OBAMAGATE /FBI -skandalen vokser

USA 07.05.2020 kl 12:01 6163

Avsløringene ramler ut av skapet . Nå er også schifty Schitt i panic mode . Hele russia russia russia er en FBI/dnc/Obama-samrøre av historiske dimensjoner .

Sources say Russia probe transcripts affirm officials came up empty on collusion: 'Schiff is in panic mode'»

EXCLUSIVE: Transcripts of House Intelligence Committee interviews that have been cleared for release show top law enforcement and intelligence officials affirming they had no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, senior administration and intelligence community officials told

Blir tidenes boomerang mot Dems v/ schifty Schitt, butox Pelosi, samt FBI v/ wray, McCabe og ikke minst comic comey. ( og mange undertonene i FBI som Durham tar seg av. Pga Wuhan viruset er han forsinket til ca august . )

More to come...
Redigert 10.05.2020 kl 10:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.06.2020 kl 18:33 298


Sen. Lindsey Graham on Flynn case: This has become a complete joke, it somethin fishy here

Video link:https://video.foxnews.com/v/6167472177001
25.06.2020 kl 14:34 314


Michael Flynn’s lawyers said newly uncovered notes from former FBI official Peter Strzok indicate then-FBI Director James Comey appeared to downplay Flynn’s calls during the presidential transition with Russia's ambassador as “legit” during a meeting where then-President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden also weighed in.

The handwritten notes, purportedly penned by Strzok, were submitted by Flynn’s legal team on Wednesday as part of his court case, after acting U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin and the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia shared them with his attorneys.

Sherwin told Flynn attorneys Sidney Powell and Jesse Binnall on Tuesday that the notes were found as part of the Justice Department’s review of the Flynn case and that they were “taken by former Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok.”

“While the page itself is undated; we believe that the notes were taken in early January 2017, possibly between January 3 and January 5,” Sherwin wrote Tuesday.

On Wednesday, after a federal appeals court ordered Flynn’s case be dismissed, Powell filed the notes and claimed they produced “further stunning and exculpatory evidence” that was previously withheld from Flynn.

Powell wrote that the notes show that “Director Comey himself and the highest levels of the Obama Administration had the transcripts of Flynn’s phone calls with officials of other countries and knew General Flynn’s calls were lawful and proper.”

“Strzok’s notes believed to be of January 4, 2017, reveal that former President Obama, James Comey, Sally Yates, Joe Biden, and apparently Susan Rice discussed the transcripts of Flynn’s calls and how to proceed against him,” Powell wrote. “Mr. Obama himself directed that ‘the right people’ investigate General Flynn.”

She added: “This caused former FBI Director Comey to acknowledge the obvious: General Flynn’s phone calls with Ambassador Kislyak ‘appear legit.’”

Powell also wrote that according to the notes “it appears that Vice President Biden personally raised the idea of the Logan Act.”

“That became an admitted pretext to investigate General Flynn,” she added.
Flynn’s legal team attached the notes — a rough, handwritten document which at points is difficult to read and partially redacted and also includes shorthand. The lawyers also submitted their own typed transcription of those notes.

The transcription assumes that in Strzok's shorthand, "D" represents Director Comey, "VP" represents Vice President Biden, and "P" represents President Obama.

The notes state: “VP: ‘Logan Act,’ P: These are unusual times. VP: I’ve been on intel committee for ten years and I never. P: Make sure you look over things and have the right people on it. P: Is there anything I shouldn’t be telling the transition team? D: Flynn-> Kislyak calls but appear legit.”

It is not clear if the notes were intended to say what Flynn’s lawyers interpreted in their filing. But they essentially argue that Comey described Flynn's calls with Russia's ambassador which formed the basis for his fateful interview with the FBI as "legit." Further, they say the notes show Obama telling them to put the "right people" on the issue, and Biden himself raising the possibility of the "Logan Act," possible violations of which were cited in bringing Flynn in for the FBI interview.

Biden has previously gone back and forth about what he knew of the Flynn investigation during the transition period.

Last month, in an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Biden said he was “aware” at the time of the investigation.

“I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn,” Biden initially said, calling the topic a “diversion” from the coronavirus pandemic.
When pressed on whether he attended an Oval Office meeting on Jan. 5, 2017, where Flynn was discussed, Biden said that he was “aware that there was—that they asked for an investigation, but that’s all I know about it and I don’t think anything else.”

Meanwhile, the transcripts of Flynn’s phone calls with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were declassified and made public by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe. The transcripts detailed the discussions that would later lead to Flynn’s FBI interview and subsequent charges.

The documents include a key Dec. 29, 2016, conversation in which Flynn repeatedly urged Russia not to dramatically escalate tensions in response to sanctions imposed by the outgoing Obama Administration over election interference.

