Cloudberry Clean Energy AS | Credit facility agreement
Cloudberry Clean Energy AS | Credit facility agreement
Oslo, Norway, 23 March 2021: Cloudberry Clean Energy AS (“Cloudberry” or “the company”) has entered a NOK 700 million credit facility agreement.
Cloudberry, a Nordic renewable energy company, has entered into the credit facility agreement as part of the financing of its growth strategy focused on owning, developing and operating hydro and wind power in the Nordics.
The credit facility agreement is a combination of a MNOK 400 Term Loan and a NOK 300 million Revolving Credit Facility, and the agreement is entered into with SpareBank 1 SR Bank. The credit facility will strengthen our ability to grow both organically and in-organically. In connection with the new credit facility agreement Cloudberry will repay a short-term loan of NOK 236 million to Fontavis AG.
“Cloudberry continues its growth journey in the Nordic renewable market. Establishing a flexible and long-term financing is an important part of the realisation of our growth strategy. We are pleased to be able to work with high quality saving banks in Norway”, says Anders Lenborg, CEO of Cloudberry.
Oslo, Norway, 23 March 2021: Cloudberry Clean Energy AS (“Cloudberry” or “the company”) has entered a NOK 700 million credit facility agreement.
Cloudberry, a Nordic renewable energy company, has entered into the credit facility agreement as part of the financing of its growth strategy focused on owning, developing and operating hydro and wind power in the Nordics.
The credit facility agreement is a combination of a MNOK 400 Term Loan and a NOK 300 million Revolving Credit Facility, and the agreement is entered into with SpareBank 1 SR Bank. The credit facility will strengthen our ability to grow both organically and in-organically. In connection with the new credit facility agreement Cloudberry will repay a short-term loan of NOK 236 million to Fontavis AG.
“Cloudberry continues its growth journey in the Nordic renewable market. Establishing a flexible and long-term financing is an important part of the realisation of our growth strategy. We are pleased to be able to work with high quality saving banks in Norway”, says Anders Lenborg, CEO of Cloudberry.
24.03.2021 kl 07:30
Cloudberry Clean Energy AS | 2020: A transitional year for our scalable renewable platform
24 March 2021: Cloudberry Clean Energy AS (“Cloudberry” or “the company”) has in its first operational year successfully ramped-up both the production of hydro- and wind power and the development portfolio of new projects. In 2020 Cloudberry has made large progress in growing its footprint in the Nordics, providing renewable energy for future generations.
7x increase in the portfolio of power plants in production and under construction (from 15 to 109 MW), equivalent to above 370 GWh of new renewable energy coming on-stream within 12 months
Secured a significant portfolio of projects with construction permit (151 MW), an exclusive backlog of 11 projects (370 MW) and a shallow-water pipeline > 2500 MW.
In 2020, the company raised above NOK 850 million in gross proceeds through private placements to finance its growth
CO2 reduction by more than 5 000 tons CO2 eq., compensated its direct and indirect emissions – becoming “net-zero”
The construction of six ongoing hydropower projects is progressing as planned
“Since our listing on Euronext Growth in April 2020, we have significantly increased our renewable energy growth platform by attracting new assets, people and capital. We have enlarged our project backlog and our production capacity; we have teamed up with new partners and are in discussions with more. Furthermore, we have strengthened both our development team and balance sheet”, says Anders Lenborg, Chief Executive Officer of Cloudberry.
Main agreements in 2020
Acquired 100% of Scanergy AS and 100% of CB Nordic Renewable & Infrastructure Fund I AS
Acquired 34% ownership of Forte’s hydropower portfolio in Norway with a net production capacity of 24 MW (est. 85 GWh)
Acquired 15% of Odal windfarm project, with an option to increase ownership to 33.4% during first half of 2021, with a net production capacity of 54 MW (est. 176 GWh)
Acquired Åmotsfoss Kraft hydropower plant in Norway with a production capacity of 5 MW (est. 22 GWh)
Acquired and developed Scanvind2, a 100 MW offshore wind power project in Sweden. Cloudberry did in January sign a SPA with Downing LLP to divest 80% of the project. This is Cloudberry’s first step into shallow-water wind and illustrates the value potential in such projects in the Nordics.
Acquired the wind power development company, Skogvind AS
Cloudberry Clean Energy AS | 2020: A transitional year for our scalable renewable platform
24 March 2021: Cloudberry Clean Energy AS (“Cloudberry” or “the company”) has in its first operational year successfully ramped-up both the production of hydro- and wind power and the development portfolio of new projects. In 2020 Cloudberry has made large progress in growing its footprint in the Nordics, providing renewable energy for future generations.
