Usury: The Root Cause of all Problems on the Planet – Debt Slave

Slettet bruker
10.02.2020 kl 21:15 644

Oliver Stone:
Hollywood og CIA går hånd i hånd! Oliver Stone: Hollywood er blitt enda mer sensurert siden 9/11.
Den amerikanske filmindustrien har forandret seg siden milepælen i 2001 forteller film-skaperen Oliver Stone til RT. Produsentene bruker økonomiske begrensninger til å sensurere filmer som utfordrer USA eller CIA.
Slettet bruker
10.02.2020 kl 21:18 637

Stone klager over at politikken har forandret seg fra det muliges kunst til kunsten å håve inn penger.

«Det brukes så mye penger på poltikk. Det er umulig for min enslige stemme å få forandret på dette. Kandidater som nå stiller i Amerika må samle inn milliarder av dollar for å bli tatt alvorlige», sier Stone.

Imperier faller. La oss be om at dette imperiet, disse onde tingene, vil falle – fordi vi er et ondt imperium. Det Reagan sa om Russland er sant om oss.
Slettet bruker
10.02.2020 kl 21:22 628

I am going to have two sections: One is summary of the book and the subject – then a second section using the extracts from this book and quotes from other authors, so as to bring much more detail to the subject.

Tsar Nicholas the 2nd of Russia, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Gaddafi, Hitler, Abraham Lincoln, King Edward of England and various others have either abolished usury or attempted to – all will be addressed in this article.

There will be a longer section about Hitler and The National Socialist German Workers Party – as their economic transformation through getting rid of usury and eliminating the private banks influence, combined with their other economic policies transformed Germany so miraculously it deserves closer attention. (If you want to benefit humanity let go of your prejudices regarding Hitler – move beyond the brainwashing you have received – there is much you can learn from what Hitler achieved economically in Germany)

I will also embed some videos about usury and debt slavery at the end of the article.

If you truly want to benefit the world, educate yourself on this subject and share information with others about it.