Var en som nevnte en god støtte på 2,85, den holdt ikke lenge
Ja enig med deg at det ikke er mange mnd til Ipo og verdiene blir mere synlige Investmid
Om du ikke liker å bli motargumentert og heller vil bade i ditt eget ekkokammer av hausing finnes det bedre fora å oppholde seg på.
Tenker verdiene blir godt ivaretatt, men gakk du videre.
Tviler på man slutter som toppsjef rett før en børsnotering. De har jo gjerne aksjer og ønsker å passe på verdien til på det åpne markedet. Tvert imot tolker jeg det som at IPO er lenger frem i tid.
Nye tider, nye koster, tenker vi snart ser Keliber på børs, hvor er du da ?
“Keliber’s lithium project is unique even on a European scale. I have worked with dedication as Keliber’s CEO since 2016, utilizing my expertise to the best of my abilities to advance the lithium project. As the project moves on to the construction and production phase, I feel that it is time to hand over the responsibility of the project to my successor,” says Pertti Lamberg, the CEO of Keliber Oy.
“I am proud to join this landmark project for Finland, which has an important role also in the fight against climate change. Feasibility studies and, most recently, results of the pilot-scale tests have demonstrated the project’s feasibility. The solid foundation built by Pertti Lamberg and the Keliber team offers a good basis for moving towards project execution,” says Hannu Hautala.
“Keliber’s lithium project is unique even on a European scale. I have worked with dedication as Keliber’s CEO since 2016, utilizing my expertise to the best of my abilities to advance the lithium project. As the project moves on to the construction and production phase, I feel that it is time to hand over the responsibility of the project to my successor,” says Pertti Lamberg, the CEO of Keliber Oy.
“I am proud to join this landmark project for Finland, which has an important role also in the fight against climate change. Feasibility studies and, most recently, results of the pilot-scale tests have demonstrated the project’s feasibility. The solid foundation built by Pertti Lamberg and the Keliber team offers a good basis for moving towards project execution,” says Hannu Hautala.