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Slettet bruker
NOM 07.02.2020 kl 17:53 5645

I presentasjonen som vart halde i forbindelse med lansering av den endelege moglegheitsstudien, snakka Fossum om eit langt og krevjande løp for å få på plass alle godkjenningane. No står det berre att nokre få løyve, mellom dei er driftskonsesjonen som Direktoratet for mineralforvaltning har hatt på bordet sidan februar i fjor.

– Eg trur svaret er rett rundt hjørnet, sa Fossum.

I tillegg blir det jobba med å få ferdig reguleringsplanen for vasstilførsel frå Skrova i Askvoll.

Godkjenning av overvakingsprogrammet for deponiet og miljøpåverknad er i innspurtfasen.

Heile investeringa kan vere betalt tilbake etter rundt fire års drift. Med vel hundre millionar dollar i inntekt kvart år, og eitt forventa overskot etter skatt og andre utgifter på over 70 prosent, vil det vere mogleg.

– Det er veldig, veldig godt å sjå at moglegheitsstudien viser så solide tal. Vi får ein veldig sterk kontantstraum dei første femten åra. Tidsperspektivet vårt er rundt 40 år, og vi betaler tilbake investeringa på berre fire, sa Fossum.

No skal moglegheitsstudien danne grunnlag for å hente kapital til investeringane. Kontakten med bankar og investorar er allereie i gang, men med moglegheitsstudien i hand kan arbeidet intensiverast.

Fleire pengekjelder er aktuelle. Mellom anna skal det japanske handelshuset, som har intensjonsavtale om å kjøpe rutil, vere interesserte i å finansiere prosjektet. Det har også vore samtalar med både internasjonale og lokale bankar. Enkelte av desse skal også vere i gang med selskapsgjennomgang (due diligence).

Denne tråden vil for all fremtid bli beholdt "lukket" seriøse skribenter som tidligere har vært på forumet, men som av forståelige grunner har forlatt, vil bli gitt tilgang.

Kilde: Firda
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 07:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
09.02.2020 kl 21:22 5308

"Vi får en del spørsmål omkring saksbehandlingen av søknaden om driftskonsesjon for Engebøprosjektet.
Saksgang og behandlingstid

Søknad om driftskonsesjon for Engebøprosjektet er ute til høring. Høringsfristen er 15. september. Enkelte høringsparter har fått utsatt frist etter søknad.

Saksbehandlingstiden for søknader om driftskonsesjon kan påvirkes av forhold som kommer frem i høringsuttalelser og som krever ytterligere avklaringer, men er normalt 4-6 måneder fra en søknad anses å være komplett og lagt ut til høring"

Kilde DNF

6 mnd har nettopp passert, (regnet fra den var komplett og lagt ut til høring) nå kan det jo være noe som krever ytterligere avklaring, men jeg ville ikke ha gamblet på dette.
Redigert 09.02.2020 kl 21:32 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
10.02.2020 kl 09:24 5104

"På nokre timar fekk Nordic Mining inn 60 millionar kroner på sal av nye aksjar"

"Det er ikkje kjent kven som har kjøpt seg inn i selskapet, men det har vore sagt at det japanske handelshuset som har intensjonsavtale om kjøp av rutil, er interessert i å investere i prosjektet"

Slettet bruker
11.02.2020 kl 09:06 4689

Enclosed please find Nordic Mining's interim report and company presentation for
the fourth quarter of 2019. The interim report and company updates will be
presented today, Tuesday 11 February 2020 at 10.00 (CET) in the company's office
(address details below). A presentation and Q&A session will be held in English
and transferred via webcast (details for the webcast below).

Important events in the fourth quarter of 2019, in 2019 and year-to-date 2020:


· Results of the definitive feasibility study published in January 2020

In January 2020, the Company published the results of the definitive feasibility
study ("DFS") for the Engebø project. The updated study reinforces Engebø as a
world class rutile and garnet project and outlines the execution plan for the
project. The main results presented in the updated DFS were:

· Pre-tax NPV@8% USD 450 million
· Pre-tax IRR 21.9%
· Post-tax NPV@8% USD 344 million
· Post-tax IRR 19.8%

· Average annual free cashflow first 15 years of USD 70 million
· Net operating cashflow (undiscounted) of USD 2,160 million
· Initial capex of USD 311 million and deferred capex of USD 25 million
· Pay-back period < 5 years

· Agreements on offtake and participation in construction financing
In January 2019, Nordic Mining signed a Heads of Agreement with a Japanese
trading house relating to long term offtake for rutile and participation with a
substantial portion of the construction financing for the Engebø project.
Offtake on rutile is complementary to the Heads of Agreement previously entered
into with the Barton Group relating to offtake for garnet in North America and
commercial cooperation in Europe. In September 2019, Nordic Mining announced an
expansion of the exclusive offtake arrangement of garnet to Barton to
additionally include the South America and Central America regions. Dialogues
with both parties are ongoing.

