Tomra - Quebec, Canada innfører omfattende pantesystem!
Den kanadiske delstaten Quebec med drøyt 8 millioner innbyggere har vedtatt å innføre et svært omfattende pantesystem som omfatter alt fra småflasker og opptil to liter (plast, glass og aluminium). Postet om dette på en annen tråd i går kveld, men dette er en stor Tomra-nyhet som fortjener en egen trådstart. Tomra er allerede aktiv i flere kanadiske delstater, og det er helt sikkert ikke noe dårlig tips at Tomra tar hovedrollen i Quebec. Har ikke tid til å utbrodere så mye mer nå, men poster 2 omfattende artikler, den første med videoinnslag. I den andre fra Montreal Gazette får vi vite at Tomra-teknologi allerede testes og at Tomra-maskiner som knuser flasker og bokser på stedet der og da trolig allerede er operative om noen måneder!
Quebec introduces new deposit system for glass, metal and plastic bottles
Rachel Lau
Digital reporter, CTV News Montreal
@rachel_lau Contact
Published Thursday, January 30, 2020 8:46AM EST
Last Updated Thursday, January 30, 2020 2:46PM EST
MONTREAL -- The Quebec government has announced a new, larger consignment program that will include all glass, plastic and metal drink containers between 100ml and 2L.
"It's quite shameful, the number of plastic and glass bottles that end up in landfill, in our waterways and even on the beaches of Îles de la Madeleine," said Quebec Premier François Legault Thursday. "Quebecers want to do their part for the planet
Wine bottles included in expanded Quebec deposit-return system
In the next three years, standard deposit of 10 cents will be charged on most liquid containers including juice boxes and milk cartons.
The first machines, which would crush bottles on the spot, should appear “in the coming months,” she said. The technology exists — Tomra Canada sells one machine that can process as many as 400 bottles — but the SAQ wants to test them in cold weather first.
Quebec introduces new deposit system for glass, metal and plastic bottles
Rachel Lau
Digital reporter, CTV News Montreal
@rachel_lau Contact
Published Thursday, January 30, 2020 8:46AM EST
Last Updated Thursday, January 30, 2020 2:46PM EST
MONTREAL -- The Quebec government has announced a new, larger consignment program that will include all glass, plastic and metal drink containers between 100ml and 2L.
"It's quite shameful, the number of plastic and glass bottles that end up in landfill, in our waterways and even on the beaches of Îles de la Madeleine," said Quebec Premier François Legault Thursday. "Quebecers want to do their part for the planet
Wine bottles included in expanded Quebec deposit-return system
In the next three years, standard deposit of 10 cents will be charged on most liquid containers including juice boxes and milk cartons.
The first machines, which would crush bottles on the spot, should appear “in the coming months,” she said. The technology exists — Tomra Canada sells one machine that can process as many as 400 bottles — but the SAQ wants to test them in cold weather first.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:31
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31.01.2020 kl 16:09
Stor nyhet dette som får masse presseoppslag i Canada. Her er en til artikkel, og som det skrives her, blir det mange pantemaskiner i Quebec ettersom systemet altså skal omfatte rubbel og bit av drikkevareemballasje, inklusive brennevin og vinflasker.
Can Quebec handle billions of empties under new deposit system? SAQ looks for solutions
Automatic bottle-collection machines may become the norm at provincial liquor outlets
CBC News
Posted: 5 Hours Ago
Bottle Recycling
Automatic machines that collect bottles, like these seen in the United States, may soon become the norm at Quebec liquor store outlets across the province. (Don Ryan/The Associated Press)
The Legault government's ambitious plan to expand Quebec's bottle consignment system to include all beverage containers in the province is being hailed by environmentalists while raising concerns among those who will be stuck managing the expected flood of returnables.
But Quebec's liquor board, after years of opposing the collection of wine and liquor bottles, isn't fighting the plan. It will instead be testing automatic collection machines in the coming year to handle the influx of empties.
And there will be a lot. Quebec projects that more than four billion containers will be returned annually, including more than one billion plastic water bottles.
