MC Axel
12.02.2020 kl 12:14 9396

QEC next!!! This is not unlikely!

It proves that Quebec authorities are more flexible than first thought, if you can demonstrate that your clean tech technology works, you get a green light

Feb 10, 2020

Seven Generations lands first supply deal under Quebec certification program"

"Seven Generations Energy Ltd. became the first Canadian natural gas producer to get a certification for responsibly produced energy in a supply agreement with Quebec, and its CEO expects the market for such deals to grow."
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.02.2020 kl 12:19 9342

At noen i det hele tatt selger nå, er forunderlig. En melding om "go ahead" iht pilot kan nå komme når som helst. Og da....... :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
12.02.2020 kl 12:26 9240

What do you all think about this?

Clean tech is clean tech and if it works, there's no argument not to use it. Even François Legault has realized this after the Davos meeting. We need natural gas to lower the GHG emissions
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.02.2020 kl 13:47 8991

Her er det lastet mer på 1.7 takk takk
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MC Axel
14.02.2020 kl 12:52 8553

I think that the natural gas support will grow in Quebec, now that the UN and others say that we need natural gas to bring down GHG

Read this!

53% of the Quebecers think that they should exploit their own resources!

Click on the link "A poll released Wednesday finds Quebecers prefer oil imported from Western Canada" pdf file

"​Contrary to what the premier says, Quebecers prefer oil from western Canada: poll

By JWN staff |

Dec. 20, 2018, 7:24 a.m. |"

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14.02.2020 kl 13:07 8494

De vil godt importere fra Alberta - men ikke ret meget omkring egne ressourcer.
Dog kan man godt bide mærke i det sidste af artiklen.

Since Legault’s comments, Alberta has criticized Quebec for receiving more equalization payments than any other province when much of it comes from Alberta oil wealth. Quebec has responded by saying it has a plan to become a have province in the next decade.

“And therefore our dependence on equalization will be reduced over time, and I’ve said that to the other finance ministers. We want to reduce equalization,” said Quebec Finance Minister Éric Girard.

The government could do that by developing Quebec’s oil resources, an option to which it hasn’t committed. According to the Leger poll, however, 53 per cent of respondents would be in favour of oil development in the province.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
14.02.2020 kl 13:08 8471


It shows that it's a majority, very simple 53%

Sounds like sweet music :)

"The government could do that by developing Quebec’s oil resources, an option to which it hasn’t committed. According to the Leger poll, however, 53 per cent of respondents would be in favour of oil development in the province."

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.02.2020 kl 13:09 8460

Hvor skal pengene komme fra - hvordan vil de komme væk fra "equalization payments"?

Her er el og vind i hvert fald ikke svaret på den korte bane - det vil slet ikke flytte nok økonomisk set.
Hvad kan så flytte så meget???? :-)
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14.02.2020 kl 13:10 8448

Har du overhovedet læst hele mit indlæg? :-)
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MC Axel
14.02.2020 kl 13:12 8426

I was a bit hasty :)
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14.02.2020 kl 13:30 8360

Har netop foretaget endnu et par handler på børnebørnenes opsparing, men handlen fremgår ikke på Nordnet.
NB: Har RT
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14.02.2020 kl 13:50 8276

Er der noget vi overser - har Quebec andre muligheder der vil kunne få dem væk fra fordelings pengene inden for en kort år række?

Deres egen udsagn - "Quebec has responded by saying it has a plan to become a have province in the next decade"
Som jeg forstår deres udsagn, så vil de være væk fra fordelings penge senest i 2030.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
14.02.2020 kl 14:13 8194

Especially now when Bombardier Inc. went to hell.

Natural gas export is the answer and royalties for Albertan gas passing through their province

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
17.02.2020 kl 20:19 7847

And guess who was in Davos!!! "SNC-Lavalin"

"Mr. Legault is the sixth Premier of Quebec to attend this high mass of finance and politics since Robert Bourassa started this tradition in 1987. With six presences, Jean Charest is the one who participated the most often.

Quebec is one of the states in the world which, year after year, is best represented in Davos. No other Canadian province is so diligently present at this costly event.