· Preparations for construction financing progressing
In January 2019, Nordic Mining entered into an agreement with Northcott Capital
Ltd for provision of financial advisorsy services for the debt financing of the
Engebø project. Lenders' due diligence process has commenced and the activity
level relating to construciton financing will increase over the next months.
The Company has also appointed Clarksons Platou Securities and Sparebank 1
Markets as joint lead managers for construction financing.

· Detailed regulation plan approved
In August 2019, Naustdal municipality approved the detailed regulation plan. The
process for regulation of the water supply pipeline is ongoing, and a resolution
from the local municipalities is expected in the first part of 2020.

· Local municipalities support for operating license
The public hearing process regarding Nordic Mining's application for operating
license for the Engebø project has ended and Askvoll and Naustdal
municipalities, as well as the new Sunnfjord municipality, supported the
application. The Directorate of Mining will consider the application together
with the input from the hearing process, and a license approval is expected in
the first quarter of 2020. The operating license will regulate operational
scope, methodology and procedures to secure safe and efficient production of the
mineral resources.

· Project update
In November 2019, Keliber presented a project update with a delay in start of
construction. Keliber's revised estimate is for construction to commence in 2021
for a duration of over two years. Due to the changes in end-product and
production process to lithium hydroxide, additional technical and environmental
planning are required. In addition, updated market information for lithium
indicates that further optimization of the time schedule is desired. Keliber
will continue to advance the lithium project as planned in various fields
including further technical planning, permitting, ore potential and financing.
This also includes activities to improve and optimize the business case which
was outlined in the updated DFS published in February 2019.

· Recoveries in minerals processing improved
In November 2019, Keliber announced the results from a continuous pilot program
on the Syväjärvi ore minerals processing which improved the recovery rate to
exceed 88% compared to the 83.4% from the previous pilot-scale test program
conducted in 2016. In December 2019, Keliber announced that it had reached 96.9%
conversion degree in a continuous conversion pilot run using spodumene
concentrate produced from Syväjärvi lithium ore. The results exceed the 95%
degree applied in the Definite Feasibility Study published by Keliber in
February 2019.

· Ore reserve estimate for Keliber's Rapasaari lithium deposit increased by
In December 2019, Keliber announced that the ore reserve estimate for the
Rapasaari lithium deposit had been updated. Following the update, estimated
proven and probable ore reserves total 5.280 million tonnes with a grade of
1.07% Li?O. This represents an increase of 50% compared to the previous estimate
for Rapasaari. The total JORC 2012 compliant proven and probable lithium ore
reserves for Keliber is currently 9.372 million tonnes with a grade of 0.98%

· Underlying values substantiated
In February 2019, Keliber raised EUR 10 million from existing shareholders to
finance ongoing development work and other pre-construction activities. The
implied value in the capital raise exceeded the book value recorded by Nordic
Mining by NOK 98 million which was recognized as a gain in the consolidated
financial statements for the first quarter of 2019. During the fourth quarter,
Keliber made several positive announcements including increased mineral
resources, improved recoveries and increase in reserve estimates. However, it
also announced that its lithium project will be delayed by at least one year
compared to previous estimates. In addition, and despite a positive long-term
outlook, conditions for the global lithium market has softened due to weak spot
prices. This has adversely impacted Keliber's progress on securing offtake
directly as well as driven down the general market sentiment/valuation. An
updated assessment as per 31 December 2019 (ref. note 3) valued Nordic Mining's
holding of 18.5% of the outstanding shares in Keliber to NOK 91 million,
resulting in an impairment of NOK 25 million in the fourth quarter and a
reduction of the gain for the year to NOK 76 million including foreign exchange
effects. The gain is not subject to tax.