Can Quebec handle billions of empties under new deposit system? SAQ looks for solutions
Automatic bottle-collection machines may become the norm at provincial liquor outlets
CBC News
Posted: 5 Hours Ago
Bottle Recycling
Automatic machines that collect bottles, like these seen in the United States, may soon become the norm at Quebec liquor store outlets across the province. (Don Ryan/The Associated Press)
The Legault government's ambitious plan to expand Quebec's bottle consignment system to include all beverage containers in the province is being hailed by environmentalists while raising concerns among those who will be stuck managing the expected flood of returnables.
But Quebec's liquor board, after years of opposing the collection of wine and liquor bottles, isn't fighting the plan. It will instead be testing automatic collection machines in the coming year to handle the influx of empties.
And there will be a lot. Quebec projects that more than four billion containers will be returned annually, including more than one billion plastic water bottles.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:31
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31.01.2020 kl 17:09
Fantastisk!! Dette liker vi!!!😀👍
Ha en god Helg😀👍
Ha en god Helg😀👍
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:31
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03.02.2020 kl 20:43
Tydeligvis "bare" grønt som gjelder for delstatsregjeringen i Quebec fremover! I tillegg til pantesystemet vil, som man kan lese under, planer for å fikse kommunale resirkuleringssystemer og håndtering av plast bli presentert med det første. Sagt med andre ord, i Quebec kan Tomra få veldig mye å gjøre!
Analysis: Language and secularism fade as CAQ paints itself green
The Coalition Avenir Québec will point the ship toward the environment and climate change in the winter sitting of the National Assembly, which starts Tuesday.
ST-SAUVEUR — The people wanted a greener government. They will get it.
After spending most of its first year in office bogged down in bad optics over issues like secularism and immigration, the Coalition Avenir Québec government plans to shift gears during the new session of the legislature, which kicks off Tuesday.
Language and secularism are headed for the back burner. Hello environment and economic development, which can coexist in the CAQ’s vision of the world.
“I said 2020 would be the year of the environment,” Premier François Legault said Thursday in announcing an expansion of Quebec’s bottle and can refund system at a CAQ pre-session caucus in St-Sauveur. “We’re off to a good start.”
The bottle deposit program is only the beginning. In the coming weeks, Environment Minister Benoit Charette, who is increasingly emerging as one of Legault’s star ministers, will be the government’s point person on all things green.
He’s got a desk full of reform plans to announce, too. There is one fixing the municipal recycling system and another for the composting networks. He has a plan for managing plastics and a big one covering the electrification of transportation in all spheres: trains, tramways, buses and cars.
Analysis: Language and secularism fade as CAQ paints itself green
The Coalition Avenir Québec will point the ship toward the environment and climate change in the winter sitting of the National Assembly, which starts Tuesday.
ST-SAUVEUR — The people wanted a greener government. They will get it.
After spending most of its first year in office bogged down in bad optics over issues like secularism and immigration, the Coalition Avenir Québec government plans to shift gears during the new session of the legislature, which kicks off Tuesday.
Language and secularism are headed for the back burner. Hello environment and economic development, which can coexist in the CAQ’s vision of the world.
“I said 2020 would be the year of the environment,” Premier François Legault said Thursday in announcing an expansion of Quebec’s bottle and can refund system at a CAQ pre-session caucus in St-Sauveur. “We’re off to a good start.”
The bottle deposit program is only the beginning. In the coming weeks, Environment Minister Benoit Charette, who is increasingly emerging as one of Legault’s star ministers, will be the government’s point person on all things green.
He’s got a desk full of reform plans to announce, too. There is one fixing the municipal recycling system and another for the composting networks. He has a plan for managing plastics and a big one covering the electrification of transportation in all spheres: trains, tramways, buses and cars.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:31
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04.02.2020 kl 07:21
Ja, ja. Nok et eksempel på hvilken vei det bærer for bærekraft og miljøhensyn i tiden fremover (og dette GLOBALT!!) Da er det godt å vite at Tomra er verdensledende på disse feltene!!!
Say no more. Men det finnes INGEN andre investeringer en Tomra for tiden med så EKSTREMT mange muligheter og så EKSTREMT gode fremtidsutsikter! Det vil Q4/EOY 2019 vise den 20 februar!!!
Say no more. Men det finnes INGEN andre investeringer en Tomra for tiden med så EKSTREMT mange muligheter og så EKSTREMT gode fremtidsutsikter! Det vil Q4/EOY 2019 vise den 20 februar!!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:31
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