Glem QEC, IOX, PEN og APCL. 2018 blir WRL’s år.

WRL 06.12.2017 kl 22:52 2568

Nyttårsraketten 2018?
06.12.2017 kl 23:25 2486

Stile spørsmål til IR om hvilke tanker de gjør seg etter fremleggelsen av siste kvartalstall(beste resultat ever) og utvikling i aksjekurs
IR: We have had a seller in the stock who was wishing to exit for other non-Company related reasons which hasn’t helped the price and is very frustrating..

Hva med sikkerhetssituasjonen etter terrorangrep/drift påvirket eller ikke?
IR:There was a small isolated attack in the north of Mozambique, not too far from our Tembo lock, but the area was temporarily evacuated and no impact on our operations.

Vil videre innbetalinger bli meldt?
IR:We do expect to update the market on our next payment received to continue to alleviate concerns over rick of payment which we hope will also help.