B2Holding ASA: New share capital
B2Holding ASA: New share capital
Reference is made to the announcement made by B2Holding ASA on 18 July 2018
regarding the issuance of 1,500,000 new shares in the Company to Erik Just
Johnsen (CFO) as a result of exercised options under the share option program.
The share capital increase relating to the issuance of the new shares has now
been registered with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises. The
registered share capital of the Company is NOK 40,803,259.80, divided into
408,032,598 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.10.
For enquiries, please contact:
Olav Dalen Zahl,
CEO, B2Holding ASA
Mobile: +47 909 86 386
Email: odz@b2holding.no
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Se nyhetdetaljer og vedlegg (www.newsweb.no)
Reference is made to the announcement made by B2Holding ASA on 18 July 2018
regarding the issuance of 1,500,000 new shares in the Company to Erik Just
Johnsen (CFO) as a result of exercised options under the share option program.
The share capital increase relating to the issuance of the new shares has now
been registered with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises. The
registered share capital of the Company is NOK 40,803,259.80, divided into
408,032,598 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.10.
For enquiries, please contact:
Olav Dalen Zahl,
CEO, B2Holding ASA
Mobile: +47 909 86 386
Email: odz@b2holding.no
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Se nyhetdetaljer og vedlegg (www.newsweb.no)
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 08:20
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Full fest i B2H på aksjonærenes bekostning. Godt å sr at det ikke bare er Endre som driver med dette.
24.08.2018 kl 12:14
Du har skikkelig lyst på b2h aksjer nå skjønner jeg. Er bare å hive seg på B2holding toget, vi skal laaaangt opp.
Detta axa rælet er bare å selge. Gutta klarer jo ikke å skape noe bunnlinje der i gården.
Du har skikkelig lyst på b2h aksjer nå skjønner jeg. Er bare å hive seg på B2holding toget, vi skal laaaangt opp.
Detta axa rælet er bare å selge. Gutta klarer jo ikke å skape noe bunnlinje der i gården.
Redigert 24.08.2018 kl 12:15
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For å si det sånn, jeg klarer å ha to tanker i hode samtidig, også to aksjer.
Jeg tror på begge to, jeg. Jeg tror på bransjen.
Velger å tro at B2H vil gjøre det bra, og velger å tro at Fredriksen, Ferd, Tvenge, osv vet hva dem driver med i axa.
At noen plutselig ser fanden på veggen i axa er jo bare morsomt, men de om det.
Jeg tror på begge to, jeg. Jeg tror på bransjen.
Velger å tro at B2H vil gjøre det bra, og velger å tro at Fredriksen, Ferd, Tvenge, osv vet hva dem driver med i axa.
At noen plutselig ser fanden på veggen i axa er jo bare morsomt, men de om det.
24.08.2018 kl 12:52
Jeg eier begge deler. B2H er den sikre vinneren, AXA er den gærne onkelen som du ikke helt vet hvor du har ;)
ja mye svartmaling på Axa , Dere er noen raringer ikke mange som har skjønt at Axa er et vekst selskap og bunnlinjen kommer nok og vise seg på tallene i 2019. men tydligvis ikke mange som har staminia . så får flokken skryte at B2h er så mye bedre en Axa.
24.08.2018 kl 13:23
For å minne om det da hanibal...
Dette er en B2holding tråd og det er axa aksjonærer som begynte å skrive om axa her inne...
Dette er en B2holding tråd og det er axa aksjonærer som begynte å skrive om axa her inne...
Såpss takhøyde må man kunne ha, vi snakker inkasso og da er alt over innenfor å diskutere.
Hva synes Hanibal om at SS fikk aksjer i axa nede på 21 tallet??
Altså 2,1 tallet fra gamle dager?
Hva synes Hanibal om at SS fikk aksjer i axa nede på 21 tallet??
Altså 2,1 tallet fra gamle dager?
og du Varsom hvor mange ganger har ikke du vært inne på Axa sin tråd og snakket om hvor fantastisk B2 H er. jeg skriver som det passer
jeg bryr meg ikke om hvor fantastiske narsistiske enkelte er her inne, skal Dere få skyt gå til like sinnede
Narsisme. Jaja, man skal høre mye ?
