Preppe for pandemi

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CORONA 26.01.2020 kl 20:34 3076

Hva bør man gjøre for å forberede seg for en pandemi? Det aller viktigste er vel å kutte kontakt med mennesker så mye man kan.

Det slår meg ikke nødvendigvis som noen dum idé.

Hermetikk, tørrvarer, våpen og ammo, sprit og bøker. Er det noe annet man trenger?
26.01.2020 kl 20:46 2847

Bensin og diesel.
26.01.2020 kl 20:53 2853

Dødeligheten kan være så høy som 15%.

The Lancet publiserte en artikkel på fredag der en klinisk studie av 41 pasienter med påvist 2019-nCoV viste at 6 døde.
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26.01.2020 kl 21:02 2838

Man trenger pokal pilsner, aldrende mat og en kopp te gett.
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26.01.2020 kl 21:05 2833

Bibel, Leatherman og sørstatsflagg
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26.01.2020 kl 21:29 2821

Gull, sølv, dollarsedler, gassmaske, vannrensesystem, primus, toalettsaker, og kortstokk.
26.01.2020 kl 21:32 2812

Bør vel også nevnes at en vanlig trevegg etter TEK10 slett ikke motstår .338 penetrerende helmantel. Prepping krever mur.
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26.01.2020 kl 21:36 2802

Og ingen har husket vann?
Dere med hermetikk, husk can opener gett
26.01.2020 kl 21:38 2793

26.01.2020 kl 21:39 2790

Slapp av. Viruset inngår i handelsrestriksjonene til Trump for varer fra Kina.
Redigert 26.01.2020 kl 21:42 Du må logge inn for å svare
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26.01.2020 kl 21:53 2774

En hydrogenbombe linket tell egen puls. Dauer man eller blir skutt så tar man dermed med seg alt i en drøy million kilometers avstand.
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26.01.2020 kl 21:57 2764

Beste tepset så langt gett. Hvis man blir drept så skal også alle andre straffes.
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26.01.2020 kl 21:59 2758

Hehe, dirken har glemt tobakken sin. Tenker nok det blir munter stemning i bunkersen når han oppdager det :-)
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26.01.2020 kl 22:33 2735

Corona kan være en god anledning til å slutte for godt. Gudene må vite hvilke infiserte pølsefingre som har vært bortpå tobakken før du ånder den inn i lungene eller dytter den i kjeften.
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26.01.2020 kl 23:12 2711

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation co-hosted a pandemic exercise in late 2019 that simulated a global coronavirus outbreak.

They also just happen to fund the group who owns the patent to the deadly virus and are working on a vaccine to solve the crisis.

On June 19, 2015, the UK government-funded Pirbright Institute filed an application for a patent for the live coronavirus, which was approved on Nov 20, 2018.

Suspiciously, a Pirbright Institute “primary funder” is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Så nå vet du det!
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28.01.2020 kl 06:48 2591

January 27, 2020

Khazarian mob using virus fear porn in desperate attempt to keep control over its 200-plus “nation states”

By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports 96 Comments

The Khazarian mob is fighting for its life and stoking pandemic fear porn in a desperate attempt to keep its control grid over humanity, multiple sources say. This is happening because they cannot meet a payments deadline (temporarily extended into February) for the United States of America Corporation, the sources involved in the negotiations say. One of the aims of the negotiations is to restore sovereignty to the people and the Republic of the United States of America. This will also result in the unveiling of the secret space program, they add.

We will talk more about this later, but first, let us look at the cabal’s pandemic survival gambit. As most of our readers are probably already aware, it is highly unlikely the “Coronavirus” outbreak in China was a naturally occurring event. There are many signs this pandemic was planned in advance in an attempt to extort money from China for the U.S. Corporation.

First of all, there was a systematic attack on all Internet sites that provide news suppressed by the corporate propaganda media. For example, Natural News, with its long history of exposing vaccine-related scandals, was shut down. Jimstone Freelance was also hit harder than usual. Other journalists are being hit with bogus criminal charges.

