December GOGL 1
Det er hvis tid til en ny tråd
Hemen Holding Limited, which is indirectly controlled by
trusts established by John Fredriksen for the benefit
of his immediate family, has settled a TRS agreement
(Total Return Swap) underlying 4,500,000 shares in Golden Ocean Group Limited
(Golden Ocean)expiring December 6th 2017. Hemen Holding Limited has
subsequently entered into a new TRS agreement with exposure to the same number
of underlying shares. New expiry date is March 6th, 2018, and the new TRS price
is NOK 67.2814 per share. Hemen Holding Limiteds affiliated ownership in Golden
Ocean Group Limited is after this unchanged 47,326,353 shares, equal to 33.3% of
issued shares and votes in the company. In addition, Hemen Holding holds TRS
agreements with underlying exposure to 4,500,000 shares in Golden Ocean Ltd.
Further, Hemen Holding holds in aggregate USD 124.4 million in the Golden Ocean
14/19 3.07% USD 200m Convertible Bond, convertible into 1,411,230 shares in the
Company, equaling approximately 1.0% of the shares and votes in the Company.
Source Url:
Hemen Holding Limited, which is indirectly controlled by
trusts established by John Fredriksen for the benefit
of his immediate family, has settled a TRS agreement
(Total Return Swap) underlying 4,500,000 shares in Golden Ocean Group Limited
(Golden Ocean)expiring December 6th 2017. Hemen Holding Limited has
subsequently entered into a new TRS agreement with exposure to the same number
of underlying shares. New expiry date is March 6th, 2018, and the new TRS price
is NOK 67.2814 per share. Hemen Holding Limiteds affiliated ownership in Golden
Ocean Group Limited is after this unchanged 47,326,353 shares, equal to 33.3% of
issued shares and votes in the company. In addition, Hemen Holding holds TRS
agreements with underlying exposure to 4,500,000 shares in Golden Ocean Ltd.
Further, Hemen Holding holds in aggregate USD 124.4 million in the Golden Ocean
14/19 3.07% USD 200m Convertible Bond, convertible into 1,411,230 shares in the
Company, equaling approximately 1.0% of the shares and votes in the Company.
Source Url:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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06.12.2017 kl 18:59
FFA: Market levels trading at or near highs of the day into the close on all asset classes, overall a light trading day on all fronts.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 08:27
Nå begynner det å dra seg til ja. Sjekk volumet på malmen i dag!
Nå begynner jernmalmkrigen på supplysiden. Verden gjør seg klar til den 4. commodity boomen:-)
Det forventes altså en økning i jernmalmeksporten for 2018 på minst 7%. Når flåteveksten er forventet til rundt 2% de neste to årene så sier det seg selv hva som kommer til å skje med ratene.
Nå begynner jernmalmkrigen på supplysiden. Verden gjør seg klar til den 4. commodity boomen:-)
Det forventes altså en økning i jernmalmeksporten for 2018 på minst 7%. Når flåteveksten er forventet til rundt 2% de neste to årene så sier det seg selv hva som kommer til å skje med ratene.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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Herlig! Da fyker vi nok over 70 igjen i dag!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 08:45
Oslo (TDN Finans): Fraktmarkedet for capesize-skip fortsetter oppover på linje med høyere jernmalmpriser. Mesteparten av aktiviteten er på ruten fra Vest-Australia til Kina.
Det fremgår av skipsmeglerforetaket Fearnleys ukerapport onsdag ettermiddag.
I panamax-segmentet har den seneste uken vært aktiv, etter en periode med fallende rater og lav aktivitet, og markedet synes svært sterkt på begge halvkuler.
Videre har det vært litt aktivitet for supramaxene i Atlanterhavsbassenget, med stadig fastere rater for skip som løfter fra den amerikanske delen av Mexicogulfen, opplyses det.
TCT Cont/Fjern-Østen 41.500 36.500 12.000/41.500
Tubarao/Rotterdam (jernmalm) 13,00 12,30 4,00/13,00
Richards Bay/Rotterdam (kull) 12,00 11,30 4,00/12,00
Atlanterhavet rundreise 15.000 12.000 5.600/15.000
TC Kontinentet/Østen 19.500 17.500 11.600/21.000
TC Østen/Kontinentet 5.000 4.600 2.500/8.600
TC Østen, rundreise 11.000 10.000 2.500/14.000
Atlanterhavet, rundreise 13.000 13.000 8.250/13.000
Stillehavet, rundreise 9.250 9.250 3.900/11.000
TC Kontinentet/Østen 16.000 16.000 12.000/20.000
Capesize 180' dwt 17.250 17.250 10.250/17.250
Capesize 170' dwt 15.250 15.000 8.650/15.500
Panamax 75' dwt 11.500 11.000 7.250/12.400
Supramax 53' dwt 10.000 10.000 6.600/10.750
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Oslo (TDN Finans): Fraktmarkedet for capesize-skip fortsetter oppover på linje med høyere jernmalmpriser. Mesteparten av aktiviteten er på ruten fra Vest-Australia til Kina.
Det fremgår av skipsmeglerforetaket Fearnleys ukerapport onsdag ettermiddag.
I panamax-segmentet har den seneste uken vært aktiv, etter en periode med fallende rater og lav aktivitet, og markedet synes svært sterkt på begge halvkuler.
Videre har det vært litt aktivitet for supramaxene i Atlanterhavsbassenget, med stadig fastere rater for skip som løfter fra den amerikanske delen av Mexicogulfen, opplyses det.
TCT Cont/Fjern-Østen 41.500 36.500 12.000/41.500
Tubarao/Rotterdam (jernmalm) 13,00 12,30 4,00/13,00
Richards Bay/Rotterdam (kull) 12,00 11,30 4,00/12,00
Atlanterhavet rundreise 15.000 12.000 5.600/15.000
TC Kontinentet/Østen 19.500 17.500 11.600/21.000
TC Østen/Kontinentet 5.000 4.600 2.500/8.600
TC Østen, rundreise 11.000 10.000 2.500/14.000
Atlanterhavet, rundreise 13.000 13.000 8.250/13.000
Stillehavet, rundreise 9.250 9.250 3.900/11.000
TC Kontinentet/Østen 16.000 16.000 12.000/20.000
Capesize 180' dwt 17.250 17.250 10.250/17.250
Capesize 170' dwt 15.250 15.000 8.650/15.500
Panamax 75' dwt 11.500 11.000 7.250/12.400
Supramax 53' dwt 10.000 10.000 6.600/10.750
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 09:21
Ifølge investtech er GOGL salgskandidat på kort sikt. Har du satt shorten Volf?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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Hvis Investtech har GOGL som salgssignal så er det en soleklar indikasjon på at aksjen skal opp! Gjør motsatt av Investtechs anbefalinger, og du vil med stor sannsynlighet tjene godt med penger!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 09:28
De har Gogl som kjøpskandidat på middels og lang sikt. Er det også feil da?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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Nei, det er de kortsiktige anbefalingene de alltid bommer på.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 10:02
Tror du om rater i dag Wolf?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 10:27
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Det brasilianske gruveselskapet Vale står klar til å slippe løs så mye som 50 millioner tonn av ekstra malmkapasitet for å balansere markedet dersom jernmalmprisene blir for høye.
