🔥ZENITH ENERGY LTD nytt oppkjøp🔥

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ZENA 21.04.2021 kl 08:12 10569

Binding Offer to acquire oil production and development assets in Tunisia

April 21, 2021


("Zenith" or the "Company")

Binding Offer to acquire oil production and development assets in Tunisia

Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is pleased to announce that it has made a binding offer (the “Offer”) to wholly acquire a company holding a 100% interest in two hydrocarbons production and development concessions in Tunisia (the “Potential Acquisitions”), which has now been accepted.


The Offer is represented by a mix of cash payments and assumption of debt by Zenith for a total consideration of approximately USD$200,000.


The Potential Acquisitions currently produce approximately 80-100 barrels of condensate per day with 5.5-6 MMSCF of natural gas, which is re-injected into the formation, from the first Potential Acquisition concession, and approximately 25 barrels of oil per day from the second Potential Acquisition concession. One well within the first Potential Acquisition concession suffered tubing string damage and has been temporarily shut-in, having had a stabilised production range of between approximately 500-600 barrels of oil per day prior to production being suspended. The low oil price environment during 2020 and the material investment required to restore production from this well have prevented the necessary repair work from being implemented.

A recent study carried out by seller in respect of the second Potential Acquisition, comprising production, cost-effectiveness and feasibility evaluations, concluded that the current production of approximately 25 barrels of oil per day could be increased to up to approximately 200 barrels of oil per day via drilling activities. The seller did not implement the recommendations of the study due to the low oil price environment during 2020 and the emergence of financing difficulties.

Terms and Expiry of Potential Acquisitions

Both Potential Acquisitions will be acquired with a 100% working interest.

The Company can confirm that the Potential Acquisitions are due to expire during the years 2033 and 2034 respectively.

Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer of Zenith, commented:

"We are very pleased to continue further enriching our portfolio of oil and gas production and development assets in Tunisia, especially with these Potential Acquisitions which contain significant untapped potential and opportunity for value creation.

We expect to shortly achieve a daily production in excess of approximately 1,000 barrels of oil per day by way of our recently announced acquisitions, as well as the near-term development activities we intend to perform in these assets, which would very favourably position the Company in terms of profitability in the current oil price environment.

I look forward to sharing further information on the Potential Acquisitions once they are completed.”

21.04.2021 kl 08:14 4939

Det var jo det jeg håpet på!! Fortsett i Tunisia. Stein på stein, lukter mer og mer gull det her
21.04.2021 kl 08:18 4910

Meget bra!!

We expect to shortly achieve a daily production in excess of approximately 1,000 barrels of oil per day by way of our recently announced acquisitions, as well as the near-term development activities we intend to perform in these assets, which would very favourably position the Company in terms of profitability in the current oil price environment.
21.04.2021 kl 08:36 4746

Så er spørsmålet hvor mye det vil koste å få brønnen som produserte 500-600 tønner tilbake i produksjon. Zenith sitter jo heller ikke på enorme ressurser og masse kunnskap
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21.04.2021 kl 08:41 4695

De eier 2 rigger selv. Dette blir topp!

Myndighetene i Tunisia må få fingen ut og stemple de 2 avtalene fra 2020. Da er vi over 20 øre mot 50 øre!!
Slettet bruker
21.04.2021 kl 08:42 4690

Nå må du ikke gjøre deg dummere enn du er, du har vel vært hørt om at tjenester kan kjøpes

Denne var til Mdg1
Redigert 21.04.2021 kl 08:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.04.2021 kl 08:54 4616

Mdg1 sitter på utsiden og vil inn?
21.04.2021 kl 08:56 4593

1 000 fat = omlag 200 millioner i årlig inntekt

neste år passeres 2 000 fat, kansje 3

Congo gir ca 3 000 fat, sannsynligvis i 2022, det kommer i tillegg

Bare å trykke på kalkulatoren :-)
21.04.2021 kl 08:59 4559

Hvilke type aksjonærer skal holde den tilbake i dag?
Sell on news har vært en sikker vinner i Zenith.
Spennende børsdag👍
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21.04.2021 kl 09:02 4518

Ender vel i minus idag igjen slik som den pleier
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21.04.2021 kl 09:05 4498

Da er den på vei ned igjen, jaja, den er seg selv lik og viser at aksjen ikke responderer på gode børsmeldinger
21.04.2021 kl 09:05 4482

verdien av selskapet vil holde kursen til riktig nivå.
Sell on news som du skriver, kan sikkert gi en avkastning til de som ønsker det, men slik som Zenith har prestert i det siste, så blir jeg mer og mer sikker på at denne invisteringen skal stå en god stund til.
21.04.2021 kl 09:07 4482

Det er for mye om og hvis i denne meldingen. Når produksjon på 1000 f/d fra disse to siste oppkjøpene dokumenteres, går kursen i taket.
21.04.2021 kl 09:07 4477

