Ligger en til enormt sterk inntjening i år.
Joakim Hannisdahl
Most significant #oil #tanker spot movements today:
#VLCC +78% to $220k/d as charterers panic in AG
#Suezmax +6% to $65k/d
#Aframax +-7% to $63k/d
Joakim Hannisdahl
26. mar.
$ADS Serenade fixed AG/China at undisclosed rate. Looking at #VLCC DHT Lake w similar timing & specs could indicate a TCE of ~$83k/d. Although uncertain, any rate around this level is just fantastic & adds $70k/d above cash break-even, or 5.5% of m.cap on a single voyage! $ADSCME
Joakim Hannisdahl
26. mar.
#VLCC storage economics surging as #oil prices rout & strong contango developing in the futures curve. Contango now implies #VLCC earnings of $117k/d for 6 months & $77k/d for 1y
Most significant #oil #tanker spot movements today:
#VLCC +78% to $220k/d as charterers panic in AG
#Suezmax +6% to $65k/d
#Aframax +-7% to $63k/d
Joakim Hannisdahl
26. mar.
$ADS Serenade fixed AG/China at undisclosed rate. Looking at #VLCC DHT Lake w similar timing & specs could indicate a TCE of ~$83k/d. Although uncertain, any rate around this level is just fantastic & adds $70k/d above cash break-even, or 5.5% of m.cap on a single voyage! $ADSCME
Joakim Hannisdahl
26. mar.
#VLCC storage economics surging as #oil prices rout & strong contango developing in the futures curve. Contango now implies #VLCC earnings of $117k/d for 6 months & $77k/d for 1y
Redigert 28.03.2020 kl 08:49
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28.03.2020 kl 08:53
ADS har lav gjeld, meget lav break-even, svært god inntjening pt, og fremtidsutsiktene er supre., Skipene til ADS driftes i POOL av Frontline, utrolig god utbytte politikk, risikerer å tjene tilnærmet m.cap i år, sterk utbyttepolitikk.