Among the other Quebecers who will be there this year are the Minister of the Economy, Pierre Fitzgibbon, the principal of McGill University, Suzanne Fortier, as well as the CEOs of Hydro-Québec, Éric Martel, d'Investissement Quebec, Guy LeBlanc, and SNC-Lavalin, Ian Edwards."

Highlights from the 2Q 2019

"Agreements reached with Schlumberger and SNC-Lavalin to advance the Clean Tech Energy project in

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17.02.2020 kl 20:52 7727


Win-win partnerships!

Illustration indicating 70 business set-ups or expansions, 4,162 jobs and $2,2 billion in 2017-2018The partnerships that Investissement Québec has formed with international businesses over the years are continuing to prove their worth. In 2018–19, our prospecting helped 77 projects from international companies see the light of day, representing a total value of $2.3 billion. Once they are operational, these ventures are expected to create or maintain more than 7,789 jobs, according to company estimates. The future looks bright!
Blandt annet:

This Investissement Québec subsidiary develops strategic partnerships with companies that undertake projects involving resource explora­tion, development and processing in Québec. It supports foreign investors that present major projects and provides a range of busi­ness solutions to aid in their implementation. Ressources Québec also offers financing solutions and manages the Capital Mines Hydrocarbures fund.

Ressources Québec has a capitalization base of close to $1.5 billion.

Learn more
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
18.02.2020 kl 01:03 7456

Thank you XL2016

I especially like this

"This Investissement Québec subsidiary develops strategic partnerships with companies that undertake projects involving resource explora­tion, development and processing in Québec"
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.02.2020 kl 11:07 7151

Interessant å lese om sponsorene her. Hydro, gass og olje.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.02.2020 kl 11:49 7082

Kan komme noe interessant her.
Nå har gass koalisjonen Quebec sagt det snart vil fremlegges rene og trygge utvinningsmetoder for utvinningen av skifergass. Teknikker for bruk i pilot.

Jeg må bare spørre - hvordan kan Leagault tillate skifergass fra Alberta og ikke tillate oppstart av Pilot.
Begge prosjekter er med på å redusere global CO2.
Potensielt Pilot i mye større skala en LNG fabrikken.

Ville ikke Legault «redde planeten»? - mener han sa det.

Vinterinformasjonsmøte med departementet for energi og naturressurser (MÉRN) og CPEQ
21. FEBRUAR 2020 - 08:30 til 12:00

CPEQ inviterer deg til vintermøtet til MÉRN-CPEQ der følgende emner blir diskutert:
Nye regjeringsretninger
Gruveutvikling i Quebec: regjeringsperspektiv
Tilstanden siden vedtakelsen av regelverket for å implementere hydrokarbonsloven
Utkast til forskrift om minstevolum av fornybart drivstoff i bensin og diesel
Presentasjon av rapporten fra 2020 med tittelen "The State of Energy in Quebec" - Av professor Pierre-Olivier Pineau
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.02.2020 kl 11:53 7061

Fredag kan nok gi noen svar. Legault kan neppe gi tommelen ned for pilot relatert til egne ytsagn iht nat-gas siste tiden.
Spennende tider.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
18.02.2020 kl 11:57 7025

Qec satser ikke millioner om de ikke vet !!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.02.2020 kl 11:58 7014

Kan nogen komme med et estimat for værdien af det kæmpe område QEC har i Quebec.
Forudsat at de vil sælge og udvinding er tilladt?
Vil store firmaer komme på banen?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.02.2020 kl 12:05 6970

Avisen Lotbiniere news hadde en artikkel hvor 36000 Acers av Questerre ble priset til 311 mill dollar. ( link på annen tråd ).
Ref Domus og talisman er ressursene basert på upper Montney.
Sa man kan jo tenke - om bare 20 prosent av 1 mill Acers er sweet spot.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.02.2020 kl 12:53 6797

Tak for svaret - jeg tager lommeregneren frem :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
25.02.2020 kl 12:10 6411