· Equity issues completed

In January 2020, Nordic Mining completed an equity issue with gross proceeds of
NOK 57.4 million (ref. note 6). The Company also called for an extraordinary
general meeting to resolve on a subsequent share issue of up to 10 million new
shares directed towards existing shareholders. The proceeds will primarily be
used to finance the Engebø project until the construction financing has been
secured. This includes all activities relating to front-end engineering and
design (FEED) and to secure a financing package.

In May and October 2019, Nordic Mining completed equity issues with combined
gross proceeds of NOK 62.5 million (ref. note 5). In total, approximately 38
million shares were issued. The use of proceeds was primarily for the continued
development of the Engebø rutile and garnet project through the completion of
the DFS and into the Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) phase.

The fourth quarter presentation will be held today, Tuesday 11 February 2020 at
10:00 (CET) in Nordic Mining's office at Vika Atrium, Munkedamsveien 45
(Entrance A, 5th floor), N-0250 Oslo.
The presentation and Q&A session will be held in English and transferred via
webcast. You will have the opportunity to post questions online throughout the
webcast session. The webcast will be available on:

For further information, please contact CFO Birte Norheim, telephone +47
Oslo, 11 February 2020
Nordic Mining ASA
Nordic Mining ASA (

Nordic Mining ASA ("Nordic Mining" or "the Company") is a resource company with
focus on high-end industrial minerals and metals. The Company's project
portfolio is of high international standard and holds a significant economic
potential. The Company's assets are in the Nordic region.

Nordic Mining is undertaking a large-scale project development at Engebø on the
west coast of Norway where the Company has rights and permits to a substantial
eclogite deposit with rutile and garnet. Nordic Mining also holds 18.5% of the
shares in Keliber Oy, which is developing a lithium project in Finland to become
the first European producer of battery grade lithium hydroxide.

In addition, Nordic Mining holds interests in other initiatives at various
stages of development. This includes patented rights for a new technology for
production of alumina and exploration of seabed minerals.

Slettet bruker
13.02.2020 kl 10:40 4388

Nordic Mining starter pengejakten

Nordic Mining har begynt å snakke med banker om finansiering av gruveutbyggingen i Engebøfjellet, vi oppfatter dem som positive, sier konsernsjefen.
Slettet bruker
14.02.2020 kl 11:31 4018

Norge kan bli titanlandet i Europa – nå starter arbeidet med den omstridte og unike gruva

Svært stor og rik forekomst

Forekomsten i Engebøfjellet er ikke bare veldig stor, den er svært rik på malm. Den inneholder rundt fire prosent titanoksid og over 40 prosent granat, noe som gjør den helt unik i verden og størst i Europa

Beregninger basert på dagens priser viser en driftsmargin på 77 prosent over de første 15 årene. Det betyr et årlig overskudd på 82 millioner dollar. Over driftsperioden kan gruva generere et overskudd på rundt 2 milliarder dollar.
Slettet bruker
17.02.2020 kl 22:22 3597

Continuous lithium hydroxide pilot ("LiOH pilot") conducted from Keliber's own ore demonstrates the functionality of the Keliber production process. High purity lithium hydroxide was produced in the pilot.

The goals of the 14-day continuous pilot test were met. The purity of the product received with a single crystallization stage was extremely high. The lithium recovery in the process was high and better than the one used in the Definite Feasibility Study released in February 2019.

“We are pleased with the results achieved. Successful test program using our own ore and including all the process stages demonstrates the functionality and strength of the chosen technology. This is important milestone and we can safely continue the detailed design of the process based on these results,” says Pertti Lamberg, CEO
Slettet bruker
20.02.2020 kl 21:49 3121

Kveldens nytt :

"Detaljreguleringa som vart vedteken av Naustdal kommunestyre i august i fjor er no stadfesta av Fylkesmannen, som meiner at planen fyller lova sine krav til konsekvensutgreiing.

Dette betyr at Arctic Mineral Resources AS, Naturvernforbundet og fleire grunneigarar ikkje har nådd fram med klagen sin på vedtaket i kommunestyret"

Kilde Firda
Redigert 23.04.2020 kl 15:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
21.02.2020 kl 15:47 2876

Vedr. driftskonsesjon. Direktoratet: – Normal prosedyre

Direktoratet for mineralforvaltning avviser at høyringsopplegget skil seg ut frå vanleg praksis.