Ja men Zenith gjør mange viktige oppkjøp nå, vi får godt betalt når ting materialiserer seg.. så vil kursen svinge. Vi burde vert adskillig høyere allerede men vi vet det er mange som selger på nyheter.
Slettet bruker
21.04.2021 kl 09:07 4472

In your dream
21.04.2021 kl 09:08 4458

Verden er full av skrullinger

det gjør heldigvis muligheten for andre og tjene noen kroner

50 øre kommer her :-)))
21.04.2021 kl 09:14 4400

Ja vi burde med dette stabilisert oss godt over 12 øre. Det kommer,vi ender nok mer opp enn 5 %
Redigert 21.04.2021 kl 09:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
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21.04.2021 kl 09:14 4400

Do not forgot AC will travel to Congo Today 21.04.201. He will final production sharing contract for Tilapia before May End. SLK before June end. Exciting time ahead. if get below kr0.12 grab with both hand
Redigert 21.04.2021 kl 09:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
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21.04.2021 kl 09:21 4334

Bare å legge kjøp igjen på rundt 9-10 øre for den som vil kjøpe her, så får dere garantert aksjer. Denne aksjen er så mange idioter i at det er skremmende, men når et selskap lar det skure å gå med over 1 mrd aksjer, ja så blir det slik
Slettet bruker
21.04.2021 kl 09:21 4341

Zena går nok i minus idag. Emisjon kommer snart.

AC trenger feriepenger
21.04.2021 kl 09:23 4308

Ja det blir også veldig spennende. Ser ut som selgerne er vekk nå.
Zenith fortjener en reprising nå.. ser vi starten i dag..
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21.04.2021 kl 09:24 4299

wish him a good trip
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21.04.2021 kl 09:26 4271

Tror du ser på feil aksje du.. det er fler selgere enn kjøpere. 2 mill aksjer til salgs oppover på snapshot 5
Slettet bruker
21.04.2021 kl 09:31 4231

Will make any difference by two days target is Tilapia II PSA before may end. (so there will be no doubt about this license belongs to Zenith, with new acquisition in Tunisia and cash flow we can sure target of 5000 bopd is not dream )
21.04.2021 kl 09:43 4165

Det er ikke slik,at noen kan komme og skrive på utenlandsk og så skal vi naive nordmenn kjøre opp kursen,her skal alle bidra med stigende trend👍

Skriving er gratis.pang 0,11
21.04.2021 kl 09:45 4151

Kursutviklingen er xtremt dårlig!
Ærlig talt hadde jeg nå foventet mer! Mye mer!
Hva synes dere?
Nå er noen igang med å leke igjen...... Jævl... rævhål!
Redigert 21.04.2021 kl 09:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.04.2021 kl 09:50 4126

Det ser vi på slutten av dagen.. att Zenith er i kjempe utvikling vises ikke på kursen enda nei, men for en gøy tid vi er inne i.,
21.04.2021 kl 10:04 4065

Ja jøss...
Sier du det samme når den trøstesløse kursen er tilbake igjen på 10 øra..?
21.04.2021 kl 10:10 4071

Drit i ørene. Se på hva vi kjøper for småpenger.. så kommer dagen da kursen ser adskillig bedre ut.. det jobbes i congo og vi venter på noen usle stempler. Alt kan snu dette til noe veldig stort.
21.04.2021 kl 10:18 4034

Fra engelskeforumet:

Key elements of today’s RNS
1) An additional 125 barrels of oil coming into the company each day – gross value $7,500 per day or $2.3 million per year with a guess that the net value will probably be approximately half of this.

2) This takes the current production in Tunisia to be: 245 bopd(SLK), 203 bopd(Ezzaouis) 125bopd (new license) – total current production 573 bopd. The value of this (at $60 oil) is $12,548,700 gross per year and therefore approximately $6 million (£4.5 profit)

3) The announcement also states significant development potential in the new acquisition. One well used to produce up to 600bopd and could do again after remedial work and another has the potential to deliver an additional 175bopd after drilling activities.

4) AC has explicitly said that he expects our production to almost double from 573bop to 1,000bopd just from the development program that he plans to carry out at these existing acquisitions. This would mean a gross revenue of $22 million per annum and therefore a net of about $11 million – which would make the company not only self-financing but also profitable.

5) If they think that they can generate an additional 775bopd just from remedial work at the new license and there will also be an improvement after the works at Ezzaouia then (assuming all goes well) then we may find that the figure of 1,000bopd for production is actually rather conservative.

This is a very exciting RNS. What I particularly like about it is that we are now not just buying assets that have existing production but we are buying assets that have significant development potential too. The company is building a really solid income stream quietly in the background and when the Tilapia license is approved then the market will catch up with this and we will all be in line for a massive re-rate as a company that can pay it’s own way while still having huge exploration upside.

21.04.2021 kl 10:23 4010

Noen som har kursen i UK nå..?
21.04.2021 kl 10:30 3961

11.42 NOK..????
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21.04.2021 kl 10:31 3955

ops gikk litt fort. blandet mellom penny og pound :)
Redigert 21.04.2021 kl 10:31 Du må logge inn for å svare