Børsen - rally uten bein back on track?
NOT. No way, sier Mark Cuban, men kanskje er ting noenlunde oppe og går om to, tre år...
‘It’s going to be brutal there’s no way to sugarcoat it at all,’ says Billionaire Mark Cuban about the economic recovery from coronavirus
Published: April 22, 2020 at 10:03 a.m. ET
By Mark DeCambre
It’s going to be brutal. There’s no way to sugarcoat it at all.’
That is outspoken billionaire and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who has been increasingly visible as the National Basketball Association has been temporarily suspended due to the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.
On Wednesday morning, Cuban, speaking with Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo, explained why he thought the recovery from the economic fallout wrought by the illness derived from the novel strain of coronavirus could be a long and ugly one for the average American and small businesses in particular.
“It’s going to be brutal. There’s no way to sugarcoat it at all. And when we get to the other side, companies are going to be operating differently,” Cuban said on the business network
“Companies are going to have to be agile…companies are going to have to build from the bottom up,” Cuban said.
The “Shark Tank” star says he remains confident that some normalcy will return in two to three years but predicts that investors and business owners will need to endure some pain to get to the other side.
‘It’s going to be brutal there’s no way to sugarcoat it at all,’ says Billionaire Mark Cuban about the economic recovery from coronavirus
Published: April 22, 2020 at 10:03 a.m. ET
By Mark DeCambre
It’s going to be brutal. There’s no way to sugarcoat it at all.’
That is outspoken billionaire and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who has been increasingly visible as the National Basketball Association has been temporarily suspended due to the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.
On Wednesday morning, Cuban, speaking with Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo, explained why he thought the recovery from the economic fallout wrought by the illness derived from the novel strain of coronavirus could be a long and ugly one for the average American and small businesses in particular.
“It’s going to be brutal. There’s no way to sugarcoat it at all. And when we get to the other side, companies are going to be operating differently,” Cuban said on the business network
“Companies are going to have to be agile…companies are going to have to build from the bottom up,” Cuban said.
The “Shark Tank” star says he remains confident that some normalcy will return in two to three years but predicts that investors and business owners will need to endure some pain to get to the other side.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:46
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23.04.2020 kl 15:51
At børsene kan stige på disse tallene er jo bare umulig å begripe.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:59
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Thin Lizzy
23.04.2020 kl 15:42
Har vært elleville børsfester på katastrofale jobless claims tall alle de 4 foregående torsdager, og jammen åpner ikke børsene ellevilt i dag også. Det er visst dette som er dynamitt for økonomien og fremtidsutsiktene da. Har ingen problemer med å innrømme at jeg ikke skjønner bæret, men tenker vel, som sagt, at illusjonen som nå bokstavelig talt kjøpes med hud og hår er at snart er krisa over og alt tilbake til det gode gamle. Tror altså veldig sterkt at dette kun er en illusjon og ingenting annet. Blir spennende å følge med. Fra sidelinjen. De kronene jeg har skal definitivt ikke inn i dette markedet. Foretrekker utbytte fra finværet, uten nervekjør.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:59
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23.04.2020 kl 15:33
Du må virkelig jobbe hardt for få noen bra inngang for tiden. Det er litt absurd at oljeprisen var nede på 15-nivået uten at det nesten synes på OSEBX-chartet en gang (1mnd). Jeg er litt mindblown. Hvordan er det mulig? Investorene svelger kameler som om det skulle ha vært ostepop.
Olja var vel ned 25% den ene dagen og 15% den andre, men det var ikke mye bevegelse i oljeaksjene. Men nå når olja er opp 7% så er det rally delux. Fikk småplukket litt i det lille blaffet med Bear-tåke, men fy fader det gikk fort over. Og allerede idag fikk jeg høydeskrekk igjen, og lettet litt. Tilbake til start. Merkelig.
(Jeg er ikke Bear, og trader ikke. Er bare ute etter å få litt penger inn i markedet på gunstige nivåer. Men DET er virkelig en prøvelse i tålmodighet slik det er nå. Men får håpe det lønner seg å holde igjen på sikt)
Olja var vel ned 25% den ene dagen og 15% den andre, men det var ikke mye bevegelse i oljeaksjene. Men nå når olja er opp 7% så er det rally delux. Fikk småplukket litt i det lille blaffet med Bear-tåke, men fy fader det gikk fort over. Og allerede idag fikk jeg høydeskrekk igjen, og lettet litt. Tilbake til start. Merkelig.