Redigert 25.06.2020 kl 14:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.06.2020 kl 10:43 331


On Wednesday, Flynn’s lawyers said newly uncovered notes from former FBI official Peter Strzok indicate that then-Vice President Joe Biden was involved in the decision to pursue the Logan Act case against Flynn.

The notes state: “VP: ‘Logan Act,’ P: These are unusual times. VP: I’ve been on intel committee for ten years and I never. P: Make sure you look over things and have the right people on it. P: Is there anything I shouldn’t be telling the transition team? D: Flynn-> Kislyak calls but appear legit.” (The transcription assumes that in Strzok's shorthand, "D" represents Director Comey, "VP" represents Vice President Biden, and "P" represents President Obama.)

This is the most important take away from this article. The Obama Admin directly discussed with the FBI how to frame Gen Flynn. From the President on down.


I mellomtiden sitter sleepy Joe musestille nede i kjelleren. Han våger ikke utnevne Susan R til sin potensielle VP, da hun åpenbart vil bli avslørt i Durham etterforskningen.

Redigert 25.06.2020 kl 10:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.06.2020 kl 23:12 620


Finally, a semblance of sanity has been restored to the law and Constitution in the misbegotten prosecution of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Wednesday ordered the controversial lower court judge, Emmet Sullivan, to follow the law by dismissing the false statements case wrongfully brought by the original federal prosecutors who were either incompetent or corrupt — maybe both.

Og dette samtidig Med at hjelpeløse nadler holder en patetisk høring opp mot DOJ v/Barr. Nadler har dummet seg ut , igjen
More to come
24.06.2020 kl 17:58 640


Appeals court orders Flynn case dismissal, after years-long legal saga
A federal appeals court on Wednesday ordered a lower court to allow the case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn to be dismissed, as requested by the Justice Department -- likely ending the years-long legal saga stemming from the Russia investigation.

The abrupt ending came in a 2-1 ruling and order from judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
This was the result of an appeal from Flynn's lawyers asking for a so-called writ of mandamus -- essentially an order telling a government official to carry out a certain duty -- directing District Judge Emmet Sullivan to approve the DOJ's motion to dismiss.

Sullivan did not immediately grant that motion and instead sought to hold hearings on the matter, angering Flynn allies.

The unusual move from Sullivan to keep the case alive despite prosecutors' wishes was preceded by an unusual move from the DOJ itself to drop the charges against Flynn even after he had pleaded guilty -- saying the FBI interview that led to his charge of lying to investigators about his contacts with Russia's ambassador had no "legitimate investigative basis."

It's unclear whether Sullivan could try to appeal to the full appeals court or even to the Supreme Court in order to keep the case alive. The next step otherwise would likely be for Sullivan to comply.

Wednesday's court order was direct, ordering "that Flynn’s petition for a writ of mandamus be granted in part; the District Court is directed to grant the government’s ... motion to dismiss; and the District Court’s order appointing an amicus is hereby vacated as moot, in accordance with the opinion of the court filed herein this date."

President Trump cheered the decision Wednesday morning, tweeting: "Great! Appeals Court Upholds Justice Departments Request To Drop Criminal Case Against General Michael Flynn!"

På sensommeren vil Durham starte pågripelsene...blir vanskelig å finne en VP kandidat til sleepy creepy joe når obamagate starter for alvor :)

Husk det famøse FBI-planleggingsmøte med Comic COmey; "What is our goal?" one of the notes read. "Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?"
Redigert 24.06.2020 kl 17:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.06.2020 kl 20:07 680


Jason Chaffetz on Durham probe: I expect indictments, reform the FBI
Jason Chaffetz discusses his expectations for the Durham probe and calls for FBI reform

Video link:https://video.foxnews.com/v/6166392236001
22.06.2020 kl 19:55 686

Vil anbefale alle, spesielt fredrik fake news, å se WH press briefing med fyrverkeriet Kayleigh McEnany. Hun er helt fantastisk ! Hun setter hele det hatefulle fake news media ettertrykkelig på plass. Legg spesielt merke til de psykotiske hatefulle spørsmålene, som i realiteten ikke er spørsmål, men syke forutintatte "analyser" fra fake news media. SKAMMELIG NIVÅ PÅ FAKE NEWS. Til og med Nadler , vil ikke ha noe med snaktoungue John at bestille. Sier vell sitt.
22.06.2020 kl 19:28 698

Barak do nothin Obama vil ikke få fengselsstraff, men en rekke korrupte medløpere. Obamagate vil rydde stort opp i deep state dems-kulturen som i hovedsak består i å kjøpe seg makt/innflytelse PAY FOR PLAY. Her har en rekke europeiske ledere/organisasjoner også deltatt..., samme system hadde forøvrig din helt jeffrey Ep...
22.06.2020 kl 15:41 726


Barr said that he was surprised by the overall lack of public interest in Durham's investigation, which follows a Justice Department Inspector General report that revealed inaccuracies and omissions in applications for warrants to conduct surveillance of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

"So that has been surprising to me, that people aren't concerned about civil liberties and the integrity of our governmental process in terms of the future of Durham's investigation," Barr said. "You know, he's pressing ahead as hard as he can. And I expect that, you know, we will have some developments hopefully before the end of the summer."

