Tomra - Tomra Sorting Recycling

TOM 25.07.2018 kl 20:08 67249

Når man leser det nedenforstående går tankene like mye i retning magi som industri. Tomra sorterer alt. Her handler det om aluminium. Man kan trygt glede seg til alt som kommer fra dette selskapet i overskuelig fremtid. "Very strong growth" var forøvrig beskrivelsen Tomras meget nøkterne og svært edruelige CEO Stefan Ranstrand brukte for å beskrive status innen Tomra Sorting Recycling under Q2 2018 presentasjonen torsdag 19.juli.


TOMRA to spotlight X-TRACT and LIBS technologies at Aluminium 2018 Exhibition

Sensor-based sorting technologies can help increase the worldwide supply of aluminum while enhancing sustainability

July 25, 2018

TOMRA Sorting Recycling will showcase its sensor-based sorting technologies at Aluminium 2018, the world trade fair and conference, at Messe Düsseldorf, Germany, from October 9-11, 2018. TOMRA's exhibition stand will spotlight the company's X-TRACT machine (shown above), which separates valuable materials from metal waste, and its state-of-the-art LIBS technology, which accurately sorts and separates different aluminum wrought alloys.

Aluminium 2018 is expected to attract more than 27,000 visitors from 100 countries and will share latest insights into everything from aluminum production to processing, finished goods and recycling. TOMRA can be found on Hall 11, stand no. 11|54. The company's technical experts will be available during all three days of the event to answer visitors' questions.

TOMRA's participation at Aluminium 2018 highlights how the company provides technical solutions to two of the industry's biggest challenges: with global production of aluminum pushed to an all-time high because of the increasing need for light metals for energy transition and transportation, recycling can help meet demand for the material; and with intensifying pressures for sustainability, recycling improves resource conservation.

Frank van de Winkel, TOMRA Sorting Business Development Manager Metals, said: "High levels of aluminum production plus the high accuracy of modern alloy-sorting techniques make it more and more worthwhile to unlock the value from secondary materials that would otherwise be lost. What's more, re-using scrap metal is an environmentally friendly practice which demonstrates the industry's commitment to sustainability. For these reasons we're looking forward to discussing our technologies at Aluminium 2018 with recyclers, smelters and remelters."

TOMRA's X-TRACT separates heavy metals from aluminum alloys with such high precision - regardless of the materials' size, moisture, or surface pollution level - that it achieves aluminum purities of 98-99%, even from a varied mix and with small grain sizes. This technology employs an electric X-ray tube so that broad-band radiation can penetrate the material to provide spectral absorption information. This data is then measured with a highly sensitive X-ray camera to identify the atomic density of the material, regardless of its thickness. Material is sorted into high- and low-density fractions with TOMRA's DUOLINE® sensor technology using two independent sensor lines with different spectral sensitivities.

TOMRA's LIBS-based sensor sorting technology extends the options for the use of scrap- and secondary-aluminum. By employing a dynamic laser which can monitor the entire width of the belt, this has the unique advantage of eliminating the complex and costly need to separate materials into single lanes. This enables the sorting and separation of different aluminum wrought alloys with unprecedentedly high levels of efficiency, achieving sorting accuracies of 99% purity (or greater) with high throughputs of three to seven tons per hour.

Aluminium 2018 will also be an opportunity for recyclers, smelters and remelters to learn how TOMRA customizes technical solutions to fit customer requirements. The combination of state-of-the-art technologies and personalized technical support explains why TOMRA has become one of the leading suppliers of sorting units in North America, Europe and Asia. Over 60 TOMRA units have been sold worldwide for the separation of different scrap sources, such as taint tabor from (old) sheet scrap, extrusion profile scrap, used beverage-can scrap, and production scrap and new scrap from manufacturing waste
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.01.2019 kl 18:26 42662

Tomra Sorting Recycling styrker staben i Nord-Amerika. Nyheten taler sitt tydelige språk om vekst i regionen, spør du meg, og at Tomra vokser er jo ingen nyhet akkurat. Selskapet opplyste i fjor at den store veksten medfører at Tomra kommer til å ansette flere tusene nye medarbeidere de nærmeste årene.

TOMRA adds to North American staff

TOMRA Sorting Recycling adds Sean Hyacinth and Kevin Montalvo to its staff in North America.

January 30, 2019
Edited by Brian Taylor

Germany-based TOMRA Sorting Recycling has announced two additions to what it calls its North America product support team. Sean Hyacinth ,has been added as a field service engineer for TOMRA optical sorting equipment, and Kevin Javier Montalvo has assumed the newly created position of customer project manager, recycling. Hyacinth and Montalvo will work directly with TOMRA dealers and customers.

“The demands of the recycling industry today are such that sorting equipment manufacturers must provide customers the right sorting solutions, ensure seamless equipment integration and installation, and deliver superior support after the sale, so the equipment delivers optimum throughput throughout its service life,” says Carlos Manchado Atienza, regional director Americas for TOMRA Sorting Recycling. “The experience and enthusiasm Sean and Kevin bring to the TOMRA team serve to strengthen our commitment to customers and the success of their businesses.”

Hyacinth has more than 20 years of field service and management experience, providing equipment installation, maintenance and repair services during his career.

“TOMRA has well earned a reputation throughout the industry for providing innovative recycling solutions that elevate product purity,” says Hyacinth.

Montalvo has previously worked in the quality department for a global infrastructure developer, where he managed weekly meetings with the customer on a $750 million highway project.

“TOMRA is a champion of the circular economy and a leader in providing sorting solutions to the waste, metals and plastics recycling markets,” comments Montalvo. “I am proud to join the TOMRA team and look forward to managing customer projects, so equipment installations and upgrades are completed on time and within budget.”

Both Hyacinth and Montalvo will work from field-based offices in California for TOMRA Sorting Recycling, which describes itself as a global supplier of sensor-based sorting equipment.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.01.2019 kl 21:39 42020

Tomra har sendt ut pressemelding i dag. Egentlig verdt en egen trådstart, men vi tar den her. Det er lett å la seg imponere. For meg høres nemlig dette ut som et industielt gjennombrudd når det gjelder å sortere ut plast som inneholder bromerte flammehemmere fra blandet plastavfall fra " electrical and electronic waste" (WEEE). Ekstremt nyttig når man ikke lenger kan skipe plastavfall til Kina og andre asiatiske land samtidig som resirkulering av plast som inneholder bromerte flammehemmere er forbudt og lovstridig. Med andre ord nok et industrielt segment hvor det er all mulig grunn til å tro at Tomras "state of the art" sorteringsteknologi vil bli svært etterspurt fremover.


AUTOSORT and X-TRACT machines remove up to 98% of plastics containing BFRs

31 January 2019

TOMRA Sorting Recycling has given a presentation at the influential International Electronics Recycling Congress (IERC 2019) to share the company’s specialized knowledge of materials-recovery from electrical and electronic waste (WEEE). With legislation prohibiting the re-use of plastics containing brominated flame retardants (BFRs), TOMRA explained how combining the company’s near infrared and X-Ray technologies enables the removal of up to 98% of plastics containing BFRs from mixed plastic waste streams.

