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CORONA 15.03.2020 kl 21:29 1548

Inside China’s campaign to blame the U.S. for the coronavirus pandemic

Published: March 15, 2020 at 3:36 p.m. ET
By Tanner Brown

Chinese officials and state media sow doubt — and levy accusations — about COVID-19 disease’s origin

As coronavirus cases dwindle in China, and explode across the rest of the world, Beijing is undertaking a campaign to shift blame for the emergence of the disease to a familiar foe — the United States.

The seemingly coordinated effort to, at minimum, sow doubts about the virus’s origin, and, at its most extreme, to directly accuse the U.S. military of creating and spreading the pathogen, has come from Chinese medical leaders, ambassadors and Foreign Ministry spokespersons — not to mention the hundreds of thousands of comments on Chinese social media echoing the conspiracy theories.

The undertaking is part of a broader campaign to deflect blame for the pandemic and China’s delay in taking action early in the emergence of the disease, which global experts say began in Wuhan, Hubei Province, potentially as early as November, and has infected more than 160,000 worldwide and killed nearly 6,000.

The first signs of Chinese skepticism of the virus’s origin came from the face of its fight against the epidemic, the celebrated doctor Zhong Nanshan, who was instrumental in the 2003 handling of the SARS crisis and has been featured in numerous televised interviews during the COVID-19 outbreak. At a press conference on Feb. 27, Zhong stated that the virus “may not have originated in China.”

Soon after, numerous Chinese politicians began what appeared to be a coordinated campaign to spread that idea, with several tweeting or uttering nearly identical statements questioning the origin of the virus.

On March 8, the Chinese ambassador to South Africa tweeted that, “Although the epidemic first broke out in China, it did not necessarily mean that the virus is originated from China, let alone ‘made in China.’ ”

Days later, the clearest salvo in the conspiracy campaign came from China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Zhao Lijian, who tweeted: “CDC was caught on the spot. When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!”

U.S. Department of Defense press secretary Alyssa Farah replied to Zhao’s tweet by saying, “As a global crisis, COVID-19 [should] be an area of cooperation between nations. Instead, the Communist Party of China has chosen to promulgate false & absurd conspiracy theories about the origin of COVID-19 blaming U.S. service members. #ChinaPropaganda.”

The State Department then summoned China’s ambassador in Washington in protest of the rumor. The assistant secretary of state for the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, David Stilwell, expressed “stern representation” of the American position to Ambassador Cui Tiankai, who was “very defensive,” the State Department later said.

But conspiracy theories about the emergence of the virus aren’t limited to Chinese officials.

Last month, U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton insinuated on Fox News that, because Wuhan is home to one of China’s leading high-level biosafety laboratories, “we have to get to the bottom of” whether the virus emerged from that facility. (The Arkansas Republican later qualified his comments, saying the bioweapon theory is just one among several possible explanations.)

Meanwhile, three prominent Iranian officials, including former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, unequivocally asserted that the virus was a manufactured bioweapon. Ahmadinejad wrote a letter to the UN secretary-general, which he posted on Twitter, adding, “It is clear to the world that the mutated coronavirus was produced in lab.”

Iran has been one of the hardest-hit countries outside of China by COVID-19.

China’s state media have been equally involved in spreading skepticism of the virus’s origin. Official Communist Party publication Xinhua has published several articles questioning COVID-19’s provenance, and the state-run Global Times wrote, “As the U.S. COVID-19 situation becomes increasingly obscure, the Chinese public shares the suspicion raised by Zhao Lijian that the U.S. might be the source of the virus and that the U.S. is subject [to] questioning and is obliged to explain [its role to] the world.”

None of the numerous public figures and media outlets positing the alternative theories has provided evidence for their claims.

President Trump has been less critical of the rumors. On the same day his State Department and Pentagon officials were responding forcefully against the Chinese comments, the president praised Beijing’s sharing of information with the U.S. and said the rumors did not comport with his conversations with President Xi Jinping. However, he later told a press conference at the White House, “They [the Chinese] know where it came from. We all know where it came from.”