-Jernmalmpriser som er for høye eller for lave gagner ikke industrien, og som den største produsentene har Vale et ansvar for å hjelpe til med å balansere markedet, sier konsernsjef Fabio Schvartsman i Vale til Bloomberg TV onsdag.
Konsernsjefen opplyser videre at Vale ser ganske positivt på etterspørselen fra Kina, og mener at nedstenginger for å hindre forurensning er kommet for å bli.
Jernmalm-futures for januar 2018 ved Dalian Commodity Exchange i Kina faller med 7,4 prosent i torsdagens handel.
Lagrene ved kinesiske havner er på rekordnivåer samtidig som skipninger fra Australia og Brasil øker, og det er nå bekymringer knyttet til et overtilbud i markedet, melder Bloomberg News.
Kinesiske stålmøller har den seneste tiden hatt svært gode marginer, ettersom kinesiske myndigheter har stengt ned kapasitet for vinteren for å redusere forurensningen, og dette har hjulpet til med å absorbere det tiltagende tilbudet av jernmalm, skriver Bloomberg.
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Det brasilianske gruveselskapet Vale står klar til å slippe løs så mye som 50 millioner tonn av ekstra malmkapasitet for å balansere markedet dersom jernmalmprisene blir for høye.
-Jernmalmpriser som er for høye eller for lave gagner ikke industrien, og som den største produsentene har Vale et ansvar for å hjelpe til med å balansere markedet, sier konsernsjef Fabio Schvartsman i Vale til Bloomberg TV onsdag.
Konsernsjefen opplyser videre at Vale ser ganske positivt på etterspørselen fra Kina, og mener at nedstenginger for å hindre forurensning er kommet for å bli.
Jernmalm-futures for januar 2018 ved Dalian Commodity Exchange i Kina faller med 7,4 prosent i torsdagens handel.
Lagrene ved kinesiske havner er på rekordnivåer samtidig som skipninger fra Australia og Brasil øker, og det er nå bekymringer knyttet til et overtilbud i markedet, melder Bloomberg News.
Kinesiske stålmøller har den seneste tiden hatt svært gode marginer, ettersom kinesiske myndigheter har stengt ned kapasitet for vinteren for å redusere forurensningen, og dette har hjulpet til med å absorbere det tiltagende tilbudet av jernmalm, skriver Bloomberg.
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 10:53
Javel, det var defor malmen falt så brått idag.
Veldig positivt for Gogl at det er Brasil som må hjelpe markedet å komme i balanse.
Veldig positivt for Gogl at det er Brasil som må hjelpe markedet å komme i balanse.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 12:03
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 12:09
Vale prøver å fortelle verden at de står klare med 50 millioner EKSTRA tonn med jern malm i 2018 (om nødvendig), ratene raser oppover og flåteveksten for de kommende årene er den laveste noen sinne. Joda, bare å selge ut på 66.-??? Men utbyttene ser ut til å bli feitere og feitere for hver dag som går, det er jo tross alt det som betyr noe for oss med lang investeringshorisont:-)
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 12:18
Ja Gogl i 67,30kr det er ikke til at forstå vi skulle jo værerr over 70kr men det må jo komme.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 12:23
Ja - helt vanvittig en kurs hernede.....
Hvor lå BCI sidst GOGL lå omkring 75 NOK --- lang fra i dag i hvert fald. GOGL må jo skovle penge ind her ved dette niveau. Og med udsigt vi snart bryder op over 30.000 USD på BCI.... Hænger slet ikke sammen.
Der kommer en voldsom stigning lige pludselig - det kan ikke passe andet.
Hvor lå BCI sidst GOGL lå omkring 75 NOK --- lang fra i dag i hvert fald. GOGL må jo skovle penge ind her ved dette niveau. Og med udsigt vi snart bryder op over 30.000 USD på BCI.... Hænger slet ikke sammen.
Der kommer en voldsom stigning lige pludselig - det kan ikke passe andet.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 12:29
Det store spørsmålet er NÅR blir det slutt på kursmanipuleringen OSE - NASDAQ ?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 12:33
Når GOGL var i 75,10.- 11. september stod 5TC i $20.831. I dag står GOGL i 66,95.- og 5TC står i $29.063.
Fasit: Kursen -11% ratene +40%. Kanskje gå en tur i banken snart?
Fasit: Kursen -11% ratene +40%. Kanskje gå en tur i banken snart?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 12:47
Det må jo være tidenes mulighet for å grabbe til seg superbillige gogl aksjer.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 12:50
Vi er ved at vende rundt nu efter den lille nedgang til MA20 - så hvis man lige kigger lidt objektivt på det, så giver det hele mening med en vending hernede.
Vi skal til igen til 71 NOK som minimum
Vi skal til igen til 71 NOK som minimum
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 12:56
Poenget er vel at det ikke lenger er snakk om ratestigning, men en reprising av hele bransjen. At Gogl sitter fast og tradere lever godt på intervallhandel er kortsiktig. Nå institusjonelle aktører ser at reprisingen av fraktmarkedet har funnet sted - får vi også en reprising av aksjen/bulksektoren. Per i dag verdsettes Gogl som et underskuddsforetak, men med premium for moderne flåte. Tenker nyhet om tilbakebetaling av långivere vil føre til en korreksjon - og blir den stor nok - vil tidspunktet for forventet utbytteoppstart rykke nærmere og bli en trigger. For investorene som gikk inn på kr 66 - må dette oppleves absurd. Utfordringen er kanskje at dagens ledelse ikke liker seg like godt i media som Herman Billung gjorde - dagens ledelse er anonym og forutsetter at tallenes tale gjør jobben. Ikke alltid like god strategi?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:43
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07.12.2017 kl 13:39
Nordea har visstnok avholdt et shipping seminar denne uken. Noen som har noe å rapportere eller informasjon fra dette?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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07.12.2017 kl 14:07
Tørlastindekset Baltic Dry stiger med 0,5 pct. til 1679 point torsdag. Det fremgår af data fra Bloomberg News.