Jeg sitter tungt i axa, inn og ut hele 2018, 2017 og 2016. Siste året har jeg ikke skrevet negativt om axa, mens andre sa at vi som trodde 20-25 var innen rekkevidde måtte være stokk dum. Fasiten viser hvem som fikk rett, og likevel er vi dumme narssister som eier 120.000 axa aksjer. Vet ikke om man skal le eller grine. Nok om det. Axa skal i 35 kr før jul! Og 50 kr innen 1 år!
nå gamlefar du begynner å ta til fornuften :)
Nærmere penger på gaten enn det var å få kjøpt denne på 16-17 er det vanskelig å komme
26.08.2018 kl 20:38
Dette blir en spennende uke i B2Holding!
Lurer på hvilken kurs vi ender på før fredag...
Lurer på hvilken kurs vi ender på før fredag...
27.08.2018 kl 09:53
B2HOLDING Expecting solid growth in collections We forecast a sharp rise in gross collections in Q2 to just above NOK1bn and lighter headwinds in the reported numbers from a slightly appreciating NOK. However, with increasing gross collections, we also see costs and amortisation rising, taking EBIT from NOK326m in Q1 to NOK337m in Q2, and EPS from NOK0.37 to NOK0.39. We estimate capex in Q2 of NOK1.7bn and the Expected Remaining Collections to come in just shy of NOK20bn. We have trimmed our 2019–2020e EPS by 1–2% as a result of the NOK appreciation and reiterate BUY with a NOK24 target price. The Q2 results are due at 07:00 CET on 31 August.
Gross collections guided up sharply. We estimate gross collections of NOK1,003m in Q2, based on the NOK1,056m expected remaining collection (ERC) guided in Q1, with some deductions for FX and other small adjustments. However, in turn we expect amortisation to rise from NOK232m in Q1 to NOK415m in Q2, and costs up from NOK308m to NOK387m. We expect a 32% increase in cash EBITDA from NOK582m to NOK765m, and a 3% increase in EBIT from NOK326m in Q1 to NOK337m, reflecting higher amortisation.
Small estimate changes. We have trimmed our 2019–2020e EPS by 1–2%, primarily the result of the slight NOK appreciation, which reduces the reported value of B2 Holding’s foreign business. We estimate Q2 capex of around NOK1.7bn, spread across various regions and secured and unsecured claims (the former made up 30% of the total ERC at the end of Q1).
BUY and NOK24 target price reiterated – 2018e ROE set to top 20%. We expect B2 Holding’s ROE to rise from c17% in 2017 to 21% in 2018, driven by operational leverage, higher gearing, and proportionately declining collection costs due to economies of scale. Also, we expect management to deliver on its guided NOK4bn+ annual NPL capex deployment, lifting leverage from an average of c60% in 2017 to c70% in 2018e (~30% equity ratio). At a 2018e ROE of 21%, we believe the stock is trading at an unwarranted discount to the high end of its debt collection peer group, justifying the ~20% upside potential from the current share price to our NOK24 target price. With valuation support and a strong footprint in developing markets, we continue to view the stock as attractively valued at a 2019e EV/EBIT of 19.9x
Gross collections guided up sharply. We estimate gross collections of NOK1,003m in Q2, based on the NOK1,056m expected remaining collection (ERC) guided in Q1, with some deductions for FX and other small adjustments. However, in turn we expect amortisation to rise from NOK232m in Q1 to NOK415m in Q2, and costs up from NOK308m to NOK387m. We expect a 32% increase in cash EBITDA from NOK582m to NOK765m, and a 3% increase in EBIT from NOK326m in Q1 to NOK337m, reflecting higher amortisation.
Small estimate changes. We have trimmed our 2019–2020e EPS by 1–2%, primarily the result of the slight NOK appreciation, which reduces the reported value of B2 Holding’s foreign business. We estimate Q2 capex of around NOK1.7bn, spread across various regions and secured and unsecured claims (the former made up 30% of the total ERC at the end of Q1).
