ZENA-M - 2 Mill USD (21 MNOK) til kurs 0,33 - hvor høyt?
Sjekk meldingen i dag.
2 Millioner USD investering = ca 21 millioner NOK til kurs 0,33 og representing a premium of 384%. Det er jo rett og slett en fantastisk nyhet.
Hvor høyt kan det gå når noen velger å investere i Zena til kurs 0.33?
Zenith Energy Ltd., ("Zenith" or the "Company"), (LSE: ZEN; TSX.V: ZEE; OSE: ZENA-ME), the international oil & gas production company, is pleased to announce that it has signed a non-binding Letter of Intent (“LOI”) with an Arab consortium of strategic institutional investors focused on African development opportunities, to provide an investment of US$2 million in Zenith’s share capital at a price of 2.5 pence per Zenith common share (equivalent to approximately NOK 0.33 or CAD$0.043), representing a premium of 384% over the closing mid-market price of Zenith's common shares admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange on March 30, 2020 (“Strategic Investment”).
2 Millioner USD investering = ca 21 millioner NOK til kurs 0,33 og representing a premium of 384%. Det er jo rett og slett en fantastisk nyhet.
Hvor høyt kan det gå når noen velger å investere i Zena til kurs 0.33?
Zenith Energy Ltd., ("Zenith" or the "Company"), (LSE: ZEN; TSX.V: ZEE; OSE: ZENA-ME), the international oil & gas production company, is pleased to announce that it has signed a non-binding Letter of Intent (“LOI”) with an Arab consortium of strategic institutional investors focused on African development opportunities, to provide an investment of US$2 million in Zenith’s share capital at a price of 2.5 pence per Zenith common share (equivalent to approximately NOK 0.33 or CAD$0.043), representing a premium of 384% over the closing mid-market price of Zenith's common shares admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange on March 30, 2020 (“Strategic Investment”).
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:10
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enig med kantarell veldig spennede i morra. høy aksjer
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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19.04.2020 kl 14:42
Nok mange som ikk tror på AC længere, og nok ligeså mange som måske ikke forstod meddelelsen 👍👍👍
Nu skal den jo også først lukkes med myndighederne😃
Men spændende bliver det, og mange billige rigge kan lejes nu hvor der er krise 👍
Nok mange som ikk tror på AC længere, og nok ligeså mange som måske ikke forstod meddelelsen 👍👍👍
Nu skal den jo også først lukkes med myndighederne😃
Men spændende bliver det, og mange billige rigge kan lejes nu hvor der er krise 👍
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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19.04.2020 kl 15:33
Mr Daniel Levi (Sinner)
17. apr.
Confirmed #ZEN in talks with, Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company #KUFPEC
CEO has been in the Middle East. Now we know why Ruller rundt på gulvet af grin
RNS Now!!!
17. apr.
Confirmed #ZEN in talks with, Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company #KUFPEC
CEO has been in the Middle East. Now we know why Ruller rundt på gulvet af grin
RNS Now!!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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19.04.2020 kl 15:40
Du har helt rett, det å leie en borerigg er ikke billig, men tidspunktet kunne ikke være bedre enn dette.
Corona tider pluss oljeprisfall
som gjør at det meste av leteboring stopper opp.
Det vil stå ledig/nedrigget utstyr i bøtter og spann.
Det er leietagers dager både når det gjelder pris og utvalg.
Det et bare for Cattaneo å deale litt igjen.
Alt forutsetter dog at det papirmessige som f.eks boretillatelse og øvrige papirer er forhandlet og signert ferdig. med myndighetene i Kongo.
Ha en flott dag.
Du har helt rett, det å leie en borerigg er ikke billig, men tidspunktet kunne ikke være bedre enn dette.
Corona tider pluss oljeprisfall
som gjør at det meste av leteboring stopper opp.
Det vil stå ledig/nedrigget utstyr i bøtter og spann.
Det er leietagers dager både når det gjelder pris og utvalg.
Det et bare for Cattaneo å deale litt igjen.
Alt forutsetter dog at det papirmessige som f.eks boretillatelse og øvrige papirer er forhandlet og signert ferdig. med myndighetene i Kongo.
Ha en flott dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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19.04.2020 kl 15:54
Hej Svartsyn.
Jeps det burde ihvertfald gøre det nemmere og billigere for AC at få en rig 👍👍. Nu må det hele gerne gå op i en højere enhed 😃😃. Det fortjener vi 🙈.
