🔥🔥80 dollar oilprice, rally nå mot 50kr🔥rallllly
Kan denne etter salg av rigger, fått ned en del gjeld snu seg opp?
Kan denne være undervurdert?.............
Alle som kan Seadrill kan kommentere her....................
sjekk kursutviklingen siste dager, noen laster her..kan få en rekyl opp?
sist emisjon for et par år siden 200kr pr aksje med en oljeprise på 20 dollar fatet nå 75.
Må snu opp dette.
Kan denne være undervurdert?.............
Alle som kan Seadrill kan kommentere her....................
sjekk kursutviklingen siste dager, noen laster her..kan få en rekyl opp?
sist emisjon for et par år siden 200kr pr aksje med en oljeprise på 20 dollar fatet nå 75.
Må snu opp dette.
Redigert 05.07.2021 kl 14:31
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Rally mot 50kr burde gå? 200kr var vi i sist runde da prisen var 20dollar fatet.
Rally mot 50kr burde gå? 200kr var vi i sist runde da prisen var 20dollar fatet.
Redigert 01.07.2021 kl 10:03
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2014 var Olje prisen i 80-140$ fatet, så kan nedturen i 2015-2020.
Kursen gikk i dass fra mange hundre til 2kr.
Nå snur Seadrill, brennhett marked kan gå fort til 50.
- rigger solgt penger inn på lån.
- Gode rigg rater nå.
Vi skal kraftig opp.
Kursen gikk i dass fra mange hundre til 2kr.
Nå snur Seadrill, brennhett marked kan gå fort til 50.
- rigger solgt penger inn på lån.
- Gode rigg rater nå.
Vi skal kraftig opp.
Opp nye 20%.
3kr vi ser en rekyl uten sidestykke.
50kr target min.
3kr vi ser en rekyl uten sidestykke.
50kr target min.
01.07.2021 kl 15:24
Slettet brukerskrev Opp nye 20%. 3kr vi ser en rekyl uten sidestykke. 50kr target min.
min er 49.95 kr - men enig dette har potensiale + hehehe
Fast nå må du ikke glemme å kjøpe Zenit Energy!!
Vi tror på Seadrill som raste under tørkeperioden 2015 til 2020👍
200kr til 3kr, skal opp igjen.
200kr til 3kr, skal opp igjen.
20,50kr til 100kr kan komme fort.
20,50kr til 100kr kan komme fort.
Redigert 02.07.2021 kl 08:17
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2.7.2021, 07:48 · Oslo Børs
Seadrill New Finance Limited (the "Issuer") - Update on Restructuring Discussions and Proposed Consent Solicitation Launch
Hamilton, Bermuda | July 2, 2021 - Seadrill Limited ("Seadrill" or the
"Company") (OSE: SDRL, OTCPK:SDRLF) and the Issuer announce that, further to the
announcement made by Seadrill and the Issuer on June 18, 2021, the Issuer and
certain of its subsidiaries have today agreed key commercial terms for a
comprehensive restructuring of the Issuer and entered into a restructuring
support agreement ("RSA") with approximately 79 per cent. in value of the
holders of the Issuer's 12.0% senior secured notes due 2025 (the "Notes")
pursuant to which the parties thereto have agreed to the terms of the
restructuring. Under the RSA, the parties have also reached agreement on the
terms of a restructuring proposal in relation to the business and assets of
SeaMex Ltd (in provisional liquidation) ("SeaMex"), a 50/50 joint venture
entered into by one of the Issuer's subsidiaries, Seadrill JU Newco Bermuda
Ltd. Seadrill and the Issuer also announce herein a proposed consent
solicitation process to amend certain provisions of the indenture governing the
Restructuring of the Issuer
The key terms of the restructuring are described in the commercial term sheet
exhibited below and include:
· the release by the holders of the Notes (the "Noteholders") of all existing
guarantees and security and claims with respect to Seadrill and its subsidiaries
(excluding the Issuer and its subsidiaries)
Seadrill New Finance Limited (the "Issuer") - Update on Restructuring Discussions and Proposed Consent Solicitation Launch
Hamilton, Bermuda | July 2, 2021 - Seadrill Limited ("Seadrill" or the
"Company") (OSE: SDRL, OTCPK:SDRLF) and the Issuer announce that, further to the
announcement made by Seadrill and the Issuer on June 18, 2021, the Issuer and
certain of its subsidiaries have today agreed key commercial terms for a
comprehensive restructuring of the Issuer and entered into a restructuring
support agreement ("RSA") with approximately 79 per cent. in value of the
holders of the Issuer's 12.0% senior secured notes due 2025 (the "Notes")
pursuant to which the parties thereto have agreed to the terms of the
restructuring. Under the RSA, the parties have also reached agreement on the
terms of a restructuring proposal in relation to the business and assets of
SeaMex Ltd (in provisional liquidation) ("SeaMex"), a 50/50 joint venture
entered into by one of the Issuer's subsidiaries, Seadrill JU Newco Bermuda
Ltd. Seadrill and the Issuer also announce herein a proposed consent
solicitation process to amend certain provisions of the indenture governing the
Restructuring of the Issuer
The key terms of the restructuring are described in the commercial term sheet
exhibited below and include:
· the release by the holders of the Notes (the "Noteholders") of all existing
guarantees and security and claims with respect to Seadrill and its subsidiaries
(excluding the Issuer and its subsidiaries)
Opptur har startet.
Fredag morgen ble det kjent at Seadrill New Finance har med seg nesten 80 prosent av kreditorene i en omfattende restrukturering. Seadrill-aksjen stiger nå 18,71 prosent til 3,68 kroner.
Fredag morgen ble det kjent at Seadrill New Finance har med seg nesten 80 prosent av kreditorene i en omfattende restrukturering. Seadrill-aksjen stiger nå 18,71 prosent til 3,68 kroner.
Jeg tipper den går over 4kr i dag.