"M.R. Binnion




Huge win for Provincial Rights at Alberta Court of Appeal The majority opinion called the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act "a constitutional Trojan horse." Federal carbon pricing law unconstitutional, Alberta Court of Appeal rules"

"Federal carbon pricing law unconstitutional, Alberta Court of Appeal rules


Majority opinion called federal act 'a constitutional Trojan horse'

Michelle Bellefontaine - CBC

Posted: February 24, 2020 
Last Updated: 10 Hours Ago"
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
27.02.2020 kl 00:58 6174

"Jim Breyer, Co-Director of GNL Énergie Saguenay, has good relations with the coal sector
His wife's cargo ships carry millions of tons of coal
Article by
André Noël
JANUARY 15, 2020
Photo: Armada de Colombia
Jim Breyer is also the director and shareholder of a large investment fund that co-owns one of the largest coal-fired power plants in the United States. He and his wife paid thousands of dollars in election contributions to their brother-in-law Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, who led the battle against Barrack Obama's anti-coal measures.

Idecember, GNL Quebec PR experts claimed that Jim Breyer, co-director of the US company, launched Énergie Saguenay's "concrete fight against climate change" project. According to them, Mr. Breyer wages a fight against coal, a major emitter of greenhouse gases. The future Saguenay condensation plant would increase the global supply of natural gas, replacing coal in power plants.

Confirmation made, Mr Breyer's concern for the climate and his "struggle" to wean the planet from coal hardly exceed the writing of press releases. There is no confusion between him and the coal. On the contrary.

His wife, Angela Chao, heads The Foremost Group, a New York-based shipping company that transports millions of tons of coal each year, much to China. This is undoubtedly a noticeable source of revenue for this billionaire couple. A source that is not on the edge of drying: China intends to increase its coal imports in the coming years.

Incidentally, Foremost Group's relations with the Trump administration are at the heart of a conflict of interest investigation. Chao's sister Elaine is Donald Trump's transportation secretary. The Democrat-dominated House of Representatives suspects the latter of having adopted relief measures above all, the family business founded by his father and now run by Angela.

The cheap coal transported by Foremost Group comes mainly from Australia and Colombia. On her side, Angela Chao confirms that her fleet of ships consists of modern and "environmentally friendly" cargo ships. This is not shown in the photo of one of them, Ping-May, who accompanies the Colombian naval force press release announcing a seizure of cocaine hidden in one of its coal shipments. Rather, it shows an old boat with a rusty hull (see the picture that comes with our title).

We have already pointed out in Ricochet that Jim Breyer and his wife gave tens of thousands of dollars through their companies in electioneering to US politicians who deny the climate crisis. Among them: their brother-in-law Mitch McConnell, husband of Elaine Chao and leader of the Republican majority in the Senate. McConnell made coal promotion the central theme of his last election campaign. He also led the charge against President Barrack Obama's anti-coal measures.

Mr. Breyer is also a director and shareholder of the Blackstone Group, a large investment fund co-owner of one of the largest coal-fired power plants in the United States, the Gavin plant in Ohio, with a capacity of 2,665 megawatts. (much more than Manic 5).

Jim Breyer's proximity to Senator Mitch McConnell was an asset when Steve Schwarzman, CEO of the Blackstone Group, appointed him to its Board of Directors in 2016. Breyer happened to have actions in the group. According to the company’s annual report to the Security Exchange Commission, its revenue from Blackstone totaled nearly $ 300,000 in 2018.

Both Mr. Breyer and Mr. Schwarzman has many contacts in the Trump administration. One of them is Neil Chatterjee. He worked as an attorney for Facebook when Jim Breyer was one of the largest shareholders. Chatterjee then served as an energy advisor in the office of Senator Mitch MConnell, a position he used to lead Republicans' battle over the Keystone XL pipeline from TransCanada pipelines. When Donald Trump was elected, Schwarzman advised him to appoint Mr. Chatterjee to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. He is now its president. The economic press presents him as a "master of coal".

Lastly, note that Jim Breyer is an important collaborator of Twenty-First Century Fox magazine Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch and his media have waged an intense pro-coal campaign denying the climate crisis for years, both in the United States and Australia. When Énergie Saguenay's publicists present Mr. Breyer as a knight of the industry on a crusade against coal and for the climate, is allowed to raise eyebrows ...

