen for at VW gÄr all in for batteridrift
Mye lengre kjĂžrelengde og mye kortere ladetid

Nano one en liten bortgjemt perle sjekk bĂžrsverdien.

Redigert 23.07.2021 kl 19:35 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
28.04.2023 kl 19:57 2616

He He 7 Nordnett kunder har solgt sine Nano aksjer. Er det normenn som skapte nedturen ? I sÄ fall takker for aksjene. SÄ nÊre en Canadisk / IRA utbetaling. Hvem som er partnere i PowerCo vw. Og hvilken OEM er med pÄ Candiac:-)


Jeong said the company believes a single crystal form was essential to ensure electric vehicle batteries were safe.

Cathode used in commercialized EV batteries is multi-crystal. As the batteries go through repeated cycles of charging, the space between these metals widens. This causes a battery’s life to be shortened and more prone to fires.

A single crystal cathode doesn’t have this problem but its active voltage is higher which can cause a battery’s temperature to go up.
HĂžres kjent ut for de som har fulgt med en stund ;-)

Redigert 29.04.2023 kl 22:03 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
06.04.2023 kl 11:06 2864





Litt av et puslespill for IRA USA og Canadas myndigheter Ă„ dele ut stĂžtte til Nano One.
Candiac2 oem (T) , Rio Tinto , Lithion Battery, ,

Og sÄ VW PowerCo Umicore mm og Nytt navn og batterfabrikk Canada.

Euro manganese og Nano One i Tsjekkia vil ogsÄ gjelde.

Basf katode fabrikk canada (panasonic-Toyota ??)

Og oppĂ„ alt kan Nano One’s teknologi bli en pĂ„budt standard for katodeproduksjon i Nord Amerika slik at alle mĂ„ bruke Nano One’s M2cam. Gm Tesla Ford Stellantis VW Toyota Nissan Vinfast mm.
Som Dan sa ,IRA vil ikke tillatte noe avfall fra katodeproduksjon.
Redigert 08.04.2023 kl 11:29 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
27.03.2023 kl 18:43 2981

2+ years of experience with corporate governance regulations and best practices for TSX listed companies (NYSE or Nasdaq experience is a plus).


Redigert 29.03.2023 kl 23:09 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
23.03.2023 kl 19:13 3078


The joint venture is on track to produce, by the end of the decade, CAM and PCAM for a targeted 160 GWh cell capacity per year, which is equivalent to an annual production capacity capable of powering about 2.2 million full electric vehicles
160 GWh produksjon Det skulle si 4 bilfabriker i Europa bygd ut dette tiÄret. VW har startet byggingen av den fÞrste bilfabrikken i Salzgitter sÄ er det vel Spania neste.

The production site search is ongoing. The location of the site and the name of the joint venture will be disclosed in due course.
Navnet pÄ JV er ikke langt unna sÄ da fÄr vi vel en oppdatering fra Nano one ogsÄ snart fÄr jeg hÄpe.
20.03.2023 kl 20:19 3134

Volkswagen’s battery unit, PowerCo, aims to become a global battery supplier and meet half of the automaker’s demand with plants primarily in Europe and North America. PowerCo will begin by supplying cells to Ford for the 1.2 million vehicles the U.S. carmaker is building in Europe on Volkswagen’s electric MEB platform.



Nano One kan fÄ en pen sum av Canadas myndigheter neste uke. Og etter dette IRA fra USA som blir enda stÞrre.

Redigert 22.03.2023 kl 07:44 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
20.03.2023 kl 00:23 3171

1) "The Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy, Pierre Fitzgibbon, plans to announce soon the arrival of “a big project” in the Bcancour industrial park. He would not reveal details such as the date of the announcement or the name of the company, but says it will be related to the manufacture of battery components."

2) VW actually wanted to go near Montreal? That's understandable! Candiac and Montreal are only 20 km apart! ;)
"It's been a year since we told them [at Volkswagen] that we couldn't respect their conditions, he explains. He [the car manufacturer] had very strict conditions on industrial zoning, he wanted to be near major centers, so Montreal, and above all, there was hydroelectric capacity that we could not grant them. Mr. Fitzgibbon adds that the Bcancour industrial park is currently not an appropriate location for this type of plant. "Bcancour ... , in any case, we have no more room"







Redigert 22.03.2023 kl 07:35 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
21.02.2023 kl 18:29 3671

Helt klart,og i dag er det trÞkk etter den siste avtale. Er det noen som har noen kursmÄl pÄ sikt her ? Har en fÞlelse at dette kan bli megastort.
19.02.2023 kl 15:10 3739

