Samarbeid med Quantum Shake om The Vikings game

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FIVEPG 28.01.2020 kl 15:45 2219

05-2020 5th Planet Games Has Set New Sail for the Launch of Vikings Game
COPENHAGEN, January 28th, 2020: 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: FIVEPG) is pleased to
announce that it has teamed up with Finnish mobile game experts to further
develop and launch the mobile game based on the smash hit television series

5th Planet Games is still the publisher of the game but teaming up with the
Finnish company Quantum Shake as a sub-contractor which will allow 5th Planet
Games to fast-track development of the game as it will be developed using the
Finnish company's existing game engine, which is a great match to the features
of the Vikings game, says 5th Planet Games CEO Henrik Nielsen.

"I'm confident that the new partnership with Quantum Shake will produce a game
worthy of the high expectations of the millions of Vikings fans worldwide," says
Henrik Nielsen.

"This new partnership is an example of 5th Planet Games following the new
company strategy. Instead of only developing games in-house, we team up with the
best possible external partners. We utilize their expert insight and in this
instance their game engine. That gives the best odds for a successful
end-product and spread our risk."

5th Planet Games has a contract with the American media giant MGM allowing the
development and publishing of a game based on the Vikings television series
which since 2013 has spellbound millions of viewers worldwide and is presently
airing its sixth season.

According to Parrot Analytics, Vikings is one of the top two "The Most In-Demand
Series Overall" in the world. Episodes have reached more than 10 million viewers
across all platforms.

The sixth season will probably be the last of the current setup, but the fans
are not being abandoned. A new storyline is planned in a sequel series titled
"Vikings: Valhalla" which is currently in development for Netflix.

The Vikings game is expected to be launched on mobile platforms in August 2020.

"The time is right to finish the game and give the fans what they want," says
Henrik Nielsen. "We have the right idea, the right team and the right game

About 5th Planet Games: 5th Planet Games is a mobile games developer and
publisher located in Copenhagen and Berlin. We cooperate with strong IP´s as the
Adventures of Tintin and premium sports brands as Cristiano Ronaldo and Nyjah
Huston. We are proud to expand the world of the Vikings TV series, the legendary
game Doodle Jump and Dawn of the Dragons. For more information see or contact CEO Henrik Nielsen +45 27 200 200.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 13:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
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29.01.2020 kl 16:14 1646

Flott presentasjon de gjør de riktige grep nå så dette blir bra-
Redigert 29.01.2020 kl 16:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.01.2020 kl 13:58 1763

Når kan me forvente å høre noe fra møtet?
Slettet bruker
29.01.2020 kl 11:59 1828

5th Planet Games A/S (OMX: FIVEPG) invites
shareholders and other stakeholders to join an investor call on Wednesday 29th
January at 14:00 CEST. The topic of the investor call will be the status of the
present and near-future games in the company portfolio.

The investor call will be hosted by 5th Planet Games' CEO Henrik Nielsen. At the
Investor call, Mr. Nielsen will discuss the status of the present games and
elaborate on the development of upcoming games.

The investor call on January 29th can be accessed live at
Slettet bruker
29.01.2020 kl 11:26 1853

Tjek lige volumen i dag før præsentationen 😏
Slettet bruker
29.01.2020 kl 11:26 1856

Det er korrekt lidt overraskende men lad os se senere
Slettet bruker
29.01.2020 kl 09:41 1909

Frygter lidt for, hvad de melder ud senere.
Det er lidt mistænksomt med de børsmeldinger lige op til præsentationen.
Men ja det er dejligt med lidt 📈
Slettet bruker
29.01.2020 kl 09:27 1929

0,46 nå opp 10% snart tomt for aksjer i rallymodus
Slettet bruker
29.01.2020 kl 07:29 1992

Kan gå kjapt opp mot 0,80 nå etter brudd oppover
Slettet bruker
29.01.2020 kl 07:12 2019

De har fjernet Kings of soccer fra selskabets hjemmeside både inde under games og fra forsiden og udover dette har de også fjernet det fra app store.
De giver hurtigt spillene op må man sige.
Redigert 29.01.2020 kl 07:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
28.01.2020 kl 16:06 2178

Pudsigt at de kommer med alle de børsmeldinger inden præsentationen i morgen.
Spændende om de har mere nyt at fortælle i morgen ( forhåbentligt positive ting )
Hvis spillet bliver lanceret i August er det noget før end jeg havde regnet med.
Hvis spillet bliver en succes burde der være rigeligt med penge til alle selvom at de har fået en partner mere.
Jeg har været inde og kigge på hjemmesiden og umiddelbart ser det ikke ud af meget.
Der er tre ansatte så vidt jeg kan se.
Imponerende hvis de kan have det klar allerede i August måned og at det så er et spil af meget høj kvalitet, der lige fanger brugerne.
Nå det må tiden vise.
Man kan da håbe på succes 🤞
Redigert 28.01.2020 kl 16:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
28.01.2020 kl 15:47 2210

Fivepg Bør faktisk gå 100% kun priset til 16 mill