7x increase in the portfolio of power plants in production and under construction (from 15 to 109 MW), equivalent to above 370 GWh of new renewable energy coming on-stream within 12 months
Secured a significant portfolio of projects with construction permit (151 MW), an exclusive backlog of 11 projects (370 MW) and a shallow-water pipeline > 2500 MW.
In 2020, the company raised above NOK 850 million in gross proceeds through private placements to finance its growth
CO2 reduction by more than 5 000 tons CO2 eq., compensated its direct and indirect emissions – becoming “net-zero”
The construction of six ongoing hydropower projects is progressing as planned
“Since our listing on Euronext Growth in April 2020, we have significantly increased our renewable energy growth platform by attracting new assets, people and capital. We have enlarged our project backlog and our production capacity; we have teamed up with new partners and are in discussions with more. Furthermore, we have strengthened both our development team and balance sheet”, says Anders Lenborg, Chief Executive Officer of Cloudberry.
Main agreements in 2020
Acquired 100% of Scanergy AS and 100% of CB Nordic Renewable & Infrastructure Fund I AS
Acquired 34% ownership of Forte’s hydropower portfolio in Norway with a net production capacity of 24 MW (est. 85 GWh)
Acquired 15% of Odal windfarm project, with an option to increase ownership to 33.4% during first half of 2021, with a net production capacity of 54 MW (est. 176 GWh)
Acquired Åmotsfoss Kraft hydropower plant in Norway with a production capacity of 5 MW (est. 22 GWh)
Acquired and developed Scanvind2, a 100 MW offshore wind power project in Sweden. Cloudberry did in January sign a SPA with Downing LLP to divest 80% of the project. This is Cloudberry’s first step into shallow-water wind and illustrates the value potential in such projects in the Nordics.
Acquired the wind power development company, Skogvind AS
24.03.2021 kl 16:00
Plukka det opp på et annet forum, men det var dumt å legge det ut uten en sikker kilde. Håper det kommer snart.
Stein Rune
24.03.2021 kl 19:44
Det er vel denne du sikter til. Fra 17 desember.
Det er vel denne du sikter til. Fra 17 desember.
24.03.2021 kl 19:55
There seems to be absolutely ZERO interest in the stock...We might need to wait till the listing on Norway börs before the stocks move up anything..
24.03.2021 kl 20:14
Hva er det som får "gründerne" her til å tro at sykkelen kan finnes opp på ny? Eller er norske vannkraftselskap så dårlig organisert og ledet at det bare trengs "nye koster", for at pengebingen skal fylles.
24.03.2021 kl 23:17
De har vel ikke sagt at sykkelen skal finnes opp på nytt, men at de skal ha en effektiv organisasjon som utvikler nye prosjekter, selger noen av dem og beholder noen for å drifte selv. Ikke noe hokus pokus, bare bygge et godt selskap som satser på vannkraft og vind.
Pengebingen fylles i norske kraftselskap så hvorfor skal ikke Cloudberry klare det?
Pengebingen fylles i norske kraftselskap så hvorfor skal ikke Cloudberry klare det?
Redigert 24.03.2021 kl 23:19
Du må logge inn for å svare
24.03.2021 kl 23:22
Tenkte mer i retning av at kursmålet og kjøpsanbefalingen ble gjentatt basert på årsrapporten som kom i dag. Håper det kommer noe på dette i morgen, hvis ikke så ble jeg «lurt» av et utsagn.
25.03.2021 kl 10:19
Mange av vannkraftverkene i Norge er ikke fullt ut utviklet. Skulle man oppgradere de, så blir nok deg bra.
07.04.2021 kl 12:26
Ikke så dumt med havvind.
CLOUD har mye bra i Sverige.
CLOUD har mye bra i Sverige.
10.04.2021 kl 14:43
Claud er et selskap for de langsiktige.
Kjøp og sitt, for denne kommer garantert fremover. Står i 20 kroner før året er ute..
Kjøp og sitt, for denne kommer garantert fremover. Står i 20 kroner før året er ute..
21.04.2021 kl 13:37
Jada her er det bare å sitte stille i båten. Lavt volum er jo kjedelig einaste.
26.04.2021 kl 15:33
Lavt volum, lav pris foreløpig. Absolutt en kjøpsmulighet i Cloudberry som har mange interessante prosjekter og oppkjøpsplaner. Har vært oppe i over 17 kr på høyere volum og kommer nok raskt tilbake dit når fokuset fra investorer igjen rettes mot selskapet.
27.04.2021 kl 16:06
Dette tror jeg går dit høna sparker. Det blir ikke rom for slike aksjer fremover.