Tørlastindekset Baltic Dry stiger med 0,5 pct. til 1679 point torsdag. Det fremgår af data fra Bloomberg News.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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07.12.2017 kl 14:22
P_Invest - Du skjønner i GOGL gjelder andre regler enn resten av børsverden. Når ratene går opp så gå kursen ned, uke etter uke. Om du tror på høyere aksjekurs må det komme et krakk i ratene først:-) Volumet på jernmalm som skal fraktes eksploderer nå og GOGL blir mer verdt for hver dag. Da skal kursen helt korrekt ned.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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07.12.2017 kl 14:29
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 0,5 prosent til 1.679 poeng, ifølge Bloomberg News.
Baltic Dry +0,5%
Capesize +1,1%
Panamax Lite endret
Handysize Lite endret
Supramax Lite endret
Baltic Dry-indeksen angis i poeng. Resterende segmenter er snittrater i dollar. Baltic capesize 5TC er utregnet av 4TC med et fast påslag på 1.064 dollar.
Dato BDI Capesize Panamax Handysize Supramax
07.12.17 1.679 29.063 12.519 9.206 10.553
06.12.17 1.670 28.750 12.513 9.203 10.552
05.12.17 1.666 28.571 12.579 9.182 10.509
04.12.17 1.662 28.546 12.482 9.166 10.502
01.12.17 1.626 27.725 11.970 9.154 10.505
30.11.17 1.578 26.545 11.484 9.120 10.482
29.11.17 1.536 25.596 10.962 9.089 10.427
28.11.17 1.506 25.004 10.580 9.062 10.373
27.11.17 1.477 24.193 10.419 9.047 10.343
24.11.17 1.458 23.596 10.384 9.060 10.323
23.11.17 1.445 23.381 10.295 9.082 10.239
22.11.17 1.413 22.468 10.277 9.107 10.200
21.11.17 1.396 22.091 10.223 9.125 10.149
20.11.17 1.385 21.672 10.264 9.162 10.142
17.11.17 1.371 21.178 10.302 9.197 10.129
16.11.17 1.361 20.626 10.408 9.251 10.111
15.11.17 1.374 20.770 10.586 9.296 10.148
14.11.17 1.405 21.512 10.797 9.339 10.236
13.11.17 1.445 22.457 11.130 9.364 10.358
10.11.17 1.464 22.613 11.376 9.392 10.528
09.11.17 1.481 22.536 11.785 9.454 10.665
08.11.17 1.486 21.980 12.163 9.554 10.825
07.11.17 1.477 20.997 12.508 9.609 11.006
06.11.17 1.473 20.604 12.583 9.656 11.081
03.11.17 1.476 20.563 12.545 9.707 11.139
02.11.17 1.482 20.768 12.368 9.776 11.186
01.11.17 1.496 21.317 12.089 9.847 11.263
31.10.17 1.522 22.060 12.003 9.948 11.354
30.10.17 1.534 22.122 12.059 10.033 11.548
27.10.17 1.546 22.198 12.206 10.070 11.692
26.10.17 1.555 22.024 12.501 10.085 11.792
25.10.17 1.573 22.228 12.816 10.104 11.872
24.10.17 1.588 22.515 13.091 10.066 11.891
23.10.17 1.586 22.389 13.217 10.012 11.872
20.10.17 1.578 22.145 12.223 9.954 11.850
19.10.17 1.582 22.420 13.249 9.882 11.733
18.10.17 1.566 22.052 13.230 9.780 11.626
17.10.17 1.552 21.689 13.265 9.745 11.431
16.10.17 1.523 20.971 13.150 9.641 11.305
13.10.17 1.485 20.047 12.905 9.543 11.137
12.10.17 1.458 19.893 12.501 9.351 10.871
11.10.17 1.433 19.911 12.086 9.181 10.574
10.10.17 1.418 20.002 11.770 9.102 10.347
09.10.17 1.411 20.257 11.555 9.020 10.190
06.10.17 1.405 20.427 11.300 8.972 10.101
05.10.17 1.382 20.156 10.811 8.927 10.045
04.10.17 1.320 18.397 10.253 8.945 10.066
03.10.17 1.308 17.929 10.022 8.996 10.143
02.10.17 1.328 18.245 10.194 9.031 10.244
29.09.17 1.356 18.725 10.509 9.061 10.347
28.09.17 1.391 19.393 10.862 9.073 10.483
27.09.17 1.429 20.270 11.298 9.026 10.580
26.09.17 1.476 21.639 11.625 8.939 10.700
25.09.17 1.503 22.450 11.851 8.873 10.740
22.09.17 1.502 22.392 12.006 8.784 10.723
21.09.17 1.470 21.325 12.170 8.644 10.663
20.09.17 1.449 20.694 12.310 8.496 10.556
19.09.17 1.415 19.797 12.343 8.291 10.467
18.09.17 1.398 19.578 12.286 8.131 10.358
15.09.17 1.385 19.614 12.224 7.921 10.270
14.09.17 1.361 19.285 12.047 7.814 10.170
13.09.17 1.337 19.129 11.754 7.687 10.094
12.09.17 1.344 19.942 11.477 7.577 10.025
11.09.17 1.355 20.831 11.192 7.506 9.953
08.09.17 1.332 20.343 11.037 7.433 9.880
07.09.17 1.296 19.499 10.840 7.357 9.790
06.09.17 1.250 18.231 10.546 7.259 9.777
05.09.17 1.215 17.367 10.230 7.205 9.785
04.09.17 1.187 16.819 9.850 7.139 9.777
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 0,5 prosent til 1.679 poeng, ifølge Bloomberg News.
Baltic Dry +0,5%
Capesize +1,1%
Panamax Lite endret
Handysize Lite endret
Supramax Lite endret
Baltic Dry-indeksen angis i poeng. Resterende segmenter er snittrater i dollar. Baltic capesize 5TC er utregnet av 4TC med et fast påslag på 1.064 dollar.
