EnQuiring Nephilim Minds

Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 16:53 10344

When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years." The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. (Genesis 6:1-4, English Standard Version)

Nephilim is a race of beings who are half-human and half-angel. They can be the children of human and angels, who initially appear to be perfectly normal humans, or they can be combining angelic energies with the human soul.

Gloria Vanderbilt under det sataniske tablået med menneskeofring og engler over sengen i barneværelset sammen med sine to tvillingsønner. Han på høyre side tok sitt eget liv ved å kaste seg ut fra en skyskraper i NY, han på venstre side av sin mor er CNN's nyhetsanker Anderson Cooper. Hvem henger slike tablåer over sine barns senger?:

Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 17:05 2456

"The Children of God looked down upon the humans of earth and they found them fair. But it was forbidden for the sons of God to leave Heaven and walk the Earth. They were overcome with lust for the daughters of men and they greatly desired them. And so a group among them conspired to leave Heaven and go down to Earth.

They left their place from on high. They left the gates of Heaven behind them, and they descended to the Earth. Those who left the hosts of Heaven to walk upon Earth among men became known as the Nephilim. Such children, and their descendants. The Nephilim however were far too powerful for their human mothers. As a result the mother of a Nephilim died during birth.

To show their acceptance of the Nephilim they gifted them with angel life spans and human souls. They also allowed the fallen angel's powers to be passed down to the Nephilim, however, were generally not able to be accessed until their 18th year.

These children of the Nephilim were proud. They became great leaders among men. They undertook to teach their mortal brethren the secrets reserved for the gods. They taught men the art of warfare and how to make weapons in fire. They taught men how to adorn themselves. The art of cosmetics and the wearing of jewelry they taught them. They taught men the secrets of healing herbs and how to call spirits by name. They taught men how to read signs in the Heavens. Various omens and divinings they taught them. They taught men how to bring forth water in the desert and how to make plants yield bountiful fruit. All the arts and the sciences which the gods had forbidden they taught to men. They taught them the secrets of living things, that the spirit of a living body resides in its blood, and by partaking of blood, the partaker of the blood gains the power of the creature whose life is in the blood.

The sons of God took to wife the daughters of men and they impregnated them. The children were part divine and part mortal and they grew rapidly and to great stature. Their bodies were fair and smooth of limb-like their angelic parents, and their minds were keen. Their eyes looked upon the worlds of both Heaven and Earth. The mysteries hidden from men were revealed to their divine sight.

When God looked down upon the Earth, he saw men living like gods. The Lord grew angry. He saw that men no longer poured the blood sacrifices upon the altar but kept the life of the blood to increase their own strength. He saw the men with the tools of the gods, making the Earth bountiful as only the gods should do. He saw them piercing the mysteries of the heavens so that their knowledge of themselves and their world rivaled that of the gods. And he saw them with great weapons of war, weapons which only the gods kept for themselves, and he grew afraid.

God saw the Nephilim amongst the children of men, teaching them. And he saw that the Nephilim had become great leaders of men. And he feared that Nephilim would lead the children of men to the very gates of Heaven to reclaim the realm forsaken by their fathers.

And so God undertook to punish the Nephilim and wipe their seed from all the Earth. Yet they had so intertwined themselves with the children of men that nearly all men bore the Nephilim's taint. So God hardened his heart against all mankind and therefore determined to kill every last one."

Det er sterk symbolikk...
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 17:13 2448

Jøye meg. Alex Jones-stoff, dette?
Redigert 16.08.2018 kl 17:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 17:22 2443

Jeg er ingen tilhenger av Alex Jones, Bekte! Det er symbolikk som passer inn i sammenhengen Q nester i.

Pass deg for å spamme tråden, jeg tillater ikke det, og utestenger deg om du gjør det igjen!
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 17:27 2698

Dette Q-vanviddet er da Alex Jones-stoff. Minst like koko som det han spyr ut, i alle fall.
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 17:27 2697

VANDERBILT >> PODESTA >> ROTHSCHILDS >> Symbolism is everywhere:


[–]renata-hExpand your thinking. - Q 54 points 2 hours ago
Sex, Magick and Ressurection. Obviously, when spoiled rich person gets bored he/she/+ start spending time on esoteric bullshit. They start believing that they are better wiser etc. The forgoten myth of Niobe needs to be brought back. KNOW YOUR PLACE AND EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. The wrath of real gods has no limits.
Redigert 16.08.2018 kl 17:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
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16.08.2018 kl 17:46 2681

Jeg så det, men forstår ikke betydningen - regner med det kommer mer fra Q og anons - det er gammel symbolikk (Podesta viser 14 i hånden her https://i.redd.it/eaduib2s1gg11.png):