Barr admitted that the ongoing pandemic resulted in a delay, but that Durham has been able to continue doing some work on his investigation. He also made it clear that Durham will continue after November's election, although he noted that "what happens after the election may depend on who wins the election."

Barr would not get into many details of Durham's probe, but he did recognize that investigators are looking into the transition period following Trump's victory in 2016, including the unmasking of Michael Flynn, who had been in contact with a Russian ambassador. Flynn pleaded guilty to lying about those contacts, but has since fought back against the case, alleging FBI misconduct.

"I would say it's unusual for an outgoing administration, high level officials, to be unmasking very, you know, very much in the days they're preparing to leave office," Barr said. "Makes you wonder what they were doing.".....

11.06.2020 kl 22:14 780

OBAMAGATE /Fredrik fake news

“The day after that, Jan. 6, Jim Comey, the FBI director, goes to Trump Tower and briefs President-elect Trump on the dossier he already knows is false and he knows is Russian disinformation and he knows is paid for by the Clinton campaign,” he continued.

Jordan then pointed out that two weeks later Comey “sneaks two agents into the White House to set up and trap Gen. Flynn.”

“And this judge is talking about abuse of power now?” Jordan asked.

He added, “This is how the left operates and I think the American people see this for what it is.”

Host Ed Henry asked Jordan if he thinks U.S. Attorney John Durham, who is conducting a probe into federal surveillance abuses, is “going to get to the bottom of this?”

“I do,” Jordan said in response. “I hear good reports and I have the utmost confidence in the attorney general of the United States and he has the utmost confidence in U.S. Attorney John Durham so I do think they are going to get to the bottom of it.”

More og come .... sleepy joe/ princess Pelosi/nadler/schifty Schitt N comic comey +++ Game over

11.06.2020 kl 22:08 784

Fake news/pf. Av den enkle grunn at du må evne å forholde deg til annet enn fake news no 1. Nyt/WP og cnn. Obamagate kommer til å slå ned som en «bombe» når Durham setter opp listen over wanted . Blir ikke mange dems /deep state igjen til valgkampen i oktober . Durham noterer flittig , og avduker i ca august

Fredrik fake news m fl har vært en del av denne hatkampanje mot den suverene folkevalgte presidenten. Fredrik fake news m fl vil stå ribbet tilbake som den ultimate klovnen
Redigert 11.06.2020 kl 22:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
11.06.2020 kl 21:59 790


Hvorfor hører ikke vi andre om dette `???????????????

Tror du og dine konspirasjonsvenner ser spøkelser på høylys dag.

PS.Det finnes piller mot slikt.
11.06.2020 kl 21:51 796

Obamagate Ruller videre. Dems/deep state in panic mode

Jim Jordan on latest development in Flynn case: Why James Comey is the 'central figure'

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told on Thursday that former FBI Director James Comey is the “central figure” in the case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Jordan made the point one day after John Gleeson, the attorney and retired judge who was appointed by Judge Emmet Sullivan to submit a brief discussing whether federal prosecutors should be able to dismiss their case against Flynn, insisted in a filing that not only does Sullivan have the authority to reject the government’s request, but also that he should do so.

The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure state that prosecutors may dismiss a case “with leave of court.” At issue in the Flynn case now is exactly what level of discretion this gives the court. Gleeson argues that it covers the current situation, claiming that federal prosecutors gave a pretext for why they want to drop the case.

“Facts surrounding the filing of the government’s motion constitute clear evidence of gross prosecutorial abuse,” Gleeson wrote in the filing. “They reveal an unconvincing effort to disguise as legitimate a decision to dismiss that is based solely on the fact that Flynn is a political ally of President Trump.”

“What's rich here is Judge Gleeson using the term ‘abuse of power,’” Jordan said in response. “Are you kidding me?”

He then pointed out that when Gleeson was still serving as a judge, he wrote in 2013 that prosecutors have "near-absolute power" to dismiss a case. He claimed that courts are "generally required" to grant a prosecutor’s motion to dismiss unless it is "clearly contrary to manifest public interest."

“Now he suddenly changed, which shows how political this is from his perspective and I think from Judge Sullivan’s perspective,” Jordan said.

He then noted a timeline of events, which he said shows Comey is an example of someone abusing power.

