Hiddn Technology starter opp der Hiddn Security slapp

HIDDN 28.03.2020 kl 00:32 2422

Ser på hiddn.no at Hiddn Technology AS har overtatt produkter og patenter fra konkursboet til Hiddn Security.

De skal visstnok ikke ha noe med Hiddn Solutions å gjøre.
Men skulle vært interessant å vite hvor de får kapital og ansatte fra, de annonserer på hjemmesiden med brask og bram både produkter, prosjektering og support.

Samtidig sier Hiddn Solutions på sin hjemmeside at dette ikke lenger er en del av Hiddn Solutions.
Men kan det bli det, i tillegg til evt andre satsinger? Eller anses det som et stort tapsprosjekt?
De lyktes jo ikke med salg til store prosjekt, og vil neppe satse på kostbar utvikling vidre.
Men har noe produkter og teknologi som kan videreføres.

Fra hiddn.no:

We provide support for customers with a valid support contract, contacts us for more details on possibilities for your installation.

Services include

Technical support with guaranteed response time
Access to knowledge base and FAQs
Bug fixing
Software/firmware updates
Hardware repair or replacement of products covered by the contract
Products from Hiddn Security AS

We continue the support and development to improve current products and developing new solutions. We do not support warranty issues on products delivered by Hiddn Security AS, but will always support on project basis.

Please contact us via e-mail describing the problem, and we will respond promptly.

Hiddn Technology AS has secured the IPR, patents and assets developed over the past 20 years, bringing this forward to security aware customers. Our technology is developed and produced in Norway, allowing us to control the full lifecycle and ensuring unprecedented levels of transparency to a our customers amongst European military and government.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.03.2020 kl 09:04 2272

For å kunne få produsert produkter og ha ei tilstrekkelig lagerbeholdning, samt ha ansatte til support og prosjektering, så får man fort store utgifter.
Antakelig millionbeløp i kvartalet.
Så hvor skal Hiddn Technology få det fra?

Nå får jeg en følelse av at det kommer ferske nyheter snart. Om videre satsing i Hiddn solutions,
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.03.2020 kl 14:52 2202

Og der kom første nyhet.
Og det kan med stor sannsynlighet tolkes slik: Nå er planene for videre drift klare til å igangkjøres, de sier det jo nesten rett ut i meldinga :succeeding Jørgen Waaler which has served as interim-CEO during the restructuring of the company.

Og selvsagt timet til når emisjonsaksjene kommer på banen.

Fra siste børsmelding:

The Board of Directors of Hiddn Solutions ASA (Hiddn, OSE: HIDDN) has appointed Lars Christian Stugaard as interim-CEO effective from 1 April 2020.

“Lars Christian has extensive management and business development experience and will work closely with the Board of Directors to evaluate value creating M&A opportunities. Hiddn has no interest-bearing debt, has a new Board of Directors and was recently refinanced, providing an attractive platform for value creating business combinations going forward. We thank Jørgen Waaler for his tenure as interim CEO in the transition period,” says Martin Nes, chairman of the Board of Directors of Hiddn.

Lars Christian Stugaard is appointed interim-CEO of Hiddn from 1 April 2020, succeeding Jørgen Waaler which has served as interim-CEO during the restructuring of the company. Stugaard has been part of the Ferncliff group since 2003, affiliated with board members Øystein Stray Spetalen and Martin Nes. Lars Christian Stugaard has extensive management and business development experience from several listed companies on the Oslo Stock Exchange, including NEL ASA and Self Storage Group ASA, and holds a BSc from BI Norwegian School of Management.

LCS AS, a company wholly owned by Lars Christian Stugaard, holds 2 113 746 shares in Hiddn Solutions ASA.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.03.2020 kl 14:59 2180

The administration period is over. Now time for action.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.03.2020 kl 16:24 2098

Da kom neste viktige nyhet (to børsmeldinger).
Spetalen måtte selge seg ned under budplikt (1/3 av aksjene)
Og dette ble ei veldig bra løsning.

Flere som har tro nok på dette til å investere flere millioner. Og da er det bare litt over fire millioner aksjer som er tegnet av småaksjonærer og evt blir solgt med litt gevinst.
De som har investert mye nøyer seg neppe med litt gevinst.

Reference is made to previous announcements by Hiddn Solutions ASA (the "Company") regarding a fully underwritten subsequent offering of 25,000,000 new shares in the Company (the "Offer Shares") at a subscription price of NOK 1.20 (the "Offering Price"). On 17 March 2020 it was announced that Tycoon Industrier AS ("TI"), a close associate of Mr Øystein Spetalen, a board member of the Company, was allocated 8,583,929 shares in the subsequent offering pursuant to a subscription guarantee. It was also announced that TI intended to divest minimum such number of shares in the Company which exceeds the mandatory offer threshold within the time prescribed by the Securities Trading Act section 6-9, and that no mandatory offer would be made.

TI has today entered into an agreement to sell 5,800,000 shares in the Company at the Offering Price, following which TI will hold 29,948,617 shares in the Company, representing 33.31% of the total number of shares.

Dallas Asset Management AS has today entered into an agreement to buy 5,800,000 shares in Hiddn Solutions ASA. After the transaction, Dallas Asset Management AS will hold 9,852,468 shares in the Company, representing approx 10.96% of the total number of shares.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:17 Du må logge inn for å svare