(Jeg er ikke Bear, og trader ikke. Er bare ute etter å få litt penger inn i markedet på gunstige nivåer. Men DET er virkelig en prøvelse i tålmodighet slik det er nå. Men får håpe det lønner seg å holde igjen på sikt)
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:59
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Thin Lizzy
23.04.2020 kl 15:01
Tanken på hvordan president Trump krydrer de realøkonomiske fakta som nå åpenbarer seg med stadige forsikringer om at krisen snart er over og at the good times will be back, får det nesten til å føles som om vi befinner oss i script til en skrekkfilm. Fed har vel faktisk også pratet mye i den retning til markedet. 😱
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:59
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23.04.2020 kl 14:52
Det kommer til å smelle noe så j...... ned snart, så her blir det mange med snørr og tårer, som sitter stuck med aksjer kjøpt på de siste ukers "sucker rally".
Sjekk grafen en gang til, boys and girls. Helt eksemplarisk bull-trap, før realiteten tar overhånd, og frykten kommer tilbake. Da skal det settes lavere bunn.
Sjekk grafen en gang til, boys and girls. Helt eksemplarisk bull-trap, før realiteten tar overhånd, og frykten kommer tilbake. Da skal det settes lavere bunn.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:59
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Thin Lizzy
23.04.2020 kl 14:43
Nærmest ufattelige 26.4 millioner nye arbeidsledige i USA i løpet av bare 5 uker. I en nasjon uten rare sikkerhetsnettverket for arbeidstakere. Dypt tragisk.
Den desperate kampen for å holde børsene oppe blir bare mer og mer desperat, men fortsetter.
US weekly jobless claims hit 4.4 million, bringing 5-week total to more than 26 million
Jeff Cox
Jobless claim filings continued at a historically unprecedented pace last week with 4.4 million new signups for unemployment insurance, bringing the total of the past five weeks to 26.4 million, the Labor Department said Thursday.
The total represented a decline of 810,000 from previous weeks, but the five-week sum has now surpassed all of the job gains since the financial crisis.
Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been expecting 4.3 million new claims.
With virtually all other economic indicators pointing to the worst downturn since the Great Depression, jobless claims are seen as the most current way of measuring how deeply conditions have been impacted by social distancing associated with the coronavirus.
The total is far worse than anything the U.S. has seen before, with the previous one-week peak of 695,000 dating back to October 1982.
Last week’s tally was revised down by 8,000 to 5.24 million.
Den desperate kampen for å holde børsene oppe blir bare mer og mer desperat, men fortsetter.
US weekly jobless claims hit 4.4 million, bringing 5-week total to more than 26 million
Jeff Cox
Jobless claim filings continued at a historically unprecedented pace last week with 4.4 million new signups for unemployment insurance, bringing the total of the past five weeks to 26.4 million, the Labor Department said Thursday.
The total represented a decline of 810,000 from previous weeks, but the five-week sum has now surpassed all of the job gains since the financial crisis.
Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been expecting 4.3 million new claims.
With virtually all other economic indicators pointing to the worst downturn since the Great Depression, jobless claims are seen as the most current way of measuring how deeply conditions have been impacted by social distancing associated with the coronavirus.
The total is far worse than anything the U.S. has seen before, with the previous one-week peak of 695,000 dating back to October 1982.
Last week’s tally was revised down by 8,000 to 5.24 million.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:59
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Thin Lizzy
23.04.2020 kl 10:36
Initial Jobless Claims i USA i dag. De fire siste torsdagene har tilsammen gitt 22 millioner nye arbeidsledige samtidig som børsene har gått gjennom taket. Hva skjer i dag? Også tall for New Home Sales (Mar) i dag.
Hva er det børsene stiger på egentlig... Ja, si det...Bærekraftig på litt sikt...?
S&P 500 companies spent $7 trillion on buybacks and dividends and “been rewarded’ by coronavirus bailouts, says Social Capital CEO
Published: April 22, 2020 at 10:06 p.m. ET
By Mark DeCambre
‘That kind of behavior makes no sense,’ Chamath Palihapitiya says about buybacks and dividend payouts over the past decade
Hva er det børsene stiger på egentlig... Ja, si det...Bærekraftig på litt sikt...?
S&P 500 companies spent $7 trillion on buybacks and dividends and “been rewarded’ by coronavirus bailouts, says Social Capital CEO
Published: April 22, 2020 at 10:06 p.m. ET
By Mark DeCambre
‘That kind of behavior makes no sense,’ Chamath Palihapitiya says about buybacks and dividend payouts over the past decade
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:59
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23.04.2020 kl 10:19
Innkjøpsjefindeksen, som forkortes til PMI-indeksen, er et forventningstall som måler stemningen blant utvalgte innkjøpsledere.
