Veien videre mot mål 2025
Nå er emisjonen gjort og Famoc kjøpet blir betalt. Emisjonen ble på 4,5 som er et sterkt signal og vi hadde en stor omsetning på siste børsdag fredag. Nå kan kontrakter komme fra flere kanter og Techstep satser riktig.
Redigert 22.05.2021 kl 21:10
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25.05.2021 kl 06:48
It-selskapet Techstep hentet nylig 100 millioner kroner i friske penger gjennom en rettet emisjon.
Tegningskursen i emisjonen ble satt til 4,5 kroner, og Datum AS, som er nærstående til styremedlem Jan Haudemann-Andersen, fikk tildelt 3,28 millioner aksjer i emisjonen.
I en børsmelding fredag ettermiddag skriver selskapet at Datum har gått med på å låne ut 22,22 millioner aksjer for å ferdigstille oppgjøret etter emisjonen. Datum eier 18, prosent av selskapet.
Aksjen faller rundt 4,5 prosent en drøy time før børsslutt, og blir omsatt for kurs 4,49 kroner.
Er det noen som kan forklare hva det betyr i praksis at Datum låner ut akjsene ?
Tegningskursen i emisjonen ble satt til 4,5 kroner, og Datum AS, som er nærstående til styremedlem Jan Haudemann-Andersen, fikk tildelt 3,28 millioner aksjer i emisjonen.
I en børsmelding fredag ettermiddag skriver selskapet at Datum har gått med på å låne ut 22,22 millioner aksjer for å ferdigstille oppgjøret etter emisjonen. Datum eier 18, prosent av selskapet.
Aksjen faller rundt 4,5 prosent en drøy time før børsslutt, og blir omsatt for kurs 4,49 kroner.
Er det noen som kan forklare hva det betyr i praksis at Datum låner ut akjsene ?
27.05.2021 kl 08:24
Nå trenger Tech litt påfyll av ordre som gir litt mat til kjøperne...Litt omsetning er det nå på disse nivåene men noen selger litt "billig" . Men er man long så skal man ikke bry seg om dette i følge mr Rosen og aksjeskolen:)
28.05.2021 kl 10:04
Kjøpte litt mer på 4.47 i går og den står ganske "trygt" rundt emisjonskurs og blir vel rundt der en stund tenker jeg til det kommer noen gode ordre fra Techstep.. Hyggelig med grønn farge på kursen da.. God Helg!
Redigert 28.05.2021 kl 16:40
Du må logge inn for å svare
07.06.2021 kl 08:22
Det ser ut som kursen vil ligge rundt emisjonskursen til aksjene som er lånt ut blir solgt ut. Etter det kan vi forvente oppgang.
08.06.2021 kl 12:10
Topp 20 sitter med små endringer så jeg er trygg og long
Redigert 08.06.2021 kl 12:10
Du må logge inn for å svare
08.06.2021 kl 17:05
Skulle det ikke her kanskje tilbys en trøste reprasjon på oss andre aksjonærer?. Er dette nå avblåst? Det virker slikt.. Får håpe 2q fremleggelse vil gi fart i kursen igjen.
Winter is Here
08.06.2021 kl 17:33
Spent på driftresultatet, den er veldig ofte negativt, jeg tror Q1 2021 var på -24 mill nok. Man kan ikke forvente at kursen skal opp før de får kontroll over driftresultatet.
Redigert 08.06.2021 kl 17:34
Du må logge inn for å svare
08.06.2021 kl 19:38
Den er avblåst da kursen er under emisjons kursen og du kan kjøpe det du vil.
Lite å forholde seg til for aktører som vurderer denne aksjen. Kun negative Q fremleggelser og lenge mellom nye kundekontrakter og liten omsetning i aksjrn. Da er det forholdsvis enkelt å tvinge kursrn ned.
08.06.2021 kl 20:05
Lønnskostnadene økte visstnok en god del etter innlemmelsen av Optidev, hvis jeg ikke husker feil. Så for at Techstep skal kunne levere positivt driftsresultat fremover må vel omsetningen øke en god del. Eller er jeg på bærtur her?