BOX - Brian Mulroney's presence on the Blackstone board with Jim Breyer is worth noting. Sir. Mulroney has made well-documented trips to terminate the anti-pipeline movement in Canada, not to mention that he is a shareholder in this investment fund that has interests in coal, gas, oil and pipelines. He strongly defended the Energy East pipeline project from TransCanada pipelines. It will be interesting to see if Mr. Mulroney will intervene in favor of the Saguenay Energy project."
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Slettet bruker
27.02.2020 kl 08:58 5917

Tikk-takk..snart kommer positivt melding,...en dag til,og QEC kan eksplodere
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
27.02.2020 kl 17:45 5660

Quebec!!! Today

SAGUENAY - A large citizens' march in support of major regional projects will be held in Chicoutimi on Saturday March 28 from the UQAC parking lot.

"SAGUENAY - A large citizens' march in support of major regional projects will be held in Chicoutimi on Saturday March 28 from the UQAC parking lot. This was announced today at a press conference by the initiator of the project, the committed citizen Pierre Charbonneau.

Mr. Charbonneau has secured the support of various stakeholders in the organization of this event from the union world, as well as Yvon Laprise, the initiator of the Facebook page For GNL Quebec in Saguenay, as well as the I believe movement. in my region, represented by Sylvain Morin, president of Alliage 02. Pierre Charbonneau, it should be remembered, is the instigator of the YES petition to the Vaudreuil 2022 project, which has amassed more than 8,100 names as well as that entitled YES the Énergie Saguenay, Arianne Phosphate and Métaux BlackRock projects, which it has collected to date over 12,000 signatures and which continues to accumulate support."

"The promoters of the three initiatives, launched in recent weeks to support major projects in the region, but more broadly the sovereignty of the Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean economy, are working together to make this a great success. citizens' initiative. Our event, which is intended to be festive and family-oriented, aims to demonstrate that a large segment of the population of our region supports the coming of projects likely to put the region back on the path of growth, "declared the committed citizen.

The engineer by training adds that initiatives will be put in place over the next few weeks so that citizens of all the municipalities of Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean will be present, on March 28, to give a great demonstration of regional solidarity . Mr. Charbonneau also stresses that the moment chosen to organize the march is strategic. "In the context where the work of the BAPE in the evaluation of the GNL Quebec file will be started, we must demonstrate to all of Quebec that the region is ready to welcome this important project and all the others, whatever their nature. . ""


In addition, Je Marche pour Mon Région is launching a citizen crowdfunding campaign to promote the event and cover the costs of the organization’s logistics. The goal is to receive small voluntary donations from citizens who want to support the holding of the event. The goal is $ 5,000. The potential surplus from this campaign will be donated to a charity in the region."

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
02.03.2020 kl 01:12 5382

A victory for LNG and the Indigenous people!!!

The new york times:

"Canada and Indigenous Group Reach Tentative Deal in Dispute That Led to Road, Rail Blockades

By Reuters

March 1, 2020Updated 5:35 p.m. ET"

"OTTAWA — Canadian authorities on Sunday reached a tentative deal with an indigenous group in the Pacific province of British Columbia that could end solidarity protests across Canada that have been blocking rail lines and roads for weeks."

"After three days of talks in which work on the pipeline had been stopped, Indigenous affairs ministers from British Columbia and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government said they reached an agreement that would address future land rights disputes, but said pipeline construction would continue.

After the deal was announced, Coastal GasLink President David Pfeiffer said construction would be restarted on Monday."

"Carolyn Bennett, the federal minister of crown-indigenous relations, called the agreement a "milestone" in indigenous relations. Bennett declined to reveal any of the deal's details, saying the Wet'suwet'en people should "see it first"."
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.03.2020 kl 01:48 5354

Har dere sett pilotlokasjonen(e). Ligger der uten i skyen - flere som deler full info fra forsendelsen fra Questerre.

Mye må vel være avklart når de viser så åpent «prosjektet» til grunneierne?

