21.04.2020 kl 10:00 1708

LPG frakt vil vise seg å bli en vinner fremover. Behovet er så stort at ratene vil øke betydelig utover.
21.04.2020 kl 14:31 1521

LPG er det riktige shipping-segmentet, helt klart. Det ser jo strålende ut egentlig, med gode rater og inntjening. Men får vi en skikkelig crash på børsen nå, må man ha tørt krutt, så man får kjøpt mer. Ingen vil bli spart.
Slettet bruker
22.04.2020 kl 12:20 1322

Bull for LPG:

What would that entail? The Saudis would likely need to reduce production below the 8.5 million barrels a day threshold that it has previously been reluctant to breach, Croft said. That reluctance stems in part because it would also cut into natural-gas production ahead of the summer, when domestic demand for the fuel rises to meet air-conditioning needs.

22.04.2020 kl 12:47 1267

Takk for de gode nyhetene du kommer med her, JT, det er denslags som gjør at man som investor kan fortsette med å tro på at LPG-shipping fremdeles kan tilby investorene en OK profitabel reise de nærmeste årene.

Selv solgte jeg meg ut av BWLPG og Avance i februar/mars ca. 15% under toppen etter en meget flott reise som varte ca. 10 måneder, men er nå begynt å akkumulere igjen, ikke minst fordi begge aksjene nå selges med en meget stor rabatt til NAV. Men også fordi jeg tror at LPG-markedet fremdeles vil være ok bra selv om LPG shipping / ton/mile nok vil svekkes noe framover.

Folk skal jo fremdeles kunne lage varm mat m.m., ikke minst i India og Asia. Og industrien skal jo fortsatt bruke LPG i store mengder, også i Kina. Og det er jo ikke råvarene til LPG-produksjon som mangler.

Q2 og Q3 er jo historisk de sterke LPG-kvartalene, jeg tipper at de nok skal være ganske gode også i år til tross for corona-katastrofen.

Time will tell.
22.04.2020 kl 12:49 1256

Fra rapporten:

Quarterly fleet wide VLGC freight rates averaged US$50,600 per day, with spot earnings of US$56,000 per day
Declared Q4 2019 cash dividend of US$0.42

Ratene har vel vært nedom 38.000. Blir utbytte i mai. Om ikke de holder det tilbake, men det er bra det også. Penga blir i selskapet.

Her skal flere av båtene på lpg porpulsion som får ned breakeven pluss at flåten blir mer miljøvennelig. Og igjen forbruker mer lpg. :)

Slettet bruker
27.04.2020 kl 08:12 1014

"These factors together could buoy freight earnings in the coming months."

Saudi dates finally came out on Tuesday night – a big portion of which to be ex Yanbu and a handful of cancelled cargos. First half May is still where the main action is happening, but we have started to see fixtures done further into the month as well which is typical for a rising market. With the Eastern market being as tight as it has been of late coupled with a strong market in the West – we expect the freight to remain strong also in the near future despite some cancellations.
On the surface, the market still looks tight in the short term, with a relatively short positions list and a handful of uncovered cargoes remaining in the US in May. However, given WTI’s unprecedented sub-zero plunge this week and an accompanying weak arb, it seems freight levels at triple digits are too expensive unless there is a change on the product side. Until now, strong demand in Asia due to low refinery throughput in India, Indonesia and elsewhere has helped to keep the VL freight market strong. However, looking ahead there are doubts as to whether demand for non-domestic product will continue at the volume we've seen recently, and this could be bearish freight rates.
With that said, it's important to remember that there was a greater number of liftings in April than in the rest of 2020 (around 10-15 more across East and West compared to March). In addition, a longer ton-mile from the recent US-India arb should stretch the fleet. These factors together could buoy freight earnings in the coming months.