Quashed the FBI - Something BIG is dropped!.

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03.08.2018 kl 22:58 1142

Q !CbboFOtcZs No.114
Aug 3 2018 13:13:05 (EST)
Figure 3.1 - FBI Chain of Command for the Midyear Investigation
James Comey - FBI Director - FIRED
Jim Rybicki - Chief of Staff (JC) - FIRED
Andrew McCabe - Deputy Director - FIRED
James Baker - Office of General Counsel - FIRED
Bill Priestap - Head of Counterintelligence (Strzok's boss) - POWER REMOVED / COOPERATING WITNESS
Lisa Page - Special Counsel - FIRED
Peter Strzok - Lead Investigator/Deputy Asst Director of Counterintelligence - POWER REMOVED / ESCORTED OUT [CLAS-F]
Michael Steinbach?
John Glacalone?
Randy Coleman?
Trisha Anderson?
Kevin Clinesmith?
Tashina Gauhar?
Sally Moyer?

[–]Neon__WolfPromises made. Promises kept. - Q 37 points an hour ago
We are looking at an org chart of an actual criminal network that usurped the FBI.

[–]diverscaleYou have more than you know. - Q 19 points an hour ago*
So in brief, agents of the FBI directly communicated with reporters of the MSM to manipulate the opinion of the population.

[–]WinkyLinQYou have more than you know. - Q 2 points an hour ago
Wait, is that the full IG report attached???

BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM - if it isn't the unredacted OIG-report Q "the conspiracy theory" has brought to the table?:


The Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (DOJ OIG) is a statutorily created independent entity whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in the Department of Justice, and to promote economy and efficiency in the Department’s operations.
Redigert 03.08.2018 kl 23:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
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03.08.2018 kl 23:01 1138

Last ned og ta vare på OIG-rapporten, den er historisk i verdensmålestokk og hele menneskehetens historie!

Oh, BTW - Quash meanes to annul or put an end to court proceedings.
Redigert 03.08.2018 kl 23:06 Du må logge inn for å svare
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03.08.2018 kl 23:08 1129

ThanQ and God bless!

Which side are you on? Good vs. Evil.
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03.08.2018 kl 23:11 1126

Wait for confirmation, though!

Meanwhile this:

[–]JasonTakesMAGAttenNew arrival. 8 points an hour ago
Imagine being these arrogant mockingbird fucksticks, and being promised "trust me, Hillary will win. Just do this." Now their literal lives are on the line.
Slettet bruker
03.08.2018 kl 23:15 1119

[–]Qd4ActionNew arrival. 1 point 33 minutes ago
All of this just sickens me. I've been a patriot since I was old enough to understand and I'm 62 now. I served my country for 24 years and my state for 21 years after that. I love my country and to see this laid out, to see the absolute contempt for democracy that this represents sickens me.
Slettet bruker
03.08.2018 kl 23:25 1114

Jeg inviterer Sult til å gjøre et innlegg - jeg får ok på deg, men du kommer ikke på lista som de øvrige. Prøv og gi beskjed - du har veldig nyttige bidrag til Q-trådene! ;-)
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03.08.2018 kl 23:31 1105

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the reason for all the crime and treason at the FBI and DOJ all boils down to one thing – the Clinton's so-called “charity.”


Shipp explains, “Hillary Clinton was running and is running a global financial criminal syndicate. She was using these secret servers to conduct Clinton financial money laundering business."
"The shocking thing about that is all the former directors of the CIA that have come out to support her, from Clapper to Brennan to Morell to Robert Gates supporting her being elected, knew about this criminal syndicate. Comey was protecting it. Lynch was protecting it. Weissmann was protecting it. And that is the big why. What’s she got on these people? Are they financial ties? They had to be aware of this, especially the counter-intelligence units. We know it was hacked into by foreign intelligence services because it was just hanging out there. Hillary Clinton was running a secret server outside the Department of State for the purposes of laundering money through the criminal Clinton Foundation.”

Og slik faller vår hjemlige Solberg-regjering!

