727.273 aksjer gikk i dag 08.30 på 55 kr

PLT 17.04.2020 kl 15:33 811

Dette så jeg på Pareto grafen på intadag. Er det megler huset som krysser aksjer eller er det omsetning av stor post før børsen åpner ? Er det lov å gjøre handler utenom børsen åpningstid ? Er det noen som vet, takker for svar :-)
Redigert 17.04.2020 kl 15:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.04.2020 kl 15:40 774

Rettet emisjon, børsmeldt i går kveld og i dag tidlig. Penger til videreutvikling av selskapet.
17.04.2020 kl 15:42 761

Svaret ligger her:

poLight ASA Successfully completed private placement and primary insider notification

(Oslo, 16 April 2020) Reference is made to the stock exchange release from
poLight ASA ("poLight" or the "Company") published earlier today regarding a
contemplated private placement.

The Company is pleased to announce that it has raised approximately NOK 40
million in gross proceeds through a private placement (the "Private Placement")
of 727,273 new shares (the "New Shares"), at a price of NOK 55 per share. The
Private Placement took place through an accelerated bookbuilding process managed
by ABG Sundal Collier ASA and Arctic Securities AS as joint bookrunners
(together the "Managers") after close of markets on 16 April 2020.

The net proceeds from the Private Placement will be used to finance further
growth of the Company and general corporate purposes.

The new shares to be issued in connection with the Private Placement will be
issued based on a Board authorisation granted by the Company's general meeting
held 28 May 2019. The allocated shares will be settled on 21 April 2020 through
a delivery versus payment transaction with existing and unencumbered shares in
the Company that are already listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange pursuant to a
share lending agreement between the Managers, the Company and Investinor AS. The
shares delivered to the subscribers will thus be tradable from allocation.
Following registration of the new share capital pertaining to the Private
Placement, the Company will have 8,843,865 shares outstanding, each with a par
value of NOK 0.20.

Investinor AS, represented on the board of directors in the Company by Ann-Tove
Kongsnes, was allocated 171,545 shares in the Private Placement. Following this
transaction, Investinor AS owns 1,779,858 in the Company.

The Board of Directors of the Company will propose to the Annual General Meeting
(to be held on 28 May 2020) to carry out a subsequent offering of up to NOK 10
million towards the Company's shareholders as of 16 April 2020 (as documented by
the shareholder register in the Norwegian Central Securities Depository (VPS) as
of the end of 20 April 2020) who were not allocated shares in the Private
Placement (the "Subsequent Offering"). The subscription price in the Subsequent
Offering will be equal to the subscription price in the Private Placement. The
Board may at its discretion decide not to proceed with the Subsequent Offering.

The Company has considered the Private Placement in light of the equal treatment
obligations under the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and Oslo Børs' Circular
no. 2/2014 and is of the opinion that the waiver of the preferential rights
inherent in a private placement is considered necessary in the interest of time
and successful completion. Taking into consideration the time, costs and
expected terms of alternative methods of the securing the desired funding, as
well as the subsequent offering, the Board of Directors has concluded that the
completion of the Private Placement on acceptable terms at this time is in the
common interest of the shareholders of the Company.

For additional information, please contact:

Øyvind Isaksen, CEO, poLight ASA: +47 90 87 63 98