This site too has come under severe attack. Our former webmaster suddenly lost his mind and displayed signs of severe PCP poisoning. Now he has “committed suicide.” Following this, we were locked out of our own site until white hats in the NSA helped restore it. We are also under serious financial attack.

These attacks came just before the coronavirus pandemic emerged and was given sensational fear-mongering and saturation coverage in the corporate media. In addition to being blackmail, this appears to be an attempt to reinsert fear and hate as the controlling narrative of our public discourse.

It looks like they had a rehearsal on October 18, 2019, when a huge exercise was held in the U.S. simulating a pandemic and the resulting economic collapse. The sponsors of this event were the World Economic Forum (Davos), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Bloomberg School of Public Health at John Hopkins University. In other words, Cabal Central. Then just as the World Economic Forum was having its annual meeting in Davos on January 21-24, 2020, a real pandemic broke out and was given saturation publicity.

However, this plot, if it is one, is blowing up in their faces, because alternative news sites like Prepare for Change put out some of the massive evidence that exists showing that the U.S. Corporate government has been manufacturing and spreading bio-weapons ever since George Bush Jr. stole the election in 2000. Remember, these are the guys who said an ethnic-specific bio-weapon would be a “useful political tool.”

Here, for example, is a U.S. government patent on coronaviruses:

British intelligence are reporting to us that they are hearing it is a “pneumonia virus which arose out of a poorly managed bio-site.”

The following statement was put out by the Asian secret societies, including the 55-million-member Hongmen and the Blue Dragon Society with their many millions of members:

“If this virus was artificial or released as part of an attack plot and is not a natural virus, then we, Hongmen, the largest secret society in Asia, together with the iron-bound secret Blue Society, vow that we will for sure hunt down the enemy, chase them to the ends of the earth, and make sure that not even a single one of their hairs remain on this planet.”

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28.01.2020 kl 06:49 2589

Now there is a huge campaign to spread the message that this was a naturally occurring virus or that it was spread by the Chinese.

For sure, viruses do emerge naturally, especially in the Chinese countryside where ducks, pigs, and humans live in close proximity. Here is what the chief doctor of a large university hospital who specializes in animal-to-human disease transmission had to say about the outbreak:

“It’s the unfortunate result of those horrendous animal markets, with animals that would normally never be in such close proximity with other animals or with humans. It’s the perfect doomsday scenario for a new virus to emerge. We saw it with SARS, we’re seeing it now, and we’ll see other similar infections emerge again in the future.

“Many of the viruses that infect humans are of animal origin. What is different now is the size of our population and modern transportation which allows for much faster spread of new diseases.”

The cabal had better hope she is right and the disease was natural. In any case, it’s clear that the Chinese are not telling us the whole truth about how far it has spread. The official Xinhua News Agency is saying the province of Hubei at the epicenter is reporting “1,052 cumulative confirmed cases of pneumonia, with 52 deaths and 129 cases in severe condition.”

If that’s true, then why is it that “More than half a million medical staff have joined the epidemic prevention, control, and treatment of patients in Hubei”?

Also, if there are only a few more than a thousand patients, why in Wuhan, a “mega-city that hosts a number of nationally renowned mega-hospitals,” are people “working around the clock to build two makeshift hospitals in suburban Wuhan”?

Just as this newsletter was about to go public, a high-level CIA-connected whistleblower contacted us to say:

“This is not a coronavirus. It is the Nipah virus. Caused by fruit bats. There are cycles of much more virulent strains of the Nipah virus. The WHO (with whom I do research) knew about this in August of 2018. It is zoonotic.

“China will soon go into a total lockdown. Hong Kong will be economically destroyed. This virus is going global. The pandemic is already here. The WHO is delaying calling it what it is because they are scared shitless.