En måling over 50 poeng indikerer vekst, mens det motsatte er tilfellet for målinger under.
IHS Markit, som gjennomfører undersøkelsene, publiserer april-målingene for både Frankrike, Tyskland, Storbritanna og eurosonen torsdag.
For eurosonen viser den sammenstilte PMI-målingen et fall til 13,5, ned fra mars-målingen på 29,7.
Det er den laveste målingen IHS Markit noensinne har gjort siden de startet undersøkelsene i 1998. Det samme gjelder også for de fleste underindeksene.
– I april så vi enestående skader på økonomien i eurosonen, uttaler sjeføkonom ved IHS Markit, Chris Williamson, i dagens rapport.
– PMI-målingen viser en kollaps for virksomheter i hele eurosonen som går langt over noe vi noensinne har sett før i løpet av 20 år med datainnsamling, fortsetter han.
– Et sjokkerende bilde
I Tyskland alene viser de foreløpige tallene en sammenstilt PMI-måling på 17,1, ned fra mars-målingen på 35,0. Ifølge Infront var forhåndsestimatet også på 17,1.
Innkjøpsjefindeksen, som forkortes til PMI-indeksen, er et forventningstall som måler stemningen blant utvalgte innkjøpsledere.
En måling over 50 poeng indikerer vekst, mens det motsatte er tilfellet for målinger under.
IHS Markit, som gjennomfører undersøkelsene, publiserer april-målingene for både Frankrike, Tyskland, Storbritanna og eurosonen torsdag.
For eurosonen viser den sammenstilte PMI-målingen et fall til 13,5, ned fra mars-målingen på 29,7.
Det er den laveste målingen IHS Markit noensinne har gjort siden de startet undersøkelsene i 1998. Det samme gjelder også for de fleste underindeksene.
– I april så vi enestående skader på økonomien i eurosonen, uttaler sjeføkonom ved IHS Markit, Chris Williamson, i dagens rapport.
– PMI-målingen viser en kollaps for virksomheter i hele eurosonen som går langt over noe vi noensinne har sett før i løpet av 20 år med datainnsamling, fortsetter han.
– Et sjokkerende bilde
I Tyskland alene viser de foreløpige tallene en sammenstilt PMI-måling på 17,1, ned fra mars-målingen på 35,0. Ifølge Infront var forhåndsestimatet også på 17,1.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:59
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Thin Lizzy
22.04.2020 kl 19:07
Ja, mange mente jo faktisk børsene var oppblåst allerede før koronaviruset skyllet over verden så den euforiske børsstemningen er ganske ubegripelig holdt opp mot realøkonomien og dennes utsikter nå. Fredagens oppgang på nesten 4% på ingenting eller sagt på en annen måte 2 x 'fake news' (Gilead med 'gjennombrudd' i form av medisin som helbreder koronavirusinfeksjon + snarlig åpning av amerikansk økonomi) kombinert med dagens oppgang mer enn oppveier nedgangen i går og mandag. Så stemningen er stor.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:59
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Thin Lizzy
22.04.2020 kl 18:47
Er jo vel kjent at denne pakken blir vedtatt. Må nok også til for å unngå et kolossalt ras av konkurser med det første. Pakken vedtas trolig endelig av the House imorra. Så da kan kanskje børsene stige enda en dag på pakken? Vi får se.
April 22 (Reuters) - Wall Street’s main indexes rose on Wednesday on signs of more stimulus to aid small businesses ride out the coronavirus-induced economic slump and a recovery in oil prices.
Neste pakke er samtidig allerede under oppseiling. Demokratenes forslag støttes av Trump mens det kan virke som om andre republikanere nå begynner å få kalde føtter...Senate Majority Mitch McConnell åpner istedet for å slå delstater konkurs som alternativ til flere pakker...
Congress eyes new virus aid, but McConnell signals 'pause'
Congress is sprinting to approve a $483 billion coronavirus aid package this week
22 April 2020, 18:20
WASHINGTON -- Congress is sprinting to approve a $483 billion coronavirus aid package, as the White House and lawmakers begin scoping out the next rescue deal for health care providers and an economy battered by the crisis.
The House is expected to vote Thursday on the latest bill, already passed by the Senate, which would replenish a small-business payroll fund and pump more money into hospitals and testing programs. President Donald Trump has said he would sign it into law.
But the bipartisan effort, Washington's fourth in response to the crisis, is not expected to be the last as lawmakers take unprecedented steps to confront the virus and prop up communities nationwide amid the health crisis.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the next priority must “support our heroes” — the front-line city and state workers — as cash-strapped local governments stare down gaping budget holes.