Mon det er det her vi forhandler om 👍
Type: Oil Field
Commodities: Crude Oil
Area: Mahdia
Production: 1,260 barrels per day of Crude Oil (2010)
Owner: Sidi El Kilani Oil Field
Shareholders: Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières (ETAP) (55%), Tuniso-Kuwaitian Company of Petroleum (45%)
Activity since: 1991
Jeps det burde ihvertfald gøre det nemmere og billigere for AC at få en rig 👍👍. Nu må det hele gerne gå op i en højere enhed 😃😃. Det fortjener vi 🙈.
Mon det er det her vi forhandler om 👍
Type: Oil Field
Commodities: Crude Oil
Area: Mahdia
Production: 1,260 barrels per day of Crude Oil (2010)
Owner: Sidi El Kilani Oil Field
Shareholders: Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières (ETAP) (55%), Tuniso-Kuwaitian Company of Petroleum (45%)
Activity since: 1991
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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19.04.2020 kl 16:23
Nu har de fleste haft en weekend til at regne lidt på den opdateret aftale, en super aftale i øvrigt. Hvis der kommer større udsving i løbet af ugen skal der komme endnu en RNS, men i disse tider er det ikke nemt at få noget fra de forskellige offentlige institutioner, jeg er ikke i tvivl om at Afrika hellere vil afgive større procentdele af licensen end at betale de $ der er i klemme, jeg ser for mig at AC, lander en aftale om 75-85 % i stedet for de nuværende %, Det var i min optik yderst fornuftigt af ham at flette fingre med præsidenten, det åbner uden tvivl en masse døre, mange ting kommer til at ske i de næste par måneder, men der er også mange hensyn der skal tages overfor store nuværende aktionærer, så det er med at holde tungen lige i munden. I den perfekte verden vil kursen hoppe op til 0,75 - 1 kr. mandag, MEN der har været for mange skuffelser og der er stadig mange som sælger ved første chance, små aktionærer bevares, men aktien er som det tydeligt fremstår utrolig nem at holde i et jerngreb, med (efter forholdene) Meget få aktier, vi skal have en eller nogle meget håndfaste RNS på bordet før den eksploderer, kan man se ud over den nuværende Corona/olie krise, så er der efter min opfattelse mulighed for at lave en god håndfuld penge på den mellemlange bane, når det er sagt så er risikoen stadig høj høj høj, jeg tror ikke på en konkurs, AC har hentet store penge i et svært marked, hvilket beviser en del i min optik og han vil kæmpe videre uden tvivl. Produktion er stadig kodeordet og om han køber sig til den eller selv borer er mig ligegyldigt, kan han købe produktion med hedge olie med en fornuftig + 50$ pr. Boed, er det selvfølgelig endnu bedre det siger sig selv, og den mulighed kan jeg godt se for mig i Tunesien sammen med det statsejet selskab ETAP, jeg afventer i spænding nye meldinger og tror på at det løser sig (jeg har stadig ikke solgt, men heller ikke købt yderligere) god søndag 😊
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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Venter jo fortsatt svar på oljeproduksjon i AZ.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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19.04.2020 kl 17:47
Tror AZ utgår inntil videre 😉
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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20.04.2020 kl 09:46
Er tiden snart inne til at Zena skal transformeres og ta kursen og selskapet til helt andre nivåer enn dagens?
En skal heller ikke glemme at den som har størst inventiver til å lykkes er AC selv som sitter fullastet med aksjer selv i selskapet. Ingenting er bedre om insidere sitter med mange aksjer og her sitter AC med rundt 50 millioner aksjer. Da kan dere rekne selv forskjellen på en kurs 0.10, 0.20, 0,30 eller 1
En skal heller ikke glemme at den som har størst inventiver til å lykkes er AC selv som sitter fullastet med aksjer selv i selskapet. Ingenting er bedre om insidere sitter med mange aksjer og her sitter AC med rundt 50 millioner aksjer. Da kan dere rekne selv forskjellen på en kurs 0.10, 0.20, 0,30 eller 1
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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20.04.2020 kl 10:20
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Acquisition of Sidi El Kilani from KUFPEC
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; TSX.V: ZEE; OSE: ZENA-ME), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is pleased to announce that its newly created wholly owned subsidiary Zenith Energy Netherlands B.V. ("Zenith Netherlands") has signed a conditional sale and purchase agreement ("SPA") with KUFPEC (Tunisia) Limited ("Seller"), a 100% subsidiary of Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company K.S.C.C, a subsidiary of the State of Kuwait's national oil company, for the acquisition of a working interest in, inter alia, the North Kairouan permit and the Sidi El Kilani Concession (the "Tunisian Acquisition"), which contains the Sidi El Kilani oilfield ("SLK").