– Her er det brukt vanleg prosedyre. Høyringane skjer vanlegvis med fristar på mellom fire og seks veker. I dette tilfellet la vi oss på nærare seks veker, sidan det var ferietid då søknaden vart send til høyring, seier seniorrådgivar Ola Overby til Firda.

– Dei som skal gi fråsegn har også høve til å søke om kortare utsetting av fristen. Det vil i så fall handle om nokre få veker, seier seniorrådgivaren.

Merk dere dette "Det vil i så fall handle om nokre få veker" Da regner jeg med at de som har fulgt med i timen, vet hva dette etter all sannsynlighet betyr.
Slettet bruker
05.03.2020 kl 19:27 2465

Ikke alt som er like positivt, men det må selvsagt også med.

Engebø: Selskapet som skulle kjøpe granaten har trekt seg
26. februar 2020, kl. 09:08

Det amerikanske selskapet som skulle ta unna granaten frå Engebø-gruva er ikkje lenger inne i prosjektet
Eg kan ikkje utelukke at dette vil påverke tidsplanen, seier administrerande direktør Ivar S. Fossum, på spørsmål frå Firda om konsekvensane av Bartons avgjerd.

I 2017 sa Nordic Mining-sjef Fossum til Firda at avtalen med Barton var kjempeviktig.
– Vi får ein industriell partnar med mange års erfaring og eiga granatgruve i USA. Dei er ein leiande aktør i både produksjon, vidareforedling, distribusjon og sal av granat, sa Fossum den gongen.

Siste nytt er at Siri Merete Olsen (45) er ansatt som innkjøpssjef, hun kommer på lønningslista fra 11. mai då.

Karrieren starta som lageroperatør på felgfabrikken Fundo i Høyanger i 1993. Etter kvart steig ho i gradene og rykka opp til lagerassistent, innkjøpsassistent, innkjøpsleiar og til slutt innkjøpssjef.

I 2009 begynte ho på Havyard i Leirvik, der ho har vore prosjektinnkjøpar og var i ei periode logistikksjef. Etter dette jobba ho som dagleg leiar på Jobbpartner i Førde, i tre år. I oktober i fjor venda Olsen tilbake til Havyard, der ho har jobba sidan.

Kilde Firda
Slettet bruker
17.06.2020 kl 13:09 1416

Operating license granted for the Engebø project

Today, the Directorate of Mining has granted the operating license for the
Engebø rutile and garnet project. The license is granted for the life of mine of
the project which includes an open pit and underground phase, however, with a
possibility for revision after 10 years. The license follows the strict
regulation practice for Norwegian mining operations and implies high standards
for environment, health and safety.

Nordic Mining, through the wholly owned subsidiary Nordic Rutile AS, submitted
the application for operating license to the Directorate of Mining in February
2019. A hearing process was carried out in the second half of 2019.

"The operating license is an important milestone for the Engebø project", says
CEO Ivar S. Fossum. "All major permits and are now in place, documenting that
the project complies well with the comprehensive regulatory framework and high
standards for mining industry in Norway. We are optimistic that the ongoing
project review will come out positively with increased resilience to global
uncertainties caused by the Coronavirus."

"We are pleased that our plans for the mining operation at Engebø are supported
by the Directorate of Mining. The high standards reflected in the operating
license are in line with our expectations and what we are preparing for the
project," says Project manager Kenneth Nakken Angedal.
Nordic Mining will evaluate the terms and conditions included in the operating
license and clarify possible matters with the Directorate of Mining.

For questions, please contact CEO Ivar S. Fossum, telephone +47 930 96 850.
Oslo, 17 June 2020
Nordic Mining ASA
Nordic Mining ASA (

Nordic Mining ASA ("Nordic Mining" or the "Company") is a resource company with
focus on high-end industrial minerals and metals. The Company's project
portfolio is of high international standard and holds significant economic
potential. The Company's assets are in the Nordic region.

Nordic Mining is undertaking a large-scale project development at Engebø on the
west coast of Norway where the Company has rights and permits to a substantial
eclogite deposit with rutile and garnet. Nordic Mining also holds 16.3% of the
shares in Keliber Oy, which is developing a lithium project in Finland to become
the first European producer of battery grade lithium hydroxide.

In addition, Nordic Mining holds interests in other initiatives at various
stages of development. This includes patented rights for a new technology for
production of alumina and exploration of seabed minerals.

Nordic Mining is listed on Oslo Axess with ticker symbol "NOM".