Tror også at det er viktig at selskapet snart må begynne å vise at de kan tjene penger på driften, før vi kan forvente å se noe betydelig kursløft. Alternativt må de vokse betydelig ved oppkjøp.
Tror også at det er viktig at selskapet snart må begynne å vise at de kan tjene penger på driften, før vi kan forvente å se noe betydelig kursløft. Alternativt må de vokse betydelig ved oppkjøp.
09.06.2021 kl 06:54
Finnes det andre selskaper som vi kan sammenligne det Techstep driver med ?
09.06.2021 kl 07:49
Oppkjøpene gjør Techstep mer rustet og står på flere ben i mange land. Optidev er en sunn bedrift som vil dra mye i positiv retning. Vet lite om Famoc men stoler på aksjonærene i toppen der. Techstep har med seg solide investorer og ser du på hvilke selskaper de har fått opp så er det bare å posisjonere seg. Nå etter emisjonen har Tech også bedre likvider. Omsetningen bryr jeg meg lite om å se på Napatech som stiger rått på liten omsetning
22.06.2021 kl 08:04
Nu kjør vi, Gratulerer til Techstep
Men Tech var ikke helt død:
Odd Steinar Parr
07:43 - 22. juni | Oppdatert 07:53
Techstep har gjennom sitt datterselskap Optidev AB signert en avtale med AB Storstockholms Lokaltrafik (SL) for leveranse av en komplett MMS-løsning (managed mobility service), går det frem av en børsmelding.
Samlet kontraktssum estimeres til 14 millioner kroner over fire år, med en opsjon på ytterligere fire år.
Odd Steinar Parr
07:43 - 22. juni | Oppdatert 07:53
Techstep har gjennom sitt datterselskap Optidev AB signert en avtale med AB Storstockholms Lokaltrafik (SL) for leveranse av en komplett MMS-løsning (managed mobility service), går det frem av en børsmelding.
Samlet kontraktssum estimeres til 14 millioner kroner over fire år, med en opsjon på ytterligere fire år.
22.06.2021 kl 13:09
Her trenger investorene mer kjøtt på beina ser det ut til for å få litt kurshopp nå.. Men tror alt i alt at vi jobber mot mål 2025.. Kjøp mer de som kan på dette nivået her..
Fristende å ta med fra Q1 rapport:
Highlights Q1 2021
• Revenue was NOK 306 million, up from NOK 293 million in the first quarter of 2020
• Gross profit was NOK 114 million, up from NOK 80 million in the first quarter of 2020
• EBITDA adjusted of NOK 13 million in the quarter vs NOK 12 million in the first quarter of 2020
• ARR increased to NOK 66 million, up from NOK 37 million in the first quarter of 2020
• Signed eight new managed mobility service contracts, with an estimated value of NOK 15 million and ~3,300 managed devices in the first quarter of 2021
• After the closing of the quarter: Announced acquisition of software provider Famoc S.A., strengthening Techstep’s MMS capabilities and unlocking European expansion
Commenting on the Q1 2021 report, Jens Haviken, CEO of Techstep says:
“During the first quarter, we continued to pursue our growth strategy and progress our transformation into a leading Managed Mobility Services (MMS) provider in the Nordics. Our ambitions are rooted in true mobility expertise and capabilities. With ~300 employees and mobility experts based in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, serving more than 550 enterprise customers and 200,000 managed devices across industries in the private and public sector, we have a unique platform for growth.
With market conditions still impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic effects, we did see slower sales cycles, customer onboarding and implementation timelines in the first quarter, and we continue to see this in the second quarter. We signed eight new MMS contracts with a total estimated value of NOK 15 million and ~3,300 managed devices in the first quarter. Our ambition for the full year is 30 MMS contracts, and we have a sharp focus on addressing existing customers MMS needs and onboarding new customers. Looking ahead, we see indications of increasing activity as Covid-19 measures seem to be eased and we are happy to see that our core enterprise customers increasingly adopt our MMS solutions", says Jens Haviken, Techstep CEO.