“We have health care workers, transit workers, police, fire, EMS all kinds of public employees, who risk their lives to save lives and now lose their jobs,” Pelosi said after the Senate vote. “This is most unfortunate, and they cannot stand.”
Trump has said he was open to including fiscal relief for state and local government in another virus aid package along with infrastructure projects.
But Senate Majority Mitch McConnell said Wednesday that Republicans will be extremely reluctant to engage in more spending, particularly for the states.
“We all have governors who would love to have free money,” McConnell said on the Hugh Hewitt radio show. He added: “We’re going to push the pause button here.”
He also raised the possibility of changing federal law so that states could file for bankruptcy —something they are not now permitted. He said he would be willing to allow states facing red ink to file for bankruptcy protections so they can reorganize the way local municipalities are able to do.
Such a change appeared highly unlikely — and would present dire consequences for state vendors, bondholders and pension funds. Even if Congress changed the law, that would raise constitutional issues that would likely end up before the Supreme Court.
Given McConnell's comments, it's not clear how soon the next bill will be drafted, although Trump has signaled he wants discussions to begin as soon as Congress finishes the current legislation.
April 22 (Reuters) - Wall Street’s main indexes rose on Wednesday on signs of more stimulus to aid small businesses ride out the coronavirus-induced economic slump and a recovery in oil prices.
Neste pakke er samtidig allerede under oppseiling. Demokratenes forslag støttes av Trump mens det kan virke som om andre republikanere nå begynner å få kalde føtter...Senate Majority Mitch McConnell åpner istedet for å slå delstater konkurs som alternativ til flere pakker...
Congress eyes new virus aid, but McConnell signals 'pause'
Congress is sprinting to approve a $483 billion coronavirus aid package this week
22 April 2020, 18:20
WASHINGTON -- Congress is sprinting to approve a $483 billion coronavirus aid package, as the White House and lawmakers begin scoping out the next rescue deal for health care providers and an economy battered by the crisis.
The House is expected to vote Thursday on the latest bill, already passed by the Senate, which would replenish a small-business payroll fund and pump more money into hospitals and testing programs. President Donald Trump has said he would sign it into law.
But the bipartisan effort, Washington's fourth in response to the crisis, is not expected to be the last as lawmakers take unprecedented steps to confront the virus and prop up communities nationwide amid the health crisis.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the next priority must “support our heroes” — the front-line city and state workers — as cash-strapped local governments stare down gaping budget holes.
“We have health care workers, transit workers, police, fire, EMS all kinds of public employees, who risk their lives to save lives and now lose their jobs,” Pelosi said after the Senate vote. “This is most unfortunate, and they cannot stand.”
Trump has said he was open to including fiscal relief for state and local government in another virus aid package along with infrastructure projects.
But Senate Majority Mitch McConnell said Wednesday that Republicans will be extremely reluctant to engage in more spending, particularly for the states.
“We all have governors who would love to have free money,” McConnell said on the Hugh Hewitt radio show. He added: “We’re going to push the pause button here.”
He also raised the possibility of changing federal law so that states could file for bankruptcy —something they are not now permitted. He said he would be willing to allow states facing red ink to file for bankruptcy protections so they can reorganize the way local municipalities are able to do.
Such a change appeared highly unlikely — and would present dire consequences for state vendors, bondholders and pension funds. Even if Congress changed the law, that would raise constitutional issues that would likely end up before the Supreme Court.
Given McConnell's comments, it's not clear how soon the next bill will be drafted, although Trump has signaled he wants discussions to begin as soon as Congress finishes the current legislation.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:59
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22.04.2020 kl 18:43
Be aware. Denne bør sees. Akkurat nå er vi i "bull-trap" modus iht artikkelen. Deretter kommer frykt og kapitulasjon.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:59
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22.04.2020 kl 16:30
WASHINGTON -- Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said he is sensitive to concerns about rising federal debt but emphasized that low interest rates and the urgency of helping the economy during the coronavirus outbreak cut in the other direction.
"This is a war, and we need to win this war and we need to spend what it takes to win the war," he said Wednesday morning on Fox Business. "We are sensitive to the economic impacts of putting on debt and that's something that the president is reviewing with us very carefully."
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday that Congress should "push the pause button" on future economic-relief packages and consider the potential impact on federal debt.
"This is a war, and we need to win this war and we need to spend what it takes to win the war," he said Wednesday morning on Fox Business. "We are sensitive to the economic impacts of putting on debt and that's something that the president is reviewing with us very carefully."
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday that Congress should "push the pause button" on future economic-relief packages and consider the potential impact on federal debt.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 20:59
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