Erna, det er på tide du reagerer, for dette går ikke over og Norge har gitt ca 800 mill av norske skattebetaleres penger til CF!
Slettet bruker
03.08.2018 kl 23:50 1092

Q !CbboFOtcZs No.117
Aug 3 2018 16:26:29 (EST) NEW
http://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/JW-v.-DOJ-02046-Hillary-R.-Clinton-Part-24-of-24.pdfDOJ-02046-Hillary-R.-Clinton-Part-24-of-24.pdf" target="_new" title="archive" id="archive_today">
We have the server[S].

Jordan Schachtel
Verifisert konto
Surprise! Hillary lawyers announce that there is a "successor server" that they can request access to.
FBI is not thrilled with the revelation.
11:06 - 3. aug. 2018

Jordan Schachtel
Verifisert konto
for 4 timer siden
FBI has released new info on Hillary Clinton investigation. Most interesting thing I've seen thus far is timeline documenting back & forth btwn DOJ & Hillary's lawyers over what they could & could not see. A lot of negotiating! Was she hiding something?

Slettet bruker
03.08.2018 kl 23:54 1089

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: dcf936 No.2436694
Aug 3 2018 16:18:39 (EST) NEW
[Across all major MSM networks]
Full visibility has many advantages.
Right on schedule.
Slettet bruker
04.08.2018 kl 00:37 1075

[–]kommisar6Promises made. Promises kept. - Q 8 points 8 hours ago
You should check out the fbi anon posts. These are like Q but from the summer 2016 and they are mostly directed to the CF and its shenanigans.


[–]MurkySinger1New arrival. 1 point an hour ago
Great stuff.
Slettet bruker
04.08.2018 kl 00:52 1070

Clinton Foundation: Financial Conduit Between the Deep State & Shadow Government - with Kevin Shipp:


Kevin Shipp | CIA Whistle Blower | Shadow ... - Shadow Government
Kevin Shipp - Exposing the Shadow Governmnet that manipulates the elected government behind the scenes, and exposing constitutional violations.
Slettet bruker
04.08.2018 kl 09:27 1045

Kevin Shipp gir her en comprehensive og up-to-date oversikt over Deep State, hvor omfattende den er og hvor dypt den griper - og hvordan det spillet som nå foregår mot Trump og for Hillary og Muslim Brotherhoods rolle slett ikke er noen konspirasjonsteori, men en realitet! Høyaktuell presentasjon! Meget god!

Shipp er etterkommer av President Harry S. Truman (Harry Shipp Truman).

Kevin Shipp is a retired CIA employee and whistleblower. He has exposed the US deep state and how the CIA with systematically use of unconstitutional and illegal measures terrorise employees to prevent them from becoming whistleblowers (confidentiality contracts). He has also charged that "Hillary Clinton was running and is running a global financial criminal syndicate. She was using these secret servers to conduct Clinton financial money laundering business."

Denne videoen er et must for alle som ikke helt får taket på "The Swamp" og hvorfor det er så viktig å rydde opp nå før alt tar fullstendig overhånd for å redde demokratiet. En spennende foredragsholder som sterkt anbefales!
Redigert 04.08.2018 kl 09:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
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04.08.2018 kl 09:32 1040

Med CF har kriminaliteten inntatt Deep State i et omfang og med en ondskap som tidligere har vært ukjent.

USA kan ikke styres av et KRIMINELT SYNDIKAT dersom det skal ivareta folkets, demokratiets og USAs interesser!
Slettet bruker
04.08.2018 kl 10:16 1021

Om ikke Erna er interessert, så burde Riksrevisjonen og Stortingets Kontroll og Konstitusjonskomité interessere seg for AP-regimet og Solberg-regjeringens enorme gaver til CF!
Slettet bruker
04.08.2018 kl 14:19 985

"The Shadow Government is a system that manipulates Washington, DC behind the scenes, that operates beyond the control of Congress, that even dictates the actions of the president and affects the daily lives of every American. It is real and has been growing in complexity for over sixty years. While the American people work long hours just to survive and make ends meet, the Shadow Government spends billions of dollars on secret operations, overthrowing governments and engages in covert wars that kill thousands – all without any vote or say by the American people; the people that pay the taxes the Shadow Government uses to fund these operations."