Judit Jansana, Head of TOMRA Sorting Iberia and part of the Metal expert group at TOMRA Sorting Recycling, commented: “Now that plastics waste can no longer be shipped to China and simply forgotten about, there is growing demand from recyclers for pre-separated polymers that are BFR-free. IERC 2019 was the perfect venue for TOMRA to spotlight how its AUTOSORT and X-TRACT machines can achieve this with remarkably high efficiency.”

IERC well attended, TOMRA discusses an important issue
IERC 2019 took place at the Salzburg Congress convention center from January 16-18 and attracted more than 450 professionals, including manufacturers and users of recycling technologies, government and NGO officials, policy-influencing academics, and members of the media. After a keynote speech by former EU Environment Commissioner Dr Janez Potočnik, a series of presentations and workshops discussed latest-thinking regarding WEEE, the circular economy, and challenges facing the recycling industry.

One hot topic was the Chinese National Sword Initiative, which has almost entirely halted the shipping of waste materials to China. The Chairman of the IERC Steering Committee, Jean Cox-Kearns, observed that in January 2018 there was a 99% reduction from the previous year in plastics exported to China, and that similar restrictions on accepting waste are soon expected to be imposed by other Asian nations.

These restrictions greatly increase the need to improve recycling rates in countries where waste is originated, but this will require a wider understanding and adoption of sorting technologies. With this in mind, the Head of TOMRA Sorting Iberia, Judit Jansana, gave a presentation which asked, ‘How efficient is the dry separation technology of flame-retardant WEEE plastics?’

That question is important, because the law prohibits the recycling of brominated flame retardants, meaning that BFRs must be sorted-out of WEEE plastics before recycling. In addition, the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, which applies to the production of all new goods, requires recycled polymers to be BFR-free.

The combined TOMRA solution
TOMRA’s presentation noted that electrical and electronic devices contain anything from 3% to 60% plastic, and among that approximately 30% of plastics contain flame retardants. TOMRA makes it possible to extract these materials from waste with the highly effective combination of two sorting machines, fulfilling the RoHS Directive with an output with less than 1000ppm of bromine.

TOMRA’s AUTOSORT starts the sorting process by using near infrared (NIR) technology to separate the input of mixed polymers, typically from IT and household appliances, into polymers fractions – creating, for example, a PC/ABS (polycarbonates/Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) fraction or a HIPS (high impact polystyrene) fraction.

Every fraction is then passed separately through TOMRA’s X-TRACT machine, with X-Ray technology which can separate BFR polymers from BFR-free polymers because flame-retardant elements have higher atomic densities which absorb more energy. This technology is independent of the color of the input plastics, meaning black plastic is not an issue.

The impressive result of this two-step process is the removal of up to 98% of plastics containing BFRs from mixed input waste streams with a minimal loss of good plastics.

As an alternative way of reducing bromine, it is also possible to start the process with a straight pass through TOMRA X-TRACT to achieve an output of less than 1000ppm, leaving a mix free of BFR for further polymer separation processes.

Judit Jansana commented: “I was very satisfied with our participation in IERC and especially with the debate after my presentation on the future of the Directive, which seems set to restrict bromine content to much lower limits. The sector is very aware of this and further technological developments will be necessary to comply. TOMRA will be continuing working side-by-side with customers to help them.”
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.02.2019 kl 07:20 41635

Tomra har knekket koden på hvordan man sortere hva som helst av materiale. Med “enkle” grep kan deres maskiner læres opp (machine learning) til å sortere det kundene måtte ønske. Her er Tomra milevis foran sine konkurenter!! Dette blir bare viktigere og viktigere for hver dag som går.

Ha en god helg.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.02.2019 kl 20:19 41201

Irish Packaging Recycling (IPR) i Dublin driver med papirgjenvinning og melder om sukess etter installasjon av Tomra-teknologi!

Tomra units seek to boost paper recovery at IPR

Irish Packaging Recycling (IPR), part of the Beauparc Utility Group, has installed five Tomra Sorting units at its materials recovery facility in Ballymount, Dublin, following a £2.9 million plant upgrade.

The latest arrivals have allowed the plant to run at 20 tonnes per hour (an increase from its original 16.5 tonnes per hour) whilst achieving 98.3% purity on the paper grade, prior to entering one of three new paper picking cabins. This has led to reduced labour costs and cleaner waste streams for IPR, the company says.

Liam Dunne, MRF general manager at the IPR-operated MRF, commented: “Our goal was to get below 2% contamination and we’re currently at 1.7% and that’s before our trained operators pick out any contamination remaining from our three new QC cabins.

“This has enabled us to increase the number of outlets we export to, but the main thing for us as a business is that as the markets for paper closed and the material becomes harder to move, we’re now in a much stronger position to be the last operator in Ireland to be stopped.”

The upgrade – managed by IPR’s main contractor, McDonald International – also included the installation of 37 conveyors, five Tomra optical separators, one Nihot density separator, as well as integrating old and new controls into a single system to increase plant efficiency.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.03.2019 kl 19:00 40675

Et par meget interessante og signifikante artikler av mer generell karakter. Først en fra CNBC om hvordan California planlegger å fase ut all bruk av "single-use plastic" innen 2030. Dette er særlig signifikant fordi resten av delstatene i USA har en tendens til å følge etter California.

California proposes phaseout of single-use plastics by 2030

* California lawmakers introduced legislation this week to phase out single-use plastic food containers and other packaging that can't demonstrate it's recyclable or compostable.

* Proponents of the legislation say it could help reduce the problem of plastic littering beaches and oceans.

* Last year the Golden State became the first in the nation to restrict the use of plastic straws in restaurants.

Jeff Daniels | @jeffdanielsca
Published 11:16 AM ET Sat, 23 Feb 2019 Updated 12:07 PM ET Sat, 23 Feb 2019

California already has placed curbs on plastic items such as straws and bags — and this week legislation was introduced to phase out single-use plastic food containers and other packaging that isn't recyclable or compostable.

The proposed measure also would apply to polystyrene foam containers used for takeout meals, as well as plastic detergent bottles. Assembly Bill 1080, introduced Thursday, would phase out the single-use plastics by 2030 and follows concerns about plastic debris going in oceans and on beaches.

If the legislation becomes law, some experts believe it could lead to other states taking similar steps. In 2014 California became the first state with a single-use plastic bag ban, they noted, which led to at least four other states introducing similar measures.

"What we do in California tends to spread across the country," said Mark Murray, executive director of Californians Against Waste, a nonprofit environmental group. "If manufacturers have to comply with this rule in California, they probably are going to do this across the country."

If passed, Murray said the legislation would be a "win" for companies making or marketing two common recycled plastic materials: polyethylene terephthalate (or PET) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). PET is commonly used for plastic bottles that contain water or soda, while HDPE is used in milk jugs, shampoo bottles, household cleaning bottles and in some trash bags and cereal liners.

Så en artikkel om vårt eget Infinitum. Som vi vet, er det Tomras norske pantesystem som er bærebjelken i Infinitums eventyrlige resirkuleringssuksess. Infinitum forteller at interessen for selskapets suksess ute i den store verden er så massiv at man bruker ordet "crazy" når man forteller om antall utenlandske delegasjoner som har besøkt selskapets produksjonsanlegg!

