Elliptic Labs- Er det noen grenser for hvor stort dette kan bli?

ELABS 16.03.2021 kl 16:57 15912

Ta en titt på slide 9. Er det noen grenser for hvor stort dette kan bli

Redigert 16.03.2021 kl 18:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.03.2021 kl 12:04 5306

Her står å lese fra Finansavisen i høst. Ikke dårlig å bli tatt med i samme åndedrag som Kahoot.

"Norges neste store IT-eventyr går nå på børs
Kahoot og Elliptic Labs er i flere år blitt trukket frem som Norges to mest spennende IT-selskaper. Kahoot har vært et eventyr. Nå suser også Elliptic Labs til børs til en tidel av prisen."

06.04.2021 kl 18:46 4909

Det er kanskje en grense for hvor stort dette kan bli, men selv er jeg ikke i stand til å skimte den.
07.04.2021 kl 08:38 4668

Det trengs i grunnen ingen kommentar, for dette selskapet bare fortsetter suksessen :) Kursmål ? Umulig å si hvor stort dette kan bli.
07.04.2021 kl 13:45 4523

Interessant artikkel Klingen. Nå for tiden går Kahoot og Elabs hver sin vei kursmessig, men vi skal vel mer enn 20 gangen før vi henter inn Kahoot i markedsverdi. Det er absolutt mulig om Elabs fortsetter med en strøm av kontrakter og samarbeid med de globale gigantene.
09.04.2021 kl 14:01 4278

Synes denne biten av Elabs siste melding kan tåle litt ekstra fokus:

“Due to the increased market demand to make devices more intelligent and powerful, we are excited to announce our expanded collaboration with Qualcomm Technologies to support Windows based systems, which will lead to more and more joint design wins with laptop and tablet OEMs,” said Laila Danielsen, Elliptic Labs CEO"

Hele meldingen:
Elliptic Labs Expands Collaboration with Qualcomm for Windows Laptops and Tablets powered by Snapdragon Compute Platforms
Oslo, Norway -- Elliptic Labs (EuroNext Growth: ELABS.OL), a global AI software company and the world leader in Virtual Smart Sensors, is announcing the expansion of its collaboration with Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. to make available Elliptic’s AI Virtual Smart Sensor Platform for Windows based Always Connected PCs powered by Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ compute platforms. As a result, Elliptic Labs’ AI Virtual Smart Sensor Platform is available to OEMs designing laptop and tablet devices powered by the latest Snapdragon compute platforms, which deliver leading efficiency and battery life, extreme performance, advanced AI capabilities, and built-in 5G and 4G cellular connectivity for thin, fanless designs.

Elliptic Labs’ AI Virtual Smart Sensor Platform utilizes patented algorithms, proprietary machine learning (ML) tools and sensor fusion to create AI Virtual Smart Sensors. Today’s news will enable OEMS to deliver innovative user experiences like presence and touchless gesture detection to their Windows devices powered by Snapdragon compute platforms. By coupling their innovations in user experiences with cutting-edge mobile computing solutions from Qualcomm Technologies, Elliptic looks forward to the growth opportunity of the Windows-based laptop and tablet market.

The strong cooperation between Elliptic Labs and Qualcomm Technologies has created purposeful impact. Elliptic’s AI Virtual Smart Sensor Platform has already shipped on over 150 million units. OEMs support Elliptic Labs and Qualcomm Technologies’ commitment to making devices smarter, with features such as touchless gestures, presence detection, and enhanced security. OEMs also take advantage of lower costs while increasing sustainability through more efficient use of hardware sensors reliant on precious metals. Elliptic Labs’ AI Virtual Smart Sensor Platform further enhances the productivity and entertainment experiences for consumer, education, and enterprise users enabled by Snapdragon compute platforms.

“Due to the increased market demand to make devices more intelligent and powerful, we are excited to announce our expanded collaboration with Qualcomm Technologies to support Windows based systems, which will lead to more and more joint design wins with laptop and tablet OEMs,” said Laila Danielsen, Elliptic Labs CEO. “Combining our AI Virtual Smart Sensor Platform with the advanced capabilities of Snapdragon compute platforms which are transforming the PC industry as well as how the world connects, will enable exciting and industry defining devices. Growing our relationship with Qualcomm Technologies and taking advantage of Snapdragon compute platform capabilities help make our products even more attractive to leading OEMs.”

“Expanding our collaboration with Elliptic Labs further demonstrates the performance and applications of Snapdragon compute platforms. Working closely with innovative companies like Elliptic Labs expands the capabilities and features our customers can bring to end users across Snapdragon 8cx, 8c, and 7c based-systems,” said Paul Hwang, Director, Product Management, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

Elliptic Labs has already shipped its Virtual Proximity Sensor INNER BEAUTY® on Xiaomi’s Mi 11, the commercially and critically successful flagship smartphone based on the Snapdragon 888 mobile platform. Further commercial launches of devices based on Snapdragon 888 mobile platform with Elliptic Labs’ AI Virtual Smart Sensor Platform are anticipated throughout 2021. This relationship between Elliptic Labs and Qualcomm Technologies anticipates future premium experiences on Snapdragon mobile platforms.

