Tomra - ny braksuksess! TOMRA wraps up a successful EuroShop

TOM 12.03.2020 kl 11:26 1081

Verden går nok videre denne gangen også, og blant selskapene på Oslo Børs er Tomra det viktigste når en "ny", bedre og fremtidsrettet verden nå må bygges. I den forbindelse offentliggjorde jo EU senest i går sin plan om å legge om hele EUs økonomi til en sirkulær økonomi (link til mer om det helt nederst i trådstart). Nå rapporterer Tomra Collection Solutions om at EuroShop 2020 var en kjempesuksess for selskapet og at den revolusjonerende, nye pantemaskinen R1 som sluker 100 flasker og bokser i et eneste jafs stod i sentrum for suksessen. Følger du linken finner du også video fra herligheten. Her kan du bl.a. høre CEO Stefan Ranstrand fortelle at Tomra Collection Solutions i dag samler inn over 40 milliarder flasker og bokser årlig, men at ambisjonen er å samle inn 500 milliarder (+ 1150%) årlig!!! 😊

12 Mar 2020

TOMRA wraps up a successful EuroShop

TOMRA Collection Solutions has returned from EuroShop 2020, the world’s largest trade fair for the retail sector, where we put recycling to work for retailers

TOMRA’s extensive display at EuroShop showcased how the company seeks to make recycling work harder for retailers, by offering a great recycling experience that attracts consumers to their stores. TOMRA received over 600 visits from 60 nationalities.

The 354m2 booth was bustling as the team demonstrated the latest products in the TOMRA range, such as the brand new TOMRA R1 multi-feed reverse vending solution, and the Express returns concept that enables recyclers at TOMRA R1 to pour out their containers and start shopping while they are still being processed, then receive a digital voucher later. Other concepts on show were the super compact TOMRA M1, and the rugged TOMRA S1 designed for semi-outdoor settings.

The myTOMRA consumer engagement tools expanded their potential reach through the addition of QR code identification, which enables a digital customer journey without retrofitting the machine to install a barcode reader. TOMRA also showcased its newest developments in service, especially how TOMRA employs big data analytics to keep reverse vending systems working harder and longer for retailers.

European retailers also got an opportunity to gain early insight into beverage container recycling programs, for those regions with upcoming deposit return schemes or European Union goals for the collection of plastic bottles through the Single-Use Plastics Directive. Deposit return schemes sometimes legislate the involvement of stores in receiving back plastic bottles for recycling.

Hitting the stage at EuroShop for the first time was TOMRA Talks, a series of lightning talks each day on the future of recycling, with TOMRA experts and our external community of changemakers and thought leaders. Organisations sharing their insights included Red Cross, The Recycling Lottery, eXXpedition, Reloop Platform and ReAct, tackling topics as diverse as digital collaboration in retail, extended producer responsibility and ocean plastic. They were joined by presentations from the heads of TOMRA, TOMRA Collection Solutions and the TOMRA Circular Economy division. Videos of the talks will be available shortly on Stay tuned!

Press coverage of TOMRA's EuroShop announcements
The TOMRA news that generated most buzz was the launch of TOMRA R1 and the unveiling of its Express returns concept. The news was published in European Supermarket Magazine, Recycling Product News, FoodBev, Waste Management World, and many more. TOMRA had 30 press visits at EuroShop – including countries as far away as Japan and Argentina – and more than 40 articles about our EuroShop news.

Thank you to everyone who visited TOMRA Collection Solutions during EuroShop, and to everyone in the TOMRA team who made it possible. We look forward to seeing you at the next EuroShop event, in 2023!

Tomra - Nå!! EU legger om hele økonomien til sirkulær økonomi!!!

Redigert 19.01.2021 kl 11:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.03.2020 kl 14:01 1019

Selvsagt skikkelig utrivelig å være aksjeeier om dagen, men man må tro på at der kommer bedre tider og personlig ville jeg ikke byttet Tomra-aksjen med noen annen. På børs kommer man ikke fra at det til syvende og sist er selskapenes topp- og bunnlinjer som avgjør. Tomra går så det suser og vekstpotensialet er ekstremt. Når man nå i tillegg er vitne til hvilken enorm drahjelp Tomra mottar fra valutamarkedet, ja da blir det til at man gleder seg uforbeholdent til Q1 2020 5.mai.

I dag

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Redigert 12.03.2020 kl 14:04 Du må logge inn for å svare