Øyner sterk sommer i supply - GEOS, SDSD, VSSAB

GEOS 19.02.2021 kl 01:45 3878

Øyner sterk sommer i supply Til sommeren venter SDSD imidlertid at det blir mangel på store supplyskip i Nordsjøen.
«Videre tror vi ikke at alle skip som er i opplag vil komme tilbake til markedet i år på grunn av økonomiske begrensninger og behov for klassing», heter det.

Muligheter for grei oppgang her, olje tilbake til pre-covid, mine favoriter jeg følger med.

Golden Engery Offshore
Standard Drilling
Viking Supply
16.01.2022 kl 17:56 3422

Olje opp på $86 og 3 av 4 PSV’er på jobb mens MCap fortsatt ligger på $35mil.
Selskapet fortsatt jobber med å selge Energy Scout eller finne andre muligheter i ESG segmentet.
Slettet bruker
12.03.2022 kl 12:22 3105

Knall sterke rater på alle båtene ut 2022👍
Slettet bruker
15.03.2022 kl 11:47 2950

Utrolig spannende med 100 dollar fatet, må bli bull dette.
Slettet bruker
15.03.2022 kl 15:34 2882

Vi har kontrakter med satte ratee ut sommeren.

Uavhenig av oljen.
15.03.2022 kl 15:52 2862

Har du ikke annet å finne på om dagene??
Slettet bruker
15.03.2022 kl 19:17 2765

Jeg fikk tatt noen nye lodd i dag. Kommer rekyl.
15.03.2022 kl 19:46 2731

Hvorfor har den falt så mye i det siste?
Slettet bruker
15.03.2022 kl 20:59 2667

Gevinst sikkring, olje krasj i dag.

Men 100 er bra, ratene ligger i kontrakter.
Redigert 15.03.2022 kl 22:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.03.2022 kl 07:02 2552

Ikke noen tvil om at geos under 1.5 kr, er et bra kjøp med 4 båter i drift.
Geos er også under press på at selskapet skal selge 5.5 millioner aksjer i markedet (penger som skal brukes til reaktivasjon av Energy Scout). Noe som nærmer seg slutten: The Offer Shares will be available for sale by the Company from today, 9 March 2022 at 09:00 CEST and last day of sale will be on 17 March 2022 at 16:30 CEST.

Dessuten må dette løses: (noe som nå er en "enkel" sak, med 4 båter i drift). Fordelaktig løsning her, vil booste kursen kraftig.

The hybrid hire purchase agreement for the acquisition of Energy Empress and Energy Duchess is a 3
year bareboat hire agreement with a purchase obligation at the end of the period. Part of the
bareboat hire is considered down payments towards the balance purchase price.
The 1st anniversary installments were partly paid (in June 2020) and partly rolled over to the 2nd
anniversary payment due in May 2021. Due to the Covid-19 effects to the market the vessels were
unemployed most of 2020 and bareboat hire payments have not been paid as required by the
In May 2021 there was made a new agreement where the anniversary payment due in May 2021 was
rolled over to May 2022.
Outstanding debt by 30.06.2021: NOK 234 882 559
Slettet bruker
16.03.2022 kl 07:40 2507

Rekyl ventes, nå som kontrakter er sikkret på gode rater.

Uavhenig av oljepris, kontraktene vil gi god avkastning.
16.03.2022 kl 11:02 2431

Hvor mye penger er det i de kontraktene?
16.03.2022 kl 11:11 2414

Vil anta at backloggen med Scout har passert 85+ millioner nok. Itillegg er markedet meget sterkt fremover. Så under 1.5 kr er Geos sterk kjøp.

Selskapet har rett over 50.5 millioner aksjer (inkl de nye 5.5 millionene)


We are pleased to announce the new contract awards - which along with the existing secure 100%utilization of the active vessels through remaining of Q1 '22 and Q2 '22, 70% back log for Q3 and 60% Q4 – 22. The firm back log has a consolidated value in excess of NOK 65 million.

....Siste melding under....

GOLDEN ENERGY OFFSHORE SERVICES AS has secured a term contract for ENERGY SCOUT and has started reactivation process. Vessel has been 16 months in warm lay-up caused by the downturn in the market as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The term contract for the vessel is to a first class international operator and work scope Survey; Geotechnical, Geophysical & IMR duties.Contract are on marked terms and conditions.