“In my professional medical opinion, this is the real deal, my friend. The truth is being covered up as usual by the controlling global cabal.

“All of reality is a fabric that the controllers are losing control over.

“If China goes into a complete lockdown, this will be what pushes the global economic collapse into free fall. It is game over and a reset will take place.”

Anybody with any real market experience will tell you that a black swan event is unfolding. If you look at the charts below, you can see that the financial markets are facing the mathematical certainty of a meltdown.

Also, as the cabal exercise in October predicted, the pandemic will be the trigger by freezing real-world trade and economic activity.

A few other bits of news show that it is not business as usual. For one thing, we have a huge plague of locusts hitting Africa’s breadbasket region at the same time as China fights a pandemic. Coincidence?

Then we have NATO preparations for a war against Russia.

Meanwhile, U.S. Central Command appears to be ignoring orders from Washington and is beefing up in the Middle East and financing itself with the oil fields there.

Also, U.S. Corporate president Donald Trump is about to announce an arrogant Israeli peace plan that is already dead on arrival.

In any case, negative energy generated by the pandemic and associated campaign is failing to blow away a huge wave of positive news that is emerging. For example, Trump, who recently participated in yet another attempt to start an artificial Armageddon in Iran, did an about-turn at Davos saying, “To embrace the possibilities of tomorrow, we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse.”

At the same event, the unpopular Prince Charles of the UK actually made some very good policy proposals. In particular, he called for “genuinely” mobilizing “the kind of trillions of dollars needed” to fix the planet.

The biggest news is that the quarantine on the planet Earth is about to be ended and humanity will be allowed out into space, according to senior leaders of the secret space program. It is no coincidence that the newly announced U.S. Space Force has a logo that looks very similar to the one in Star Trek.

This is because there has been a high-level agreement reached between East and West for a meritocratic new organization to be created in order to oversee human expansion into the universe. Star Trek provides the model.

To get from here to there in concrete terms is the task that now lies ahead. A senior member of the secret space program has in his possession the original secret treaty between King George III and the Republic of the United States of America. He says a condition for unveiling the secret space program and the 5,000 patents hidden for “national security reasons” is the restoration of sovereignty to the American Republic and its people. Another condition is the replacing of admiralty law with Common Law for the People, he says.

In addition, this individual has in his possession the documents from the Holy Roman Empire that control the world’s financial system and the 206 countries that operate under it. Throughout the entire world, he says “the peoples on the land” will be liberated from the “200 corporate countries run by people on the dark side.” P3 Freemasons who represent the Holy Roman Empire are also in agreement with these goals.

Once this is accomplished, vast funds can be released to finance a massive campaign to end poverty, war, environmental destruction, disease, and even mortality. Then the quarantine on the planet will end.
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28.01.2020 kl 07:21 2572

Skyldes viruset menneskapte klimaendringer?
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28.01.2020 kl 07:49 2558

Nei, det var leifTM som lagde veruset ifølge ham sjøl du
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28.01.2020 kl 08:05 2548

22. januar ble det av opplyst 552 tilfelller hvorav 17 døde, som gir en mortalitet på 3.1%
26. januar 2082 tilfeller hvorav 56 døde.Ekstrapolerer vi mellom 22. og 26. får vi en spredning på mellom 39 og 40% per døgn, og en mortalitet på 3.5%
27. januar 2902 tilfeller hvorav 82 døde, som gir en spredning på 39% per døgn fra 26, og en mortalitet på 2.8%
Fortsetter trenden, med 40% spredning/døgn, vil vi vente 28. januar 4045 tilfeller totalt hvorav 113 - 121 døde med en mortalitet på 2.8 - 3%
28. januar 4565 tilfeller hvorav 106 døde -> spredning 57% per døgn, mortalitet 2.3% Pneumonia and Influenza (P&I) Mortality mellom 6 og 8%.
This percentage is below the epidemic threshold of 7.1%
Redigert 28.01.2020 kl 14:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
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28.01.2020 kl 15:11 2495

Sørg for å ha litt klor tilgjengelig

QAnon-ers’ Magic Cure for Coronavirus: Just Drink Bleach!
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26.02.2020 kl 22:37 1642

Selv om jeg er uenig, og tar avstand skulle jeg gjerne sett en vinkel fra Change14.