The Seller holds an undivided 22.5% interest in the Tunisian Acquisition, together with 25 Class B shares in Compagnie Tuniso-Koweito-Chinoise de Pétrole (CTKCP), the operator, representing 22.5% of the issued share capital of the company.
Zenith's partners in the Tunisian Acquisition will include the national oil company of Tunisia, Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières (ETAP) with a 55% interest and CNPC, China National Petroleum Corporation with a 22.5 % interest.
The Seller has agreed to sell, assign and transfer to Zenith Netherlands the Tunisian Acquisition on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in the SPA.
The consideration payable by Zenith Netherlands under the SPA is US$500,000.
Completion of the Tunisian Acquisition is conditional on approval being granted by the Comité Consultatif des Hydrocarbures of the Republic of Tunisia in respect of the transfer of the Seller's right, title and interest in and under the SLK Concession to Zenith Netherlands.
As first announced on March 2, 2020, Zenith is currently in negotiations with an international oil major to sign an offtake agreement for the asset's future oil production in order to fund the Tunisian Acquisition and its development post-completion.
Tunisian Acquisition Highlights
· First discovered in 1989 by KUFPEC with commercial production commencing in 1993 and reported to be the second largest oilfield discovered in Tunisia since 1989.
· SLK reached a peak production of c. 20,000 boepd in 1995.
· Covers an area of 204 square kilometres, located onshore, in the Pelagian Basin, Eastern Tunisia.
· SLK is one of the most productive fields in onshore Tunisia and currently produces, natural flow, at a rate of approximately 700 bopd.
· Generates gross annual revenues of approximately US$15 million.
· SLK produces 39 API gravity oil from a fractured carbonate reservoir (Abiod Formation), at a depth of c. 1,600 metres. The reservoir characteristics are enhanced by natural fractures and locally by dolomitisation.
· SLK Facilities include a permanent Gas Oil Separation Plant (GOSP) and a Pipeline of 125 km x 8" diameter, 22,000 bpd capacity from the field to La Skhira terminal.
Zenith expects to soon commission a new Competent Person's Report in compliance with Canadian securities laws, specifically the COGE Handbook and National Instrument 51-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities, in order to obtain an updated reserves evaluation for the Tunisian Acquisition.
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
"We are delighted to have executed the SPA with regards to the interest in the Sidi El Kilani Concession, a highly productive Tunisian onshore oil production and development asset, which has consistently outperformed even the most optimistic production forecasts since commercial production commenced in 1993.
The Board views Tunisia as a safe, democratic jurisdiction with a well-established history of successful oil and gas production activities for junior, independent companies such as Zenith.
Upon completion of this deal, Zenith will have material production revenue for reinvestment in field development activities.
Our strategic outlook is that oil prices will progressively strengthen in line with a gradual worldwide recovery in financial and industrial activity following the progressive alleviation of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic.
The current low oil price environment provides an unprecedented opportunity for companies wishing to expand countercyclically by securing large, revenue generating oil and gas production assets at advantageous terms.
I am also delighted to have initiated a fruitful relationship with KUFPEC, a highly respected subsidiary of Kuwait's State Oil Company with operations across the world including Norway, and I look forward to exploring further cooperation opportunities in the future."
Further Information:
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Acquisition of Sidi El Kilani from KUFPEC
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; TSX.V: ZEE; OSE: ZENA-ME), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is pleased to announce that its newly created wholly owned subsidiary Zenith Energy Netherlands B.V. ("Zenith Netherlands") has signed a conditional sale and purchase agreement ("SPA") with KUFPEC (Tunisia) Limited ("Seller"), a 100% subsidiary of Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company K.S.C.C, a subsidiary of the State of Kuwait's national oil company, for the acquisition of a working interest in, inter alia, the North Kairouan permit and the Sidi El Kilani Concession (the "Tunisian Acquisition"), which contains the Sidi El Kilani oilfield ("SLK").
The Seller holds an undivided 22.5% interest in the Tunisian Acquisition, together with 25 Class B shares in Compagnie Tuniso-Koweito-Chinoise de Pétrole (CTKCP), the operator, representing 22.5% of the issued share capital of the company.
Zenith's partners in the Tunisian Acquisition will include the national oil company of Tunisia, Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières (ETAP) with a 55% interest and CNPC, China National Petroleum Corporation with a 22.5 % interest.