Golden Energy Offshore AS has now secured term contracts for 4 of its 4 vessels and have well in excess of 90% utilization until Q4-22, in an improving market.
Redigert 16.03.2022 kl 11:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.03.2022 kl 11:15 2404

14.03.2022 rater ikke kjent men men antar at de er høye.
FLEET UPDATE - Term contract and reactivation - Energy Scout
Term contract and reactivation - Energy Scout

and has started reactivation process. Vessel has been 16 months in warm lay-up

caused by the downturn in the market as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The

term contract for the vessel is to a first class international operator and work

scope Survey





GOLDEN ENERGY OFFSHORE SERVICES AS has secured term contract for the vessels
with first class international operators.


Vessel are fixed and firm to first class international operators to conduct

environmental monitoring activities and sampling, which include, but are not

limited to geomorphological, chemical, physical, and biological analyses. Vessel

has been trading North sea spot market, with busy Q4-21 and somewhat slower

market so far in Q1TD-22. For the new contract mobilization and de-mobilization

of top side equipment will take place in Norway and operation offshore Ghana.

Contract has commenced.

Period is 100 days firm plus options - Contract are on today's market terms.


GEOS has secured a contract to first class international operator in direct

continuation from present contract. Vessel has since reactivation in June-21(ref

notice 17 June 2021) maintain very high utilization and through Q3-21 and

Q1TD-22 maintain 100% utilization. Vessel are presently completing a job at

Trinidad & Tobago / USGOM and will be redelivered to Owners in Esbjerg in time

to commence her new contract. New contract period are firm for 150 days plus

options on today's market terms.


Energy Swan entered it's long term contract 1st November 21 (Ref notice 17

September 2021) and performing good and her large capacities and capabilities

are optimal utilized throughout. GEOS completed installation of shore power

connections to facilitate use as per IEC PAS 80005-3 and system has been in

regular use since commencement of contract.

Contract remain same and as announced 17 September 2021 and duration is 12

months firm, in addition Repsol Norge AS have options to use the vessel for a

total additional period up to 12 months and if options are used, GEOS are

secured full utilization on the vessel until end of 2023.

We are pleased to announce the new contract awards - which along with the

existing secure 100% utilization of the active vessels through remaining of

Q1-22 and Q2-22, 70% back log for Q3 and 60% Q4 - 22. The firm back log has a

consolidated value in excess of NOK 65 million.

Golden Energy Offshore Services continue to pursue possibilities for the vessels

and along with company future plans in both O&G and Renewable.

Golden Energy Offshore Services strategy - continuous focus on Green profile -

reducing NOX ,CO2 emissions and make vessels more energy effective and

environmentally friendly.

For further information please contact:

Per Ivar Fagervoll


Golden Energy Offshore Services AS


+47 97 42 88 84


16.03.2022 kl 11:22 2385

Med 6-8 millioner aksjer utover det topp20 eier, er det nærliggende å tro på bra utbytter fremover, eller salg av selskapets 4 båter (derfor scout blir reaktivert,for å oppnå bedre pris). Fullt mulig aksjonærene ønsker exit ved salg av 4 båter på kontrakt, da er tiden inne nå.

Jeg laster igjen i dag og setter 6 ukers kursmål 2 kr. Risikoen kortsiktig er låneforfall i mai, dog noe redusert pga av alle skip på kontrakt. Jobb med snitt og følg med. Ser begrenset nedside langsiktig over 6 mnd.
Redigert 16.03.2022 kl 11:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.03.2022 kl 11:29 2364

jeg plukker også litt på 1,2-1,3kr
16.03.2022 kl 13:16 2299

Backlog er på skarve 65 mill totalt, for utilization på 70% av hele flåten?

Lukter reinspikka møkk, de er tom for cash, og tok nok selskapet på "børs" for å fylle sine egne lommer, som mye annet piss på Euronext
16.03.2022 kl 14:08 2248

Alt handler om eiendeler-gjeld/antall aksjer. Geos er rigget for salg. Selskapet hadde vært solgt tidligere om det ikke var for covid19 pandemien.

Solgt innen 3 mnd.
Redigert 16.03.2022 kl 14:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.03.2022 kl 14:30 2221

16.03.2022 kl 14:53 2189

Kan man håpe på et ettermiddagsrally?
Slettet bruker
21.03.2022 kl 09:32 1970

Kommer den tilbake til 8-10kr innen sommeren, jeg tror vi får et fint år.
Slettet bruker
21.03.2022 kl 10:39 1917

Skal dobles nå.