USA har skyld i mye av Venezuelas misere

19.08.2018 kl 11:43 426

"Corporate media in this country deliver a steady onslaught of anti-Venezuelan propaganda. The Washington Post fumes about Venezuelan "pirates" while the New York times reports about Ecuador is overwhelmed by desperate Venezuelan migrants. Unfortunately, the propaganda has succeeded to a large degree. "Socialism doesn`t work, just look at Venezuela" is an all too common trope. It is rare that anyone with a public platform reveals a simple truth. Venezuela`s problems were created by the United States government, first during the Obama administration and now continue under Trump`s.

It`s sanctions against the Venezuelan government and its people that have created hyperinflation, hunger, and a devastated health care system that was once the envy of that region. Sanctions are war by other means, invisible to most eyes. There are no troops, bullets, bombs, drones or military weaponry. But sanctions are as deadly as any military invasion, and Trump may do that yet.

In 2015 Barack Obama issued an executive order declaring Venezuela to be "an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the united States". That decree is necessary in order to impose economic sanctions."


kilde: "Freedom Rider: The United States Destroys Venezuela`s Economy"
Margaret Kimberley
19.08.2018 kl 13:06 414

"Now the social media corporations have colluded with government to make certain that anyone who is interested in the Venezuelan perspective will be isolated as well. Facebook temporarily removed the Venezuela Analysis page claiming violations of terms of service. It was not the first time that Facebook has removed Venezuela Analysis and it may not be the last."
Slettet bruker
19.08.2018 kl 13:22 410

USAs korrupte DEEP STATE har skylden for mye av den misere som er skapt i verden.

Trump har satt seg fore å rydde opp og stoppe DS. Men verdenssamfunnet som har deltatt (Norge med Libyabombing, støtte til terrorgruppen Hamas, enorme donasjoner til Clinton Foundation, deltakelse i menneskehandel-transporten over Middelhavet, osv, osv) må være med å rette opp skadene, fjerne korrupsjon (selv om det betyr å rive bistandskulturen ut av hjerterota på det norske godhetsimperiet) og gjenetablere rettstilstander i berørte land. Og ikke minst - straffeforfølge vestlige eliter som har skyld i å ha deltatt i galskapen - unnskyld, det skulle selvsagt være: "deltatt i globalismen"!
Redigert 19.08.2018 kl 13:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.08.2018 kl 13:27 405


"Trump har satt seg fore å rydde opp og stoppe DS."

Da må det sies at nettopp Trump er meget ivrig på sanksjoner mot Venezuela, og angriper landets regjering i hissige ordelag.
19.08.2018 kl 16:50 387

- The proven oil reserves in Venezuela are recognized as the largest in the world, totaling 297 billion barrels (wikipedia)

Selv med slik rikdommer er landet nå et av de fattigste i verden og totalt ødelagt av sosialisme. Selv muslimske land funker bedre en dette.
Redigert 19.08.2018 kl 16:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
19.08.2018 kl 16:58 384

Verdenssamfunnet har mulighet for å få fjernet skadelige regimer ved å sanksjonere handel med dem. Bedre enn krig - og mer effektivt for å få en rask slutt på folkets lidelser. Det blir litt verre, før det blir uendelig mye bedre.
Redigert 19.08.2018 kl 16:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.08.2018 kl 18:02 374

Sitatet ditt, polemiker, forteller ikke det at krefter har ønsket å ramme Venezuela ?, (bl. a. økonomisk ved sanksjoner)
19.08.2018 kl 18:28 367

"Then on Thursday, the administration added ten more Venezuelan officials to the list of people under US sanctions. The new targets included electoral officials and also the head of the government`s main food distribution program.


The sanctions violate the charter of the Organization of American States (Chapter 4, Article 19) and other international treaties that the U.S. has signed.

Its important to understand both the context and the intention (as well as likely) effects of the Trump administration`s actions. With encouragement from Florida Senator Mark Rubio and other Republicans, Trump has been trying to help topple the elected government of Venezuela.

But the Trump administration decided to double down on both regime change and sanctions. The strategy appears to be to prevent an economic recovery and worsen the shortages (which include essential medicines and food) so that Venezuelans will get back in the streets and overthrow the government."

kilde: Black Agenda Report:

Trump Doubled Down on Sanctions and Regime Change in Venezuela.
Mark Weisbrot.