Dato BDI Capesize Panamax Handysize Supramax
07.12.17 1.679 29.063 12.519 9.206 10.553
06.12.17 1.670 28.750 12.513 9.203 10.552
05.12.17 1.666 28.571 12.579 9.182 10.509
04.12.17 1.662 28.546 12.482 9.166 10.502
01.12.17 1.626 27.725 11.970 9.154 10.505
30.11.17 1.578 26.545 11.484 9.120 10.482
29.11.17 1.536 25.596 10.962 9.089 10.427
28.11.17 1.506 25.004 10.580 9.062 10.373
27.11.17 1.477 24.193 10.419 9.047 10.343
24.11.17 1.458 23.596 10.384 9.060 10.323
23.11.17 1.445 23.381 10.295 9.082 10.239
22.11.17 1.413 22.468 10.277 9.107 10.200
21.11.17 1.396 22.091 10.223 9.125 10.149
20.11.17 1.385 21.672 10.264 9.162 10.142
17.11.17 1.371 21.178 10.302 9.197 10.129
16.11.17 1.361 20.626 10.408 9.251 10.111
15.11.17 1.374 20.770 10.586 9.296 10.148
14.11.17 1.405 21.512 10.797 9.339 10.236
13.11.17 1.445 22.457 11.130 9.364 10.358
10.11.17 1.464 22.613 11.376 9.392 10.528
09.11.17 1.481 22.536 11.785 9.454 10.665
08.11.17 1.486 21.980 12.163 9.554 10.825
07.11.17 1.477 20.997 12.508 9.609 11.006
06.11.17 1.473 20.604 12.583 9.656 11.081
03.11.17 1.476 20.563 12.545 9.707 11.139
02.11.17 1.482 20.768 12.368 9.776 11.186
01.11.17 1.496 21.317 12.089 9.847 11.263
31.10.17 1.522 22.060 12.003 9.948 11.354
30.10.17 1.534 22.122 12.059 10.033 11.548
27.10.17 1.546 22.198 12.206 10.070 11.692
26.10.17 1.555 22.024 12.501 10.085 11.792
25.10.17 1.573 22.228 12.816 10.104 11.872
24.10.17 1.588 22.515 13.091 10.066 11.891
23.10.17 1.586 22.389 13.217 10.012 11.872
20.10.17 1.578 22.145 12.223 9.954 11.850
19.10.17 1.582 22.420 13.249 9.882 11.733
18.10.17 1.566 22.052 13.230 9.780 11.626
17.10.17 1.552 21.689 13.265 9.745 11.431
16.10.17 1.523 20.971 13.150 9.641 11.305
13.10.17 1.485 20.047 12.905 9.543 11.137
12.10.17 1.458 19.893 12.501 9.351 10.871
11.10.17 1.433 19.911 12.086 9.181 10.574
10.10.17 1.418 20.002 11.770 9.102 10.347
09.10.17 1.411 20.257 11.555 9.020 10.190
06.10.17 1.405 20.427 11.300 8.972 10.101
05.10.17 1.382 20.156 10.811 8.927 10.045
04.10.17 1.320 18.397 10.253 8.945 10.066
03.10.17 1.308 17.929 10.022 8.996 10.143
02.10.17 1.328 18.245 10.194 9.031 10.244
29.09.17 1.356 18.725 10.509 9.061 10.347
28.09.17 1.391 19.393 10.862 9.073 10.483
27.09.17 1.429 20.270 11.298 9.026 10.580
26.09.17 1.476 21.639 11.625 8.939 10.700
25.09.17 1.503 22.450 11.851 8.873 10.740
22.09.17 1.502 22.392 12.006 8.784 10.723
21.09.17 1.470 21.325 12.170 8.644 10.663
20.09.17 1.449 20.694 12.310 8.496 10.556
19.09.17 1.415 19.797 12.343 8.291 10.467
18.09.17 1.398 19.578 12.286 8.131 10.358
15.09.17 1.385 19.614 12.224 7.921 10.270
14.09.17 1.361 19.285 12.047 7.814 10.170
13.09.17 1.337 19.129 11.754 7.687 10.094
12.09.17 1.344 19.942 11.477 7.577 10.025
11.09.17 1.355 20.831 11.192 7.506 9.953
08.09.17 1.332 20.343 11.037 7.433 9.880
07.09.17 1.296 19.499 10.840 7.357 9.790
06.09.17 1.250 18.231 10.546 7.259 9.777
05.09.17 1.215 17.367 10.230 7.205 9.785
04.09.17 1.187 16.819 9.850 7.139 9.777
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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07.12.2017 kl 14:32
Den 4/10 var vi på 18400$ der efter har vi ikke været under 20000$ Så Gogl må da skovle penge ind det kan da kun give udbytte i 4Q
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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07.12.2017 kl 14:35
Snittratene for Q4 ligger ca. $8.600/day over snittratene i Q3 slik det ser ut nå med rater på $26.000 resten av året (og det er kanskje litt lite).
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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07.12.2017 kl 14:38
Synes det er på sin plass (igjen) å trekke frem artikkelen fra FA tidligere i høst (18.10), hvor Clarkson Platou Securities sine shipping analytikere, Frode Mørkedal og Herman Hildan, ble sitert på følgende:
"..... ser positivt på fremtiden for GOGL, selv om de på kort sikt ser en risiko for ratefall hvis kineserne stenger ned deler av sin stålproduksjon i vinter.
Hvis dagratene kommer opp i 24.000 dollar for capezise-carriere vil rederiet tjene 1,48 dollar pr. aksje og ha en fri kontantstrøm på 1,60 dollar pr. aksje, noe som i følge analytikerne kan forsvare en betydelig høyere aksjekurs enn i dag."
Vi nærmer oss USD 30' per dag med stormskritt, så da er det vel bare å finne frem kalkulatoren for de som har forlagt den for øyeblikket.
"..... ser positivt på fremtiden for GOGL, selv om de på kort sikt ser en risiko for ratefall hvis kineserne stenger ned deler av sin stålproduksjon i vinter.
Hvis dagratene kommer opp i 24.000 dollar for capezise-carriere vil rederiet tjene 1,48 dollar pr. aksje og ha en fri kontantstrøm på 1,60 dollar pr. aksje, noe som i følge analytikerne kan forsvare en betydelig høyere aksjekurs enn i dag."
Vi nærmer oss USD 30' per dag med stormskritt, så da er det vel bare å finne frem kalkulatoren for de som har forlagt den for øyeblikket.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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Jeg tror GOGL blir en av årets nyårsraketter. Håper også som DN tror, at Hermansrud tar GOGL inn i nyttårsporteføljen, det vil sette fyr i kursen :-)
Vi får bare være tolmodige, med slike rater og inntjening, samt kursmål alle meglere har, snur dette snart.