Highlights Q1 2021
• Revenue was NOK 306 million, up from NOK 293 million in the first quarter of 2020
• Gross profit was NOK 114 million, up from NOK 80 million in the first quarter of 2020
• EBITDA adjusted of NOK 13 million in the quarter vs NOK 12 million in the first quarter of 2020
• ARR increased to NOK 66 million, up from NOK 37 million in the first quarter of 2020
• Signed eight new managed mobility service contracts, with an estimated value of NOK 15 million and ~3,300 managed devices in the first quarter of 2021
• After the closing of the quarter: Announced acquisition of software provider Famoc S.A., strengthening Techstep’s MMS capabilities and unlocking European expansion
Commenting on the Q1 2021 report, Jens Haviken, CEO of Techstep says:
“During the first quarter, we continued to pursue our growth strategy and progress our transformation into a leading Managed Mobility Services (MMS) provider in the Nordics. Our ambitions are rooted in true mobility expertise and capabilities. With ~300 employees and mobility experts based in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, serving more than 550 enterprise customers and 200,000 managed devices across industries in the private and public sector, we have a unique platform for growth.
With market conditions still impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic effects, we did see slower sales cycles, customer onboarding and implementation timelines in the first quarter, and we continue to see this in the second quarter. We signed eight new MMS contracts with a total estimated value of NOK 15 million and ~3,300 managed devices in the first quarter. Our ambition for the full year is 30 MMS contracts, and we have a sharp focus on addressing existing customers MMS needs and onboarding new customers. Looking ahead, we see indications of increasing activity as Covid-19 measures seem to be eased and we are happy to see that our core enterprise customers increasingly adopt our MMS solutions", says Jens Haviken, Techstep CEO.
25.06.2021 kl 08:50
Litt i pluss i går og ser ut som Techstep åpner opp i dag og får håpe vi begynner å klatre litt fremover nå. Kjøp hvis du kan og god helg om litt
01.07.2021 kl 08:47
2 ordre på relativt kort tid så de er på vei mot målet.. Børsmeldinger
07:02 Skjul Techstep signs Managed Mobility Services (MMS) agreement with Norwegian healthcare service provider Innlandet Hospital Trust
Techstep Norway has signed a Managed Mobility Services (MMS) agreement with Innlandet Hospital Trust (Sykehuset Innlandet HF), a public specialist healthcare service provider for the population of the east of Norway. Under the agreement, Techstep will provide Innlandet Hospital Trust with its 'Flow' product, a complete MMS-solution for device lifecycle management, which will increase?work efficiency?and?quality for doctors, nurses and other health professionals who use mobile phones and tablets in their everyday work life. Innlandet Hospital Trust is investing in Techstep's MMS solution "Flow", covering at least 3,300 new managed devices, including Techstep's own Origo Business Cloud-software together with device service, support, financing, and lifecycle management. The Flow-solution?will help Innlandet Hospital Trust digitalize workflows for device management, reduce?IT?complexity,?and provide secure, sustainable end-of-life handling of all managed devices. "Innlandet Hospital Trust is an important healthcare institution in Norway and we are proud to assist the hospital in enhancing its mobile work processes and provide good healthcare. Ultimately our ambition is to ensure that Techstep's Managed Mobility Services improve healthcare professionals' productivity and ultimately patient care." says Techstep CEO, Jen s Haviken. Techstep estimates a total contract value of?NOK?8.0?million?with 3,300 new managed devices over a two-year period, commencing from the third quarter of 2021. The contract reflects?Techstep's?long term strategy of?converting existing customers to?its complete?MMS?offering, and to grow the number of managed devices. About Innlandet Hospital Trust Innlandet Hospital Trust (Sykehuset Innlandet HF) is a public specialist healthcare service provider for the population of the east of Norway. Its services include specialist healthcare within somatic, mental healthcare, specialized drug treatment and prehospital services. Innlandet Hospital Trust's vision is to provide good and equal health services to anyone that needs it. For more information: Erik Haugen CCO About?Techstep?ASA Techstep?is purpose-built to become a Managed Mobility Services (MMS) leader.?Techstep?provides a complete Managed Mobility Services-offering that presents enterprises and their employees with access to efficient, secure, and value-creating mobile work solutions - wherever and whenever they choose to work. Customer benefits include reduced IT complexity and costs, improved employee capabilities and engagement, as well as increased productivity and sustainability.?Techstep?has more than 350 employees based in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Poland, serving more than 2000 customers across different industries and sectors. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker TECH. To learn more, please visit?