This stela, dedicated by Gaius Julius Arish, son of Adon-Baal, comes from a religious precinct known as the tophet at Carthage. In this enclosure such grave markers were set up over burial urns containing the cremated bodies of babies, small children and animals, which had been placed in the protection of the goddess Tanit and her consort Baal Hammon. The Punic (Carthaginian) script is almost identical to that of Canaanite inscriptions from the Levant. Despite the classical influence seen in the caduceii (curled snakes), the symbolism is Canaanite, with two representations of the goddess Tanit. The upper one is composed of a sun disc, a crescent moon and triangle. Below is an anthropomorphized (human-shaped) version of the goddess.
Redigert 16.08.2018 kl 17:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 17:51 2677

[–]LegioXIVDivide they try. Fail they will. - Q 7 points an hour ago
I noticed - some pretty creepy shit for a child's room.

[–]XY55PATRIOTS UNITE. - Q 4 points 57 minutes ago
That's exactly what I thought. What a WEIRD thing to put as decor for your young boy's bedroom. It's not even a painting but a sculptural complex wood cut out diorama. Shite took time to make too. Yikes!

[–]Specific_FoxFuture proves past. - Q 5 points an hour ago
It appears to be a child sacrifice judging from the size of the victim.
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 17:53 2676

[–]MolochSucksNew arrival. 10 points 2 hours ago
Note the charm bracelet on his wrist

[–]555Returnofkek555You have more than you know. - Q 13 points 2 hours ago
You mean like the one Hussein gave Creepy Joe? They started making their own!

[–]Specific_FoxFuture proves past. - Q 7 points an hour ago
The one with little slices of pizza on it. Wonder what else they shared together.
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 18:00 2670

[–]WinkyLinQFuture proves past. - Q 30 points 3 hours ago*
Remember when Macron visited the White House and made the horn gesture? That is the Rothschild's symbol. Not surprising since Macron was a top executive for the Rothschild's EU operations. Check this out:


[–]aleimiraNew arrival. 7 points an hour ago
Very deliberate - he was practicing the sign before raising his arms.

[–]WinkyLinQFuture proves past. - Q 6 points an hour ago
Notice that Trump tried to take his hand down........

[–]merinwYou have more than you know. - Q 8 points an hour ago
Then pinched Macron’s fingers to hold them in. After their hands came down, Trump patted (soft spank?) Macron’s Hand. Rebuke.

[–]WinkyLinQFuture proves past. - Q 3 points an hour ago
I think you are correct

[–]Belblade45You have more than you know. - Q 3 points an hour ago
Wow. Good catch.

[–]z3ndogNew arrival. 1 point 53 minutes ago
Trump also wiped his left hand after the smack...

Normal? Coincidental? I don't think so!
Redigert 16.08.2018 kl 18:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 18:38 2649

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No.2627887 ? 1905
Aug 16 2018 11:16:35 (EST)
Anyone have problems w/ their 'XBOX Live' accounts shortly after the drop yesterday?
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.161 ? 1891
Aug 15 2018 16:55:08 (EST)
Texts, emails (gmail), drafts (gmail), HAM comms, PS/Xbox chat logs..
JC-BO-CS-LL-#2-NO-SY <-- Christopher Steele - No-President - James Comey - Loretta-McCabe(#2)-Sally Yates-Nelly Ohr
Bonus round.

Siste melding før X-box 1891
Newly released text messages between Steele and Ohr before Comey's congressional testimony raise questions

Hentet fra X-box? Micro Soft i panikk?
Redigert 16.08.2018 kl 19:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 18:56 2640

Xbox nede i alle tettbefolkete områder siste 12 timer, se kurven, 82% kunne ikke logge inn:


Hmmm, oppryddingsaksjon?
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 18:56 2641

- Havfruen -
I dag kl 14:13 113
Hva slags mennesker henger et satanistisk tablå med menneskeofring over sine små barns senger?


Ikke satanisk. Veggdekorasjonen viser antagelig den katolske helgenen virgin of solitude som stammer fra Mexico.

Se denne: http://morelianas.com/eventos/tradiciones/exhibicion-altar-de-la-virgen-de-la-soledad/attachment/virgen-de-la-soledad/

Den døde i kisten er antagelig jesus. Siden vi ser gjennom kisten, er den kanskje liksom av glass. Jesus i glasskiste er en vanlig ting i visse deler av den katolske verden. Selv om Jesus på sett og vis ble ofret for våre synder, er det ikke vanlig å omtale Jesu død som menneskeofring.