In the United States the term "deep state" is used by politicians and the media to describe influential decision-making bodies believed to be within government who are relatively permanent and whose policies and long-term plans are unaffected by changing administrations.

Når dette systemet utnyttes av kriminelle krefter som har kommet til maktposisjoner, oppstår den situasjonen vi har fått i dag der slike maktmennesker oppretter foundations/stiftelser og institutter som henter inn store penger gjennom de kontaktnett eierne får via sine betrodde stillinger; penger som hvitvaskes for eiernes private bruk gjennom charity projects der prosjektets beneficiaries (de som skal nyte godt av de veldedige midlene) sjelden ser noe til veldedigheten fordi pengene utgiftsføres på aktiviteter for personlig vinning.

Clinton Foundation Haiti prosjekt (som Norge har betalt enorme summer til ifølge regjeringen.no) er et skrekkeksempel, langt ifra det eneste, der prosjektlederen er arrestert for menneskesmugling, og Hillary's bror har kjøpt opp gullgruver gjennom prosjektet. Folket på Haiti lever fremdeles i ruinene etter jordskjelvet som CF fikk rettigheter til å rydde opp i. Ondskapen bak dette systemet er ufattelig!
Slettet bruker
04.08.2018 kl 14:36 982

The Plan må ikke bare gå etter og få dømt de som har deltatt i ulovlig manipulering gjennom deep state, men også omstrukturere systemet slik at de siste 60 årenes tiltagende kriminelle utnyttelse av styringsstrukturen ikke kan reetableres.

I dag ser vi at Bill og Hillary Clinton har kunnet drive sin kriminelle virksomhet fritt ved hjelp gjennom 40 år av Comey, Mueller og Lynch, som går igjen gjennom all Clinton-aktivitet som skulle vært tiltalt, helt fra eiendomsskandalen Whitewater. Disse har vært Clintons redning igjen og igjen. What's in it for them? Det er spørsmålet som må stilles og etterforskes, men som systemet i dag feiler å stille.
Elitesirkulasjonen sikrer mot Checks&Balances som folk lever i troen på skal sikre mot slik korrupsjon som det som her har vært bygget opp.
Redigert 04.08.2018 kl 14:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
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04.08.2018 kl 14:44 978

Vi ser etter hvert den samme type elitesirkulasjon i alle vestlige land (professor Terje Tvedt påpeker dette som et stort problem i sin siste bok) og som hindrer at skiftende regjeringer og administrasjoner kontrollerer hverandre og virker korrigerende på muligheten for korrupsjon. Elitesirkulasjon virker motsatt; elitene dekker hverandre opp; den ene tjenesten er den andre verdt; i dag dekker jeg deg, i morgen dekker du meg. Slik kan hele systemet korrumperes - og de som må betale regningen er vanlige godtfolk og skattebetalere som uvitende har valgt disse korrupte elitene som sine representanter. Hvor syk er vår egen regjering(er)?
Slettet bruker
04.08.2018 kl 17:35 952

August 4, 2018 Rasmussen: Black approval rating of Trump now at 29%

If this figure reported in Rasmussen’s daily presidential tracking poll Friday is anywhere close to accurate, Democrats are closing in on a crisis. While to poll results available to the general public reported on the Rasmussen Reports website do not contain the racial breakdown (Rasmussen pays its bills by selling detailed breakdowns of its polling results to political pros), so notable was the figure that Rasmussen tweeted out a notice:

Rasmussen Reports
Today’s @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 29%
This time last year: 15%
@POTUS @realDonaldTrump
7:30 PM - Aug 2, 2018

Given the booming economy, many African-Americans are experiencing opportunities for employment the likes of which were completely unavailable during the eight years of America’s First Black President. Opportunity is calling, and many people of any race who previously despaired of bettering themselves through work are finding out that a rising tide does indeed lift all boats.

With approval nearing one third of American blacks, it is no longer viable for Democrats to insist that Trump is such a vile racist that any favorable views of him should be censured by all right-thinking African-Americans.


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