Idex - Q2 - is currently experiencing extremely strong interest

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IDEX 16.08.2018 kl 08:14 10333

Da var Q2/H1 rapporten sluppet. For min del var det hyggelig lesning og jeg regner med flere synes det samme.

Det blir en kort trådstart, men noen ting er verdt å fremheve:

- Cash position på 189 millioner kr. Selskapet brenner ift guiding og mange hadde nok fryktet et lavere tall. Dette er også helt i tråd med Q1 rapport.

- IDEX is currently experiencing extremely strong interest for its solutions, particularly in Asia, where its number of active engagements have more than tripled within the last six months. The company expects additional orders from existing customers, as well as initial orders from multiple new customers and ecosystem partners during the second half of 2018

- IDEX is solidifying its leadership position in the market for biometric cards. The company has finalized commercial discussions with specific customers, and is awaiting volume orders for its sensors. IDEX has fully satisfied all technical and product requirements for these customers. Concurrently, IDEX is actively pursuing additional orders from existing customers, and expects initial orders from multiple new customers subsequent to integration of the company’s fingerprint sensor.

- Complementing the significant progress on its contact-based card solutions, IDEX’s solutions for dual- interface cards are also production ready for commercial market adoption. In July, the sensor successfully passed engineering integration and validation at Feitian Technologies and JINCO Universal selected IDEX’s sensor for its dual-interface cards. Feitian is a leading provider of user authentication and transaction security in China, and JINCO is a leading Taiwan-based smart card manufacturer.

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