Vi får bare være tolmodige, med slike rater og inntjening, samt kursmål alle meglere har, snur dette snart.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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Gogl tjener noe enormt med penger for tiden. Blir nok både utbytte og store tilbakebetalinger på lån neste Q
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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07.12.2017 kl 14:48
Hermanrud har vel allerede sagt hva han mener om GOGL, ref innlegget han hadde tidligere denne uken på SB1M sitt seminar. Det han kom med ble jo også delt i pressen samme dag og dagen etter, noe som var medvirkende til at kursen steg. Ikke sikkert han kommer med noe nyttårsraketter da "alle" har tatt etter og kommer med tilsvarende porteføljer. Noe av effekten er (så vidt jeg har forstått) derfor redusert. Men, det er mange som lytter til det han sier og kommer han med en portefølje hvor GOGL er en av aksjene vil det nok hjelpe på kursen også.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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07.12.2017 kl 15:16
Her er mine snitt [021017-071217] etter å ha kjørt average() i Libreoffice Calc:
Dato BDI Capesize Panamax Handysize Supramax
1.489 22.351 11.714 9.420 10.769
Dato BDI Capesize Panamax Handysize Supramax
1.489 22.351 11.714 9.420 10.769
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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07.12.2017 kl 15:30
Dry Bulk FFA: Capesize Market Jumps Back Into Rising Action
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 07/12/2017
Capesize FFA Commentary:
The paper market bounced off yesterdays lows yesterday as the physical market continues to hold at these solid levels. The C5 ticked back up to $9.70 while the tonnage count in the Atlantic remains thin. There was less volume changing hands yesterday in the paper market and with the current backwardation still steep, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that the paper continues to make further ground if the physical holds strong.
Panamax FFA Commentary:
We tested support early on yesterday on Panamax paper with levels steady and range bound until a mid morning surge saw levels jump up ave $500 on the prompt contracts as Capes seemed to have turned a corner and the N ATL continues to fuel optimism. We closed up on the day recouping the previous day’s losses with good support evident again at the close.
Supramax FFA Commentary:
A day in which the Supramax paper reacted to the recent lull, buying support was evident as physical is bubbling and overall sentiment has recovered somewhat. Q1 was seen being paid $9900 and Cal 18 traded back up to a high of the day $10200. Although towards the close we did ease of the highs of the day as a little selling pressure was apparent.
Handysize FFA Commentary:
Quiet day on the handysize paper, no reported trades. Have a good evening.
Full Report
Source: Freight Investor Services (FIS)
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in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 07/12/2017
Capesize FFA Commentary:
The paper market bounced off yesterdays lows yesterday as the physical market continues to hold at these solid levels. The C5 ticked back up to $9.70 while the tonnage count in the Atlantic remains thin. There was less volume changing hands yesterday in the paper market and with the current backwardation still steep, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that the paper continues to make further ground if the physical holds strong.
Panamax FFA Commentary:
We tested support early on yesterday on Panamax paper with levels steady and range bound until a mid morning surge saw levels jump up ave $500 on the prompt contracts as Capes seemed to have turned a corner and the N ATL continues to fuel optimism. We closed up on the day recouping the previous day’s losses with good support evident again at the close.
Supramax FFA Commentary:
A day in which the Supramax paper reacted to the recent lull, buying support was evident as physical is bubbling and overall sentiment has recovered somewhat. Q1 was seen being paid $9900 and Cal 18 traded back up to a high of the day $10200. Although towards the close we did ease of the highs of the day as a little selling pressure was apparent.
Handysize FFA Commentary:
Quiet day on the handysize paper, no reported trades. Have a good evening.
Full Report
Source: Freight Investor Services (FIS)
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Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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07.12.2017 kl 16:00
Roligere dag på Capen i dag ser det ut til:
"FFA: Capes up from early pull back, Pmx/Smx firmer early but pulled back, phys strong so could lead to an interesting end to the week."
"FFA: Capes up from early pull back, Pmx/Smx firmer early but pulled back, phys strong so could lead to an interesting end to the week."
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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07.12.2017 kl 16:58
Det brasilianske gruveselskapet Vale står klar til å slippe løs så mye som 50 millioner tonn av ekstra malmkapasitet for å balansere markedet dersom jernmalmprisene blir for høye.
- Jernmalmpriser som er for høye eller for lave gagner ikke industrien, og som den største produsentene har Vale et ansvar for å hjelpe til med å balansere markedet, sier konsernsjef Fabio Schvartsman i Vale til Bloomberg TV, ifølge TDN Finans.
Vale ser derimott ganske positivt på etterspørselen fra Kina, og mener at nedstenginger for å hindre forurensning er kommet for å bli.
Jernmalm-futures for januar 2018 ved Dalian Commodity Exchange i Kina faller med 7,4 prosent i torsdagens handel.
Lagrene ved kinesiske havner er på rekordnivåer samtidig som skipninger fra Australia og Brasil øker, og det er nå bekymringer knyttet til et overtilbud i markedet, skriver nyhetsbyrået.
- Jernmalmpriser som er for høye eller for lave gagner ikke industrien, og som den største produsentene har Vale et ansvar for å hjelpe til med å balansere markedet, sier konsernsjef Fabio Schvartsman i Vale til Bloomberg TV, ifølge TDN Finans.
Vale ser derimott ganske positivt på etterspørselen fra Kina, og mener at nedstenginger for å hindre forurensning er kommet for å bli.
Jernmalm-futures for januar 2018 ved Dalian Commodity Exchange i Kina faller med 7,4 prosent i torsdagens handel.
Lagrene ved kinesiske havner er på rekordnivåer samtidig som skipninger fra Australia og Brasil øker, og det er nå bekymringer knyttet til et overtilbud i markedet, skriver nyhetsbyrået.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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Diana fikk kontrakt på en capesize for 16 måneder for 17k/dag, opp fra 13k/dag med samme leietager. Temmelig bra.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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08.12.2017 kl 06:02
Asia Dry Bulk-Capesize rates hit 3-year high, to remain firm on ship shortage
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 08/12/2017
Freight rates for large dry cargo ships on key Asian routes, which hit three-year highs this week, could stay around the current levels or nudge slightly higher if shortage of vessels for prompt hire continued, brokers said.
“It’s a good lead up to Christmas for the capesize market,” a Singapore-based capesize broker said on Thursday.
“The market is taking a breather. I can see rates holding near where they are if not moving up a bit,” the broker said.
Owners are resisting charterers’ attempts to push rates lower from Australia to China, while owners of ships from Brazil are holding out for rates of more than $22 per tonne.
“Charter rates from Australia have hit a floor. Rio Tinto is pushing for $9.50 a tonne, but owners are resisting,” the Singapore broker said.
“The number of ships on the water in the Pacific is quite tight. From Brazil it is still very tight for ships with loading dates in December and early January,” the broker said.
That came as iron ore stocks at Chinese ports climbed to 140 million tonnes in November, from 132 million tonnes in mid-October, ship broker Banchero Costa said in a China commodities report.