“Jan. 4, 2017, the FBI is going to drop the case against General Flynn and Jim Comey tells [former FBI agent] Peter Strzok, ‘Go tell the agents don't drop the case, we’re going to go after Flynn,’” Jordan said, adding that the “very next day” Comey “meets with President Obama and talks about the Michael Flynn case.”

Comic snaketongue Comey.. game over
Redigert 11.06.2020 kl 21:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.06.2020 kl 06:35 837

OBAMAGATE..... ikke rart democRATS, deep state og fake news er i panic mode

Barr says familiar names among those DOJ is investigating in Durham probe, calls findings 'very troubling'

Attorney General Bill Barr told that Americans will be able to recognize "some" of the names under investigation as part of U.S. Attorney John Durham's ongoing probe into federal surveillance abuses -- and that he is "very troubled" by "what has been called to" his attention so far.

Barr asserted that despite the coronavirus pandemic, the Durham team "has been working very aggressively to move forward," and that there "will be public disclosure" of his findings.

"I think before the election, I think we're concerned about the motive force behind the very aggressive investigation that was launched into the Trump campaign without, you know, with a very thin, slender reed as a basis for it," "It seemed that the bureau was sort of spring-loaded at the end of July to drive in there and investigate a campaign."

The Justice Department's (DOJ's) watchdog has identified critical errors in every FBI wiretap application that it audited as part of the fallout from the bureau's heavily flawed investigation into former Trump adviser Carter Page, who was surveilled during the campaign in part because of a largely discredited dossier funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Additionally, an ex-FBI lawyer in that case even falsified a CIA email submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court in order to make Page's communications with Russians appear nefarious, the DOJ inspector general found. The FBI lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, was allegedly told by the CIA that Page had reported his Russian contacts and was essentially acting as an informant -- only for Clinesmith to allegedly omit that exculpatory information in a surveillance warrant application that framed Page's communications with Russians as a sign that he was a secret foreign agent.

Barr said he couldn't comment on whether criminal charges were coming, including concerning Clinesmith -- but that people shouldn't become impatient. The DOJ has concluded that the Page warrant was legally improper and lacked probable cause.

"We can't discuss future charges. But I have to say that I do find a little irritating," Barr said. "You know, the propensity in the American public on all sides of the political spectrum when they see something they think could be a criminal violation, I say, why hasn't this person been indicted again? And, you know, there's the old saying that that the wheels of justice grind slow and they do run slow because we have due process and we follow the process. But people should not draw from the fact that no action has been taken that taken yet, that that means that people or people are going to get away with wrongdoing."

The attorney general emphasized, however, that he wasn't concerned about criticisms of the Durham probe in an election year. MORE TO COME
Redigert 10.06.2020 kl 06:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.06.2020 kl 19:46 858


Former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell told Monday that his time in the Trump administration has shown him that the great political struggle is no longer between Republicans and Democrats, but between the District of Columbia and the rest of the U.S.

In his first TV interview since leaving the administration, Grenell explained a tweet he posted Saturday in response to criticism of Trump from former Defense Secretary James Mattis.

"The fact of the matter is," Grenell said, "we have a real problem in Washington, D.C., because it’s a system that it no longer is Republicans and Democrats pushing against each other to create good policy. It’s a fight between Washington and the rest of America."

"What we have [is] a system in Washington where people get jobs if you're there, if you know someone and you work your way up, and it’s like musical chairs from one agency to another," Grenell added. "There is no outside thought, there's no outside perspective."

Grenell, who also spent two years as U.S. ambassador to Germany, characterized Trump as a great disruptor of this insular system.

"He's breaking their system," he said. "He doesn't play by the rules.

"I saw that at ODNI," Grenell added. "I saw that by entering the intelligence world, and senators from the Democratic Party saying, 'You have no experience, what are you doing — why should you be there?''"

Grenell specifically called out Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, by noting that Grenell had received his first intelligence briefing back in 2001, before Warner was elected to public office.

"He said that I wasn’t qualified," Grennell said of Warner. "I actually am a receiver of intelligence, and [I'm] an expert on the consumer part of the intelligence and how to utilize it, but that perspective is never brought to Washington."

09.06.2020 kl 14:37 873

Barr says FBI was ‘spring-loaded’ to investigate Trump campaign, ignored ‘exculpatory evidence’

In an exclusive interview Attorney General Bill Barr faulted the FBI for taking a “very aggressive” approach to investigating suspected Trump campaign ties to Russia and continuing to push forward even when, he says, their evidence was “falling apart.”

Barr alleged the bureau was eager to investigate President Trump's team both before the election and after he won in November 2016..