Det er riktig Andor:)
Konkurransen kommer fra alle kanter men alt for sent da Tesla VW, Basf, Umicore, One, Gotion high tech, Lithion med mange fler har planlagt og startet bygging av nye fabrikker. Og det dreier seg ikke bare om innmaten i batterier her men ogsÄ produksjonen av batterier. VW har ogsÄ hydrogen biler som kan kjÞre 2000 km pÄ en tank men disse trenger ogsÄ batterier.
Du har ogsÄ GMG https://graphenemg.com/ som ogsÄ er veldig spennende pa lang sikt. Disse har avtale med Bosch (Som igjen har avtale med VW) . Men GMG sier selv at de ikke vil klare Ä utkonkurrere lithium batterier. PÄ en annen side sÄ kan dette produktet fungere og gjÞre lithium batterier bedre ,aberet er at GMG utvikler sitt produkt av naturgass. Og ogsÄ Ärevis unna en produksjon av batterier grunnet sikkerhet og testing. Klarer de Ä utvikle lithium av saltvann sÄ er jo dette en ny samarbeidspartner for Nano One problemet er kostnadene for hva det vil koste Ä lage lithium.
15.02.2023 kl 10:02 3798

Kopiert fra contrap127 stockhouse :)

Nano One Materials & Tesla & BĂ©cancour!
"Nano One will lead the project with valuable contributions from consortium partners Rio Tinto, Lithion Battery Inc., and an undisclosed automotive OEM".

"An American based multinational auto manufacturer and a major global EV leader"


Together with Vale, Piedmont Lithium/Sayona Mining, Nouveau Monde Graphite, unreleased: Euro Manganese, Electra Battery Metalls, Rio Tinto and led by Nano One Materials, Tesla will find in Bcancour everything it needs to build all types of batteries (NMC, NCA , LFP, LMFP, LMNO, ...) in North America alone ...

https://www.mining.com/nouveau-monde-establishes-framework-for-offtake-deal-with-panasonic-announces-50m-financing/ https://www.benzinga.com/markets/penny-stocks/22/09/29096345/ev-battery-metals-supply-squeeze-meet-canadas-cobalt-solutions

And there are more clues! Just look at each company's government grants and schedules! More should be released soon! It's a concerted action! ;)

Noen som har lyst pÄ ny jobb ;)


Tesla’s Cathode team is developing and scaling the production of novel cathode materials to enable battery electric vehicles. This includes the development and scale-up of novel, high-energy, low-cost cathode materials and the development of first-of-a-kind processes that shorten the path from mine to battery cell. As a cathode material engineer, you will develop and scale up materials at lab scale and assist with their development and scale up at pilot scale, and eventually be the first on-the-ground, technical point of contact for the understanding of how to scale and sustain cathode production quality at our first manufacturing plant in Austin. In this role you will also work closely with Tesla's teams around cathode manufacturing, material characterization, cell testing etc. to coordinate cross-functional activities that improve process control and product quality.
Redigert 16.02.2023 kl 20:57 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
13.02.2023 kl 12:46 3853


Accelerate strategic growth and offtake opportunities with consortium partners Rio Tinto, Lithion Battery Inc., and undisclosed auto OEM.


* Lithion is decades of LFP cell production. Think of industrial, forklifts, buses, storage, etc..


"With annual revenues of over $100 billion, Koch is one of the largest privately-owned companies in the United States. And it is investing close to a tenth of these revenues in EVs and EV batteries."



All US Customs records so far, show china.

Looks like Rio & Koch positioning Nano to help on IRA & EU backing.

Over 100 employees @ Lithion & growing to 500.

Koch is the most EV supply-chain diversified, company.
Redigert 13.02.2023 kl 13:27 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
04.02.2023 kl 10:35 3960

Umicore and Volkswagen AG to create European EV battery materials Joint Venture
8 December 2021
Umicore and Volkswagen AG to create European EV battery materials Joint Venture
Umicore and Volkswagen AG plan to establish a joint venture to build up precursor and cathode material production capacities in Europe to supply Volkswagen AG’s European battery cell production, making a considerable contribution to the region’s transition towards cleaner mobility.

This partnership will be the first of its kind in the European automotive market. It will help achieve the ambitions of the European Green Deal, including the establishment of a sustainable battery supply chain, and is a strong signal for the ongoing roll-out of innovative battery cell technologies and capabilities in the region.

The intention is to gradually ramp up the JV’s precursor and cathode material production capacity. This would start in 2025 with an initial annual production of 20 GWh for Volkswagen AG’s plant in Salzgitter, Germany, and should grow to an annual production capacity of up to 160 GWh by the end of the decade. This compares to an annual production capacity capable of powering about 2.2 million full electric vehicles (EVs).

At the same time, next to the intended JV, Umicore will continue to steadfastly develop its technological and production capabilities to serve other customers and regions.

“As a leader in clean mobility materials, we are committed to support our automotive and battery-cell customers with their electrification strategies.

We are very pleased to partner with Volkswagen in this unique joint venture and will bring in our long-standing and proven expertise in battery materials, as well as our strong commitment and solutions to today’s sustainability challenges.

The complementarity of our extensive technology, innovation and industrial knowhow, and shared sustainability convictions will provide a strong framework for the JV and will give us a considerable first-mover advantage.”

Mathias Miedreich, CEO of Umicore




Redigert 04.02.2023 kl 12:25 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare