Nel ny melding kjøpsordre fra UK NAVY

NEL 31.03.2020 kl 17:12 2408

Nel ASA: Receives purchase order for U.K. Navy PEM electrolyser stacks

(Oslo, 31 March, 2020) Nel Hydrogen U.S., the U.S. subsidiary of Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL), has received a purchase order for PEM electrolyser cell stacks from United Technologies´ Collins Aerospace Division, at a value of approximately USD 1.6 million. Nel’s electrolyser stacks produce critical life support oxygen for U.S. and U.K. Navy crews on multiple classes of nuclear-powered submarines and will be delivered under an exclusive contract.

“We are very proud to work with our partner United Technologies and their customer in the U.K. on this mission critical application for PEM electrolysis. This new order demonstrates the continuing success of our world class manufacturing and quality systems, as well as the robustness of our industry leading PEM technology” says Steve Szymanski, Director of Business Development at Nel Hydrogen U.S.

The purchase order is part of an ongoing production contract with Collins Aerospace, and continues Nel’s history of supplying PEM electrolyser stacks for the production of life sustaining oxygen on board Navy submarines for over a decade. Earlier in 2020, Nel received two additional purchase orders for the U.S. Navy with a combined value of USD 1.5 million, bringing the total booked orders for Collins Aerospace so far this year to approximately USD 3.1 million.

“The Navy acquisition community is now exclusively buying PEM electrolysers for oxygen production on submarines, based on its long track record of reliability and safety, and Nel is now the world’s leading supplier of cell stacks for this application,” Szymanski concludes.


For additional information, please contact:

Jon André Løkke, CEO, +47 907 44 949

Bjørn Simonsen, VP Investor Relations & Corporate Communication, +47 971 79 821

About Nel |      

Nel is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal solutions to produce, store, and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. We serve industries, energy, and gas companies with leading hydrogen technology. Our roots date back to 1927, and since then, we have had a proud history of development and continuous improvement of hydrogen technologies. Today, our solutions cover the entire value chain: from hydrogen production technologies to hydrogen fueling stations, enabling industries to transition to green hydrogen, and providing fuel cell electric vehicles with the same fast fueling and long range as fossil-fueled vehicles - without the emissions.

This release was sent by NEL ASA

Redigert 19.01.2021 kl 09:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.03.2020 kl 19:01 1871

Ja, da blir det vel likevel rekordlav ordreinngang i Q1??
Og det skal godt gjøres med særlig bedring i Q2...
Mr Erik
31.03.2020 kl 18:52 1925

Veldig bra, håper på noe fra nikola i kveld nå så blir det fint i morgen :) tradegate virker ikke å ha fått med seg kontrakten enda. Ingen utslag der.
31.03.2020 kl 18:38 2015

Ja dette er en skikkelig fjær i hatten for NEL og beviser at teknologien de innehar er helt i verdenstoppen. United Technologies, Collins Aerospace Division kjøper kun produkter av beste kvalitet som man kan stole helt og fullt på.
31.03.2020 kl 18:32 2061

Bra, Nel toget går nok for fullt fremover nå, miljøvennlig som hydrogen er, perfekt timing å satse her nå😊👍
31.03.2020 kl 17:40 2310

Nel Hydrogen, datterselskapet til Nel i USA, har mottatt en kjøsordre fra den britiske marinen på 1,6 millioner dollar.

United Technologies’ Collins Aerospace Division har bestilt PEM elektrolyser cellestabler. De skal produsere oksygen til marinestyrker på ubåter.

Ordren er en del av Nels produksjonskontrakt med marinen.

– Vi er veldig stolt, sier Steve Szymanski direktør for forretningsutvikling hos Nel Hydrogen.