Redigert 26.02.2020 kl 22:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.02.2020 kl 23:32 1619

Ny vaksine mot COVID-19 gitt ut.

Det kliniske stadiet bioteknologiselskapet Moderna, Inc kunngjorde slippe den første batch av “mRNA-1273”, selskapets vaksine mot det nye coronavirus (COVID-19), til menneskelig bruk.

Modernas kunngjøring kom etter omtrent to måneder siden COVID-19-utbruddet har dukket opp i den kinesiske provinsen Hubei i desember 2019. Siden den gang ble det gjennomført hundrevis av medisinske eksperimenter og forsøk for å finne ut en vaksine for den dødelige smittsomme.

Den foreslåtte vaksinen er en Ribonucleic acid-mRNA-vaksine mot COVID-19 som koder for en perfusjonsstabilisert form av Spike (S) -proteinet, som ble valgt av Moderna i samarbeid med etterforskere ved Vaccine Research Center (VRC) ved NIH: Nasjonalt institutt for allergi og smittsomme sykdommer.

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27.02.2020 kl 00:08 1606


Jeg tar ikke en vaksine fra Egypt.
27.02.2020 kl 10:08 1526

Hvorfor ikke? hundretusener av nordmenn tar medisiner produsert i Kina og India.. hvorav enkelte av disse medisinene er avslørt som forurenset av kreftfremkallende stoffer...
Moderna er et Cambridge-basert by the way.
27.02.2020 kl 10:20 1517

Husker du lime, ja da er du godt nok forberedt!
27.02.2020 kl 14:36 1475

Ja, det hører med::))
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27.02.2020 kl 16:18 1449

Nå som Pesta igjen er i ferd med å gå over det ganske land, vil denne tråden stå igjen som HOs viktigste, beste, mest forutseende, flotteste, mest nyttige og perfekte tråd, jadda.
Slettet bruker
27.02.2020 kl 16:33 1438

E9 gett. Denne tråden har gitt meg mange nyttige over levelses meto der.

Nå: rulle meg inn i sprit, cowboy-magasiner, tobakk, hermetikk og våpen.
Slettet bruker
29.02.2020 kl 17:44 1358

Det mest overforfriskende førstevarsel kom fra midtimellom SV v Høire. i prikken. Mellom.
Størstemann som fikk rett heller? Fra spøk til halvor; dette er tullprat:
26.01.2020 kl 20:34 1541
Hva bør man gjøre
Hermetikk, tørrvarer, våpen og ammo, sprit og bøker.
Slettet bruker
29.02.2020 kl 17:56 1345

New England Journal of Medicine: Coronavirus Could Be No Worse than Flu.

Når vitenskapsfolk med selvrespekten i behold ikke lenger er med på globalist-narrativet...
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29.02.2020 kl 22:23 1294

Noe å gjøre er viktig mens man venter på at ting skal blåse over. Her på fjellet leser jeg nå for eksempel en bok om skjærer. Det er koselig. Ellers bør bibelen være med selvsagt.
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07.03.2020 kl 11:45 1180

'Preppers' have endured years of mockery. Coronavirus fears have given them a booming self-survival business
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07.03.2020 kl 11:56 1175

Før eller siden blir det preppernes tur til å le sist og best.
Slettet bruker
07.03.2020 kl 12:45 1161

Bare stikk langt til fjells eller i en bunker og vent på at alle andre dauer. Litt som med svartedauen.
07.03.2020 kl 17:56 1135

For noe vas. De fleste her inne lever som preppere i utgangspunktet, med en diett bestående av snurring og pokal pilsner. det er business as usual