Norway recycles 97% of its plastic bottles: a blueprint for the rest of the world?

Words by
Peter Yeung
February 26, 2019

The Infinitum bottle deposit hub recycles 97 per cent of Norway’s plastic drinks bottles, almost all to such a high standard that they can be turned back into bottles. Should the world follow suit to help tackle the menace of plastic pollution?


Add to the picture the great ease with which bottles can be returned at hundreds of thousands of ‘reverse vending machines’ and you begin to understand Norway’s success on this front.

Compare the country’s plastic bottle recycling rate of more than 97 per cent with 43 per cent in the UK and 28 per cent in the US, and it’s clear how much there is to be learned. International politicians and businesses alike have taken note of what’s happening at Infinitum.

“This year has been crazy,” says Tor Guttulsrud, the facility’s director of economics and finance. He rattles off a list of nations that have sent visitors in the last 12 months alone: China, Kazakhstan, Croatia, India, Malta, Rwanda, Spain, Australia, Scotland and England. “I don’t see any reason why it couldn’t be adopted by those countries,” he adds. “It would not be difficult.”


Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.03.2019 kl 21:24 40290

Skriften på veggen er tydelig. Fremover må alle verdens nasjoner håndtere, sortere og resirkulere sitt eget avfall nasjonalt. Kina innførte importforbud 01.01.2018 og utløste dermed resirkuleringskaos i verdens rike nasjoner som ikke lenger kunne eksportere sitt avfall til Kina. Singapore og Vietnam har fulgt etter kinesernes eksempel. Nå innfører også India importforbud, og Thailand er også klare. Thaiene har dessuten satt seg veldig høye mål når det gjelder resirkulering. Det synges nå svanesang for eksport av urent avfall. Tomra som er verdens soleklare globale markedsleder både når det gjelder teknologi for innsamling (panteteknologi) og sortering, vil selvsagt profittere (stort) på denne revolusjonen.


India bans imports of waste plastic to tackle environmental crisis

Tighter rules come a year after China implemented similar ban, prompting western nations to send rubbish elsewhere

Harry Cockburn

Thursday 7 March 2019

India has banned imports of waste plastic a year after China, the world’s biggest importer of scrap plastic implemented a similar ban on western imports.

The move is to reportedly close the gap between waste generation and recycling capacity.

India generates 26,000 tons of plastic waste every day.

“The country has now completely prohibited the import of solid plastic waste by amending the Hazardous Waste Rules on March 1,” an environment ministry official said.

“It has been done keeping in consideration ‘ease of doing business’ and boosting ‘Make in India’ initiative by simplifying the procedures under the rules, while at the same time upholding the principles of sustainable development and ensuring minimal impact on the environment,” the ministry said, according to the Economic Times.

India has committed to completely phasing out single-use plastics by 2022.


After China’s announcement that it would no longer accept “foreign garbage”, environment secretary Michael Gove said the UK had to “stop offshoring our dirt” and deal with its plastic waste at home.

But at the time, India was mentioned as one destination for plastic rubbish as a “short term” alternative destination to China.


Govt bids to recycle all plastics by 2030

5 Mar 2019

Thailand will recycle all its locally produced plastic waste by 2030, National Resources and Environment Minister Surasak Kanjanarat announced in a regional forum on waste management on Monday.

"The government has a clear stance on plastic waste because of its harmful effects to the environment, especially marine habitats," he said. "We had that in mind when we set the country's plastic recycling goals."


Gen Surasak said that Thailand will ban the import of plastic waste to produce new material. Currently, Thailand has to import plastic waste from other countries, especially Japan, in order to comply with an international manufacturing rule that requires a third of the materials used to come from recycled material, as its locally generated plastic waste is considered unfit for industrial recycling processes.

Gen Surasak said the ban on importing waste will force the waste management sector to improve. "With support from the business sector, we are confident that we can achieve our target by 2030, or even earlier," he said.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.03.2019 kl 21:47 40185

Banebrytende og revolusjonerende fra Tomra! Tomra har nylig publisert en (gratis) e-bok som beviser at det både er mulig og ØKONOMISK LØNNSOMT å produsere varer av 100% resirkulert plastikk. At "doing the right thing" samtidig også er økonomisk lønnsomt er jo bare helt enormt!




The recycling industry is now proving it is technically possible and economically worthwhile to produce goods from 100% recycled plastic. New technologies are also challenging previous assumptions that recycled materials must necessarily be of inferior quality.

This means there will be profitable commercial opportunities for manufacturers of plastic products and packaging to make greater use of recycled plastics. Read more and:

* Explore excellent reasons for manufacturing high-quality recycled plastic goods

* Discover opportunities to profit from consumers’ concerns about plastics waste

* Learn why PET bottles and trays should be recycled instead of being downcycled

* See how TOMRA’s LOD and SHARP EYE technologies make the crucial difference

TOMRA examines prospects for 100 percent recycled-content packaging

Technology firm’s e-document provides overview of progress of global PET bottle and tray recycling.

March 13, 2019
Edited by Brian Taylor

Germany-based TOMRA Sorting Recycling has published a downloadable document designed to examine the role recycling can play in sustainable packaging, including the technical feasibility and progress made toward products made with 100 percent recycled plastics. The company says the document also “highlights the opportunities of using high-quality recycled plastics for manufacturers of plastic products and packaging.”


The document also describes the role of TOMRA equipment and systems such as its Sharp Eye Laser Object Detection (LOD), its AutoSort and its Flying Beam sorter in boosting the recyclability of PET bottles and food trays.

“Recycling is part of the solution to the world’s worsening resource crisis,” states Tom Eng, senior vice president and head of TOMRA Sorting Recycling. “TOMRA’s e-book highlights the environmental and economic importance of sorting technologies for the significant role they can play in improving recycling rates. To complement this, product designers and manufacturers are now beginning to think more carefully about their products’ end-of-life recyclability. Consumers now think about, and our natural environment urgently needs, this. It is together that we can really make a difference.”

TOMRA Sorting Recycling designs and manufactures sensor-based sorting technologies, with more than 5,500 systems installed in nearly 80 countries worldwide. It is part of Norway-based TOMRA Systems ASA.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.03.2019 kl 20:37 39946

Sortering av sorte plastyper har historisk vært et problem. Her ser vi hvem store produsenter av emballasje henvender seg til når man skal undersøke hvor effektivt de nye produktene man utvikler kan sorteres med heblikk på resirkulering. Tomra selvfølgelig. Den overlegne globale markedslederen innen sortering for resirkulering.

Quinn Packaging designs environmentally friendly trays for confectionery

Posted: 12 March 2019

Irish-based Quinn Packaging has designed a series of environmentally-friendly black trays for confectionery that have been devised to be fully identified by sorting systems for recycling.

As the company explained, it hopes its latest Detecta series will offer a significant breakthrough in prevent thousands of tonnes of plastic being sent to landfill.

Presently, many black plastic trays made using carbon colour additives, are reportedly invisible to near-infra-red optical sorting systems, which Quinn believes will be resolved with its new series.

