
Antall innlegg: 35
Siste innlogging: 16.07.2024 kl 12:54

Siste innlegg

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Energi PGS 08:09 RE: -- PGS overgår analytikernes forventinger "spås gå 13 gangern" 1701
Energi PGS 00:58 RE: $$$PPPGGGSSS$$$ PARTY-TIME "Are you ready 4 the launch?" 🚀🚀🚀 [1] 3597
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Energi PGS 07:04 RE: $$$PPPGGGSSS$$$ PARTY-TIME "Are you ready 4 the launch?" 🚀🚀🚀 [12] 3728
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Energi SIOFF 13:38 RE: Sioff [1] 4568
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Energi PGS 10:03 RE: $$$PPPGGGSSS$$$ PARTY-TIME "Are you ready 4 the launch?" 🚀🚀🚀 [1] 3887
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Energi PGS 01:53 RE: $$$PPPGGGSSS$$$ PARTY-TIME "Are you ready 4 the launch?" 🚀🚀🚀 [1] 5121
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Energi PGS 12:43 RE: Pgs - PGS Signs Multi-Year MultiClient Library Access Agreement [3] 3255
Energi PGS 11:07 RE: Pgs - PGS Signs Multi-Year MultiClient Library Access Agreement 3546
Energi PGS 10:55 RE: Pgs - PGS Signs Multi-Year MultiClient Library Access Agreement 3660
Energi PGS 10:46 RE: Pgs - PGS Signs Multi-Year MultiClient Library Access Agreement [2] 3737
Energi PGS 10:33 RE: Pgs - PGS Signs Multi-Year MultiClient Library Access Agreement [4] 3879
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Energi SHLF 08:34 RE: SHLF -Et enkelt teknisk bilde [3] 2949
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Energi PGS 09:17 RE: $$$PPPGGGSSS$$$ PARTY-TIME "Are you ready 4 the launch?" 🚀🚀🚀 3095
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Energi OLJE 20:03 RE: Olja til 150$ [8] 4008
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Energi PGS 14:54 RE: $$$PPPGGGSSS$$$- Partytime! [1] 3440
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Energi PGS 12:14 RE: Fremtiden er seismisk! 5301
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Energi PGS 19:39 RE: Shorten i PGS 10025
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Energi PGS 11:30 RE: Et vanvittig teknisk bilde. Vol. 3 7691
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Energi PGS 16:32 RE: PGS – Et vanvittig teknisk bilde -Vol. 2. [1] 2895
Energi PGS 16:30 RE: Avklaring på gjeld i PGS 3702