07:02 Skjul Techstep signs Managed Mobility Services (MMS) agreement with Norwegian healthcare service provider Innlandet Hospital Trust
Techstep Norway has signed a Managed Mobility Services (MMS) agreement with Innlandet Hospital Trust (Sykehuset Innlandet HF), a public specialist healthcare service provider for the population of the east of Norway. Under the agreement, Techstep will provide Innlandet Hospital Trust with its 'Flow' product, a complete MMS-solution for device lifecycle management, which will increase?work efficiency?and?quality for doctors, nurses and other health professionals who use mobile phones and tablets in their everyday work life. Innlandet Hospital Trust is investing in Techstep's MMS solution "Flow", covering at least 3,300 new managed devices, including Techstep's own Origo Business Cloud-software together with device service, support, financing, and lifecycle management. The Flow-solution?will help Innlandet Hospital Trust digitalize workflows for device management, reduce?IT?complexity,?and provide secure, sustainable end-of-life handling of all managed devices. "Innlandet Hospital Trust is an important healthcare institution in Norway and we are proud to assist the hospital in enhancing its mobile work processes and provide good healthcare. Ultimately our ambition is to ensure that Techstep's Managed Mobility Services improve healthcare professionals' productivity and ultimately patient care." says Techstep CEO, Jen s Haviken. Techstep estimates a total contract value of?NOK?8.0?million?with 3,300 new managed devices over a two-year period, commencing from the third quarter of 2021. The contract reflects?Techstep's?long term strategy of?converting existing customers to?its complete?MMS?offering, and to grow the number of managed devices. About Innlandet Hospital Trust Innlandet Hospital Trust (Sykehuset Innlandet HF) is a public specialist healthcare service provider for the population of the east of Norway. Its services include specialist healthcare within somatic, mental healthcare, specialized drug treatment and prehospital services. Innlandet Hospital Trust's vision is to provide good and equal health services to anyone that needs it. For more information: Erik Haugen CCO About?Techstep?ASA Techstep?is purpose-built to become a Managed Mobility Services (MMS) leader.?Techstep?provides a complete Managed Mobility Services-offering that presents enterprises and their employees with access to efficient, secure, and value-creating mobile work solutions - wherever and whenever they choose to work. Customer benefits include reduced IT complexity and costs, improved employee capabilities and engagement, as well as increased productivity and sustainability.?Techstep?has more than 350 employees based in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Poland, serving more than 2000 customers across different industries and sectors. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker TECH. To learn more, please visit?
01.07.2021 kl 08:55
Bra miljøtiltak og ikke minst smart m.h.t smittespredning :
01.07.2021 kl 19:44
Jeg likte at:
Kjøpesummen på 100 millioner kroner ble hentet inn via en emisjon, der Jan Haudemann-Andersens Datum, Tønsberg-investoren Kristian Lundkvists Middelborg Invest samt Karbon Invest, der Techsteps styreleder Jens Rugseth og Rune Syversen er aksjonærer, garanterer for to tredjedeler. Resten kom fra et oppkjøpslån.
Innsidere tror på det de gjør.
Kjøpesummen på 100 millioner kroner ble hentet inn via en emisjon, der Jan Haudemann-Andersens Datum, Tønsberg-investoren Kristian Lundkvists Middelborg Invest samt Karbon Invest, der Techsteps styreleder Jens Rugseth og Rune Syversen er aksjonærer, garanterer for to tredjedeler. Resten kom fra et oppkjøpslån.