Dog en litt merkelig ting å ha hengende over en barneseng, det skal jeg være enig i. Men katolikker og deres helgener er litt rare.
Redigert 16.08.2018 kl 19:01 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:01 2635

post 1908
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No.2628352
Aug 16 2018 11:38:24 (EST)
Ask yourself simple questions.
If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.
Why would he route through Russia?
How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?
What if Russia was the original target?
Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?
Logical thinking.
Redigert 16.08.2018 kl 19:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:03 2635

Jøye meg. Har du begynt på sterke(re) medisiner siden sist? Før var du jo koko med en ørliten forankring til virkeligheten. Ankeret har åpenbart løsnet. Jeg blir ærlig bekymret for deg og håper du får nødvendig tilsyn.
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:05 2632

Dirken nå dummer du deg ut. Jesus har aldri vært noe menneskeoffer liggende i en kiste med blod rennende fra låret og brystet. Det du holder på med nå er fri diktning. Vennligst opprett dine egne tråder for dine fantasier og ikke spam dem her!
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:07 2626

Bekte - vi driver ikke med psykiatrisk diagnostisering her på HO, gjør vi vel? Les reglementet og stopp spamming!
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:09 2623

At alt rundt er den katolske helgenen er det liten tvil om (se bildet jeg linket til).

Her er noen fotografier fra ymse kirker der en død og blodig jesus ligger i en glasskiste:





Denne tradisjonen ser ut til å være vanligst i tidligere spanske kolonier.

Men jeg er helt enig i at Jesus aldri har vært noe menneskeoffer. Det har jeg heller aldri hevdet. Det er du som brukte det ordet i ditt innlegg/tolkningen av det du trodde var et satanisk "tablå".
Redigert 16.08.2018 kl 19:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:10 2620

UIO is the 3 letter airport code for Quito, Ecuador. ie
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:15 2616

post 1909
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.163
Aug 16 2018 11:58:30 (EST) NEW
What happens if FISA fails or 'signers' cannot be trusted?
Who signed the CP FISA?
How do you keep something SECURE & SAFEGUARDED when those at the top of ABC depts are CORRUPT and being REMOVED?
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:18 2613

post 1910
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0b7c69 No.2628837
Aug 16 2018 12:07:20 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: 79d84f No.2628758
Aug 16 2018 12:02:59 (EST) NEW
Never have I been so proud to be an Army Soldier! Hooah!
Hooah! Soldier.
Thank you for your service.
God bless.
It should be clear in this context ES = @Snowden
It should be clear based on prev drop re: game comms why ES was included.
It should be clear that 'ES' was used in both (GOOG + @Snowden) drops to est a link.
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:19 2610

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0b7c69 No.2628837 ? 1911
Aug 16 2018 12:07:20 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 79d84f No.2628758 ?
Aug 16 2018 12:02:59 (EST)
Never have I been so proud to be an Army Soldier! Hooah!
Anonymous ID: ff083b No.2628768 ?
Aug 16 2018 12:03:27 (EST)
So, aha, Q
You now have half the board thinking ES is Eric Schmidt and the other half think ES is Edward Snowden
Please confirm which
Hooah! Soldier.
Thank you for your service.
God bless.
It should be clear in this context ES = @Snowden
It should be clear based on prev drop re: game comms why ES was included.
It should be clear that 'ES' was used in both (GOOG + @Snowden) drops to est a link.

Det millitære vokter alle hemmeligheter inntill sumpen er tømt.
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:22 2608

It should be clear in this context ES = @Snowden
It should be clear based on prev drop re: game comms why ES was included.
It should be clear that 'ES' was used in both (GOOG + @Snowden) drops to est a link.

Ser ut som om Q går i surr i egne "koder".
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:22 2740

Nei, du har rett. Jeg er dessuten ikke kompetent til å sette noen diagnose på deg. Jeg har ikke den rette utdanningen. Jeg stusser over at det er mulig, bare. Enten er det snakk om at..noen har blitt stein hakke koko eller så har du en fiks ide om at du skal klare å lure folk her til å tro på alt det vanvittige sludderet du serverer. Noen av de faste rævdilterne er her fortsatt, ser jeg. Hva er spamming igjen? Er det ikke akkurat det du driver med?
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:29 2732

Synes du forresten av Trump gjør en god jobb med sumpen?
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:29 2730

Har du gjort deg ferdig med det sataniske tablået allerede?
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:31 2729

«UIO is the 3 letter airport code for Quito, Ecuador. ie«

Ok, nå begynte jeg å lure på om den lokale kommunist fabrikken hadde blitt verdensberømt.
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:33 2727

Du har ingen utdannelse, skjønner jeg. To grunner: 1: Orddelingsfeilene 2: Du skriver spottende og kunnskapsløst om en utdanningsinstitusjon.
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:35 2727

Det er mange som tror at Snowdens egentlige destinasjon alltid var Russland. På twitter at det er mange som mener snowden var en russisk agent fra starten av, og at han defektet til Russland. Dette er ofte den samme gjengen som ser russere bak enhver liten ting. Russia russia russia osv.
Redigert 16.08.2018 kl 19:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 19:57 2715

Som jeg har forstått lenge, er det militært personell på reddits great awakening - vi har stødige fagfolk med oss når Q dekodes - Q1910:

[–]YliyahMessageTimeFuture proves past. - Q 57 points 50 minutes ago
How do you keep something SECURE & SAFEGUARDED when those at the top of ABC depts are CORRUPT and being REMOVED?