China’s iron ore imports rose 6.3 percent between January and October, while coking coal imports climbed 20.2 percent and steam coal 9.6 percent, the report said.
Iron ore and coal are staple cargoes for capesize ships, which can carry around 170,000 tonnes of the steel-making ingredients.
Supply issues in China’s steel sector has pushed demand for imported iron ore even higher, Australian bank ANZ said in a note on Thursday.
“With domestic production struggling to grow steel mills will be forced to rely more on imported iron ore,” ANZ added.
Iron ore prices are expected to stay around $70 per tonne, ANZ said.
“The freight market for capesize vessels continues up in line with firming iron ore prices,” Norwegian ship broker Fearnley said in a note on Wednesday.
Capesize charter rates on the Western Australia-China route rose to $9.75 a tonne on Wednesday from $9.44 a tonne in the previous week. Rates climbed to $9.95 a tonne on Dec. 4, the highest since April 2, 2014.
Freight rates from Brazil to China climbed to $20.94 per tonne on Wednesday from $19.79 a tonne the same day a week ago. They hit $21.27 a tonne on Dec. 4, the highest since Nov. 12, 2014.
Panamax rates for a north Pacific round trip voyage soared to $10,859 per day on Wednesday, up from $9,750 per day last Wednesday, the highest since Nov. 8, on more cargo and tighter tonnage supply.
Rates in Asia for smaller supramax ships were largely unchanged from the previous week, varying between $8,000-$11,000 per day depending on the trade.
Source: Reuters (Reporting by Keith Wallis; Editing by Sherry Jacob-Phillips)
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in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 08/12/2017
Freight rates for large dry cargo ships on key Asian routes, which hit three-year highs this week, could stay around the current levels or nudge slightly higher if shortage of vessels for prompt hire continued, brokers said.
“It’s a good lead up to Christmas for the capesize market,” a Singapore-based capesize broker said on Thursday.
“The market is taking a breather. I can see rates holding near where they are if not moving up a bit,” the broker said.
Owners are resisting charterers’ attempts to push rates lower from Australia to China, while owners of ships from Brazil are holding out for rates of more than $22 per tonne.
“Charter rates from Australia have hit a floor. Rio Tinto is pushing for $9.50 a tonne, but owners are resisting,” the Singapore broker said.
“The number of ships on the water in the Pacific is quite tight. From Brazil it is still very tight for ships with loading dates in December and early January,” the broker said.
That came as iron ore stocks at Chinese ports climbed to 140 million tonnes in November, from 132 million tonnes in mid-October, ship broker Banchero Costa said in a China commodities report.
China’s iron ore imports rose 6.3 percent between January and October, while coking coal imports climbed 20.2 percent and steam coal 9.6 percent, the report said.
Iron ore and coal are staple cargoes for capesize ships, which can carry around 170,000 tonnes of the steel-making ingredients.
Supply issues in China’s steel sector has pushed demand for imported iron ore even higher, Australian bank ANZ said in a note on Thursday.
“With domestic production struggling to grow steel mills will be forced to rely more on imported iron ore,” ANZ added.
Iron ore prices are expected to stay around $70 per tonne, ANZ said.
“The freight market for capesize vessels continues up in line with firming iron ore prices,” Norwegian ship broker Fearnley said in a note on Wednesday.
Capesize charter rates on the Western Australia-China route rose to $9.75 a tonne on Wednesday from $9.44 a tonne in the previous week. Rates climbed to $9.95 a tonne on Dec. 4, the highest since April 2, 2014.
Freight rates from Brazil to China climbed to $20.94 per tonne on Wednesday from $19.79 a tonne the same day a week ago. They hit $21.27 a tonne on Dec. 4, the highest since Nov. 12, 2014.
Panamax rates for a north Pacific round trip voyage soared to $10,859 per day on Wednesday, up from $9,750 per day last Wednesday, the highest since Nov. 8, on more cargo and tighter tonnage supply.
Rates in Asia for smaller supramax ships were largely unchanged from the previous week, varying between $8,000-$11,000 per day depending on the trade.
Source: Reuters (Reporting by Keith Wallis; Editing by Sherry Jacob-Phillips)
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Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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08.12.2017 kl 06:04
Home / Shipping News / Dry Bulk Market / Dry Bulk FFA: Capesize Market Looking Bullish For the First Quarter of 2018
Dry Bulk FFA: Capesize Market Looking Bullish For the First Quarter of 2018
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 08/12/2017
Capesize Index appears to be technically bullish above USD 20,626. However at USD 13,000 above the 200 period MA we are starting to look over extended.
• Dec – A bullish trending environment but a large mean reversion gap with the 50 period MA is a concern. Market sellers should remain cautious with price action above the longer term means, even if we do see a lower high and lower low.
• Cape Q1 18 – Over extended and starting to correct, recent market pullbacks have been short lived in terms of time. Potentially more downside to go in the near term, this trend remains bullish and sellers should continue to be cautious.
• Cal 18 –A bullish trend that has started a corrective phase, the short period RSI would suggest this trend is not yet over and sellers should remain on the side lines.
Capesize Index
Support – 22,515, 20,626
Resistance – 29,798, 31,549
Weekly stochastic in overbought territory
Daily stochastic at 100
The Capesize index continues to remain in bullish territory and make fresh highs. Last week’s bearish divergence failed to produce market weakness and is no longer a factor, as short term momentum indicators are now sitting at maximum levels. A note of caution as price action is now USD 13,000 above the 200 period moving average, and is starting to look overextended. However, market pullbacks remain in bullish territory above USD 20,626, below this level there is an increased probability of a lower high forming. Pullbacks that hold above this level could attract further buying interest.
Capesize Dec 17 Daily
Support – 22,777, 21,535
Resistance –28,472, 32,539
Daily stochastic is at 95
Last week’s fresh market high put the Dec futures back in bullish territory, and increased the probability of higher lows forming. The bearish divergence had minimal effect creating a one day pullback only. Technically we remain in bullish territory above USD 16,270, however market pullbacks that close below the
61.8% retracement at USD 20,292 should be treated with caution. The mean reversion gap with the 50 period MA is a concern.
Market pullbacks that hold above USD 22,777 should attract buying interest, however failure to make a new high should have market longs looking to tighten risk.
Capesize Q1 Daily
Support – 11,783, 11,703
Resistance – 14,983, 15,909
Stochastic is at 95
The two day pullback in the Q1 futures would suggest that we are entering into a corrective phase within the bull trend.
At this point the trend remains bullish above USD 11,703 as this is the most recent significant low. Market pullbacks that hold above USD 12,985 – USD 12,367 Fibonacci support levels should attract technical buying interest to the market.