“I think before the election, I think we were concerned about the motive force behind the very aggressive investigation that was launched into the Trump campaign without — you know, with a very thin, slender reed as a basis for it,” Barr said in the two-part interview. The second part will air Tuesday at 6 p.m. EDT on Fox News’ “Special Report with Bret Baier.”

“It seemed that the bureau was sort of spring-loaded at the end of July to drive in there and investigate a campaign,” Barr added.

Barr went on to say that “there really wasn't much there to do that on, and that became more and more evident as they went by, but they seemed to have ignored all the exculpatory evidence that was building up and continued pell-mell to push it forward.”

The attorney general said that effort remained intense following Trump’s election, even as –­ he said –­ it became "painfully obvious" there was little basis.

“The other area of concern is that after the election, even though they were closing down, some of it as we've seen in the [Michael] Flynn case and say there's nothing here, for some reason they went right back at it, even at a time where the evidentiary support or claimed support, like the dossier, was falling apart,” Barr said, referencing the dossier compiled by ex-British spy Christopher Steele as part of Democratic opposition research.

“And it's — it's very hard to understand why they continued to push and even make public in testimony that they had an investigation going, when it was becoming painfully obvious, or should have been obvious to anyone, that there was nothing there,” he continued.

The question of when senior FBI officials knew about the weaknesses of the dossier has been a focus of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, who has been investigating the Russia probe’s origins. Graham pointed to how Steele’s sub-source had said during an FBI interview that the dossier was not accurate, even though it ended up being used to support a warrant application to conduct surveillance of Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

“I believe it goes to the very top, and I’m going to get to the bottom of it and that means Sally Yates and Rosenstein, and McCabe and Comey are all going to come before the committee and they’re going to be asked, ‘What did you know and when did you know it?’” Graham said.

Meanwhile, Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham continues his probe into the Russia investigation’s origins, which could potentially result in criminal charges.

Barr, for his part, has been under fire from Democrats, including for the decision to drop the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to investigators. The DOJ, though, has since challenged the basis for the FBI interview that led to the guilty plea.
Redigert 09.06.2020 kl 14:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.06.2020 kl 14:21 878

OBAMAGATE ruller videre. Flere og flere deep state members IN PANIC mode. Her blir det full panikk når Durham avslører det hele. Gled dere til neste høring i senatet

Video link:https://video.foxnews.com/v/6162557733001

07.06.2020 kl 23:03 935


Sen. Graham refuses to let FISA abuse get pinned on low-level FBI staff: 'I believe it goes to the very top'

Sen. Lindsey Graham says that he plans on calling former FBI Director James Comey and former deputy director Andrew McCabe to testify before his Senate Judiciary Committee, because he doubts they were unaware the dossier compiled by ex-British spy Christopher Steele had been debunked before it was used to get a FISA warrant to monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

After former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein denied having knowledge of any altered documents or that the Steele dossier had been disavowed beforehand, McCabe responded by saying that Rosenstein’s claim that he was misled by him or anyone else at the FBI “are completely false.” Graham, R-S.C., told that he wants to press McCabe on his knowledge regarding the FBI’s interview with Steele’s sub-source, who denied the information in the dossier.

“Here’s what I would say to Mr. McCabe,” Graham said. “In the warrant application by the FBI and Department of Justice to the FISA court, you said that the Russian sub-source was truthful and cooperative. Inspector General Horowitz found a memo about the interview with the Russian sub-source saying the Russian sub-source disavowed all the information in the dossier, that it wasn’t reliable, that it was bar talk, it was hearsay, it shouldn’t be used to get a warrant.”

Graham said he is determined to make sure high-ranking officials who knew what was going on are held accountable.
Redigert 07.06.2020 kl 23:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.06.2020 kl 12:33 965



Video link:https://video.foxnews.com/v/6161857552001

Von Spakovsky on Senate Homeland Security Committee authorizing subpoenas in Russia probe review
Reaction and analysis from Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation.


04.06.2020 kl 14:21 989


Senat høringene startet. Her blir d BBQ ( ikke tilfeldig at Barak do nothing Obama finner det opportunt med en avsporing-fake news media tale samme dag, han er i PANIC mode)

Rosen/mccabe skylder på hverandre, mens kuppet blir avslørt.

Video link:https://video.foxnews.com/v/6161535754001

More to come, Finn frem popcorn
03.06.2020 kl 23:24 1014


De første guttene er i gang med forklaringene sine

McCabe accuses Rosenstein of giving ‘false’ testimony on Comey memos
28.05.2020 kl 23:05 1045



New papers make CLEAR that the Obama Administration SPIED, in an unprecedented manner, on the Trump Campaign and beyond, and even on the United States Senate. Nobody would ever have believed that this level of illegality and corruption would be taking place in our beautiful USA!
Redigert 28.05.2020 kl 23:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.05.2020 kl 22:33 1052



Obama's team knew before Mueller there was no collusion

K.T. McFarland reacts to Lindsey Graham calling Rod Rosenstein to testify before an oversight committee on the Russia investigation

Video link:https://video.foxnews.com/v/6160037670001

Kuppforsøket vil bli avkledd

Fredrik fake news/jhabba WAKE UP
28.05.2020 kl 21:44 1061


Jhabba/fredrik fake news, WAKE UP, les dere opp !

