🟱NANO Tesla og VW = samarbeid batteri.

NANO 21.01.2020 kl 18:45 117975




Nano One Patents a New Durable Cobalt-Free Battery Material
January 6, 2020
Vancouver, Canada – January 06, 2020 (TSX-V: NNO) (OTC-Nasdaq Intl Designation: NNOMF) (Frankfurt: LBMB). Dr. Stephen Campbell, Chief Technology Officer at Nano One is pleased to announce the issuance of Taiwanese patent number I672852 relating to lithium nickel manganese oxide (LNMO) cathode material, also known as high voltage spinel (HVS). In addition to the increased durability shown below, Nano One’s LNMO also eliminates cobalt from the battery, thereby addressing the ethical and supply chain issues related to artisanal cobalt mining in Africa for use in lithium ion batteries.

Dr. Campbell said “This addition to Nano One’s patent portfolio is an important, low cost durability improvement to LNMO. This material operates at high voltage with fast rates of charge and discharge, compared to other cathode materials. Our technology treats the surface of the discrete cathode crystals and it mitigates instabilities common to spinels including LNMO and enables elevated operating temperatures that are typical in electric vehicle batteries.”

This represents the sixteenth patent in Nano One’s IP portfolio which extends to the U.S., Canada, China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

Nano One Materials Corp.

Dan Blondal, CEO

Ny patent 6 januar i Ă„r
Tesla og VW er partnere.
Dette er nokk grunnen for at VW gÄr all in for batteridrift
Mye lengre kjĂžrelengde og mye kortere ladetid

Nano one en liten bortgjemt perle sjekk bĂžrsverdien.

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07.06.2024 kl 18:41 214

We’re now seeing license to operate being withdrawn from cathode production facilities that don’t safely or sustainably dispose of sodium sulphate waste.

“This means for cathode active materials producers that already create it as part of their processes, they’ll need to find an alternative way to add value and reuse it,” says Stevens.

I dag kl 11:11 21


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