Consequently, the business partnered with Tomra, the leading global provider of sensor-based sorting systems, to undertake extensive trials to prove the performance in challenging sorting environments.

Steve Walsh, UK sales manager at Tomra, facilitated this testing for the new product. He said: “We were delighted to have recently hosted Quinn Packaging at our Test Centre in Germany where we conducted extensive trials using the Tomra auto-sort across all sorting situations. The results speak for themselves, the Detecta by Quinn trays proved to be fully identifiable in all respects’.

During the development process Quinn Packaging was focused not only on providing the market with a detectable black PET tray that could be easily recycled, but also on producing a PET tray that was competitively priced yet still blended with over 90% recycled material.

Den globale resirkuleringsdagen var i går med Tomra som sponsor. Legg merke til hva sjefen for sortering i Tomra Volker Rehrmann sier om Tomras samarbeid med regioner rundt omkring på kloden med henblikk på å skape en bedre verden for fremtidige generasjoner. Vi er vitner til en revolusjon og den skjer nå! Før var det produsenter med egen profitt som hovedagenda som vant frem i lobbyvirksomhet mot politiske myndigheter med den konsekvens at konstruktive tiltak når det gjelder miljø og bærekraft ikke ble innført. Nå vil ikke opinionen mer og krever endring i konstruktiv og bærekraftig retning! Dermed er det Tomras lobbyvirksomhet som nå vinner gehør hos myndigheter rundt omkring. Til det beste for oss alle, om vi er aksjonærer eller ei.

Global Recycling Foundation confirms support from Tomra

Global Recycling Foundation has announced that Tomra Sorting RecyclingShas become a ‘Friend of the Foundation’, as well as a sponsor for Global Recycling Day.


Tomra designs and manufactures sensor-based sorting technologies for the global recycling and waste management industry.

The theme of this year’s Global Recycling Day is “Recycling into the Future”, focusing on young people and innovation and aims to encourage everyone to recognise the role we can all play in better recycling practices and improving the circular economy.

Founding President of the Global Recycling Foundation, Ranjit Baxi, says: “We are proud to welcome Tomra as a Friend of the Foundation and a sponsor for Global Recycling Day. Our goals on getting people to think about recycling differently align perfectly with Tomra’s mission to have a ‘resource revolution’ where people rethink how they obtain, use and reuse the world’s resources.”

Dr Volker Rehrmann, Head of Circular Economy at Tomra says: “The Circular Economy is more in focus than ever before – regions around the world are heightening sustainability targets and driving impactful standards. Together with Tomra, the regions build a brighter future for generations to come. We are pleased to be a part of the Global Recycling Day initiative and look forward to working with the Global Recycling Foundation to make a difference.”

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.03.2019 kl 18:51 39717

To pressemeldinger fra Tomra i dag. Har allerede postet om begge på forumet da Tomras pressemeldinger har en tendens til å dukke opp i diverse media "ute i den store verden", før de publiseres på Tomras hjemmeside. Laget en egen trådstart på den ene - INNOSORT FLAKE ( Begge disse nyhetene er helt klart verdt egne trådstarter. Dette er to meget signifikante nyheter innen (plast)resirkuleringsindustrien som garantert vil generere klingende mynt inn i Tomra-kassen nå som bergene av plastavfall bare vokser seg større og større over hele kloden for hver dag som går, men som alt annet når det gjelder Tomra, går de langt under radaren her hjemme. Tomra omtales stort sett kun den dagen selskapet legger frem kvartalpresentasjon. Så langt jeg kan huske tilbake har en fantastisk kvartalspresentasjon blitt avløst av en enda mer fantastisk neste, men omtalen bergrenser seg uansett stort sett til nøyaktig det samme ved hver eneste kvartalpresentasjon: Hegnar Online publiserer at Jan Petter Sissener synes Tomra-aksjen er for dyr. ;)

Ser frem til neste rykk. Oppover. God helg.


Downloadable document shows that it is technically possible and economically worthwhile to produce goods from 100% recycled plastic.

22 March 2019


TOMRA Sorting Recycling offers a full range of options to recycle plastics. Its flake sorting technologies upgrade throughput using a single machine while ensuring constant and high-quality output.

22 March 2019

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.03.2019 kl 23:06 39465

Det jubles for oppgradert avfallssorteringsanlegg i Brest, Hviterussland. Man har installert Tomras globalt markedsledende sorteringsteknologi, må vite.

Hviterussland har også bebudet at det jobbbes for å innføre et nasjonalt pantesystem. Ikke så rart når vi her altså får vite hvem som er tilstede i nasjonen allerede...

Brest waste recycling plant has completed modernization of the municipal solid waste sorting line

March 24, 2019

About 200 tons of solid chemical waste are delivered daily to the waste recycling plant from Brest, Zhabinka and settlements of the Brest region. And if, prior to the local technological “revolution,” the extraction of secondary material resources was 9%, then after its completion this figure increased to 14-15% (i.e., more than 1.5 times). Now automation is largely responsible for the in-depth sorting of potential raw materials for processing enterprises. Although you still can't do without human hands ...

The company started the modernization of the MSW sorting line in May 2017, and completed it in February of this year. About 3 million euros invested in the project. These are mainly investments of the State Enterprise “Operator of Secondary Material Resources” and, in part, own funds.

“Efficient sorting of the waste stream has become possible thanks to the high-tech equipment of STADLER, TOMRA, BRT companies and equipment of Russian manufacturers,” says Dmitry Sharshnitsky, chief engineer of the plant. - These are optical scanners, fuses, ballistic separator, conveyor system. Optical scanners due to infrared radiation (its spectrum is different for different materials) find the necessary BMPs in the debris flow and “shoot” them, i.e. throw up the directed stream of air. There are three of them, and each is set up for a specific type of BMP: plastics, paper and film. ”

Take, for example, a common PET bottle. Previously, sorters had to extract it from the general flow of TKO: various types of solid municipal waste went along the conveyor along with plastic in bulk. Now only volumetric plastics are delivered to the conveyor, and it remains for the sorters to separate the bottle by type and color (these are the requirements of the processors with whom the BMP is sold). The same happens with the film: the optical scanner "saw" it, and then it went to the conveyor for more "detailed" sorting. This increases productivity, improves the working conditions of 40 sorters, and also increases the percentage of BMP extraction. Selected secondary material resources go to the implementation of enterprises specializing in their processing.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.04.2019 kl 22:57 38886

Regionen Astrakhan Oblast (drøyt 1 mill. innbyggere) med hovedstaden Astrakhan (drøyt 500 000 innbyggere) ligger i det sør-vestlige Russland ved Det Kaspiske Hav. Her er det, som på mange andre steder i dag, full rulle når det gjelder oppgradering av regionens avfallshåndtering. Hva gjør man da for å få best mulig resultater? Jo, man opppgraderer selvfølgelig anlegget med Tomras teknologi over hele linja, bokstavelig talt.


7:24 / 03/27/2019

In appeals to the acting governor Sergei Morozov, residents of the Astrakhan region often raise problems with garbage disposal. Today, during his working visit, the head of the region inspected the work of the waste sorting complex and the landfill for the disposal of solid waste.

