Nok ett Amerikansk militærfly styrtet i Midtøsten.

29.01.2020 kl 23:31 857

MSM stille som østers, inntil videre.

Flyet gikk ned i Irak.

Redigert 19.01.2021 kl 19:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.01.2020 kl 14:32 554

Something is up
South Korean Oil Tanker blast off the UAE coast in #Hormuz was standing in waters for very long - why?
US sends B-52 dangerously close to #Iran border
another US plane crashes in #Iraq Anbar
USA sends five F-35 to Turkey (sanctions my foot)

Oljetankeren som sto i flammer, var på grunn av vedlikeholds arbeid.
Redigert 30.01.2020 kl 15:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.01.2020 kl 09:15 636

Påfyll fra England i dag morges.

Royal Air Force Bombardier Global Express Sentinel R.1 (ZJ694) left #RAF Akrotiri for a new ISR mission over #Iraq.
Redigert 30.01.2020 kl 09:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.01.2020 kl 23:54 820

Det Amerikanske militærflyet som styrtet i Afghanistan på mandag hadde visstnok andre ombord, foruten standard crew.

Russian intelligence sources have claimed that Michael D’Andrea, head of CIA operations in Iran and who orchestrated the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, was killed in a US spy plane downed yesterday in Ghazni, Afghanistan.

The plane with US Air Force markings reportedly served as the CIA’s mobile command for D’Andrea, who earnt several nicknames including: Ayatollah Mike, the Dark Prince, and the Undertaker. He is one of the most prominent CIA figures in the region, appointed head of the agency’s Iran Mission Centre in 2017. Under his leadership, the agency was perceived to take a more “aggressive stance toward Iran”.

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Redigert 30.01.2020 kl 00:03 Du må logge inn for å svare