Innsidere tror på det de gjør.
01.07.2021 kl 22:18
Det er riktig. Techstep vokser og Europa neste. Plutselig ser vi en kursdobling her
02.07.2021 kl 11:30
Haudemann Andersen laster opp i Techstep. TECH har startet stigningen mot 10 kroner. Kan få en dobling dit om ikke lenge.
12.07.2021 kl 13:19
Brukbar omsetning i dag, men det er vel bare robotene som kjøper og selger.
04.08.2021 kl 09:29
Dette kommer til å bli bra fremover. Her er det bare å laste opp, før alle andre skjønner det..
05.08.2021 kl 06:44
Ser at Bi student Ann Marie Tabelson Olsen har kjøpt 820 000 aksjer i Techstep. Denne aksjen er undervurdert og kommer til å gå fint fremover.
Winter is Here
05.08.2021 kl 07:41
Ville vart fint det, spent på bunnlinjen i q2 2021. Bunnlinje slet de med i mange mange år.
11.08.2021 kl 11:16
Nærmer seg Q3 og blir spennende å se på bunnlinjen og nye kontrakter. Ikke alt meldes via børsmeldinger vet jeg. Kun de som kunden samtykker til..
11.08.2021 kl 12:17
Er ikke det noe rart om stemmer?
Hvorfor ikke da annonsere kontrakten (og verdi) , men utelate hvem kontrakten er med?
Hvorfor ikke da annonsere kontrakten (og verdi) , men utelate hvem kontrakten er med?
19.08.2021 kl 08:34
Highlights Q2 2021 · Revenue was NOK 325 million, up 36% from NOK 238 million in the second quarter of 2020 · Gross profit was NOK 114 million, up 46% from NOK 78 million in the second quarter of 2020 · EBITDA adjusted was NOK 13 million in the quarter vs NOK 17 million in the second quarter of 2020, a 23% decline · ARR reported increased to NOK 64 million, up 73% from NOK 37 million in the second quarter of 2020. Proforma ARR including Famoc was NOK 93 million, up 149% · Signed 6 new managed mobility service contracts, with an estimated value of NOK 77 million and ~7,300 managed devices in the second quarter of 2021 · Acquired software provider Famoc S.A. to strengthen Techstep's MMS capabilities and unlocking a European expansion opportunity. Techstep raised NOK 100 million in gross proceeds on 20 May to fund the acquisition, closing it on 1 July · Børge Astrup, an experienced software services leader and entrepreneur, was appointed as CEO effective from 1 August 2021 Commenting on the future of Techstep, new CEO, Børge Astrup says: "Techstep has taken a position and built a growth platform that provides extraordinary value creation opportunities in the years to come. What Techstep does, making work mobile, with all the benefits it brings to our customers, end users and other stakeholders, matters to a lot of people. That's why I joined the Techstep team as the company's new CEO. We are improving the work lives of so many people, and we can make a lot of companies more productive, more profitable and more sustainable at the same time. Techstep faces a truly exciting growth opportunity in the Nordics and Europe, and I look forward to capturing this together with our customers, our partners, the team, the Board, and not least our dedicated investors. Techstep is in pole position to help businesses and people adopt and enjoy next generation mobility, and deliver substantial value to customers and end users. I look forward to using my experience from sales leadership and from developing and commercialising software and mobile services, as we now move forward to make work mobile at scale in an easy, secure, and sustainable way for more end users and companies. To make sure we deliver growth, create stakeholder value and good returns to our investors, I believe it really boils down to some simple truths: Embrace digital transformation and deliver great user, customer, partner and employee experiences. And that is what we are going to do!", says Børge Astrup, Techstep CEO. Material Please find the report and presentation for Q2 2021 enclosed. Presentation and audiocast: The presentation will be held as an audiocast with slides. The presentation, released today at 07:00 CET, is made in English by new CEO Børge Astrup, CFO Marius Drefvelin and CCO Erik Haugen. To watch the presentation please use this link: A Q&A session will take place as a virtual event today at 10:00 CET. Please join the session via the following link: Questions for the Q&A session may be submitted in advance to, or live during the session itself. A recorded version of the Q&A-session will be made available on shortly after the webinar has been concluded. For more information: Børge Astrup, CEO, Techstep ASA: +47 928 27 676 Marius Drefvelin, CFO, Techstep ASA: +47 958 95 690 Erik Haugen, CCO, Techstep ASA: Mobile: +47 967 90 101 About Techstep ASA Techstep is purpose-built to become a Managed Mobility Services (MMS) leader. Techstep provides a complete Managed Mobility Services offering that presents enterprises and their employees with access to efficient, secure, and value -creating mobile work solutions - wherever and whenever they choose to work. Customer benefits include reduced IT complexity and costs, improved employee capabilities and engagement, as well as increased productivity and sustainability. Techstep has more than 350 employees based in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Poland, serving more than 2,000 customers across different industries and sectors. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker TECH. To learn more, please visit This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange release was published by Marius Drefvelin, CFO, on 19 August 2021 at 07:00 CET.