The new investor - Clean Environment LLC - came to the waste sorting complex last fall. In 2018, 96.5 tons of waste were processed. For the first quarter of this year - 50 thousand tons.

“Currently, the plant’s capacity is 200 thousand tons of recycled waste. But by the end of this year it will increase by more than two times and will amount to 500 thousand tons, ”Rem Vartanov, director of the Astrakhan branch of EcoCenter LLC, told about the plans of Sergey Morozov. “The whole Astrakhan region is in our area of ​​activity.”

In April, the company begins modernization. In order not to stop the waste sorting conveyor, it was decided to carry out in two stages. First, completely dismantle the old and install new equipment on the first line. Then go to the second. Both lines will be upgraded with Tomra-type optical separators, which will speed up waste sorting.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.04.2019 kl 23:19 38804

Har vært inne på dette flere ganger før. Flere og flere nasjoner i Sør-Øst-Asia stanser nå all import av blandet og urent avfall fra verdens rike nasjoner. I Australia er det, som mange andre steder full krise når det gjelder plast, etter at Kina lukket døren for import av plastavfall 01.01.2018.. Krisen blir bare verre og verre for australierne nå som India og Indonesia gjør det samme. "Bottom line" er selvsagt at verdens rike nasjoner fremover MÅ håndtere sitt eget avfall selv, om man vil eller ikke. Tomra sitter på løsningene når det gjelder teknologien for både innsamling (panteteknologi) og sortering.

9:06pm, Mar 30, 2019 Updated: 9:56pm, Mar 30

Indonesia and India’s crackdown on waste could be the final straw for Australian recycling

Australia’s recycling crisis is about to worsen as both India and Indonesia follow China’s lead and refuse to accept our contaminated waste.

Indonesia and India took a combined 34 per cent of our total waste exports in December last year, with Indonesia ranked our second-largest waste destination (19 per cent) and India our fourth (13 per cent).

But both countries have recently vowed to enforce tight restrictions around what types of recyclable waste they will accept from us.

This month, India said its recycling facilities had reached capacity and would therefore no longer be able to accept Australia’s solid plastic waste.

It also promised to completely phase out single-use plastics by 2022, echoing the European Union’s decision this week to ban single-use plastics by 2021.

Adding to the strain on Australia’s recycling facilities was a shock announcement this week by our second-biggest waste importer: Indonesia.

From April 1, the Indonesian government will inspect every single piece of scrap paper to make sure all of it is clean before accepting it.

Previously, it had only inspected one in 10 waste paper items, meaning contaminated waste or general rubbish sent by Australia could easily slip through customs.

Indonesian inspection agency Sucofindo sent a notice to exporters on March 22 saying Indonesian customs had found too many “discrepancies in the importation of waste paper” and would now inspect 100 per cent of items.

Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association of Australia chief executive Gayle Sloan said Indonesia’s crackdown on waste paper meant Australian households needed to be extra careful about what they put in their recycling bins.

“Any recyclable that’s not clean and dry won’t be accepted anymore,” Ms Sloan said.

“Clean out any oil in takeaway boxes and make sure there are no food scraps left in them.”

However, she also said that while it was important for households to do their bit and recycle properly, Australia’s recycling crisis would only get worse if the government kept trying to offload our rubbish to other countries.

“The only sustainable long-term response for this is for the government to invest in our own re-manufacturing facilities … so we can put products back out to the market and say, ‘This is made with Australian recyclable content’,” Ms Sloan said.

“All we’ve been doing is moving our waste around, and at some point the music stops and there are no more chairs to sit on.

“This problem won’t go away without industry and government working together and finding real solutions.”

Waste deposit return company Reloop’s Pacific director Robert Kelmann said the Asian powerhouses’ tough new recycling rules “really reinforced the need for Australia to build an ability to get clean, recyclable material”.

“No one really wants this material and that’s what the world is showing, it’s so contaminated that no one can really use it,” Mr Kelmann said.

“We need to set up a clean flow of materials. China and India have been a dumping ground for waste.”
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.04.2019 kl 23:06 38674

Sier god kveld med "rosinen i pølsa" når det gjelder kveldens oppdatering av Tomra-tråder! Paro som er spesialist innen prosessering av konstruksjonsrelatert avfall, utvider nå sin virksomhet i havneområdet i Amsterdam formidabelt. Paro dobler sitt anleggsområde og konstruerer blant annet et helt nytt sorteringsanlegg og et nytt kaiområde. Her er det verdensmarkedet som betjenes, må vite, og nå har dere sikkert skjønt hvem Paro har valgt som leverandør av sorteringsteknologi til sitt nye sorteringsanlegg. Riktig gjettet, Norges superselskap Tomra Systems selvfølgelig. Tomra som har utrolige ca. 60% (!!!) global markedsandel innen sortering for resirkulering.

You are here: Rubbish online » archive » Articles:

Category: advertorial | Published: April 10, 2019

Circularity is tradition at Paro

Specialist in the processing of construction-related wastes Paro is expanding this year considerably. The location in Amsterdam doubles this year in size and a seaworthy quay is built for access to the global waste and commodity market. It Also allows the company to build a second sorting system.

"There renewed a bright future", says Paro-owner Gerard Panda. "We are growing hard, entirely in line with our circular tradition. This year we double our location in Amsterdam. In The coming years we are developing this location to the central cluster in the Amsterdam Metropolitan area for storage and high-quality recycling. In Addition to the already existing reworking of construction and demolition waste, we are committed to broadening and deepening our portfolio. Further sustainability of concrete and the production of alternative fuels from residual waste are some examples of this. To This End, we have set up an extensive investment programme, which for 2019 includes the construction of a second separation plant, a seaport quay and the construction of more than 7 hectares of additional port terrain. Space, capacity and embracing new methods and techniques are in our vision core conditions for high-quality recycling. "


Although the usual processing of sorting residue and dry industrial waste streams is still incinerated, these streams contain potentially many reusable raw materials. In Addition, the combustion value of sorting residue (much) is higher than where combustion furnaces are designed. Enough reason to get started with this.

However, the efficient recovery of these raw materials is technically and economically not easy. For this reason, Paro has, together with its permanent suppliers Banner and TOMRA, now developed an after-separation installation, which makes it technically possible to sort out monostromen on an industrial scale, which can then be used as raw materials Reused. Paro contributes in the first place to the longer keeping of valuable raw materials in the chain. Moreover, a side effect is that the heating value is significantly lower after this separation, resulting in better thermally processed residual waste. Paro consciously opts for separation of dry mixed waste materials. This leads to better quality monostromen, which promotes a higher quality reuse.

The Heart of the new Nascheidingsinstallatie consists of nine optical separators, some of which are equipped with laser detection. To make these machines work optimally, the waste is routed to ballistic separators via a presort drum. For the necessary splitting into a light (2D) and a heavy (3D) fraction. After all, Magnets and Eddy Current separators complete the whole, by sorting the existing metals. To achieve the desired throughput of 1 million cubic meters per year, the line is double. The installation is currently under construction and is expected to be put into service at The end of February.