The Seller has agreed to sell, assign and transfer to Zenith Netherlands the Tunisian Acquisition on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in the SPA.
The consideration payable by Zenith Netherlands under the SPA is US$500,000.
Completion of the Tunisian Acquisition is conditional on approval being granted by the Comité Consultatif des Hydrocarbures of the Republic of Tunisia in respect of the transfer of the Seller's right, title and interest in and under the SLK Concession to Zenith Netherlands.
As first announced on March 2, 2020, Zenith is currently in negotiations with an international oil major to sign an offtake agreement for the asset's future oil production in order to fund the Tunisian Acquisition and its development post-completion.
Tunisian Acquisition Highlights
· First discovered in 1989 by KUFPEC with commercial production commencing in 1993 and reported to be the second largest oilfield discovered in Tunisia since 1989.
· SLK reached a peak production of c. 20,000 boepd in 1995.
· Covers an area of 204 square kilometres, located onshore, in the Pelagian Basin, Eastern Tunisia.
· SLK is one of the most productive fields in onshore Tunisia and currently produces, natural flow, at a rate of approximately 700 bopd.
· Generates gross annual revenues of approximately US$15 million.
· SLK produces 39 API gravity oil from a fractured carbonate reservoir (Abiod Formation), at a depth of c. 1,600 metres. The reservoir characteristics are enhanced by natural fractures and locally by dolomitisation.
· SLK Facilities include a permanent Gas Oil Separation Plant (GOSP) and a Pipeline of 125 km x 8" diameter, 22,000 bpd capacity from the field to La Skhira terminal.
Zenith expects to soon commission a new Competent Person's Report in compliance with Canadian securities laws, specifically the COGE Handbook and National Instrument 51-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities, in order to obtain an updated reserves evaluation for the Tunisian Acquisition.
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
"We are delighted to have executed the SPA with regards to the interest in the Sidi El Kilani Concession, a highly productive Tunisian onshore oil production and development asset, which has consistently outperformed even the most optimistic production forecasts since commercial production commenced in 1993.
The Board views Tunisia as a safe, democratic jurisdiction with a well-established history of successful oil and gas production activities for junior, independent companies such as Zenith.
Upon completion of this deal, Zenith will have material production revenue for reinvestment in field development activities.
Our strategic outlook is that oil prices will progressively strengthen in line with a gradual worldwide recovery in financial and industrial activity following the progressive alleviation of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic.
The current low oil price environment provides an unprecedented opportunity for companies wishing to expand countercyclically by securing large, revenue generating oil and gas production assets at advantageous terms.
I am also delighted to have initiated a fruitful relationship with KUFPEC, a highly respected subsidiary of Kuwait's State Oil Company with operations across the world including Norway, and I look forward to exploring further cooperation opportunities in the future."
Further Information:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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20.04.2020 kl 10:24
Ny kanonmelding fra Zena nå, mot kr 0,15?
Acquisition of Sidi El Kilani from KUFPEC
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; TSX.V: ZEE; OSE: ZENA-ME), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is pleased to announce that its newly created wholly owned subsidiary Zenith Energy Netherlands B.V. (“Zenith Netherlands”) has signed a conditional sale and purchase agreement (“SPA”) with KUFPEC (Tunisia) Limited (“Seller”), a 100% subsidiary of Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company K.S.C.C, a subsidiary of the State of Kuwait’s national oil company, for the acquisition of a working interest in, inter alia, the North Kairouan permit and the Sidi El Kilani Concession (the “Tunisian Acquisition”), which contains the Sidi El Kilani oilfield (“SLK”).
The Seller holds an undivided 22.5% interest in the Tunisian Acquisition, together with 25 Class B shares in Compagnie Tuniso-Koweito-Chinoise de Pétrole (CTKCP), the operator, representing 22.5% of the issued share capital of the company.
Zenith’s partners in the Tunisian Acquisition will include the national oil company of Tunisia, Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières (ETAP) with a 55% interest and CNPC, China National Petroleum Corporation with a 22.5 % interest.
Acquisition of Sidi El Kilani from KUFPEC
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; TSX.V: ZEE; OSE: ZENA-ME), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is pleased to announce that its newly created wholly owned subsidiary Zenith Energy Netherlands B.V. (“Zenith Netherlands”) has signed a conditional sale and purchase agreement (“SPA”) with KUFPEC (Tunisia) Limited (“Seller”), a 100% subsidiary of Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company K.S.C.C, a subsidiary of the State of Kuwait’s national oil company, for the acquisition of a working interest in, inter alia, the North Kairouan permit and the Sidi El Kilani Concession (the “Tunisian Acquisition”), which contains the Sidi El Kilani oilfield (“SLK”).