Highlights Q2 2021 · Revenue was NOK 325 million, up 36% from NOK 238 million in the second quarter of 2020 · Gross profit was NOK 114 million, up 46% from NOK 78 million in the second quarter of 2020 · EBITDA adjusted was NOK 13 million in the quarter vs NOK 17 million in the second quarter of 2020, a 23% decline · ARR reported increased to NOK 64 million, up 73% from NOK 37 million in the second quarter of 2020. Proforma ARR including Famoc was NOK 93 million, up 149% · Signed 6 new managed mobility service contracts, with an estimated value of NOK 77 million and ~7,300 managed devices in the second quarter of 2021 · Acquired software provider Famoc S.A. to strengthen Techstep's MMS capabilities and unlocking a European expansion opportunity. Techstep raised NOK 100 million in gross proceeds on 20 May to fund the acquisition, closing it on 1 July · Børge Astrup, an experienced software services leader and entrepreneur, was appointed as CEO effective from 1 August 2021 Commenting on the future of Techstep, new CEO, Børge Astrup says: "Techstep has taken a position and built a growth platform that provides extraordinary value creation opportunities in the years to come. What Techstep does, making work mobile, with all the benefits it brings to our customers, end users and other stakeholders, matters to a lot of people. That's why I joined the Techstep team as the company's new CEO. We are improving the work lives of so many people, and we can make a lot of companies more productive, more profitable and more sustainable at the same time. Techstep faces a truly exciting growth opportunity in the Nordics and Europe, and I look forward to capturing this together with our customers, our partners, the team, the Board, and not least our dedicated investors. Techstep is in pole position to help businesses and people adopt and enjoy next generation mobility, and deliver substantial value to customers and end users. I look forward to using my experience from sales leadership and from developing and commercialising software and mobile services, as we now move forward to make work mobile at scale in an easy, secure, and sustainable way for more end users and companies. To make sure we deliver growth, create stakeholder value and good returns to our investors, I believe it really boils down to some simple truths: Embrace digital transformation and deliver great user, customer, partner and employee experiences. And that is what we are going to do!", says Børge Astrup, Techstep CEO. Material Please find the report and presentation for Q2 2021 enclosed. Presentation and audiocast: The presentation will be held as an audiocast with slides. The presentation, released today at 07:00 CET, is made in English by new CEO Børge Astrup, CFO Marius Drefvelin and CCO Erik Haugen. To watch the presentation please use this link: A Q&A session will take place as a virtual event today at 10:00 CET. Please join the session via the following link: Questions for the Q&A session may be submitted in advance to, or live during the session itself. A recorded version of the Q&A-session will be made available on shortly after the webinar has been concluded. For more information: Børge Astrup, CEO, Techstep ASA: +47 928 27 676 Marius Drefvelin, CFO, Techstep ASA: +47 958 95 690 Erik Haugen, CCO, Techstep ASA: Mobile: +47 967 90 101 About Techstep ASA Techstep is purpose-built to become a Managed Mobility Services (MMS) leader. Techstep provides a complete Managed Mobility Services offering that presents enterprises and their employees with access to efficient, secure, and value -creating mobile work solutions - wherever and whenever they choose to work. Customer benefits include reduced IT complexity and costs, improved employee capabilities and engagement, as well as increased productivity and sustainability. Techstep has more than 350 employees based in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Poland, serving more than 2,000 customers across different industries and sectors. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker TECH. To learn more, please visit This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange release was published by Marius Drefvelin, CFO, on 19 August 2021 at 07:00 CET.