Seaport Quay and Terrain expansion

In Order to be able to become the recycling hub in the metropolitan region of Amsterdam, sufficient space and access to water via the North Sea Canal is indispensable. Paro is sorting this out for this year by putting in a seaworthy quay and adding more than 7 hectares of terrain to its current location, so that the total
size of the site will soon be 13.5 hectares. "This has laid the foundations for the future of Paro in Amsterdam," says Panda. "The Quay is our access to the global waste and commodity market, while the location – after enlargement – offers ample opportunities for local storage, reprocessing and marketing of the flows from the metropolitan region. The Best of two worlds so said ".
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.04.2019 kl 00:12 38613

Beundringsverdig fortsett det gode research arbeidet!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.05.2019 kl 16:56 38428

Vær klar over at Tomra er vel etablert, respektert og i kraftig fremgang innen alle selskapets forretningsområder innen det gigantiske kinesiske markedet nå som vi gasser på mot Q1 2019 tirsdag (7.mai). Her er det resirkulering av enorme mengder elektronisk avfall som står i fokus. Avfall som ikke bare er avfall, men som også inneholder verdifulle ressurser av høy kommersiell verdi. Kina er verdens No 1 når det gjelder å generere slikt avfall. Kolossal mulighet for Tomra dette altså ettersom vi snakker om å bygge en resirkuleringsindustri for håndtering av elektronisk avfall nærmest fra "scratch" i folkerike Kina.

NB!! Taurang == Tomra

Taurang Sensing Sorting Technology Improves Electronic Waste Recycling Rate

2019-04-29 10:55

With the improvement of people's living standards and the increase of spending power, most cities in China are suffering from the “garbage siege”, and e-waste pollution is a heavier topic than urban domestic waste because it has a deeper impact on the natural environment. ,farther. But at the same time there are many high-value components in it, and it is of great significance to properly handle e-waste.

The growth and harm of e-waste

According to the 2017 Global E-Waste Monitoring Report released by the International Telecommunication Union, China has become the world's largest producer of e-waste and waste. Chinese people eliminate more than 100 million computers, 40 million TVs, 20 million air conditioners and 10 million refrigerators each year. In 2017, China's total output of electronic waste reached 7.2 million tons. It is expected to grow to 27 million tons by 2030.

Where are these e-wastes? There are data showing that more than 80% of e-waste is in the form of smashing streets and lanes, and eventually flows into illegal dismantling channels, which not only cannot effectively utilize the resources, but also bring serious environmental pollution. E-waste contains a lot of heavy metal elements, including lead, chromium and mercury. If not handled properly, a lot of harmful substances will seep into the ground, causing serious pollution of soil and groundwater.

Garbage, misplaced resources

E-waste is rich in precious metals such as gold, silver and copper. It is estimated that the gold content of a ton of smart phones is 70 times that of a ton of gold. E-waste also has a variety of recyclable plastics. Even the lead, mercury and other substances contained in e-waste are poisonous, but if they are handled properly, they will not only harm the environment, but also be reused as resources. The recycling rate of e-waste is still very low in China. Therefore, the recycling of e-waste is a “blue sea” with rich treasures.

In this regard, the experience of Japan is very worth learning. Japan has long advocated the recycling of e-waste, and has strictly enacted legislation to promote the recycling of e-waste. It also strengthens the community's resource recovery and environmental awareness through some very meaningful activities. For example, at the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the gold, silver and bronze medals that athletes receive will be made from metal that is recycled and reclaimed from e-waste. The significance is extraordinary: e-waste can also shine!

Automatic sensing sorting technology to improve the recycling efficiency of electronic waste

The difficulty in recycling e-waste is to separate the components of different materials separately and ensure the purity of each recycled component. At present, there is an efficient automated sorting technology that can solve the various challenges of electronic waste sorting and recycling:

Recycling all types of metals: The difficulty in recycling e-waste is to separate the different components and increase the purity of the final product. Taurang's FINDER sorting equipment can separate and recycle various non-ferrous metals and stainless steels. It has been widely used in the domestic scrap metal recycling industry and has been unanimously recognized by customers. Taurang's newly released laser multi-dimensional inspection module can be integrated into the FINDER sorting machine to make its performance even more powerful: it can remove black rubber and plastic, and further improve the purity of the metal after sorting.

Elimination of bromide-containing flame retardant materials: electronic waste contains 3% to 60% of plastics, of which about 30% of plastics contain flame retardants. These flame retardants usually appear in the form of bromide, which is very polluting to the environment. serious. Taurang can extract these substances from waste electronic waste through the efficient combination of AUTOSORT and X-TRACT sorting machines, so that the sorted electronic waste meets the requirements of the RoHS directive, and the bromine content is less than 1000ppm. After sorting by AUTOSORT and X-TRACT, it is possible to remove up to 98% of BFR-containing plastics from mixed input waste, while also enabling efficient recycling of non-toxic plastics.

Taurang is committed to promoting the recycling of various wastes to minimize pollution. With rich industry experience and leading technology, Tao Lang is willing to work together with all walks of life to solve the problem of pollution and recycling of e-waste, leaving a pure land for future generations.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.05.2019 kl 18:35 38269

Det man hadde før hadde vist seg ubrukelig, men det løsnet for Newco Metal & Auto Recycling da man fikk installert bilopphuggingsmaskineri fra Wendt Corp. med 3 Tomra Finders integrert.

Wendt Corp. supplies shredder, nonferrous separation system to Newco

Newco Metal & Auto Recycling says auto shredder offers new market opportunities for scrap metal processing.

May 2, 2019
Edited by Kelly Maile

St. John’s, Newfoundland-based Newco Metal & Auto Recycling has commissioned an M6090 modular automobile shredder plant and nonferrous separation system from Buffalo, New York-based Wendt Corp.

The installation represents Newco’s first automobile shredder and offers new market opportunities and economic advantages for processing the company’s scrap metal, according to a news release.


After purchasing a shredder from another manufacturer, Newco initially came to Wendt for a downstream to pair with it.

“The shredder that I previously purchased, we were getting terrible service from, and we decided not to go ahead with it,” Anstey states. “We decided to buy the full shredding system and full downstream from Wendt because they were giving us great service and answering the questions that I needed answered. Wendt was prepared and willing to spend the time with me to select a shredder and a downstream that best suited my needs.”

Newco’s Wendt M6090 automobile shredder features a Bowe Disc Rotor and 2,500-horsepower DC motor. The shredding plant also includes an infeed conveyor, dual magstand with electromagnetic drums, ballistic separator and modular design features, including a prefabricated motor enclosure and platform, remote prewired e-house, control pulpit and structural steel frame that allows the shredder to be installed on a flat concrete pad. Their equipment purchase also includes a nonferrous recovery system containing two eddy current separators to recover aluminum and three Tomra Finders to recover insulated copper wire and stainless steel.

Connnecticut-baserte Van Dyk Recycling Solutions har konstruert verdens største tetssenter i sitt slag. Testsenteret er utstyrt med fire forskjellige optiske sorteringsmaskiner fra Tomra.

Van Dyk showcases technology center at WasteExpo 2019

Test center features simulation system with two processing lines and receiving and storage facility for customers.