The Seller holds an undivided 22.5% interest in the Tunisian Acquisition, together with 25 Class B shares in Compagnie Tuniso-Koweito-Chinoise de Pétrole (CTKCP), the operator, representing 22.5% of the issued share capital of the company.
Zenith’s partners in the Tunisian Acquisition will include the national oil company of Tunisia, Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières (ETAP) with a 55% interest and CNPC, China National Petroleum Corporation with a 22.5 % interest.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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20.04.2020 kl 10:29
Et steg nærmere til å oppfylle:
Zenith Energy Ltd., ("Zenith" or the "Company"), (LSE: ZEN; TSX.V: ZEE; OSE: ZENA-ME), the international oil & gas production company, is pleased to announce that it has signed a non-binding Letter of Intent (“LOI”) with an Arab consortium of strategic institutional investors focused on African development opportunities, to provide an investment of US$2 million in Zenith’s share capital at a price of 2.5 pence per Zenith common share (equivalent to approximately NOK 0.33 or CAD$0.043), representing a premium of 384% over the closing mid-market price of Zenith's common shares admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange on March 30, 2020 (“Strategic Investment”).
To access the $2m funding at 2.5p AC needs to complete the Tunisia deal and also :
· Final stage negotiations with a national authority in West Africa for an oil production asset, formerly operated by a major international oil company, which last produced at a rate in excess of 1,000 barrels of oil per day. Zenith is pleased to confirm that negotiations have now been extended to also include the possible acquisition of a second asset, operated by an international oil major, currently producing 600 barrels of oil per day. The Company believes that the potential acquisition of the aforementioned assets represents a significant opportunity to materially increase Zenith's near-term oil production and, in turn, achieve sizeable revenue generation upside.
More news to come very soon imho.
Zenith Energy Ltd., ("Zenith" or the "Company"), (LSE: ZEN; TSX.V: ZEE; OSE: ZENA-ME), the international oil & gas production company, is pleased to announce that it has signed a non-binding Letter of Intent (“LOI”) with an Arab consortium of strategic institutional investors focused on African development opportunities, to provide an investment of US$2 million in Zenith’s share capital at a price of 2.5 pence per Zenith common share (equivalent to approximately NOK 0.33 or CAD$0.043), representing a premium of 384% over the closing mid-market price of Zenith's common shares admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange on March 30, 2020 (“Strategic Investment”).
To access the $2m funding at 2.5p AC needs to complete the Tunisia deal and also :
· Final stage negotiations with a national authority in West Africa for an oil production asset, formerly operated by a major international oil company, which last produced at a rate in excess of 1,000 barrels of oil per day. Zenith is pleased to confirm that negotiations have now been extended to also include the possible acquisition of a second asset, operated by an international oil major, currently producing 600 barrels of oil per day. The Company believes that the potential acquisition of the aforementioned assets represents a significant opportunity to materially increase Zenith's near-term oil production and, in turn, achieve sizeable revenue generation upside.
More news to come very soon imho.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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20.04.2020 kl 10:29
Les fra meldingen i dag;
• SLK is one of the most productive fields in onshore Tunisia and currently produces, natural flow, at a rate of approximately 700 bopd.
• Generates gross annual revenues of approximately US$15 million.
De siste børsmeldingen fra Zena gir en indikasjon på hvorfor en gruppe med internasjonale investorer har inngått en letter of intent til å kjøpe aksjer i ZENA for ca 21 millioner NOK til en kurs på 0,33.
• SLK is one of the most productive fields in onshore Tunisia and currently produces, natural flow, at a rate of approximately 700 bopd.
• Generates gross annual revenues of approximately US$15 million.
De siste børsmeldingen fra Zena gir en indikasjon på hvorfor en gruppe med internasjonale investorer har inngått en letter of intent til å kjøpe aksjer i ZENA for ca 21 millioner NOK til en kurs på 0,33.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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20.04.2020 kl 10:35
Denne er også snadder:
"I am also delighted to have initiated a fruitful relationship with KUFPEC, a highly respected
subsidiary of Kuwait’s State Oil Company with operations across the world including Norway,
and I look forward to exploring further cooperation opportunities in the future.”