Upside moves that fail to make fresh highs should have market longs looking to tighten risk, as this would result in a lower high, and a potential longer term corrective phase could be forming. However, we remain above key averages suggesting market sellers should continue to act with caution.
Capesize Cal 18 Daily
Support – 14,465, 14,093
Resistance – 16,191, 16,631
Stochastic is at 95
Like the whole Capesize complex, the Cal 18 continues to remain in a bullish technical environment.
Technically we remain bullish above USD 14,093.
However market pullbacks that fail to hold above the USD 14,971 50% Fibonacci retracement, have a higher probability of not making a fresh market high.
We can see on the chart that there is a mean reversion gap between price and the 50 period MA and this would suggest there is more downside in this correction in the near term. This doesn’t mean a directional change in trend at this point.
Market longs should tighten risk if a lower high forms as this would suggest selling pressure is increasing.
Source: FIS (Freight Investor Services)
Home / Shipping News / Dry Bulk Market / Dry Bulk FFA: Capesize Market Looking Bullish For the First Quarter of 2018
Dry Bulk FFA: Capesize Market Looking Bullish For the First Quarter of 2018
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 08/12/2017
Capesize Index appears to be technically bullish above USD 20,626. However at USD 13,000 above the 200 period MA we are starting to look over extended.
• Dec – A bullish trending environment but a large mean reversion gap with the 50 period MA is a concern. Market sellers should remain cautious with price action above the longer term means, even if we do see a lower high and lower low.
• Cape Q1 18 – Over extended and starting to correct, recent market pullbacks have been short lived in terms of time. Potentially more downside to go in the near term, this trend remains bullish and sellers should continue to be cautious.
• Cal 18 –A bullish trend that has started a corrective phase, the short period RSI would suggest this trend is not yet over and sellers should remain on the side lines.
Capesize Index
Support – 22,515, 20,626
Resistance – 29,798, 31,549
Weekly stochastic in overbought territory
Daily stochastic at 100
The Capesize index continues to remain in bullish territory and make fresh highs. Last week’s bearish divergence failed to produce market weakness and is no longer a factor, as short term momentum indicators are now sitting at maximum levels. A note of caution as price action is now USD 13,000 above the 200 period moving average, and is starting to look overextended. However, market pullbacks remain in bullish territory above USD 20,626, below this level there is an increased probability of a lower high forming. Pullbacks that hold above this level could attract further buying interest.
Capesize Dec 17 Daily
Support – 22,777, 21,535
Resistance –28,472, 32,539
Daily stochastic is at 95
Last week’s fresh market high put the Dec futures back in bullish territory, and increased the probability of higher lows forming. The bearish divergence had minimal effect creating a one day pullback only. Technically we remain in bullish territory above USD 16,270, however market pullbacks that close below the
61.8% retracement at USD 20,292 should be treated with caution. The mean reversion gap with the 50 period MA is a concern.
Market pullbacks that hold above USD 22,777 should attract buying interest, however failure to make a new high should have market longs looking to tighten risk.
Capesize Q1 Daily
Support – 11,783, 11,703
Resistance – 14,983, 15,909
Stochastic is at 95
The two day pullback in the Q1 futures would suggest that we are entering into a corrective phase within the bull trend.
At this point the trend remains bullish above USD 11,703 as this is the most recent significant low. Market pullbacks that hold above USD 12,985 – USD 12,367 Fibonacci support levels should attract technical buying interest to the market.
Upside moves that fail to make fresh highs should have market longs looking to tighten risk, as this would result in a lower high, and a potential longer term corrective phase could be forming. However, we remain above key averages suggesting market sellers should continue to act with caution.
Capesize Cal 18 Daily
Support – 14,465, 14,093
Resistance – 16,191, 16,631
Stochastic is at 95
Like the whole Capesize complex, the Cal 18 continues to remain in a bullish technical environment.
Technically we remain bullish above USD 14,093.
However market pullbacks that fail to hold above the USD 14,971 50% Fibonacci retracement, have a higher probability of not making a fresh market high.
We can see on the chart that there is a mean reversion gap between price and the 50 period MA and this would suggest there is more downside in this correction in the near term. This doesn’t mean a directional change in trend at this point.
Market longs should tighten risk if a lower high forms as this would suggest selling pressure is increasing.
Source: FIS (Freight Investor Services)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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08.12.2017 kl 06:08
Fearnleys Weekly - Dry bulk Uge 49
Chartering - Supramax
There has been quite some activity in the Atlantic basin this week, rates out of USG are still firm, trips to Emed gone through at low/mid USD 20.000. There was also done some period activcity, 4-6mos was done at high USD 15.000 redly Atlantic. Black sea have also seen a bit more activity but little concluded, fronhaul getting fixed ard USD 17k. In the Pacific Nickel ore fixing via Phils to China at USD 8000. Clinker to China at mid USD 10000, trips from China to India fixing at mid USD 8000.
Chartering - Panamax
It has been an active week in the Panamax market. After a period with decreasing rates and low activity the sentiment has changed significantly and the market is very strong in both hemispheres, but especially within the Atlantic region. Less tonnage and more cargoes in the north Atlantic has pushed the rates upwards and the TA market is priced at 15k’s right now, while FH are being fixed in the 19 to 21k’s depending on duration. The activity out of the US Gulf has been a key feature to keep the momentum. More activity in the Pacific has pushed the rates for a transpacific RV to ard 11k’s. A booming cape market has led to cape splits both in the Atlantic and Pacific which is a positive factor going forward.
Chartering - Capesize
The freight market for Capesize vessels continues up in line with firming iron ore prices. Most of the activity and the market benchmark is the west Australia to China route, where the Australian miners are again in need of spot tonnage. Weather delays in part of China have created delays for vessels heading for West Australia. Freight levels hit the USD 10 pmt mark, before stabilizing in the high USD 9's. Brazil to China route also firm, though with more sporadic fixing, levels hovering just above the USD 20 pmt mark. The timecharter market in the Pacific is now estimated at USD 28,000. Despite entering December month, so far no sign of the usual pre-Christmas slowdown.