May 3, 2019
Edited by Kelly Maile

Stamford, Connecticut-based Van Dyk Recycling Solutions is discussing the opening of its newly operational test center, Norwalk, Connecticut, at WasteExpo. The material test facility features a 18,000-square-foot simulation system with two processing lines capable of replicating in-plant operations and an 18,000-square-foot receiving and storage facility for material to be tested.

“When we began this project, we did so with a commitment to support our customers,” says Erik van Dijk, the company’s executive vice president. “The test facility assists machinery specification and purchasing decisions.”

Pieter van Dijk adds, “We took a very long-term view on this project. The technology center represents a unique facility that our customers will benefit from for a very long time. It is very much an investment in their success.”

The facility’s processing line boasts two separate infeed conveyors that feed different lines armed with four Tomra optical sorters, each with different technology, various screens, an elliptical separator and an air system.

“This is the largest testing facility of its kind in the world,” Pieter van Dijk says. “It’s designed to allow our customers the opportunity to test any equipment configuration on their material to precisely know the results that can be achieved.”

The facility’s 18,000-square-foot receiving and storage facility “allows customers, brand owners and others wishing to conduct tests to have their material delivered to the test center,” the company says. Once materials are on site, tests can be run to demonstrate results.

Typical tests might be to understand how sorted office paper (SOP) can be made from mixed paper; the recoverability of certain consumer packaged goods packaging from the recycling stream; to validate the purity levels of PEF fuel products; to perform glass cleanup from contaminants and many other possibilities, Van Dyk says.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.05.2019 kl 18:51 38242

Tomra viste seg frem under WasteExpo 2019 i Las Vegas, 4. - 7.mai. WasteExpo er en av verdens aller største messer for resirkulering og avfallshåndtering

More WasteExpo 2019 News and Product Updates

Companies continued to make news and product announcements at WasteExpo 2019.

Waste360 Staff | May 07, 2019


TOMRA Highlights Optical Sorter Connectivity, Increased Purity Rates

TOMRA SORTING RECYLING is unveiling information about its new cloud-based program that connects customers’ optical sorting equipment. “Show attendees visiting TOMRA booth #2241 will be among the first to learn more about how new TOMRA Insight unleashes the power of process data to transform sorting from an operational process into a strategic management tool, providing fact-based decision-making at every step of the value and production chain,” according to the company.

TOMRA Insight provides near real-time data, securely collected in the cloud, that is retrieved on desktops and mobile devices, anywhere and at any time, via a secure connection and user-friendly web interface. By providing digital metrics like throughput, material size and distribution, acceptance and rejection rates and more, TOMRA Insight gives equipment companies the operating data necessary to optimize sorting performance and reduce machine downtime.

“Our revolutionary TOMRA Insight platform unlocks the true power of data, so our customers have the necessary tools to monitor and optimize their sorting processes, improving profit potential,” said Carlos Manchado Atienza, regional director Americas for TOMRA Sorting Inc., in a statement. “Insight will allow us to enhance service and maintenance schedules, offer predictive analytics for components and develop optimal machine sorting configurations, technologies and applications.”

SHARP EYE—Deinking and Plastics

TOMRA Sorting specialists also have the latest information on the company’s SHARP EYE technology that helps recycling operations increase recovery of recyclable paper and sort single-layer PET trays from PET bottles. SHARP EYE technology features a breakthrough enhancement of its FLYING BEAM technology, expanding the sorting capabilities of the AUTOSORT machine. Featuring a larger lens for higher light intensity, SHARP EYE detects the finest molecular differences in materials flowing down the recycling line, according to the company.

The combination of TOMRA’s AUTOSORT with SHARP EYE technology allows the machine to be calibrated to identify materials suitable for deinking, making recovery rates as high as 96 percent possible in one step, added the company. For plastics recycling, operations can calibrate SHARP EYE to detect difficult-to-distinguish material properties, so it can differentiate between monolayer and multilayer PET trays from PET bottles to achieve higher and more consistent quality for new plastic food-grade packaging.

“As recovery standards become increasingly more stringent, TOMRA delivers innovative equipment and technology solutions that drive increases in material purity rates and optimize sorting efficiency,” added Atienza. “We invite all WasteExpo delegates to our exhibit to discuss their application challenges and how TOMRA’s full range of recycling solutions, including new TOMRA Insight and SHARP EYE, can help meet those needs.”
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.05.2019 kl 23:36 38158

Mye oppsamlet, interessant stoff, men dårlig med tid til å skrive på Hegnar så i kveld blir det kun korte kommentarer til linkene...

Tomra sentral i arbeidet med å hjelpe giganten Uniliver å utvikle sort plast som lar seg sortere.

Unilever unveils 'detectable and recyclable' black plastic packaging

17 May 2019, source edie newsroom

Consumer goods giant Unilever has today (17 May) unveiled a new pigment which makes black plastics detectable by recycling equipment, as it strives to boost the recyclability of its packaging portfolio.

Black plastic packaging is not recyclable through kerbside collections in the UK, or in most other European nations, as its carbon content prevents it from being detected by the infra-red sorting systems used in reprocessing facilities.

In a bid to overcome this recycling challenge, Unilever collaborated with RECOUP, WRAP and waste management giants Veolia, SUEZ, Viridor and TOMRA to develop a plastics colouring solution with a lower carbon content.

After a series of tests proved that the solution made black plastics detectable in existing recycling plants, Unilever this week confirmed plans to begin switching its TRESemmé and Lynx packaging to the material before the end of 2019. The company claims that the move will divert up to 2,500 tonnes of black plastic from landfill and incineration every year, once the switch is complete.

Unilever will also begin to purchase recycled black plastic streams and has pledged to ensure that its Lynx and TRESemme packaging is made using 30% post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastics by the end of the year.

Unilever’s general manager for the UK & Ireland, Sebastian Munden, said the Anglo-Dutch multinational had been working on the solution “for quite some time”.

“Unilever has committed to ensuring that, globally, all of our plastic packaging is fully reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025, and to using more recycled plastic content in our packaging,” Munden said.

“For the UK & Ireland, we want to significantly accelerate this, and we’re proud that our innovation will help us towards achieving our aim, as well as making a significant contribution towards the UK Plastics Pact targets.”.

Det sier seg selv at det tjener Norge og Ola Elvestuen til stor ære at det nå blir stopp når det gjelder å dynge verdens fattigste ned med de rikes søppel. Fremover må det som seg hør og bør sorteres og resirkuleres i de landene søppelet kommer fra....

Wealthy Countries' Trash Overwhelms Southeast Asia

May 02, 2019 10:06 AM
Henry Ridgwell

Tyske studenter ute i felten på besøk hos SUEZ hvor de får Tomras sorteringsteknologi i praksis.

Martin Butzer-Gymnasium Dierdorf

Students track their rubbish

Visit to SUEZ's Linkenbach waste disposal plant and sorting plant in Ochtendung



Among other things, Suez uses 17 scanners from the company Tomra, which sort 17 tons of garbage per hour. At the end of the process, metals, tetraps, large films, and plastics such as PP, PE, PET and PS are sorted out and there remains a remainder of about 25 per cent of the amount of waste being burned. So in total, 75 per cent of the yellow sack is recycled. The sorted raw materials are sold to international customers who process them into new goods.