Johnson has scheduled the “business meeting” to consider authorizing subpoenas for June 4 — the same day that the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., will also vote to authorize subpoenas as part of their investigation.

The potential subpoenas from the Senate Judiciary Committee would cover documents, communications and witness testimony in a public setting or behind closed doors for any “current or former executive branch official or employee involved in the 'Crossfire Hurricane' investigation.”

Graham is seeking testimony from former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and others.

The subpoena authorizations at the Judiciary Committee would also cover any documents, communications and testimony “related to any aforementioned matter” from a range of current and former officials.
Slettet bruker
28.05.2020 kl 13:43 1076

Si ifra om trump klarer å forklare hva Obamagate er.
28.05.2020 kl 13:42 1079


The attorney for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is alleging that former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team pursued Flynn's prosecution solely to prolong its investigation of President Trump.

Fredrik fake news, WAKE up
27.05.2020 kl 14:49 1099


Doug Collins says the Flynn probe was about 'getting' Trump, hurting the new administration

Rep. Doug Collins on Wednesday explained that the FBI's Trump-Russia investigation had corrupt motives to sabotage the Trump administration from the beginning, specifically the way in which the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn was pursued.

“This was about getting at a president. Let’s make that very clear,” Collins, R-Ga., told .”

“The whole investigation was centered around if we can get Flynn or we can get others to either lie or to do something, then we can get President Trump. This was all about power and making sure President Trump’s administration did not get off on the right foot.”

Collins reacted to Richard Grenell's move to declassify a new batch of Russia probe documents on his way out as acting director of national intelligence, leaving the decision on whether to make those files public up to newly sworn-in Director John Ratcliffe.

The documents include transcripts of phone calls that Gen. Flynn and then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak had in December 2016, during the presidential transition period.

Collins said he does not believe anything on the call would amount to a "smoking gun" showing corruption, likening it to any conversation between world leaders. He pointed back to 2012, when President Obama told then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev he'd have more "flexibility" to negotiate after that year's election was decided.

Collins reacted to Richard Grenell's move to declassify a new batch of Russia probe documents on his way out as acting director of national intelligence, leaving the decision on whether to make those files public up to newly sworn-in Director John Ratcliffe.

The documents include transcripts of phone calls that Gen. Flynn and then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak had in December 2016, during the presidential transition period.

Collins said he does not believe anything on the call would amount to a "smoking gun" showing corruption, likening it to any conversation between world leaders. He pointed back to 2012, when President Obama told then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev he'd have more "flexibility" to negotiate after that year's election was decided.

Fredrick fake news: “very significant in understanding how intelligence was manipulated to support launching the Russia investigation.”
Redigert 27.05.2020 kl 15:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.05.2020 kl 13:46 1103

OBAMAGATE ruller videre. Selv ikke PRC-agenten hos Twitter klarer å stanse avsløringen av denne episke skandalen.

Jordan, 56, who serves as ranking member of both the House judiciary and oversight committees, then addressed the Michael Flynn case, in which the Justice Department sought to drop charges of lying to investigators against the former White House national security adviser. Jordan said he hoped to soon see transcripts of Flynn’s phone calls with former Russian diplomat Sergey Kislyak, which reportedly sparked the Russia investigation into the Trump campaign.

“I really want to see that call,” Jordan said, “and just as importantly I want to see the 302, the notes taken when the two agents – Comey snuck ’em into the White House to set up General Flynn and trap General Flynn.”

Jordan added he was hoping that John Ratcliffe, the newly installed director of national intelligence, would make the information available.”

Jordan also credited Ratcliffe’s predecessor, Rick Grenell, with doing an “outstanding job” of uncovering information regarding the Flynn case.

“We know Rick Grenell, in three months -- I said this last week, I think -- compare three months of Rick Grenell to three years of [FBI Director] Chris Wray,” Jordan said. “Rick Grenell’s done an outstanding job. John Ratcliffe’s going to continue that outstanding work.

”But I look forward to seeing this document because what we’ve learned because of Rick Grenell’s efforts, [Flynn lawyer] Sidney Powell’s efforts, Attorney General Barr’s efforts … Jim Comey was the common denominator through it all. I hope John Durham [investigating the origins of the Russia probe] is still giving Mr. Comey a strong look.”

