The Diversity of Illegal Immigration

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26.08.2018 kl 00:51 307

Det er her vi gjør feil i Europa, og nå også i USA - "the melting pot" er erstattet av multikulturens "salad bowl" - vi aksepterer og respekterer kulturforskjellene og lager diskrimineringslover som virker direkte imot all integrering, samhold, fellesskap og felles mål. Resultatet blir gnisninger, misnøye, forskjellsbehandling og uro. Mange tror det vil ende i borgerkrig når opprinnelsesbefolkningen har fått nok av splittelse og særhensyn.

"Some of those with criminal records and gang affiliations were born in the United States. Perhaps America often does not seem as much a promised land to the second generation as it did to their parents, who arrived destitute from impoverished Oaxaca, Chiapas, and Central America. Arriving from one of the poorest regions in the world to one of the wealthiest and most culturally different— without the competitive requisites of English, legality, and a high-school diploma—in an era when the salad bowl is preferable to the melting pot, can easily result in the frequent chaos described below."