Capesize Kamsarmax Ultramax
Firm Strong Stable
CAPESIZE (usd/day, usd/tonne) This week Last week Low 2017 High 2017
TCT Cont/Far East (180' dwt) 41,500.00 36,500.00 12,000.00 41,500.00
Tubarao / R.dam (Iron ore) 13.00 12.30 4.00 13.00
Richards Bay/R.dam 12.00 11.30 4.00 12.00
PANAMAX (usd/day, usd/tonne)
Transatlantic RV 15,000.00 12,000.00 5,600.00 15,000.00
TCT Cont / F. East 19,500.00 17,500.00 11,600.00 21,000.00
TCT F. East / Cont 5,000.00 4,600.00 2,500.00 8,600.00
TCT F. East RV 11,000.00 10,000.00 2,500.00 14,000.00
Murmansk b.13-ARA 15/25,000 sc 8.70 7.90 5.00 8.70
SUPRAMAX (usd/day)
Atlantic RV 13,000.00 13,000.00 8,250.00 13,000.00
Pacific RV 9,250.00 9,250.00 3,900.00 11,000.00
TCT Cont / F. East 16,000.00 16,000.00 12,000.00 20,000.00
1 YEAR T/C (usd/day)
Capesize 180,000 dwt 17,250.00 17,250.00 10,250.00 17,250.00
Capesize 170,000 dwt 15,250.00 15,000.00 8,650.00 15,500.00
Panamax 75,000 dwt 11,500.00 11,000.00 7,250.00 12,400.00
Supramax 53,000 dwt 10,000.00 10,000.00 6,600.00 10,750.00
Baltic Dry Index (BDI): 1670 previous week: 1536
Vessel Size Built Buyer Price Comm.
CPO Europe 179 448 2010 C-P Offen 23,80
King Robert 169 676 2008 Greek 17,00
UBC Ottawa 118 000 2011 Oldendorff 20,00 Bank Sale
UBC Odessa 118 000 2011 20,00
UBC Olimbus 118 000 2011 20,00
UBC Oristano 118 000 2011 20,00
Afovos 74 297 2001 Chinese 9,00
Zagora 73 435 2001 8,80
Orient Orchid 56 200 2011 DryLog 17,40 Exercised option
Orient Jasmine 5 600 2011 17,60
Theoxenia 42 648 1997 Undisclosed 2,50 Auction sale
Long Cheer 37 300 2013 Undisclosed 20,00
Long Lucky 37 300 2012
Lazeez 31 561 2000 Undisclosed 5,80
Judi Merey 28 458 1995 Lebanese High 3's
Morning Orchid 28 310 2009 Undisclosed Undisclosed
Lake Deer 28 225 2011 Undisclosed 9,20
Sunroad Mtoya 23 186 2011 European 8,50
Chartering - Supramax
There has been quite some activity in the Atlantic basin this week, rates out of USG are still firm, trips to Emed gone through at low/mid USD 20.000. There was also done some period activcity, 4-6mos was done at high USD 15.000 redly Atlantic. Black sea have also seen a bit more activity but little concluded, fronhaul getting fixed ard USD 17k. In the Pacific Nickel ore fixing via Phils to China at USD 8000. Clinker to China at mid USD 10000, trips from China to India fixing at mid USD 8000.
Chartering - Panamax
It has been an active week in the Panamax market. After a period with decreasing rates and low activity the sentiment has changed significantly and the market is very strong in both hemispheres, but especially within the Atlantic region. Less tonnage and more cargoes in the north Atlantic has pushed the rates upwards and the TA market is priced at 15k’s right now, while FH are being fixed in the 19 to 21k’s depending on duration. The activity out of the US Gulf has been a key feature to keep the momentum. More activity in the Pacific has pushed the rates for a transpacific RV to ard 11k’s. A booming cape market has led to cape splits both in the Atlantic and Pacific which is a positive factor going forward.
Chartering - Capesize
The freight market for Capesize vessels continues up in line with firming iron ore prices. Most of the activity and the market benchmark is the west Australia to China route, where the Australian miners are again in need of spot tonnage. Weather delays in part of China have created delays for vessels heading for West Australia. Freight levels hit the USD 10 pmt mark, before stabilizing in the high USD 9's. Brazil to China route also firm, though with more sporadic fixing, levels hovering just above the USD 20 pmt mark. The timecharter market in the Pacific is now estimated at USD 28,000. Despite entering December month, so far no sign of the usual pre-Christmas slowdown.
Capesize Kamsarmax Ultramax
Firm Strong Stable
CAPESIZE (usd/day, usd/tonne) This week Last week Low 2017 High 2017
TCT Cont/Far East (180' dwt) 41,500.00 36,500.00 12,000.00 41,500.00
Tubarao / R.dam (Iron ore) 13.00 12.30 4.00 13.00
Richards Bay/R.dam 12.00 11.30 4.00 12.00
PANAMAX (usd/day, usd/tonne)
Transatlantic RV 15,000.00 12,000.00 5,600.00 15,000.00
TCT Cont / F. East 19,500.00 17,500.00 11,600.00 21,000.00
TCT F. East / Cont 5,000.00 4,600.00 2,500.00 8,600.00
TCT F. East RV 11,000.00 10,000.00 2,500.00 14,000.00
Murmansk b.13-ARA 15/25,000 sc 8.70 7.90 5.00 8.70
SUPRAMAX (usd/day)
Atlantic RV 13,000.00 13,000.00 8,250.00 13,000.00
Pacific RV 9,250.00 9,250.00 3,900.00 11,000.00
TCT Cont / F. East 16,000.00 16,000.00 12,000.00 20,000.00
1 YEAR T/C (usd/day)
Capesize 180,000 dwt 17,250.00 17,250.00 10,250.00 17,250.00
Capesize 170,000 dwt 15,250.00 15,000.00 8,650.00 15,500.00
Panamax 75,000 dwt 11,500.00 11,000.00 7,250.00 12,400.00
Supramax 53,000 dwt 10,000.00 10,000.00 6,600.00 10,750.00
Baltic Dry Index (BDI): 1670 previous week: 1536
Vessel Size Built Buyer Price Comm.
CPO Europe 179 448 2010 C-P Offen 23,80
King Robert 169 676 2008 Greek 17,00
UBC Ottawa 118 000 2011 Oldendorff 20,00 Bank Sale
UBC Odessa 118 000 2011 20,00
UBC Olimbus 118 000 2011 20,00
UBC Oristano 118 000 2011 20,00
Afovos 74 297 2001 Chinese 9,00
Zagora 73 435 2001 8,80
Orient Orchid 56 200 2011 DryLog 17,40 Exercised option
Orient Jasmine 5 600 2011 17,60
Theoxenia 42 648 1997 Undisclosed 2,50 Auction sale
Long Cheer 37 300 2013 Undisclosed 20,00
Long Lucky 37 300 2012
Lazeez 31 561 2000 Undisclosed 5,80
Judi Merey 28 458 1995 Lebanese High 3's
Morning Orchid 28 310 2009 Undisclosed Undisclosed
Lake Deer 28 225 2011 Undisclosed 9,20
Sunroad Mtoya 23 186 2011 European 8,50
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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