About Elliptic Labs
Elliptic Labs is headquartered in Norway with presence in the USA, China, South-Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. Founded in 2006 as a research spin-off from Norway’s Oslo University, Elliptic Labs filed its IPO with the Euronext Growth Market in October, 2020. Elliptic Labs is now a global enterprise targeting the smartphone, laptop, IoT, and automotive markets. The Company’s patented AI software combines ultrasound and sensor-fusion algorithms to deliver intuitive 3D gesture, proximity, and presence sensing experiences. Its scalable AI Virtual Smart Sensor Platform creates software-only sensors that are sustainable, eco-friendly, and already deployed in over 150 million devices. Elliptic Labs is the only software company in the market that has delivered detection capabilities using AI software, ultrasound and sensor-fusion deployed at scale. Elliptic Labs’ technology and IP are developed in Norway and solely owned by the Company.

Qualcomm and Snapdragon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated.

Qualcomm Snapdragon is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.
12.04.2021 kl 12:23 4073

Absolutt god grunn til å fremheve det avsnittet focuss. Aksjen virker sterk i dag og pleier gjerne å gå litt ekstra før ny melding. Litt uheldig at noen vet mer enn andre men det skulle ikke forundre meg om gode nyheter vedrørende laptop, er like rundt hjørne :) Lite interesse for selskapet her på forumet men flere vil nok snart oppdage perlen.
12.04.2021 kl 12:45 4024

for sent å komme seg inn i elabs? noen som har kursmål?
12.04.2021 kl 12:49 4012

"For sent å komme seg inn i elabs?"

Synes du det høres slik ut?

“Due to the increased market demand to make devices more intelligent and powerful, we are excited to announce our expanded collaboration with Qualcomm Technologies to support Windows based systems, which will lead to more and more joint design wins with laptop and tablet OEMs,” said Laila Danielsen, Elliptic Labs CEO"
12.04.2021 kl 13:22 3962

Jeg syntes jeg var sent ute når Kahoot var priset til 5 milliarder og ventet på litt nedgang før jeg kjøpte. Så feil kan man ta :) Jeg kom meg aldri inn i fordi den virket hele tiden for dyr. Elabs blir et lignende tilfelle, tror jeg. All informasjon tilgjengelig sier meg at dette kan bli en megasuksess. Nå er jeg heldigvis med :)
14.04.2021 kl 15:09 3681

Noen formening hva vi kan forvente oss 21. april?

Tror guideing videre, samt mer om samarbeide med Cadence og Qualcomm kan bli veldig spennende fremover.
14.04.2021 kl 15:41 3640

Forventer ikke så mye nytt når årsrapporten for 2020 legges frem 21/4. Det meste herfra bør være kjent blant annet fra Q4 rapporten. Er mer spent på hva som legges frem og blir guidet på Q1 presentasjonen 12/5, tror det kan bli veldig bra!
16.04.2021 kl 09:56 3395

Selskapet leverer det de lover og jeg forventer det fortsetter fremover. Da vil det også komme en hel rekke meldinger på nye avtaler med de største internasjonale aktørene. Fantastisk produkt og strålende ledelse :)
Slettet bruker
19.04.2021 kl 10:24 3054

Hvad forventer folk sig af regnskabet i denne uge? Og hvad bliver kursreaktionen?

ELABS virker billig med en MCAP på under 2000 MNOK...
19.04.2021 kl 16:11 2930

Jeg har ikke gjort meg opp noen klare formeninger om tall. Vi er i en tidlig fase for dette fantastiske selskapet, så mitt fokus er på avtaler og samarbeidspartnere fremover. De har allerede gjort utrolig mye bra. Jeg forventer at vi passerer 250 om ikke lenge :) Mangedobling de neste årene.
21.04.2021 kl 09:46 2598

Meget spennende å lese årsrapporten i dag. Sitat av en liten detalj: Furthermore, as prices for hardware sensors and components have recently increased, our competitive advantage has strengthened.
Elabs er heldigvis kun software selskap :)
21.04.2021 kl 14:47 2468

Samarbeid med Intel har vært nevnt flere ganger. Sitat årsrapport: We also see an uptake in interest from strategic
chipset partners ensuring that their short- and long-term roadmap is aligned with us to serve our joint customers with innovative solutions.
(Den største faren er vel at dette selskapet blir kjøpt opp før det får blomstre skikkelig)
Redigert 21.04.2021 kl 14:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.04.2021 kl 14:24 2102

Kun 9,6 millioner aksjer i selskapet. Imponerende volum