Vil viruset vinne over verdens 7 billioner innbyggere ?

21.04.2020 kl 18:08 394

To viruser snakker med hverandre.

Det er Absurd.

To viruser har svevd en liten stund i lufta og bestemmer seg for å slå seg ned ved et bord - på overflaten av et bord.
Man kan kalle dem V-a og V-b.:

V-a: - We are dead. Dead matter.

V-b: - Does it matter ?

V-a: - But when, or if, we can get into a nose or a mouth of some new host - one of these human beings - then we can come into some cells and make an infection, and multiply. Take it over kinda. So they say. I read it in some scientific paper.

V-b: - Oh gosh, Everything that you know, pal !

By the way, Ive been wondering why you and I look completely alike. Many of all those other guys in there look clearly different.

V-a: - Yeah, Noticed too.

V-b: - Do you know where we really come from ?

V-a: - Well, some say that we evolved out from a special bat, got expelled or something. But others say we were constructed . were created.

V-b; - Gosh. How much shall we believe in ?

V-a: - But have you heard THIS one ?

V-b: - Not really.

V-a: - Some even claim that we do not exist !

V-b: - Really ?

V-a: - I just don`t know WHO to trust anymore.

V-b: - Goddamnit !

V-a: - I wonder why our host released us ? Probably he got sick from something, and wanted to get rid of us.

I hope that someone of these giants soon comes along and puts their fingers on us, so that we can get inside again. Else we will starve, dry out and perish - and not be able to procreate and have children.

V-b; - Too bad.

V-a: - Look, thats a woman comin our way, I can smell alcohol from her hands. I don`t know if I like it or not. Anyway, it cannot kill us. We`re already dead.- LOL.

Redigert 21.04.2020 kl 19:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.04.2020 kl 20:11 261

En billion er det samme som en milliard - på både britisk og amerikansk engelsk.
22.04.2020 kl 11:46 293

Billion-milliard, ikke lett å holde styr på alle nullene.
22.04.2020 kl 09:35 307

Jeg tror kanskje ikke så mange gidder å lese den siden du viser i overskriften din at tall er vanskelig for deg. Det er ikke 7 billioner mennesker på jorda. Det får jommen meg holde med 7 milliarder.
Slettet bruker
21.04.2020 kl 21:37 343

Poor viruses... they do not even know where they came from. They need a BIBLE.
But no wonder.

Some people believe they came from a rock. Time and lots of time managed eventually to produce living matter which then after a whole lot of time became a fish, which became a dinosaur, which became eventually an ape, and then ultimately man.
What a sad JOKE.
Redigert 21.04.2020 kl 21:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.04.2020 kl 21:21 352

Er det ingen som synes at denne var god ?

Det er lite fantasi på dette forumet..