BUY and NOK24 target price reiterated – 2018e ROE set to top 20%. We expect B2 Holding’s ROE to rise from c17% in 2017 to 21% in 2018, driven by operational leverage, higher gearing, and proportionately declining collection costs due to economies of scale. Also, we expect management to deliver on its guided NOK4bn+ annual NPL capex deployment, lifting leverage from an average of c60% in 2017 to c70% in 2018e (~30% equity ratio). At a 2018e ROE of 21%, we believe the stock is trading at an unwarranted discount to the high end of its debt collection peer group, justifying the ~20% upside potential from the current share price to our NOK24 target price. With valuation support and a strong footprint in developing markets, we continue to view the stock as attractively valued at a 2019e EV/EBIT of 19.9x
27.08.2018 kl 12:20
Patetisk kommentar på denne tråden!! Tviler sterkt på at du henter over investorer på denne måten. Høres mere ut som et skrik om hjelp. Fra et synkende ship. :-)
B2 ef solid, ingen tvil om d, men mye er nok tatt ut, når en ser kursmålet på 24kr, axa står nok i 40 om 12mnd
27.08.2018 kl 12:50
Investment case
We believe B2Holding is set to benefit gr
eatly from rapid growth in the European
NPL market and it has rapidly expanded into new countries in recent years. The
industry operates with an attractive ROE of above 20%.
The chairman of the board, CEO and ma
nagement all have extensive purchased
debt experience and networks in the market. We expect NPL investments to
grow strongly ahead, translating into significantly increased earnings and ROE.
Its recent increase in debt capacity is
set to speed up B2Holding’s investment
pace. Given the company’s ability to deliver in line with its trajectory, we see
reduced investment risk and expect an increase in the share price.
Main risks
Key downside risks: Failure to invest in NPLs, thus hampering growth; mispricing
of NPLs, which leaves low or negative
margins; high bidding competition that
increases the price paid for portfolios; fail
ure to collect on portfolios; and lack of
financing through banks or bond markets.
Estimate and valuation changes
The stock has lagged the Oslo stock exch
ange by 22% in the past six months,
while we have not changed our 2018-20E EP
S in this report. We reiterate our Buy
Investment case
We believe B2Holding is set to benefit gr
eatly from rapid growth in the European
NPL market and it has rapidly expanded into new countries in recent years. The
industry operates with an attractive ROE of above 20%.
The chairman of the board, CEO and ma
nagement all have extensive purchased
debt experience and networks in the market. We expect NPL investments to
grow strongly ahead, translating into significantly increased earnings and ROE.
Its recent increase in debt capacity is
set to speed up B2Holding’s investment
pace. Given the company’s ability to deliver in line with its trajectory, we see
reduced investment risk and expect an increase in the share price.
Main risks
Key downside risks: Failure to invest in NPLs, thus hampering growth; mispricing
of NPLs, which leaves low or negative
margins; high bidding competition that
increases the price paid for portfolios; fail
ure to collect on portfolios; and lack of
financing through banks or bond markets.
Estimate and valuation changes
The stock has lagged the Oslo stock exch
ange by 22% in the past six months,
while we have not changed our 2018-20E EP
S in this report. We reiterate our Buy
27.08.2018 kl 12:51
Hvor har du kursmålet ditt ? B2 analysen virker meget nøktern og troverdig. Har du tilsvarende for AXA ?:-)
27.08.2018 kl 13:16
urix skrev HVA TROR DU, Varsom?
Vi burde ligge oppunder kr. 20 innen utgangen av torsdagen.
Vi burde ligge oppunder kr. 20 innen utgangen av torsdagen.
Redigert 27.08.2018 kl 13:17
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27.08.2018 kl 13:22
bullen2 skrev Fikk ikke med target. Nordea har target 26
Nordea ser dermed en oppgang på ca. 37 %.
Det ligger for øyeblikket ca. 10 mill aksjer short.
Det er å håpe på at det ikke finnes flere aksjer å låne for shortting.
Hvis det er tilfelle, har ikke shorterne mere krutt å komme med.
Da kan vi få en real shortskvis i løpet av uken
Det ligger for øyeblikket ca. 10 mill aksjer short.
Det er å håpe på at det ikke finnes flere aksjer å låne for shortting.
Hvis det er tilfelle, har ikke shorterne mere krutt å komme med.
Da kan vi få en real shortskvis i løpet av uken
Snart superskvis i axa og b2, bare å lene seg tilbake....
28.08.2018 kl 09:50
Full fart nedover igjen. Short fungerer tydelig i denne. Når omsetningen skrumper inn.
Bare og legge seg på kjøp igjen.
Bare og legge seg på kjøp igjen.