KUFPEC Norway:
"I am also delighted to have initiated a fruitful relationship with KUFPEC, a highly respected
subsidiary of Kuwait’s State Oil Company with operations across the world including Norway,
and I look forward to exploring further cooperation opportunities in the future.”
KUFPEC Norway:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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20.04.2020 kl 10:47
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Zenith Energy-datterselskapet Zenith Energy Netherlands har inngått en betinget salgs- og kjøpsavtale (SPA) med tunisiske KUFPEC for kjøp av en andel i Nord-Kairouan-tillatelsen og Sidi El Kilani-konsesjonen, som inneholder Sidi El Kilani-oljefeltet.
Det fremgår av en melding fra selskapet mandag.
Selgeren har en interesse på 22,5 prosent i andelen, og Zenith Energy Netherlands vil under avtalen betale 500.000 dollar.
KUFPEC er et heleid datterselskap av Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company K.S.C.C, som igjen er et datterselskap av Kuwaits nasjonale oljeselskap.
LK finans@tdn.no
Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Zenith Energy-datterselskapet Zenith Energy Netherlands har inngått en betinget salgs- og kjøpsavtale (SPA) med tunisiske KUFPEC for kjøp av en andel i Nord-Kairouan-tillatelsen og Sidi El Kilani-konsesjonen, som inneholder Sidi El Kilani-oljefeltet.
Det fremgår av en melding fra selskapet mandag.
Selgeren har en interesse på 22,5 prosent i andelen, og Zenith Energy Netherlands vil under avtalen betale 500.000 dollar.
KUFPEC er et heleid datterselskap av Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company K.S.C.C, som igjen er et datterselskap av Kuwaits nasjonale oljeselskap.
LK finans@tdn.no
Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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20.04.2020 kl 11:10
kursen står stille nå... blir spennende å se om den begynner å gå litt utover dagen eller om den faller tilbake i vanlig Zena stil
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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20.04.2020 kl 11:16
Takk Takk ikke flere gode meldinger i dag, spre eder ut over hele uken takk. Da er det hele i boks, tror ikke dette vil forandre seg, men bare akkumulere våre verdier. Aksjekurs: 0,40 må være der snart, har ikke vært større grunn til en slik kurs, før i selskapet, på lange tider. Tror Kjøp, kan ropes ut, uten å ta munnen for" full".
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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20.04.2020 kl 13:25
Fantastiske nyheder, det var da meget godt ramt 👍👍😃😃
AC er begyndt og leverer varen, snart vil kursen gå da tilliden kommer tilbage i markedet 👍
AC er begyndt og leverer varen, snart vil kursen gå da tilliden kommer tilbage i markedet 👍
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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20.04.2020 kl 13:27
Altså du har købt Igen👍👍👍👍.
Nok meget fornuftigt på disse kurser 😃😃
Altså du har købt Igen👍👍👍👍.
Nok meget fornuftigt på disse kurser 😃😃
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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20.04.2020 kl 15:04
Det er litt rart at den skal gå i minus i dag, noen som vet noe som andre burde vite? Meldingene er de beste på lang tid , og selv om det er dårlige tider akkurat no, så er jo kjøpene til lave priser og på den måten invannende. Ting tar tid, og når nye boringer er godt i gang er også Coronaviruset redusert med noen hundre mill i antall.Kjøpt noen titalls tusen ja, kansje over hundre tusen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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20.04.2020 kl 23:57
Spændende hvornår det næste køb kommer 👍👍
As first announced on March 2, 2020, Zenith is currently in negotiations with an international oil major to sign an offtake agreement for the asset's future oil production in order to fund the Tunisian Acquisition and its development post-completion.
As first announced on March 2, 2020, Zenith is currently in negotiations with an international oil major to sign an offtake agreement for the asset's future oil production in order to fund the Tunisian Acquisition and its development post-completion.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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23.04.2020 kl 08:24
US$350,000 rett på konto og nye US§850 000 på konto innen 20-30 dager!
Les utdrag fra dagens melding.
Receipt of payments from SOCAR
April 23, 2020
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Receipt of payments from SOCAR
As announced on March 2, 2020, the Company is currently formalising the handover process of the CRA (the “Handover”) to SOCAR. Zenith expects the Handover to be completed during the next 20 business days.
The Company is pleased to confirm that its Azerbaijan subsidiary has recently received two payments for a total of approximately US$350,000 from SOCAR.
It is anticipated that total receivables from oil sales towards Zenith’s local subsidiary will amount to a total of approximately US$1,200,000 once the Handover is completed and that payment will be received shortly thereafter.
Les utdrag fra dagens melding.