China’s campaign is targeted at both domestic and foreign audiences, according to Western experts. “I think both,” China specialist Bill Bishop told MarketWatch. “Globally to avoid being blamed for the carnage it is causing in so many countries, domestically to once again [blame] an external force as a way to deflect blame.”

While that may be a hard sell to foreign audiences, especially in America, Bishop, who authors the Sinocism newsletter and is a former MarketWatch executive, believes the rumors could gain much more traction at home in China. “I think plenty of Chinese will buy it,” he said.

But he sees this as bigger than simply a public health disaster. “Might this be the first global recession caused by CCP [Chinese Communist Party] mismanagement? Previous Communist Party–led disasters in China since 1949 never really spread outside the PRC’s borders in meaningful ways. Not this time.”

Several calls and emails to China’s Foreign Ministry, and direct messages to spokesperson Zhao, went unreturned
Slettet bruker
15.03.2020 kl 21:40 1537

Det er nok "tall white" som står bak. De har nok gravd opp et knusktørt eldgammelt virusion under en av de gamle pyramidene på Mars, spyttet på det og fått kvikket det opp litt med noe genmodifisering og fiffig mikrobiologisk DNA-ingeniørarbeid.
Men dette er bare en test. Det vil selvdestruere seg selv om kort tid.

Blir adskillig værre om en ti års tid har mediumene forklart oss. Da vil de hyperavle viruset med en sopp slik at det kan spre seg mye fortere og videre med sporer.
Slettet bruker
16.03.2020 kl 01:03 1478

Den nye varianten av gaschamber Auschwitz ?
16.03.2020 kl 02:37 1455

Tilsvarende er også.....enda farligere:
Slettet bruker
16.03.2020 kl 09:35 1406

Lijian Zhao fulgte opp sin twittermelding med å stille spørsmål direkte til Redfield:

«When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!»

Det er altså en økende tro i Kina på at smitten kan ha kommet utenfra, og kanskje med USAs militære som deltok i de militære idrettslekene i Wuhan i fjor høst. Det skal bli interessant å se om Redfield svarer på disse direkte spørsmålene og hva han eventuelt svarer.

Kinas utenriksdepartement hadde neppe latt en offisiell talsmann si dette med mindre man har ganske sterke kort på handa for å underbygge spørsmålene. Utenriksminister Wang Yi er ikke kjent for å lede et team som snakker uten godkjenning.
Slettet bruker
16.03.2020 kl 09:37 1392

18. oktober 2019 gjennomførte Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security en skrivebordsøvelse på en global pandemi. Øvelsen ble gjennomført i samarbeid med World Economic Forum og Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Scenariet for den tenkte pandemien kalles Event 201, en simulert hendelse som likner så ubehagelig på koronaepidemien at det har fått noen til å spørre om det var noe de visste som vi andre ikke vet. Vi lar den ballen ligge for i stedet å peke på hva samarbeidspartnerne ønsket å få ut av øvelsen. Det er illevarslende nok i seg sjøl, og vi har den fordelen at vi har deres egne ord for det.
Slettet bruker
16.03.2020 kl 09:39 1382

Epidemi som sjokkdoktrine
Disse kapitalkreftene bruker koronaepidemien som en sjokkdoktrine for å fremme sin agenda. Det er å legge FN-systemet og de nasjonale regjerngene inn under kontroll av en håndfull mulitnasjonale kapitalistiske korporasjoner.

Ved siden av vaksineprogrammet til Bill Gates og Big Pharma satser de også på å tvinge fram obligatorisk digital ID. Dette går fram av dokumentene til ID2020, en allianse som består av, hold dere fast:

Accenture, GAVI, The Rockefeller Foundation og Microsoft.