[–]MacDaddy-QNew arrival. 31 points 42 minutes ago
Patch (insignia) is of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command. https://imgur.com/gallery/EqSQPDJ

[–]Modelmommy75Future proves past. - Q 68 points 32 minutes ago
That’s my patch. I was SIGINT ANALYST/ELECTRONIC WARFARE Spanish linguist. I’m crying right now. I worked for NSA for years and I knew there were still patriots there serving like I did years ago.

[–]mydeerFuture will PROVE past. - Q 32 points 29 minutes ago
God Bless You Patriot!! Thank you for protecting us.

[–]Modelmommy75Future proves past. - Q 15 points 24 minutes ago
Thank you for your service. We are all warriors here. I’m so excited that when this is over, I may consider going back to the NSA.
Redigert 16.08.2018 kl 19:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 20:01 2712

Hvem er "oss"?
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 20:01 2711

The military organizations are more difficult to penetrate, and the basic foundation is patriotism and obedience, loyalty, and protection of the Constitution, the Country. Moral and Mental Quality of People who go to Army. Soldiers want to Serve. Service to others is selfless.

[–]0perationchromitePATRIOTS UNITE. - Q 10 points 38 minutes ago
Q just confirmed what we all pretty much knew Military Intelligence has been running this show.

[–]NoCrazyEyesNew arrival. 6 points 32 minutes ago
Yes, Q has said many times that Military Intelligence was the one of the last uncorrupted institutions. Without them its likely the country would have been lost.

[–]DOCHWXB483828fjwjwhfDivide they try. Fail they will. - Q 6 points 26 minutes ago
millions of vets/ service members have sworn an oath to support and defend the US constitution against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. We are Q, WWG1WGA.
Redigert 16.08.2018 kl 20:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 20:15 2699

B-den ekte

Du har et forhold til kommunistfabrikken, skjønner jeg. To grunner:

1: Du tok deg nær av det.

2: Du prøver å angripe meg som person. Både mine skriveferdigheter (selv om du skriver dårligere selv), og min utdannelse.
Redigert 16.08.2018 kl 20:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 20:25 2691

21 min siden - President Trump Cabinet Meeting August 16, 2018 - takk for at Trump er rasjonell og jobber for USAs beste - God Bless!:

Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 20:45 2681

Du har ikke fått med deg at Trump lyver mer enn noen annen har gjort? I en slik seanse som du har linket opp til her, så kan du ikke stole på NOE av det som blir gytt av ham og hans hirdmenn. Trump er spenna gærn, skjønner du. Du ser nok ikke det, men normalt oppegående folk gjør det.

Han blåser en lang marsj i USA. Alt handler om ham selv. Selv barna sine er han villig til å ofre for å tilfredsstille eget behov for hevdelse.
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 20:48 2679

Starter med en bønn. POTUS gav oss en bønn å be. Jeg transkiberer den ;-)
YouT videoadressen slutter med QQ
Coincidence :-)

The Economy is Booming and it is in the early stage. Inntekt etter skatt +3% justert for inflasjon.
Policy matters!!
China? Economy going south!! Investors moving out!!

California sender uendelig mengder vann ut i havet for å beskytte smolten, men uten tilsiktet virkning.
Grose mismanagement.
Skogdriften er elendig fordi tømmer ikke kommer frem til sagbruk, men blir liggende å rotne på rot. Det igjen fører til alt for høye huspriser.
Redigert 16.08.2018 kl 21:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 20:49 2679

Hold fokus b-ekte. På disse trådene diskuterer vi en konspirasjonskult. Og med diskuterer mener jeg ikke stille ett eneste spørsmål, men bare jatte med for ikke å bli kastet ut. Vil du snakke om Trumpp løgner, må du lage en egen tråd.
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 20:56 2679

...men..fnue kom jo med en av sine tanketomme hyllester av Trump...det var da et høyst saklig svar jeg kom med.
Slettet bruker
16.08.2018 kl 20:59 2677

Du må overse det bare. De andre gjør det.