Receipt of payments from SOCAR
April 23, 2020
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Receipt of payments from SOCAR
As announced on March 2, 2020, the Company is currently formalising the handover process of the CRA (the “Handover”) to SOCAR. Zenith expects the Handover to be completed during the next 20 business days.
The Company is pleased to confirm that its Azerbaijan subsidiary has recently received two payments for a total of approximately US$350,000 from SOCAR.
It is anticipated that total receivables from oil sales towards Zenith’s local subsidiary will amount to a total of approximately US$1,200,000 once the Handover is completed and that payment will be received shortly thereafter.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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folk forstår ingenting om aksjer. hvorfor de vil dumpere ned aksjer igjen 0.100 øre?ikke rekyl?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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23.04.2020 kl 09:23
Posetivt er svaret, hva mer kan en vente seg, no er vi på vei til å bli bortskjemt, dette kan bare bli bra selv om som vi TTT. Med så mye pæng på bok, vil nok Zena holde koken lenge, og sparer noen mill på avnoteringen i Canada. Ser en litt lenger frem en noen mnd. er det bare å kjøpe så det holder og ta tiden til hjelp.Alle nedturene opp gjennom tidene har resultert i en ny oppgang med store aksjekjøp og kursoppganger. De er i nedgangstider en skal hamstre aksjer, og vente på etterspørselen som kommer med oppgangen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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23.04.2020 kl 09:54
Dette begynner faktisk å se bedre og bedre ut.
Det ser ut som vi /Zenith handler på bunnen angående oljekrise/pris ved seinere oppgang sitter vi på toget.
Tror også at mange kommer til å kjøpe lytteposter i Zenith.
Caset begynner å bli spennende.
Men de store og faktisk også de små day-traderene kan forøvrig kjøre kursen opp/ned etter eget ønske.Det går med småpenger.
Glem å se daglige bevegelser på aksjekursen, se 6 mnd. frem i tid.
HVOR står vi da , er spørsmålet.
High risk/High reward, men etter de 4 siste meldingene fra Zenith er risikoen betydelig redusert og belønningen mye nærmere.
Ha en flott dag, i sola...
Det ser ut som vi /Zenith handler på bunnen angående oljekrise/pris ved seinere oppgang sitter vi på toget.
Tror også at mange kommer til å kjøpe lytteposter i Zenith.
Caset begynner å bli spennende.
Men de store og faktisk også de små day-traderene kan forøvrig kjøre kursen opp/ned etter eget ønske.Det går med småpenger.
Glem å se daglige bevegelser på aksjekursen, se 6 mnd. frem i tid.
HVOR står vi da , er spørsmålet.
High risk/High reward, men etter de 4 siste meldingene fra Zenith er risikoen betydelig redusert og belønningen mye nærmere.
Ha en flott dag, i sola...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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23.04.2020 kl 10:33
Er det noen som bevvist ønsker å holde nede kursen?? Det kan virke slik.....burdet stått i 0.15 i dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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håper at burdet slått i 0,15 øre idag kl 1620?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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23.04.2020 kl 11:10
Upps skrivefeil gitt...sånn skal det være : burde stått i 0.15 i dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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23.04.2020 kl 12:34
Må si jeg liker at det er foreløpig så få som viser selskapet noen stor interesse 😎
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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23.04.2020 kl 13:05
10,80 i uk.....litt mer interesse der..
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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24.04.2020 kl 14:19
Mr Daniel Levi (Sinner)
Rumours of talks/deal re a 15M barrel recoverable West African oil licence owned by oil major ‘Total’.
Production of 1500bopd
Keep your 👀 on 👇
Liker at AC gjør dealer med de store selskapene!
Rumours of talks/deal re a 15M barrel recoverable West African oil licence owned by oil major ‘Total’.
Production of 1500bopd
Keep your 👀 on 👇
Liker at AC gjør dealer med de store selskapene!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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24.04.2020 kl 15:58
Opp over 16% i london= 12 øre
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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Til sommeren er denne over 1kr.. Med så lav omsetning så kan denne eksplodere hvilken dag eller sekund som helst.. aksjekursen er langt under reelle verdier.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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24.04.2020 kl 16:47
Det er vel å drømme vel mye. Først må oljeprisen stabilisere seg på et mye høyere nivå, og sånn det ser ut nå så vil ikke etterspørselen øke på en god stund.
Eneste håp for kraftig økning før det skjer, er om OPEC, Russland og USA blir enige i kuttavtaler som tilsvar forbruk nå, og helst mere da lagrene må brukes opp.