Mer resirkulering! Det sier seg selv.

Plastic warms the planet twice as much as aviation – here’s how to make it climate-friendly

May 15, 2019 4.22pm BST
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.05.2019 kl 20:26 38055

Her tre artikler med interessant bakgrunnsstoff, for dere som er interessert i plastproblematikken. Legg merke til at en av artiklene handler om hvordan resirkuleringsindustrien vokser i USA som en følge av at Kina m.fl. nasjoner har satt foten ned og ikke lenger importerer blandet plastavfall (og mye annen "dritt") fra verdens rike nasjoner. Dette er fremtiden garantert. Altså at enhver nasjon må håndtere sitt eget avfall og resirkulere selv. Bra for Tomra som har 60% global markedsandel innen sorteringsteknologi for resirkulering!

IMPACT 05/17/2019 02:54 pm ET Updated May 17, 2019

How America Is Sabotaging The Global War On Plastic Waste
Most nations have banded together to tackle the crisis, but the U.S. keeps undermining their efforts.

By Dominique Mosbergen

China's ban on scrap imports a boon to US recycling plants

Associated Press•May 18, 2019

ENVIRONMENTMAY 21, 2019 / 3:59 PM / 7 DAYS AGO

Malaysia, flooded with plastic waste, to send back some scrap to source

A. Ananthalakshmi, Emily Chow
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.06.2019 kl 21:55 37950

Har litt interessant stoff å bidra med så oppdaterer litt på trådene. Har imidlertid litt knapt med tid i kveld så det blir litt knappere enn vanlig når det gjelder kommentarer. Her en artikkel som illustrerer veldig godt hvor sterk etterspørselen etter resirkulert plast har blitt, nesten "over natta". Denne etterspørselen er i ferd med å bli en gullgruve for Tomra Sorting Recycling. Nettoppp det gjør man nok lurt i å skjønne, jo før, jo heller...

Difficult for the industry to do without plastic


This lightweight, sturdy and adaptable material has been widely imposed in packaging or vehicles. With an environmental impact that needs to be reduced.

Jean-Claude Bourbon and Marie dancer, on 11/06/2019 at 18:55

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.07.2019 kl 11:02 37672

19 JULY 2019

Levelling the playing field in plastics recycling

OPINION: Steven Walsh, sales engineer at sorting technology specialist TOMRA Sorting UK discusses how amending a disparity in how PRNs and their export equivalent, PERNs, are claimed could result in a boost in investment in recycling in the UK.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.08.2019 kl 23:11 37254

Godt å registrere at Tomras teknologi er sentral byggestein når USAs mest moderne anlegg for avfallshåndtering bygges.

FCC Houston MRF aims to reduce contamination

Facility features 'added technology,' including optical sorters and an automatic film recovery system.

August 28, 2019
Posted by Kelly Maile

FCC Environmental Services, the U.S.-based subsidiary of Spanish company FCC, has been running its new material recovery facility (MRF) in Houston since March. The plant will process residential single-stream materials collected throughout Houston for a minimum of 15 years.

FCC has also made the city the new home of its U.S. corporate headquarters, employing “many local citizens” at the site, including some from a second-chance labor provider, according to a news release.

Participation in Houston’s recycling program has grown in the past 18 months with 96-gallon recycling carts distributed to all households. The additional collection has caused “dramatic increases” in contamination levels of inbound material entering the plant. FCC reports 30 to 40 percent inbound contamination rates. Despite those challenges, the facility has been able to process at the rated capacity and make quality end products with help from 22 sorters, according to the news release.

Public outreach is a joint responsibility between FCC and the city. The facility includes an on-site education center that aims to teach children and adults best practices in recycling to help reduce incoming contamination.

FCC won the bid for the city of Houston in 2018. FCC’s contract ensures the city will never have to pay FCC processing costs in excess of the cost per ton of landfill disposal, even if the market value of recyclables dips. FCC will also split profits with the city fifty-fifty.

In addition, the deal expands the types of materials accepted by reinstating glass into the municipal program after a three-year suspension on the material under the city’s previous contract. With a state-of-the-art glass cleanup system, residents can place glass into their collection bins once again, and FCC can sell the clean recycled glass into two local glass end markets.

The 35-ton-per-hour system is supplied by Van Dyk Recycling Solutions, Norwalk, Connecticut. The system uses a combination of nonwrapping screens and five optical sorters to separate residential fiber, old corrugated containers (OCC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP), aluminum and mixed rigid plastics. All materials are baled in a Bollegraaf HBC-120S baler. The system has a 145,000-tons-per-year capacity, which is more than double the city’s current needs.

FCC previously worked with Van Dyk on a 2016 single-stream system for the city of Dallas. That system won the National Waste & Recycling Association’s (NWRA) Recycling Facility of the Year award in 2017. Houston’s system is a similar concept, Van Dyk says, with some “added technology,” including an extra optical sorter for removing containers, waste and film from the fiber stream and an automatic film recovery system consisting of a suction hood integrated into the Tomra material separation housing. Houston also added an elliptical ballistic separator as a final cleanup device to properly prepare the container stream for the optical sorters.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.09.2019 kl 19:58 37348

Tomra presenterer mye ny banebrytende innovasjon innen alle sine forretningsområder på diverse messer rundt om i verden i disse dager. Tomra Sorting Recycling er intet unntak.

Tomra Sorting Recycling to launch X-Tract X6 fines sorter

The device, which can sort smaller fractions, will debut at Aluminum USA.

September 4, 2019
Posted by DeAnne Toto

Aluminum USA, Sept. 12-13 in Nashville, Tennessee, will serve as the venue for the global introduction of Tomra Sorting Recycling’s new X-Tract X6 Fines sensor-based sorter. The device is designed for high-purity sorting of mixed nonferrous metal fractions, including aluminum, according to Tomra Sorting Recycling, which is based in Germany. The company says sensor and software enhancements allow the X-Tract X6 Fines to detect and sort metals nearly half the size of the small fractions sensor-based sorting equipment typically can sort.

X-Tract X6 Fines uses two independent devices with different spectral sensitivities, X-ray transmission (XRT) and Duoline technology, for high-precision sorting of a range of secondary resources. Tomra says its Dual Processing Technology distinguishes differences between overlapping objects on the sorting line, a significant advantage when lines are running higher throughputs.

Using the company’s exclusive high-speed X-ray processing technology, exceptional resolution levels make it possible to identify even the smallest fractions in high-throughput applications, Tomra says. X-Tract X6 Fines pushes purity levels as high as 98-99 percent while delivering fewer product losses, the company adds.

Tomra invites Aluminum USA attendees to visit booth No. 806 to discuss new X-Tract X6 Fines and other sorting innovations available to aluminum recycling operations.

Tomra Sorting Recycling designs and manufactures sensor-based sorting technologies for the global recycling and waste management industry. More than 5,500 systems have been installed in almost 80 countries worldwide.

Tomra Sorting Recycling is part of Tomra Sorting Solutions, which also develops sensor-based systems for sorting, peeling and process analytics for the food, mining and other industries. Tomra Sorting is owned by Norwegian company Tomra Systems ASA.
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