De skriver om sine mål blant annet:

«Ingen myndigheter, selskaper eller byråer kan løse denne utfordringen alene. Å sette fremtidens kurs for digital ID og navigere i de risikoene dette innebærer er en utfordring som krever vedvarende samarbeid og globalt partnerskap.»

World Economic Forum, Bill Gates & co vil helst ta kontroll over det meste, og vil de ha oss til å tro, til vårt eget beste.
Slettet bruker
16.03.2020 kl 18:39 1292

Spredt ut med overlegg.
16.03.2020 kl 19:25 1273

Det er ikke helt sikkert, vel?
11.04.2020 kl 21:06 856

se filmen: False Colors

Det handler om biologiskvåpen.

11.04.2020 kl 21:55 835

Du kunne godt ha nevnt at presidenten i World økonomic forum heter Børge Brende og er gammel kamerat av Erna,
som igjen er en av pådriverne bak vaksine-CEPI tilsammens med bl.a. B Gates...sånn for ordens skyld Oliver
Slettet bruker
12.04.2020 kl 10:06 799

Inside the mysterious Wuhan virus lab: Rare pictures show scientists dressed like astronauts studying deadly pathogens in controversial institute
12.04.2020 kl 10:13 793

Biovåpen som kverker den store trusselen fra eldrebølgen lissom?
Slettet bruker
12.04.2020 kl 10:53 780

If leading up to 1977, the fact that increased research into strains of the flu were seen to increase the odds that an accidental leak would occur, why isn’t the same logic being applied to our pandemic today? Why is almost everyone today assuming that the increased pace of research means scientists in fact anticipated this outbreak instead of causing it?

Wouldn’t an increased pace of research also increase the odds that a leak of a lab-modified coronavirus would occur just like an increased pace of research precipitated the leak of the H1N1 Swine Flu back then?

Scientists have been directly altering and modifying viral genomes for at least the past twenty years, doing everything from building complete viruses from scratch, to tweaking them and then passing them through series of animal hosts to artificially speed selection and evolution along so that they’re able have as many different strains of virus with as many novel features as possible to tinker with.

However most of this work didn’t really raise too many eyebrows, until about ten years ago when scientists in Stony Brook, NY – not coincidentally also the first place to build a DNA-virus from scratch – took the H5N1 Bird Flu, tweaked its genome in two places, and then passed it through a series of ferret hosts in the lab until it became airborne. This sort of research, a minor alteration and then passage through ferrets, did two things: Resulted in a virus that would look natural and wouldn’t appear to have been directly genetically altered, and also created a virus that was way out on its own branch of the viral family tree since those sequential passages added generations far faster than they’d naturally occur in the wild. If that sounds familiar, maybe that’s because those traits are also exactly what’s found with COVID-19.

And as far back as 2015, Chinese labs were reported to have been involved with dual-use gain-of-function research, swapping around viral genomes in the lab to try to create the most virulent strain possible. Additionally, studies examining COVID-19’s infectivity in ferrets found that it spreads readily among them, and also appears airborne in that animal model, lending support to the idea that ferrets were used for serial passage. Further support for possibility that serial passage through lab animals played a role in the creation of COVID-19 comes from an April 2020 pre-print, which found that it binds with ferrets cells more tightly than any other species except the tree shrew, which only scored about 2% higher. Tree shrews have also been used for serial viral passage, and were promoted in a 2018 paper out of China as a preferable host for laboratory serial passage since they’re cheaper, smaller, easier to handle, and closer to humans evolutionarily and physiologically than ferrets. Pangolins however, formed a much weaker bond than either, and were clustered way down on the list along with a handful of other much more unlikely intermediate animal hosts.
Slettet bruker
13.04.2020 kl 03:08 734

Helt riktig som du skriver, den tenkte jeg ikke på.
13.04.2020 kl 09:25 710

Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Event 201 (to-null-en), ID2020 (chip og vaksine kommer, brett opp....)

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