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
02.03.2020 kl 09:01 5052

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.03.2020 kl 09:12 4958

Canada and Indigenous Group Reach Tentative Deal in Dispute That Led to Road, Rail Blockades
By Reuters
March 1, 2020

OTTAWA — Canadian authorities on Sunday reached a tentative deal with an indigenous group in the Pacific province of British Columbia that could end solidarity protests across Canada that have been blocking rail lines and roads for weeks.
Activists have disrupted passenger and freight traffic to show solidarity with the Wet'suwet'en people, who are seeking to stop TC Energy Corp's Coastal GasLink pipeline from being built across their land.
After three days of talks in which work on the pipeline had been stopped, Indigenous affairs ministers from British Columbia and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government said they reached an agreement that would address future land rights disputes, but said pipeline construction would continue.
After the deal was announced, Coastal GasLink President David Pfeiffer said construction would be restarted on Monday

The agreement will now be reviewed by the Wet'suwet'en people, British Columbia's Indigenous Relations Minister Scott Fraser said in a Facebook live stream from the town of Smithers.
That consultations should take about two weeks, Wet'suwet'en hereditary leader Chief Woos said.
The agreement will "create certainty and clarity for the Wet'suwet'en and all British Columbians," Fraser said, without providing details.

"They are permitted and allowed to go to work," Fraser said when asked about whether laborers building TC Energy's GasLink pipeline would be allowed to continue construction.
The proposed agreement includes establishing a permanent table to address legacy land rights and title issues, a senior federal government source said.
Carolyn Bennett, the federal minister of crown-indigenous relations, called the agreement a "milestone" in indigenous relations. Bennett declined to reveal any of the deal's details, saying the Wet'suwet'en people should "see it first".
Police in the eastern province of Ontario cleared protesters from a major Canadian National Railway Co line on Monday, allowing some shipments to resume.
Trudeau, who says improving relations with aboriginal groups is a priority, called for dialogue. But tensions built quickly as the blockades led to railroad layoffs and shortages of goods like propane and as business groups warned of further economic damage.
At least one rail line in Quebec, south of Montreal, remains blocked as some indigenous protesters were holding out.
Transport Minister Marc Garneau said last week that the effects of the disruptions would be felt for weeks and months to come.
(Reporting by Steve Scherer; Editing by Grant McCool and Daniel Wallis)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.03.2020 kl 10:12 4705

Så lenge det ikke er volum, kan traderen som herjer med aksjen gjøre akkurat som han vil. Men det kommer en dag.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
19.03.2020 kl 23:18 3848

Timer til rapport og info kommer!
Lykke til!

Musikk i disse koronatider:
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Slettet bruker
20.03.2020 kl 18:12 3615

Rapport kommer nok når børsen stenger i Canada.
Da får vi studert den i helgen.,
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
19.06.2020 kl 09:44 2897

A good sign

"Patrice Bergeron, La Presse canadienne 

12 juin 2020"

"QUEBEC - There will ultimately be only one Quebec-Ottawa environmental assessment on the controversial Gazoduq pipeline project.

An agreement between the Legault and Trudeau governments was signed and tabled in the National Assembly on Friday. "A very, very nice deal," said Environment Minister Benoit Charette, while the Parti Quebecois (PQ) argues that Quebec is backing down.

Therefore, there will be a single process of analysis of this long pipeline projected on Quebec territory, rather than having two steps in parallel, one led by Quebec, with the Office of public hearings on the environment (BAPE), and the other by the federal government, with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency."

""On the contrary, it is a very, very good agreement," said Benoit Charette, in an interview with The Canadian Press. We have just reduced the delays for promoters by about 20 months and, moreover, the federal government thus recognizes the stages of evaluation of Quebec, he argued"

"while everything else would cross Quebec from west to east to reach the port of Saguenay, to another project: a liquefaction plant of natural gas called GNL-Québec, where LNG tankers would come to source for foreign destinations."

"Prime Minister François Legault has repeatedly expressed himself in favor of the Gazoduq and GNL-Quebec projects, multi-billion dollar projects."

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:50 Du må logge inn for å svare