Winter is Here
19.08.2021 kl 08:52
De har fortsatt negativt driftresultat (nesten det samme som i Q1). Omsetningen er litt høyere en i Q1. De sliter med negativt driftresultat (for det meste) og det er noe de slet med i mange år nå. Jeg vet at man skal tenke på fremtiden, men i dette tilfellet har man historiske data og ingenting endrer seg på den fornten. Vi får se om hvordan børsen vil reagere på det idag.
Winter is Here
19.08.2021 kl 08:53
De har fortsatt negativt driftresultat (nesten det samme som i Q1). Omsetningen er litt høyere en i Q1. De sliter med negativt driftresultat (for det meste) og det er noe de slet med i mange år nå. Jeg vet at man skal tenke på fremtiden, men i dette tilfellet har man historiske data og ingenting endrer seg på den fornten. Vi får se om hvordan børsen vil reagere på det idag.
19.08.2021 kl 08:58
Ser den men med 6 nye kontrakter i kvartalet så bedrer dette seg utover..Techstep har hatt en del utvidelser med oppkjøp som krever ressurser og nyansettelser men dette blir bra på sikt. Bra økning i inntekter også..
19.08.2021 kl 10:23
Markedet tok det til seg men får se utover tenker jeg. Det er gått 1 år på min investering av totalt 5 år som er planen så får se hvor det bærer hen. Mye kan skje og jeg vil tro at ny CEO vil fokusere på kostnader fremover og drift..
19.08.2021 kl 11:56
Gratulerer? -32mill på driften er vel ikke noe å juble for?
19.08.2021 kl 13:38
Nei, det kan man si. Men synes det allikevel så lyst ut på morgenen med nye kontrakter og betydelig økte inntekter.. Driften er p.t dyr men CEO så for seg en bedring her. Kursen faller litt brått i dag med en ganske grei åpning. Vi får se fremover
20.08.2021 kl 17:00
Positivt med innsidekjøp fra Astrup, selv om størrelsen var ganske beskjeden for en CEO. Forhåpentligvis baner det vei for flere.
22.08.2021 kl 16:05
Det hadde vert fint med flere innsidekjøp av aksjen. Det ville kunne løfte den opp fra rundt 4 og opp til rundt 6 som er der den burde ligget.
22.08.2021 kl 16:37
Var det et intervju med nye CEO, Børge Astrup i lørdagens Finansavis?
Ser han er avbildet nettutgaven. Slike artikler bruker å løfte aksjekursen litt påfølgende børsdag. Så vi får se.
Ser han er avbildet nettutgaven. Slike artikler bruker å løfte aksjekursen litt påfølgende børsdag. Så vi får se.
23.08.2021 kl 06:53
Bra artikkel i finansavisen, får se om det hjelper på å dra kursen i riktig retning..
24.08.2021 kl 06:52
Har kun lest papirutgaven så det blir vanskelig. Høy omsetning i går så får vi se fremover. Det ble sagt i artikkel at det skulle komme nyheter snart, så det blir spennende å se hva de kommer med.
24.08.2021 kl 14:56
Det var litt mer omsetning i går på denne. Vi får håpe det kommer gode nyheter snart.