BTW. Tlf utskriftene inneholder i realiteten ikke noe spesielt, men.. det er jo det som gjør det til en mega episk skandale. Flynn hadde ikke gjort noe ulovlig, men de måtte stanse han fordi han , men sin bakgrunn, ville avslørt hele OFBI. More to come , !!
26.05.2020 kl 23:26 1128

Nikab.. husk at NRK , og spesielt Fredrik fake news / Karianne batti TV er mer ekstrem enn «liberal network». Pay for play er dessverre utbredt blant disse blinde flokkdyrene.
26.05.2020 kl 11:38 1157


It's 'very obvious' the liberal media got played by ex-Obama officials

CNN peddled a false narrative in their Russia investigation coverage and it is "very obvious" they were played by Obama-era officials following the release of new Russia probe transcripts, Katie Pavlich stated Wednesday

In an interview on the "Brian Kilmeade Show," Pavlich said she believes the liberal network is trying to cover for years of "false" coverage by attacking right-wing media coverage of the case against former Trump National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn and the events surrounding his investigation and eventual guilty plea.

"They used people like John Brennan and people from the FBI who were fired like Andrew McCabe -- who was then under investigation for lying to investigators. They used what they were saying as fact," she remarked.

"Do you remember all of the anonymous sourcing that we heard about? And every single bombshell story [that was] completely anonymously sourced?" asked Pavich. "Well, it wasn't sourced based on documents. It was based on political operatives from the Obama administration who continue to carry over this narrative."

Pavlich said Democrats thought they would never get caught because they underestimated President Trump's appointees, like Acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell and thought House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., would keep information "behind closed doors."

As Fox News previously reported, Grenell made the decision to declassify information about Obama administration officials who were involved in the “unmasking” of Flynn.

"They never thought it would come to fruition and they look like fools..." Pavlich asserted. "Instead of taking a hard look at why they reported things incorrectly for years, they're just trying to change the narrative."

Responding to a clip of CNN host and media critic Brian Stelter, Pavlich took issue with the argument that the Flynn case does not deserve coverage because of the coronavirus pandemic.

"This is not a scandal for President Trump. You know, it's not his fault that the virus came from China. It's a Chinese virus. This is something that has happened to the country. This is not something that he did and then covered up. It's something that he's managing to the best of his ability.

"But, this is not a scandal for the Trump administration, as he claims," Pavlich told host Brian Kilmeade.

A video montage highlighting Stelter's change of heart regarding whether or not the Russia probe is newsworthy went viral on Tuesday, garnering more than 1.4 million views since it was published.
Fredrik fake news, wake up !
Redigert 26.05.2020 kl 11:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.05.2020 kl 07:25 1163


"Even if no felony prosecution is ever brought as a result of this, this is a political scandal of the highest order and the American people should be paying attention."

Fredrik fake news , wake up !
25.05.2020 kl 18:28 1187


Dan Bongino on Durham's FBI-Russia probe: I'll be 'stunned' if FBI lawyer isn't prosecuted

“The FBI lawyer who manipulated the email about Carter Page to make it appear that he was a Russian asset when, in fact, he was an American asset against the Russians -- how he stays out of prison or prosecution is beyond me -- if he’s not prosecuted, I would be stunned,”

Page was a central figure in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into whether members of the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential election. Mueller did not find any wrongdoing by Page and was unable to substantiate the anti-Trump dossier’s claims about him.

Bongino also said whoever leaked the unmasking of General Michael Flynn to the Washington Post “unquestionably” committed a federal felony.
Redigert 25.05.2020 kl 18:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.05.2020 kl 14:00 1212


Dems-dommeren i panic mode. Hele deep state er iferd med å bli EXPOSED!

Judge in Flynn case hires lawyer as appeals court reviews his decision not to dismiss: report
By Sam Dorman | Fox News

U.S. District Court Judge Emmett G. Sullivan has taken the unusual step of hiring an attorney to represent him as an appeals court reviews his decision not to immediately grant the Justice Department's (DOJ's) request to dismiss its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Sullivan hired attorney Beth Wilkinson who, according to The Washington Post, is expected to notify the D.C. Court of Appeals within the next week of her decision to represent him. Wilkinson reportedly is a go-to for high-profile officials in difficult situations. For example, she previously represented then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as he fought sexual misconduct allegations in 2018.

The added representation compounded what has become an abnormal case, which is rooted in Flynn misleading the FBI about his contacts with Russia after the 2016 presidential election. Although Flynn pleaded guilty, he's currently seeking to withdraw that plea as the Justice Department argues that the FBI had an insufficient basis to interview him in the first place.

Rather than granting the DOJ's dismissal, Sullivan appointed a retired judge to argue against the department’s position and to consider whether Flynn should be held in criminal contempt for perjury.