Men hvis det skjer, så skal jeg være med å håpe på 0,5 til 1 krone frem mot sommeren.
Eneste håp for kraftig økning før det skjer, er om OPEC, Russland og USA blir enige i kuttavtaler som tilsvar forbruk nå, og helst mere da lagrene må brukes opp.
Men hvis det skjer, så skal jeg være med å håpe på 0,5 til 1 krone frem mot sommeren.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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24.04.2020 kl 19:31
(Alliance News) - Zenith Energy Ltd on Thursday said it continues its operations in Azerbaijan ahead of handover of its assets to State Oil Co of Azerbaijan Republic.
The oil & gas production company said it continues to operate the contract rehabilitation area in Azerbaijan, generating a daily production of 180 barrels of oil.
This is amid Zenith Energy being in the process of formalising the handover process of this contract rehabilitation area to SOCAR.
Zenith Energy said it expects the handover to be completed during the next 20 business days.
Upon completion of the handover, the company said it will no longer have any oil production operations in Azerbaijan and all field production personnel - 171 employees - will be transferred to SOCAR.
Zenith Energy said its Azerbaijan subsidiary has recently received two payments for a total of UDS350,000 from SOCAR.
It is anticipated that total receivables from oil sales towards Zenith's local subsidiary will amount to a total of USD1.2 million once the handover is completed and that payment will be received shortly thereafter.
Zenith Energy shares closed 13% higher in London on Friday at 0.85 pence each.
By Evelina Grecenko; evelinagrecenko@alliancenews.com
Copyright 2020 Alliance News Limited. All Rights Reserved.
The oil & gas production company said it continues to operate the contract rehabilitation area in Azerbaijan, generating a daily production of 180 barrels of oil.
This is amid Zenith Energy being in the process of formalising the handover process of this contract rehabilitation area to SOCAR.
Zenith Energy said it expects the handover to be completed during the next 20 business days.
Upon completion of the handover, the company said it will no longer have any oil production operations in Azerbaijan and all field production personnel - 171 employees - will be transferred to SOCAR.
Zenith Energy said its Azerbaijan subsidiary has recently received two payments for a total of UDS350,000 from SOCAR.
It is anticipated that total receivables from oil sales towards Zenith's local subsidiary will amount to a total of USD1.2 million once the handover is completed and that payment will be received shortly thereafter.
Zenith Energy shares closed 13% higher in London on Friday at 0.85 pence each.
By Evelina Grecenko; evelinagrecenko@alliancenews.com
Copyright 2020 Alliance News Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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24.04.2020 kl 22:05
Andrea Cattaneo er en djevel til å deale , men vi trenger folk til å gjennomføre dealene til cash.
Ting begynner å se bra ut.
Hvis ikke Cattaneo hadde skuffet i 3 år nå , så ville Zenith aksjen stått i minst 20-25 øre etter de 4 siste meldingene.
Men tillit tar år å bygge opp og kan ødelegges på en dag/natt.
Men dette går veien folkens , 2020 blir mildt sagt spennende.
Prisen på aksjen idag er latterlig.
Ting begynner å se bra ut.
Hvis ikke Cattaneo hadde skuffet i 3 år nå , så ville Zenith aksjen stått i minst 20-25 øre etter de 4 siste meldingene.
Men tillit tar år å bygge opp og kan ødelegges på en dag/natt.
Men dette går veien folkens , 2020 blir mildt sagt spennende.
Prisen på aksjen idag er latterlig.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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25.04.2020 kl 06:58
Å få oljelandet saudi arabia med på laget, med pengesekk så det holder, blir iingen ulempe for zenith fremover tenker jeg.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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28.04.2020 kl 11:53
En begynner nå å forstå hvorfor en investorgruppe har gitt et letter of intent til en investering Zena på over 20 millioner til en kurs pr aksje på kr 0,33.
Dagens melding er den siste i rekken av meget gode meldinger Zena har meldt de siste 2 ukene og nå ser det ut som investorer i London har oppdaget det da kursen der over ligger over kursen på OSE, men det vil ikke overraske meg om Zena nå snart starter på en reprising av aksjen og da kan det gå høyt fremover.
Dagens melding er den siste i rekken av meget gode meldinger Zena har meldt de siste 2 ukene og nå ser det ut som investorer i London har oppdaget det da kursen der over ligger over kursen på OSE, men det vil ikke overraske meg om Zena nå snart starter på en reprising av aksjen og da kan det gå høyt fremover.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:46
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