Flynn's attorneys responded with an emergency petition Tuesday arguing that Sullivan had “egregiously” overstepped his authority. They argued that the judge “has no authority to adopt the role of prosecutor or change the issues in the case.”

“This is an umpire who has decided to steal public attention from the players and focus it on himself,” the lawyers wrote. “He wants to pitch, bat, run bases, and play shortstop. In truth, he is way out in left field.” Flynn's lawyers are seeking to essentially bypass Sullivan in getting the case dismissed.

Sullivan has scheduled arguments on the dismissal motion for July 16. In the meantime, the FBI has opened an internal review into how the bureau handled the investigation into Flynn -- something that caught renewed scrutiny after FBI notes showed the agency discussing whether it intended to "get him to lie."

Redigert 24.05.2020 kl 14:01 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.05.2020 kl 10:02 1246


Anbefaler denne videoen til helgeunderholdning;


Beklageligvis kommer sannheten fram...
23.05.2020 kl 09:01 1251



Husk at PDF/Jhabba er i lommen på det manipulerende kommunistdiktaturet , og spyr ut manipulerende propaganda for plyndrer/Wuhan-virus nasjonen.

President Trump has tweeted feverishly about "Obamagate," which is loosely defined as everything the Obama-Biden team did using their executive branch powers to ruin Trump's candidacy (and then presidency).

The Trump-loathing media have responded with an unusual tactic. The self-appointed guardians of democracy, who have auditioned themselves as America's great explainers, are playing dumb. ( som fredrik fake news )

Yahoo News hosted a virtual town hall with former Vice President Joe Biden on May 19. Dylan Stableford reported: "Biden was also asked about ... the so-called Obamagate conspiracy, which revolves around a vague allegation that the former president illegally tried to sabotage the Trump campaign, or was involved in an effort to entrap Trump's adviser Michael Flynn into lying to the FBI. Trump has referred to the invented scandal numerous times in recent weeks, although when a reporter asked him to specify what it was about he declined."

Liberals call the Obama scandals "invented," but the invention here is the entire Russian-collusion narrative. Newly released documents show Obama aides screamed "collusion" on cable TV but admitted to Congress they had no evidence. No wonder journalists who energetically pushed a false narrative are playing dumb now. ( Som Fredrik fake news)

Biden said of Trump: "This is his pattern: diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion! Don't speak to whatever the issues before us are." Biden and his media enablers want the dominant story to be Trump's allegedly horrible coronavirus response. Don't look into the origins of the Russia probe.

These ersatz historians who love comparing every Republican scandal to Watergate can't seem to grasp with their brains how Obama might have been getting intelligence on incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's contact with the Russians during the Trump transition, and supervising FBI attempts to entrap Flynn. (Fredrik fake news, wake up)

This effort didn't sound "vague" when it was discovered that FBI "professionals" said bluntly that they went to the White House "to get him to lie" so they could "prosecute him or get him fired."

The May 15 episode of "Washington Week" on PBS displayed a cavalcade of confusion.

CBS News White House reporter Weijia Jiang, who's attempting to rival Jim Acosta of CNN in needling the president with gotcha questions, complained: "Even the president himself was not able to offer clarity about what crime was committed. I mean he's talking about people should go to jail. He has coined yet another phrase, Obamagate, to talk about this. And he hasn't talked about what he's talking about, and that doesn't matter sometimes."

Associated Press White House reporter Jonathan Lemire made it sound like the Obama years are back again, since he couldn't find an Obama scandal anywhere.

"There's no real sense of a scandal here among most observers," Lemire said. "Most observers" can be defined as the press pool that voted overwhelmingly for Obama – twice.

"Obamagate ... it's a nickname for a scandal that doesn't seem to have a there there," Lemire added. "He hasn't elaborated on what it's about."

Then PBS’s "Washington Week" host Robert Costa (who is also a Washington Post reporter) asked Abby Phillip of CNN how the Biden campaign is responding to these Obamagate messages.

Phillip said the campaign has studied what went wrong with Hillary Clinton in 2016 and been "very aggressive" in undermining Trump's attempts to "rebrand" all the Trump investigations as an Obama-Biden scandal. "So they're really trying to put pressure on media organizations to not cover this incredulously and to really take a skeptical look at all of this," she said.

Programs like these suggest that Team Biden either is incredibly effective at pressuring reporters to be scandal deniers or never had to pressure them in the first place. (Fredrik fake news..... pay for play?)

Video link:https://video.foxnews.com/v/6157058211001

Anbefaler denne videoen, da Kay tar pressen i skole, oppsummerer OBAMAGATE på en grei måte, og gir pressen HJEMMELEKSE. Går direkte til Fredrik fake news !
Redigert 23.05.2020 kl 09:13 Du må logge inn for å svare